HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-02, Page 8THE: TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1950Page 8
Bloye and
It is our aim
To help you share
In the many phases
Of our beauty care.
Mr. and
gift of a
noon, Saturday, in
spent the
and Mrs.
lot’s Beauty Shoppe
(North of Bell Telephone)
Natnrelle Permanent Waving
Lustron Gold Wave
Open Wednesday Afternoon -
Beauty Shoppe
Lines of Beauty Culture
Vera C. Fraser, Prop.
Those assisting were Irene
Sweet, Bessie Johns, Lillie Mil
ler, Betty Coates, Mrs. Munn,
Mrs. Harry Dougall and Mrs.
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Mrs. Jim Cunningham
hostess to W.A. and Guild mem
bers of St. James’ Church for
October meeting on Thursday.
W.A. meeting was opened by
scripture; Song of Solomon was
read by Mrs. Arthur Cunning
ham. Mrs. L. C. Harrison took
the Litany. Mrs. Ernie Lewis
read a poem, “My Farm”. Mrs. Ed Flynn, president, gave a few *
remarks on her trip to Brant- ‘
ford. An address was given by I
Rev. Allan Greene of the Colum
bia Coast Mission.
Mrs. Cecil Carter, president,
presided for Guild meeting. Com
mittees were appointed for the
bazaar on November IS. which
is to be held in Holy Trinity,
Parish Hall, Lucan. Refresh
ments were served by hostess
and committee.
The first inventory of hydro
survey for new conversion has been ’ taken last week in our
Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mrs.
Thompson attended the W.I. con
vention in London recently, dele
gates for Clandeboye W.I.
Miss Joan Simpson of Hespeler
spent week-end with her -parents.
Congratulations to
Mrs. Allan Hill on the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
and Karen of Chatham
week-end with
Aimer Hendrie.
Sgt. and Mrs.
daughters spent
with the former’s parents in St.
Miss Mary Carter of London
spent week-end with her parents.
Mr. James Morgan had an
auction sale of farm stock and
implements on Friday, October
Our best wishes to Margaret
Doreen Bice, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Bice, who was
married at St. David’s Church,
London, on Saturday, October
28, to David Butler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Butler, London.
Rev. L. V. Pocock performed the
A shower was held on Wed
nesday, Mrs. Lloyd Lynn being
hostess. The bride-elect received
wishes from the ladies of the
Exchange Vows
I At twelve
i James Street Church, Rev.
■old J. Snell united in marriage
Margaret Ilene, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, Exe
ter, to Jack A. Coates, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Coates of
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore an ivory
satin dress with lace bertha, fit
ted bodice and train with an
embroidered floor - length veil
and braided headdress. She wore
a single strand of pearls with
earrings to match which were
gifts of the groom’ She carried
a shower bouquet of red roses.
Miss Betty Coates
the bride, wearing
and carrying pink
useful gifts and good
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
Belgium, pigeon racing
compares with our baseball as a
national sport.
blue taffeta
roses. The
soloist was Mrs. G. Campbell of
strnthrnv who rendered “n
and Because”,
a 11 supported
ushers were
S t r a t h r o y, who
Promise Me”
Harry Doug
groom. The
bride’s twin
and William Dougall.
After taking a honeymoon to
Montreal and Ottawa and other
points east, Mr. and Mrs. Coates
will reside on the groom’s farm
in Usborne.
“I attribute my ability to re
tire with a $100,000 .bank bal
ance after 30 years in the news
paper field, to close application
to duty, pursuing a policy of
strict honesty, always practicing-
rigorous rules of ecomomy, and
to the recent death of my uncle
who left me $9 8,500.”
editor of a country news-
retired with a fortune,
asked the secret of his
he, replied:
MONTREAL — B-rirl This is the time of year
when you can feel Winter in the air — and some
folks tell me they can feel it in their bones. Do you
sometimes get aches ’n’ pains in cold, damp weath
er? I know thev can be a real bother — in fact,
sometimes I can’t sleep when my bad-weather rheu
matism is at its worst. That’s when I reach for
SLOAN’S LINIMENT. It’s a marvel — its sooth
ing, penetrating heat gets .right to the heart of the
... it brings welcome, quick relief to the pams nhurt! Just pat it on ... iv -*',*•— — --aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, sore muscles, stiff nG^h> sprains, or
bruises. So much real comfort >— at so little cost! For Sloans is just
40c a bottle at drugstores everywhere.
Wonderful Toys For Your Youngsters . . , absolutely free! Yes, Heinz
have designed big cardboard cut-out trains and
make-believe kitchens to delight both boys and
girls. And all you do to get yours is purchase 6 tins
of that delicious HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO
SOUP at regular prices. The tins are packed in
“toy-maker” cartons . . . the toys are printed in
colour and semi-cut on the carton. There are four
kinds of cut-out cartons*.—
1. Locomotive and freight car.
2. Flat car and Caboose. __
are packed in
are printed in
3. Stove and Sink Unit.
........ ...___________ 4. Refrigerator and Cupboard.
Ask your grocer for 6 tins of Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup in the new,
toy-making carton . . * OR—write to me-—Barbara Brent, 1411
Crescent St,, Montreal, P.Q. — enclosing 6 labels from any variety of
Heinz Soups— telling me which of the four toy-making cartons you’d
like (you can have all four for 24 labels!).
Serve II Hol —or serve it icy-cold . . . this coffee is always delicious!
For RED ROSE COFFEE is quality coffee I You can
count on its good taste whenever you feel like a cup
of really good coffee! Whoa guests drop in — when
your bridge club meets at your house — or when you’re
buying coffee for your church social ... do make sure
it’s Red Rose Coffee! But don’t serve it only on
special occasions — your family will like Red Rose
Coffee, too! And you'll find, that the same Red Rose
quality makes Red Rose Tea tops in taste? too! That’s
Rose is a top-of-thc-shopping-list buy word in so manywhy Red ----- ... _
thousands of Canadian homes!
Surprise! .., The youngsters are
sporting* their first high heels—arrived in New York to find a crowd of thousands -wait
ing to greet them. They posed, for this picture outside their private railroad car at the sta
tion. Left to right are: Yvonne, Emile, Annette, Archbishop Alexandre Vichor of Ottawa,
rear, who accompanied the girls to New York; Cardinal ^Spellman, the girls’ host in New
York; Papa Oliva, rear; Marie and Cecile. —Central Press Canadiana
Clandeboye Church
Scene Of Wedd ing
St. David’s Church Clandeboye
was the setting for a lovely au
gift er
and Mrs. Fred Butler, London.
The Rev. L. V. Pocock performed
the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was charming in
a navy blue suit with matching
accessories. She carried a white
prayer book adorned with white
Streamers and pink rosebuds.
•Miss Betty Bice as her” sister’s
maid of honor was attired in a
powder .blue suit with navy ac
cessories and corsage of pink
roses and white chrysanthemums.
Bruce McKenzie was best man.
Ushering were Charles Coughlin
and Ralph Stratton,
A reception was held at the
home, of the groom’s parents.
The couple left for a wedding
trip to the Northern United
wedding Saturday evening
Margaret Doreen Bice, dau-
of Mr, and Mrs. Austen
of Clanbeboye, became the
of David Butler, son of Mr.
Fred Butler,
Tomi inson’s
Haird ressing
- Featuring -
All Lines of Beauty Culture
- Specializing In -
With Exclusive Magic Phix
The Greatest Permanent Wave
Advancement in Years
Friends, Neighbors
Ho nour M iss Dougall i
Showers in honour of Miss
Margaret Dougall, whose wed
ding to Mr. Jack Coates took
place on Saturday, were held by
the James Street Mission Circle
at the home of Miss Lillie Mil
ler; by neighbours and friends
at the home of Mrs. Hugh Love;
and' by relatives and friends at
the home of Mrs. Sam Dougall.
The bride-elect was presented
with many lovely gifts.
A basket of gifts was present
ed to Miss Dougall at the shower
held at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Love. Miss Norma Knight led
the guest of honour to a decor
ated chaii* while Mrs. Mac Dou
gall played the wedding march.
Four girls, Jeannette Beavers,
[Barbara Tuckey and Arlene Love
brought in the basket of gifts..Wednesday evening of last'
week, the ladies were invited to j see the trousseau and gifts. I
Airmen’s w ives
Select Officers
The regular monthly meeting
of the Airmen’s Wives’ Auxiliary,
R.C.A.F. Centralia, was held in
the G.I.S. building Tuesday eve
ning, October IS. The retiring
president, Mrs. Elaine Rumble,
was in the chair for the elections
of new officers.
The vice-president, Mrs, Joyce
MacComb, was elected to the
j president Mrs.
; Queen. Other
; were secretary
'• treasurer Mrs.
'secretary Mrs, iveuc naw,
’and press secretary Mrs. Cecilia
i Sword.
| Approximately twenty-five new
members were introduced to the
club and the business discussions
were brief.
! Mrs. Lillian Foster entertained
the ladies to a demonstration on
the art of applying make-up.
Coffee and sandwiches were
served to culminate a very en
joyable evening.
The next meeting will be held
November 21 * and all airmen’s
wives are cordially invited.
Health, Style
and Comfort
In Spirella
Your made-to-measure Spir-
ella fits like your skin.
Doesn’t ride up. It lifts as
nature intended, upward
and backward, for a natur
ally beautiful active figure.
Look and feel years young-
er with Spirella’s help.
Mrs. V. Armstrong
Ann Street Phone 125
through sieve. Add milk gradu
ally, season, and bind with butter*
and flour cooked together. Serv
es 4 to 6.
('ream Corn Soup
Hello Homemakers! There is
something about the weather this
month that makes soup more
tempting at this season than any
other. Soup is one of those never-
fail dishes since the consistency
may be thin or thick, the flavour
may be mild or pungent and yet
it is well received. About the
only possible mistakes are the
usual ones that even a profes
sional should guard against in
any food preparation--scorching,
too much or too little salt and
other seasoning, gray colour, or
not sufficient liquid.
. Every time you open a can of
.condensed soup, taste before
serving and notice the delicious
blend or flavouring and the con
sistency. In soup canning plants
there is constant inspection of
everything from the raw mater
ial to the processed soup. In
each manufacturer’s p r o d u c t
there is a slight difference in
colour and flavour. Your family
will be the judge as to favourite
however, you combine two var
ieties in the line-up of canned
soups. Have you tried a tin of
creamed chicken and one of clam
chowder; a tin of condensed
mushroom and one of creamed
tomato soup; condensed celery
and cream chicken; condensed
consommee and vegetable soup;
condensed beef noodle and tom
ato soup? Such combinations are
very good.
Always be fair with canned
soups to the extent of diluting
them with the exact amount of
milk or water, using the empty
tin as your measure. Canned
soups should not be boiled—only
heated until hot.
Mix a can of soup with left
overs of gravy, minced stew, boil
ed vegetables or cooked diced
beets to make good left-overs
taste better. Qnly by experience
will you he aide to make a good
soup using the right portions of
left-overs and stock.
When you add a half teaspoon
of that new .vegetable protein
for accent, the flavour is inten
sified and sustained. If you for
get to add the. monosodiuni gluta
mate while cooking, place the
shaker on the table. Remember,
too, there are numerous spices
and flavourings to use in soup.
Do not forget celery seed, onion
salt, nutmeg, bay leaf, curry, a
gravy concentrate, or canned
vegetable juices. Garnish for the
soup is as important as the stuff
ing for the chicken. Just before
serving, top tomato soup with
thin slices of orange. Other garn
ishes are croutons, minced pars
ley, grated old cheese, or salted
whipped cream.
Onion Soup
small onions, thinly sliced
tablespoons butter
mips Brown Stock
tablespoons grated Parmesan
slices toast, preferably
French loaf
Cook onions in butter
soft. Add stock and salt to
Simmer 30 minutes. Place
of toast in each soup plate or
■pottery howl, sprincle with che
ese, and pour soup over it or
pass cheese separately. Serves6.
Salmon Soup
1 <»
with the new vice-
Loretta Mac-
officers elected
Mrs. Pat Frost,
Eva Little, social
Yvette Frazer,
No. 2 can corn
cup diced celery
medium size onion, sliced
cups water
tablespoons butter
tablespoons flour
cups milk i
teaspoon salt
teaspoon white peper
Combine corn, celery and
ion with the water, cover
simmer together for 10 minutes.
Rub this through a coarse sieve
and add to the cream sauce
made from the remaining ingred
ients. Serve hot. and sprinkle
with .paprika. Serves six.
Duchess Soup
tablespoons minute tapioca
teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
tablespoon minced onion ,
cups milk, scalded
tablespoons butter
cup grated cheese
tablespoons chopped parsely
teaspoon Worcestershire
onion, and
boiler for
tapioca is
A hatchet was kept near the
front door to raise the door a
' bit to get jt to open on damp
i days. One day the door bell rang
Sand little Johnny was sent to see
jwho was there,
j "It’s .Mr. Sapp,”
outside in response
! “It’s Mr. Sapp.
The taste’s the test for tea!
Canadians buy more Salada
than any other brand.
"« at AIKRvOifiloUilisaid a voice
to his query,
mother! Get
tapioca, salt, pepper,! the hatchet!” Johnny cried back
milk. Cook in double s to his mother. ?
15 minutes or until j
clear, stirring fre-j
quently. Add butter, cheese, par-«
sley and sauce. Cook on electric!
element turned m o d in m until
cheese is melted. Serves 6.
Miss H. B. asks: What kind
of soup bone do you buy and!
how much water is used to make
a good soup stock?
Answer: For serving of six!
we buy about 3 l.l/.s. of beef
shank. The meat and bone are
with cold water .in porportion of
one pint to each pound. Heat to
boiling point then simmer for 5
or fi hours on electric turned to l
s’immet. . I
Anonymous asks: where do ■
you obtain a paste tor cleaning;
rugs? j
Answer: We do not know ots
a paste, there are several kinds j
of liquids. Then there is the new
powder which can be rubbed on
and removed by a vacuum clean-1
ei. I
Note: Thank you, Mrs. C. F. H. i
for your recipes.< « » ♦ j
Anne Allan invites you to
write to her c/o The Times-Ad
vocate. Send in your suggestions
on homemaking problems and
watch this column for replies.
end Provincial aid Jn replacing
Natural minerals in food and
water occasionally discolour
aluminum utensils. Natural
acids in foods remove the
deposits. For example, the
iron in spinach leaves a
deposit on aluminum; the
acid from tomatoes or rhu
barb dissolves the deposit.
$ Quebec farmers receive Federal t..2 f.,op,a(;,nr
Old-fashioned sap pails with aluminum palls. Modem aluminum
containers futiy conform to all pure-food laws,
doing the dish
es! What do
you suppose
has come over
them? Why,its
juvw, grand
new C-I-L
STONGES that make dishwashing
so fast W easy! The C-I-L Cellu
lose Sponges are velvet-soft when
wet — nice to handle — and. nice
to your finest china! Their square
shape makes it easy to clean in
the comers of things like pots,
pans ’a’ glasses. And these wonder
sponges float I No fumbling around
in the bottom of the dishpan!
What’s mote — they’re so easy to
keep clean! — just boil in baking
soda and water to sterilize. Ask
for C-I-L Sponges (five conven
ient sizes) at hardware, depart
ment, drug, variety or grocery
stores, And be sure to look for the
C-I-L label. It’s your assurance of
1 /ldmit that I’m a perfectionist when it comes to cakes. I just hate to
see good ingredients wasted on a cake failure. And if
you’re like me, I’m sure you’ll be just ns thrilled as
I am with the cakes that SWANS DOWN CAKE
FLOUR makes. That’s the, cake flour that’s sifted over
and over again ’til it’s S7 times as fine as ordinary flour, _
Well — you can imagine! ».. And results are every bit-
ns wonderful as you’d expect them to be! For Swans
Down Cake Flour is made by cake flour specialists to
give you cakes with better, finer texture — cakes to
delight the fussiest perfectionist! .........
Ceiling Jtcay From It Jll with your husband is a grand idea. But with
a growing family, it’s sometimes difficult to
arrange, isn’t it? Best way I know to make
this dream of a “Second Honeymoon” come
true is to begin saving for it now. Open a
“Sunshine Account” nt the BANK OF
MONTREAL . . . to send the youngsters
to camp and to leave you and your husband
X>, “free and easy” to do what you like I A little
in your B of M “Sunshine Account” every
payday during the coming year will give you
the pleasantest vacation you’ve had for many and many a moon I
jfv' • * I t hCTll, v v ]
those b
* new, g
Back For More! . . . that’s what
always happens when you give
your youngsters yumm-mmy
dren love them! . . . creamy-rich
Caramel and Butterscotch, satin
smooth Vanilla, full-flavoured
Chocolate Jell-O Puddings « » *
and the Jell-O Tapioca Puddings
trio « . . exciting-looking Orange-
Coconut, Vanilla and Chocolate,
And, mothers, please note! «».
Jell-O Puddings are a grand Way
to give your children more milk!
What’s more, they take just 5
minutes to make. Amazing that
such good desserts are so easy to
prepare — and so wonderfully
economical, too!
Aluminum means a lot
to your breakfast! Your
griddle-cakes taste better
with good maple syrup.
And the best syrup ismade
from sap that is collected
in aluminum palls.
2• Maple sap must be well-
protected to preserve its
delicate flavour* Farmers
using aluminum pails find
this “food-friendly” metal
preserves colour, taste
and flavour perfectly.*
cup salmon
quart scaled milk
tablespoons of butler
tablespoons flour
teaspoons salt
Few grains pepper
Drain oil from salmon and rub
CWL Organizes
Literature Campaign
A special meeting of
Catholic Women’s League
held Tuesday evening, October
24, at the home of Mrs. H. Hal
lett. The object of this meeting
was to organize a campaign to
insure that Catholic literature is
available in every Catholic home.
Further discussion concerned
a day of meditation tot all
league members which is to take
place on Wednesday, November
1, at Mt. Carmel parish from
at Mt.
to 4:30.
an average package there
approximately 93 yards of
3. Aluminum is used
for tapping-pegs,
containers and
evaporators, too. The
increasing use of
aluminum in the in
dustry means higher-
quality syrup for you.
aluminum cummlny