HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-09, Page 4Page 4
Frances visited on
Mrs. Ed Johns of
I be
attended the
warned, is
the Church
last Tuesday and
“Planning Your
Guild of St.
Church held
the home of
of West Me
club. «
Institute pre- *
“Coveralls” in.
Hall on Mon-ij
the thirtieth „
Murch and Mr.
of London spent
with Mr. and
Stephen of London
with his
Charles j
with Mr.
of Glen-
Mr. and
of Mite-
Church People 'Asleep At Switch’
Red Propaganda Infiltrates Asia
With ten million, people a
year in Asia learning to read
since the end of the war, and
nothing to read except Russian
propaganda, it is more urgent
now than ever before that the
Bible be placed in the hands of
everyone in Asia, said Rev, Dr.
W. E. MacNiven, District Repre
sentative for the British and
Foreign Bible Society, speaking
to the South Huron Ministerial
Association on Monday, at the
home of Rev, and Mrs. Kenneth
Wood, Grand Bend.
The Bible Society exists for
the sole purpose of providing
Scripture for every man in his
own tongue, and is the only
organization in the world that
is doing this. 'Calling attention
to the unrest and upheaval in
the world today, Dr. MacNiven
attributed it, not to the clash
between ideologies such as Com
munism and Demoncracy, but to
materialismthe clash between
and Christianity.
Materialism, he
creeping right into
and seeping the life out of it,
while church people are "asleep
at the switch.” the atom bomb,
the Marshall Plan, the Atlantic
Pact, are great things as far as
they go, but people are mis
taken to put theii* faith in such
things for the solution to the
world’s malady. The Church
alone has the solution in
words of Jesus, “And I, if
lifted up, will draw all
unto me". Only in Christ,
Dr. MacNiven, can men come to
love one another, and Church
people must see that all men
are given the chance to know
Christ by making the Scriptures
accessable to them.
The speaker was introduced
by the president. Rev. H. J.
Mahoney, and Rev. Kenneth
Wood moved a vote of thanks
following his address. Lunch
was served by the hostess.
Plans are under, way for a
meeting in Exeter, ’ in the near
future, for the purpose of organ
izing a unit of the Bible Society,
at which Dr. MacNiven will be
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore
spent the week-end in London
with Mr. and Mrs. William
The Thames Hoad Mission
Circle met at the home of Miss
Alice Passmore on Saturday af
ternoon, October 28.
Quite a number from this
community attended the oyster
supper held at Woodham Orange
Hall on Friday evening of last
Farm Forum was held at
Lumley School on Monday eve
Mr. and Mrs. William Elford,
Ronald, Doris and Anne visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Box of Belton,
Educational Tour
An educational tour was en
joyed on Friday of last week
when some forty pupils of
Grades 6, 7 and 8 and teachers
from Hurondale, Lumley, Eden
and Bissett Schools went by bus
to Toronto where they visited
the Museum, Parliament Build
ings, Maple Leaf Gardens and
Riverdale Zoo.
The Federation of Agriculture
held their annual turkey supper
in Thames Road Church on
Thursday evening of this week.
Armistice Day services will he
observed op Sunday, November
12, at the church service. Sun
day School will be observed at
the usual hour—-10:15 a.m.
W,A, And W.M.S.
The monthly meeting of the
W.A, and W.M.S. met at the
home of Mrs. Ernest Pym. The
meeting opened with quiet music
followed with Hymn 164. Mrs,
Melvin, Gardiner led in prayer,
followed by the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The theme of the meet
ing was “Fellowship”. The scrip
ture lesson was read by Mrs.
James ICirkland, Lesson thoughts
were given by Mrs. Wiseman..
Poem, “The Road of Kindness”,
by Mrs. Leonard Harris; Hymn
252; poem, “The Detours of
Life”, was read by Mrs. John
Selves. Roll call and minutes
were read and adopted. Reading
was given by Mrs. Charles Alli
son; vocal duet by Mrs. Archie
Morgan and Mrs. William Cann.
A report of the Presbytery held
at Grand Bend, recently was
Poultry Management
Juniors* Topic
Bob Barber, of Scott Poultry
Farm, Seaforth, addressed the
South Huron junior Farmers at
their November meeting. Mr.
Barber stressed culling several
times during the season,
Flocks going on the range
should have all listless or lame
chickens culled, Hens which will
not lay well should also be cul
led when they are put in laying
pens, Mr, Barber stressed keep
ing Jitter dry mainly as a pre
vention of disease.
The members answered roll
with the number of hens kept.
It .was decided to invite Sea
forth and Clinton clubs to the
December meeting.
given by Mrs. Charles Allison.
Hymn 66 2 was sung. Mrs. Mel
vin Gardiner closed the meeting
with prayer, A ten-cent tea was
served and a social time was
spent by all,
g..... . , iji ............ ..... ,,...... .............................
Be Winter Wise
Your Car
Don’t stall over readying* your car for winter-—or
your car may stall on you when cold weather comes.
Every part of your auto—-from radiator to tail lights
—from top to tires-—needs checking* NOW to avoid
future breakdowns,
South End Service
Exeter Phone 328
fl"—-"-.......... —-----------— ....................................................................B
Rev. Harold Currie preached
his farewell sermon in Brinsley
United Church on Sunday last.
He has accepted a call to Lynden.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton
spent Sunday with relatives in
. We are glad to report that
Mrs. Fraser Dixon has returned
to her home after being a pat-
St. Joseph’s Hospital,
for several weeks.
Beatrice Dixon visited
Mrs. William Caines
on Thursday last.
1951 Monarch Sport Sedan
lent in
Mr. and
The W.A. and W.M.S. met
the basement of the church
Wednesday last with Group 4
charge with Mrs. Harvey Twid
dle as leader. The W.A. intends
holding a bazaar and tea in the
Sunday School room on Noyem
ber 22.
Mrs. Lin Craven spent Thurs
day with her daughter, Mrs.
Alonzo Hodgins.
The Ladies’
Mary’s Anglican
their meeting at
Mrs. Jim Wright
Gillivray on Wednesday.
Miss Hazel Lewis entertained
a number of ladies to a quilting
on Friday afternoon last.
Wedding bells are ringing in
the neighbourhood.
Messrs. Harvey Sparing, Mur
ray Stephen and James Sinclair
spent the week-end in Sault Ste.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner,
Edward and
Sunday with
Mr. Laurie
spent the week-end
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Several ladies
short course for the Elimville
Women’s Institute in the Elim
ville Town Hall
Wednesday on
Miss Donna
Frank Walsh
the week-end
Mrs. Philip Murch.
Mrs. Al Classen entertained a
number of ladies on Monday
evening when she had a Stanley
brush demonstration at her
The sewing course for the
girls* club was held on Saturday
at the home of Mrs. Harold Tay-. lor of Eden. The project is j
“Working with Wollens” and t
the chosen name for the Elim-!; ville group is “Woollen Wiz-1
ards”. Mrs. Delmer Skinner and,
Mrs. Harold Taylor are the,
leaders and all girls between ’•
twelve and twenty-six are wel- „
come to join our
The Elimville
sented their play
the Hensall Town
day evening for
Mr. William Sinclair of St
Thomas spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods,
fIntended for Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. .Leonard Thacker
and family spent Friday <n Lon
don with Mrs. D. Waugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and
family were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wills of
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones
and Carl spent Sunday
and Mrs. Max Bilyea
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
were Sunday guests of
Mrs. George, Hopkins
Mi*, and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp
son, Murray, Emil and Barry
were Sunday guests of Mr. John
Rennie Baseline.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper,
Ruth, Clare and Very I were i
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Farcy of Welbern.
Mr. Milton Hooper spent!
Sunday with Mrs. Aitcheson of ?
St. Marys.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan |
and family of Guelph spent Sun-;
day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard;
Thacker. j
White wdewall tires, chrome wheel trim rings
ond fender skirts optional at extra cost.
lt’s here!... to open your eyes... to win
your heart ... to give you an exciting
new idea of fine-car quality and value.
It’s the beautiful new 1951 Monarch—
a masterpiece by every measure.
A masterpiece of beauty... with breath
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and an entirely new, eye-catching
treatment of "speedlined” rear quarters
and new back-swept fenders. A master
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loveliness of fabrics, appointments and
attractive trim... in richly comfortable
interiors that invite you to relax and
"Ride Like a King”! A masterpiece oj
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proved 112 Hp. Monarch V-type, 8-
cylinder engine that’s smooth and quiet
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See it, and let the new Monarch tell its
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in a car that’s fine by every measure
Visit your Ford-Monarch dealer
and Ride Like a King!
1951 Monarch 6-Pai&enger Coupe
DRIVE IT!... an J
New Steering Wheel is
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handlikea glove! Thought*
fully positioned for comfort
and clear vision.
Smart now roar dock ornament is only
one of the attractive details of 195 l‘s
newest, smartest rear-end ensemble.
are of tasteful,
simple de
sign, bearing
the colorful
crest for that
touch” of
Protective rub rails, heavily
chromed, add to the beautiful
sweep of line that gives
Monarch i" - • • - •
its new advanced
Naw "Contoured" rear window
with 20 ce increased safety
glass area, contributes to
Monarch’s exciting new
styling .. . brings extra safety
With "horizon-wide” visibility
Many more advanced features, including: Instrument
Panel for ct-a*glance readingji Push-BuHon door handles
for convenience and safety; wide choice of body colors
and upholsteries; springing, steering and braking all
perfectly balanced for extra comfort, handling ease and
safety. And with famous Monarch "Touch-O-Matic"
Overdrive (optional dt extra Cost) you get even finer
performance with up Io 20% fuel savings!
Radio listening you II enjoy « » ■, "Ford Theatre” every Friday night.