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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-09, Page 3
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1950 Hensall Legion Holds Impressive Remembrance Service In Church • Drive in tomorrow for a "rough-weather” check. Our one-stop service includes en gine tune-up; tire, alignment, brake and under-body check; lubrication and cooling sys tem service. Accurate, thor ough workmanship by fac tory-trained mechanics using modern tools and equipment are your assurance of co' plete satisfaction. COME IN TODAY FOR A CHECK-UP ★Chryco is a trade-mark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Lirhited, Hensail Motor Sales PHONE 31 HENSALL UWy s*s Storm Sash A splendid representation of members of the Canadian Legion and the Women’s Auxiliary at tended divine worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. Rev. W. J. Rogers of the United Church read the scripture lesson and pronounced the Benediction. Rev. R, H. Sanderson, in rich tenor voice, offered the solo “I Gave My Life for Thee”. The choir, under the direction of the organist, Mr. Nicol, A.C.C.O., sang “At Even When the Sun Was Set”, in which the trio was taken by Mrs. C. For rest, Mrs. P. Ferguson and Mrs. Tiberio. During the service a two- minute period of silence was ob served. Bugler Fred Beer sound ed the Last Post. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, chaplain and minister of the church, delivered a stir ring address, Things”. “We live on a world plan, he said. “Life L__ . things. Sin and pride won’t let us rest. We live in a time of transition, Faith will shape the character of the new days. God’s truth is always the same. In pardon there is fellowship with God—new life and new hope.” Next Sunday, November 12, Rev. R, H. Sanderson will con duct both services Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Exeter, and Mr. Bartlett and ''family of London were recent guests 'with Miss Jean McQueen. Mrs. R. visited on Consitt. - Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. W. Scholl and daughters of Monkton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al Scholl and Garry. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tra- ' quair cently Rigby Mr. “Facing Up to demands stern in this church. Hilton Laing, and Mrs. W. M. Kirby of Exeter Tuesday with Mrs. and Doors Stop Heat Leaks! Order Now We can give you quick service on Storm Sash and Doors if you or der now before the big fall rush! Stan dard sizes in stock, special sizes can be made to order. wore Day, Satiir- business closed from A Remem- will be held Mrs. Lome Scholl many beautiful gifts, The ning was spent in euchre dancing. Hoppy Campaign Mr. F. Appleby reports the poppy sales this year very gratifying and he takes this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the fund also the ladies who made canvass of the .village. Stores Close Saturday On Remembrance day, November 11, places will remain 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. brance Day service by the Canadian Legion in the town hall, Hensall, at 10:45 a.m, The vocal and piano pupils of Mr. Nicol will present a recital in the church on Monday eve ning, November 13. The monthly W.M.S. meeting will be held in the school room of the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon, November 9, at 3 o’clock. An interesting pro gram is being arranged by Miss Violet Hyde and Miss D. Alair. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. Cross 'presided for the monthly W.M.S. meeting which was held in the school room of the Hensall United Church on Thursday afternoon, November 2. Mrs. J. Horton presented the de votional period. Prayer was of fered by Mrs. Hess. The presi dent stressed the special thank- offering service scheduled for Sunday morning at which Dr. Greerson will speak; The visiting committee report ed having called on twenty-four shut-ins. Mrs. Ballantyne named the following nominating com mittee to prepare the slate of officers for 1951; Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs, T. Sherritt and Mrs. Hess. Discussion took place regarding the Young Peoples banquet. Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. Blatchford were appointed kitchen conven ers, Mrs. J. Horton and Mrs. R. Paterson table conveners. - The regular monthly meeting . of the Evening Auxiliary takes '(place in the United Church JUST LIKE A MAN — A nerv ous groom is this unnamed kan garoo imported from Australia to set up housekeeping with Marana, the lonely lady of the Toronto Zoo. Marana was pre sented to the zoo a couple of years ago by the Toronto Men’s Press Club. When the two were introduced, the bashful groom kept running around the cage that Marana lost interest. —CPC Provincial Executive Gives Expert Advice To Junior Group Huron .county junior farmers and junior institute members heard expert advice on how to plan their activities at the trai ning school held at Clinton on Saturday. Six members Exeter groups, Jack Stewart, Delores Allison, Agnes Bray and Annie Elford. Other groups re presented were Clinton, Wawa- posh, Belgrave, Howick and Sea forth. Some 60 members atten ded in all. Secretary-treasurei’ of Junior Farmers Association of Ontario, T, R, Hilliard ’ remarked on ju nior farmer work and offered usefull suggestions for the pro grams for oncoming years. At a noon banquet, Jack Col- bourne, of Drumbo, president of Ontario Junior farmers, spoke on “Proper Banquet Procedure." He also assisted in the discus sions. Miss Helen McKercher, of To ronto, supervisor of home econo mists, Women’s Institute Branch, Ontario Department of Agricul ture, addressing the meeting on “program .planning in your com munity,” said most backward sections are where people tend to go their own way. The Leader ship developed by each member of organization increases the strength of the group.. Miss McKercher advised executives to develop group thinking interest. A general discussion on pro grams was led by Miss Jean Scott, Clinton Home economist for Huron County, Each group submitted a copy of its printed program .and ideas were thus exchanged. For the boys’ groups, presided attended from Harry Dougall, Donna Dowden, over by Harry pougall, members of each six junior fanners repor ted on projects which they spon sored. As an example, Exeter club sponsored a junior club meet last spring and organized various grain, tractor and baby beef clubs in the district. Skinny men, women gain 5J0,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor /Vliiit a thrill! Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows fill up; body loses its sickly, '‘bean-pole” look. Thousands praise Ostrex, weight-building tonic. Enriches blood; aids appetite, digestion, so food gives, you more ppp, nourishment, puts flesh on bare bones. Don’t fear getting too fot. •fitojp when you reach weight you desire. Introductory stae only <50?. Try Ostrpx Tonic Tablets for new pounds, new pep, vim and vitality, today. At druggists. with a G-E Electric Blanket warmth warmth several For cozy comfort this winter you’ll enjoy the of a G-E electric blanket. And it will be without a lot of weight in comparison, with Obtainable in single- or double-bed or dual control. heavy blankets, size with single HEATING PADS appliance for the home. Tliree-JieatAnother useful control and obtainable in various colours. Two Excellent Gift Ideas R. E. RUSSELL and Ruth Ann visited re- with Mr. and Mrs. Don and Donna in Blenheim. Harold Parker, who has been confined to his room for the* past two weeks owing to ill-{School room on Monday night, ness was removed to Victoria; Hospital, London, on Saturday, where he will receive special treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee of Fenton, Mich., visited this week with Mrs. Edna Corbett. Mr. Carl Schwalm spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Violet “ Schwalm prior to being- posted Mrs. Harold Perdu, St. Thomas; Mother and Carl on Sunday. F/O Gari Diemais, Summer side, P.E.I., visited Mrs, Minnie Sangster and family on Saturday while a making a routine flight from Summerside to Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster* i Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. ZURICH - GODERICH November 13. The ladies are preparing for a bazaar which will be held on Saturday, Nov ember 25. All members will present at the December meeting their don ations of clothing for the bale. Mrs. Geiger gave a fine report on the Sectional meeting at Grand Bend. Mrs. Geiger urged the mem bers to “Know your God, our Church, your Missions’’. Mrs. Coates rendered a beautiful solo, “We’ll Keep It Rolling ’Round the World’’, accompanied by Mrs. Sherritt. Miss Consitt gave a graphic description of the Study Chapter, “The Belief of Japan”. Miss Consitt and Mrs. Geiger {gave a dialogue representing a.xx. “The United Church in Canada” of London were week-end visi- J and “The Church of Christ _ in tors with family. Bride And A very spent at the home of Mr. Mrs.' Arnold Westlake when about SO relatives and friends gathered in honour of their son and his bride, Hugh Westlake of Saskatoon. They were the recipients of Butter And Cheese Production Down September cheese and butter production in Huron County is down from 1949 figures, a dairy report from the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture reveals. Butter dropped from 3 68,969 pounds in 1948 to 303,000. For the first nine months of this year production is down some 220,000 pounds. More than much cheese the month in Nine months’ than half. Alberta’s St. Mary’s River dam will provide irrigation for 3 45, 0001 moisture-starved acres. THE POWERHOUSE Phone 109 three times as was produced in 1949 than in 1950. total is little more TIRE FOR SNOW AND in Korea. Mervyn Schwain and Mrs. Hanson, Stratford, Mrs. London; Mrs. McFarlane, visited with their Mrs. Sangster Groom Honoured enjoyable time © Tackle rough weather roads without worry or chains.. The Goodyear Studded Sure-Grip gives you positive traction regardless of road con ditions. Sharp, strong studs, set in angular bar arrangement like tractor cleats, bite deep .. . take hold... get you through. Save yourself a lot of trouble . . . equip with money-saving, long- wearing Goodyear Studded Sure-Grips. METaxes Exceed Spending The Bank of Canada estimates that, provincial goverments in 1950 will collect a total of $195, 000,000, in gasoline taxes and motor vehicle licence fees. Total expenditures of the provinces for highways and other aids to transport in 195b',.will be $109, 500,000 which means that taxa tion of motor .vehicles and their use will contribute $85,500,000 toward other provincial expendi tures. •Gasoline taxes now exceed over $21,000,000 the total penditures of the province 1930. THE NEW GOOD^ Studded Sure-Grip■viai-——-----------• - ™ aUd'Japan”. A short prayer by Mrs. Cross ended the meeting which was largely attended. Play Well Received Under the auspices of the Wohelo Class United Church the Elimville Institute presented the 3-act comedy drama “Coveralls” in the Town Hall on Monday night November 6, to a large —Please Turn to Page Ten was and by ex in Mr. and Mrs.Largest U. S. -to -U. K. con voy of the Second World war contained 167 merchant ships. FRED HUXTABLE PHONE: 153-W YOUR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER Bring the children to see our large assortment of toys in Toy town on Saturday. We have a good selection of all types of toys. If there is anything we do not have in stock, we will be gild to order it for you. Beavers Toytown Opens Sat.z Nov. 11 FOR THE BOYS Books, a full line for both girls and boys Jig-Saw Puzzles for both old and young Balls Blocks Pull Toys Wind-Up Toys Use Our Lay Away Plan and Shop Early IB................................ —.......................................... ■....... a Toboggans Barnyard Sets Farm Sets Tractors in different sizes Model Builders Tool Sets Tricycles and Sleighs in different sizes Boxing Gloves Trains Tricyle Trailer Skis Balls and Bats Guns Trucks of every ’ description Hockey Sticks and Skates Holsters Meccarto Sets in all sizes Equipment Wagons Steam Shovels Motors for meccano Sets .................■mi.................................. — FOR THE GIRLS-------- ------ Skates Pianos Aluminum Cooking Sets Dolls Doll Buggies Electric Stove and Dishes, plastic and china Doll Clothes Table and Chairs Kitchen Range Sewing Machines Cleaning Sets Doll Bath Cupboard and Dishes Furiiiture for doll houses Irobing Boards Doll Beds Aluminum Pastry Sets Washing Machines ——null*—■ U