HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-02, Page 7''1 u
The Basis Of Religion
Page 7
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.
Musical Director
10 a.m.—Sunday School,
11 a.m.—W.M.S. Anniversary.
“The World for Christ.”
Solo by Grant McDonald.
7 p.m.—“That Christ May Live.”
— Anglican —-
Rector: Rev, O. L. Langford,
B.A., M.A.
Organist: Robert Cameron
Sunday, November 5'—•
10:30 a.m.—Sunday School,
11:30 a.m.—-Holy Communion.
Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor
Wed., 8 p.m.-
Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. and
monthly meeting.
" -We
__ you in
this Sunday.
•Bible Study.
Sun., 9:45 p.m.-
looking for
for all ages, Bring one and
come. Supt.: Mr, E. Cudmore.
11 a.m.—Missionary Sunday and
7:30 p.m.—The I-Ioly Ghost-
Promised after you are saved.
Come and enjoy the singing
and fellowship.
•—The Pastor.
will be
Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D.
Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist
11 a.m.—“Doers or Hearers."
Anthem: “Jesus Is Near Me.”
12 noon—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—“Almost Persuaded.”
Tuesday—-The Evening Auxiliary
meets at 8 ‘pan, in the church.
Friday, Nov. 3, 8 p.m.—Rev, Dr.
W, S. Godfrey.
In all countries under Soviet
domination the religious problem
is causing Moscow concern, not
only in Yugoslavia but in Czecho
slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ro
mania, there are deep under
currents of resentment and even
of rebellion. The old saying:
“The blood of the Martyrs is the
seed of the Church,” is proving
to be true as ever. Even the
Soviet-inspired press admits that
there are revivals of religion
where persecution is most severe
our religion
Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A,
Organist: Miss Norma Knight
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
12:15 p,m.—Church School.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
10:00 a.m.—Worship.
Guest Minister: Rev.
Down of Exeter.
11:15 a.m.—Church School.
Evening service withdrawn
favour of Zurich E.U.B. anni
versary service.
Tues., Nov. 7, 8 p.m.—Mission
ary Rally.
Speaker: Jean Kellerman, who
has just been “liberated” from
communist held Ghina. Hear
her report.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister
10 a.m.—Mr. C. C. I-Iodgins of
Stratford will represent the
Ontario Temperance Federa
11. a.m.-—Church School,.
Evening service withdrawn.
Fri., Nov. 10, 8 p.m.—Mission
- Anglican - Episcopal -
Grand Bend, Ontario
Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m. — Morning Prayer
Holy Communion first Sunday
of each month.
A hearty welcome is extended
to all.
United Church of Canada
Rev. Harold F. Currie. Minister
Worship Services:
-Shipka—10:15 a.m.
Crediton—11:30 a.m.
Brinsley—2:45 p.m.
Church School:
Crediton—10:30 a.m.
Shipka—11:15 a.m.
Brinsley-—1:30 p.m.
Sings In Caven Church
Miss Jean McDonald was guest
soloist at the morning service in
Caven Presbyterian Church, her
rendition of “How Lovely Are
Thy ‘ Dwellings” was greatly ap
preciated by the congregation.
Guest Speaker At Meeting
. Grew of the Depart- Lands and Forests will
guest speaker at the
Mr. J.
ment of
be the
meeting of the Huron County
day evening in the Agricultural
Board Rooms at Clinton.
Association on Satur-
Town Topics
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood of
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood
of Lambeth attended the funeral
of Mr. Wood’s sister (Ida) at Sault Ste Marie Ontario on jlon-
day October 30'.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Preszcator were
Messrs. Ed Preszcator, Ronald
Preszcator and .friend and Mr.
George Yokum, aH of London.
. Creech
Efforts to stamp
are failing.
The plain truth
religious instinct
seated in human nature that, as
the modern sceptic Julian Hux
ley says: '‘If men and women
ceased to be religious, they
Would no longer be human be
• When explorers reach the most
remote countries, far beyond the
limits of civilization, they find
certain charactaristics prevailing.
They find attempts at drawing,
crude and elementary hut suffi
cient to show that even among
savages there is an artistic tem
perament. The love of music and
the desire for recreation find
pression, though often in
mature ways.
The religious instinct is in
same class; it is basic and funda
proven and demonstrated by
logic. It is one of the mysteries
of human nature and of the
mind; the most mysterious and
inexplicable of all our instincts.”
When Karl Marx said: “Re
ligion is the opiate of the peo
ple,” he was thinking of organ
ized religion as he saw it. No
doubt he had some justification
for his impatience with the
church as lie knew it. No candid
person will deny that many re
ligious systems have had serious
defects; the Bible itself is full
of protests against vain and
meaningless religious observances
but the writer of the forty-
second Psalm expressed what
millions have felt when he
wrote; “As the heart panteth
is that the
is so deep-
to human life. The
poet and philosopher, Al-
Lamartine, wrote: “Re
is not something to be
after the waterbrooks
eth my soul after
My soul thirsteth
the living God.”
It is this deep
for God in human hearts which,
more than all the philosophical
arguments in the world, proves
the spiritual nature of man. Dr.
Merton S, Rice put it in a force
ful way; “The thing which saves
me from my animal ness is that
there is a plus in me which is
not satisfied with being just an
animal. My chief differentiation
from Joe Mendi, a chimpanzee
in the Zoological Gardens, is not
merely that my . frontal bone
stands out more prominently
than does his. The really spacing
distinction between us is that I
am dissatisfied with being an
animal. That is the prophet of
my soul.”
On a recent visit to New York
City I saw a man on crowded
Broadway handing out pamph
lets and shouting: “There is no
God. There is no hereafter. It is
all a racket!"
to him; “You
time. All the
humanity are
might as well
of Niagara Falls and try to
the water back as attempt
you are doing.”
Some few years ago a
was ’ edited with the
Science Discovered
was a symposium
scientific opinion in
views of scores "of
scientists 'were given to prove
the basic truths of the Christian
religion. The book must have
done much good and brought to
many troubled minds confidence
and reassurance. Yet it is not
upon such a foundation that re
ligion rests but rather upon the
fact that what the Psalmist
wrote thirty centuries ago in
Palestine expresses what millions
feel today: “As the hart panteth
after the water-brooks, so pant
eth my soul after Thee, 0 God.
My soul thirsteth for God,
the living God.”* * * *
Our quotation today is by
fred Tenneyson:
“Closer is He than breathing,
Nearer than hands or feet.”
so pant”
thee, 0 God.
for God, for
seated hunger
I felt like saying
are wasting your
basic instincts of
against you. You
stand at the foot
of modern
which the
X A. VanCamp
Dies In London
The death took Place in
Sunday of Mr. James A.
Jamp, a resident of Exeter,
with Mrs. VanCamp,
several days
winter with
Harold Yates,
been ailing
three months,
eightieth year,
He was born, in Cartwright
Township near Bowmanvllle, Ont.
where he spent his early life.
For a number of years he farmed
in East Wawanosh Township and
then moved
they resided
Exeter twenty-eight years
He was a member
United Church,
Surviving are
widow, the former
Davies, and two daughters, Miss
Mary, of Ottawa, and Mrs.
Yates, of London.
The funeral Tuesday after
noon was held from the R. ,C.
Dinney Funeral Home conducted
by Rev. H. J. Snell. A number
of relatives from East Wawanosh,
Morris and London, attended the
funeral here and accompanied the
remains to Blyth for internment.
Pallbearers were William Van-
Camp, nephew of the deceased,
Clare, Jack and Glenn VanCamp,
grandnephews of the deceased,
Albert Coultes and Gordon Net-
hery, all of Belgrave.
to spend
the past
He was in his
to London where
until coming to
of James St.
his bereaved
Harriet Alice
Prominent Churchman
To Address Service
President of the Maritime Con
ference of the United Church of
Canada, Rev. W. S. Godfrey,
B.A., D.D., will speak at an open
service in Main Street United
Church on Friday evening.
Dr. Godfrey, a native of the
maritimes, served as a chaplain
during the First World War. He
was educated at Mount Allison
and was later appointed student
pastor and alumni secretary at
that university. He received the
honorary degree of Doctor of
Divinity from Pine Hill College
and "in 19 50 was elected presi
dent of the Maritime Conference.
Married 60 Yea rs
Mr. and Mrs. David Tlazle-
wood of Kirkton were married
60 years ago on October 30.
They celebrated their diamond
wedding anniversary Monday at
their home with their family. A
buffet luncheon was served by
their daughters, Vera and Nellie,
with the bride's cake in the
centre of a very pretty table.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Balfour, of London. Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Wilkins and fam
ily of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Paul, Mr, and Mrs. Reg Paul
and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Paul, The bride and groom re
ceived many congratulations,
cards and a tri-light lamp from
the grandchildren. We all extend
Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
visited with Mrs. Annie S
of Forest on Sunday.
Miss Lois narrower
ford visited over the
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pryde.
Miss Alice Handford was call
ed to Myrtle on Sunday, owing
to the death of her cousin, Miss
Viola Lewis, daughter of the
later Mr. and Mrs, John Lewis
The funeral was held on. Tues.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Rodd, Gran
ton, Mrs. E. Hooper, St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford,
Woodham, and Mr, and Mrs. R.
Lamond, London, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire.
Mrs. John E. McEwen attend
ed church service at Centralia
United Church on Sunday last
with the Exeter chapter Order of
the Eastern Star.
Privates Bob Nicol, Carl
Schwalm and Lome Lamont, of
Canada’s special U.N. brigade
are home for a week’s leave.
They will return to the camp at
Wainwright, just outside Cal
of Thed-
Mr. and
of Kit-
Mr. Dave Clack of
visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Newton Clarke, <
Mr. Clarence Ford,
cliener spent the week-end at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper of
Kippen visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Armstrong on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Heard of Anderson.
M*r. and Mrs. Fred Hill of To
ronto visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs, Elwyn Kerslake
visited with the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Arthui* Kerslake
of Eden, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan
and family visited .on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Gil
fillan of near Blyth.
Assortment Of
Cunningham of Kirkland Lake,
Ont. makes a big showball fol
lowing first fall of snow this
autumn, which brought three
inches to the Northern Ontario
centre. C.P.C.
On Display SOON
I Deer Hunt In Two Counties
Deer hunting will be allowed
in two Huron County townships
this month, according to an an
nouncement issued by the De
partment of Lands and Forests.
Hunting with shotguns only will
|be 'permitted November 16 to 18
!in Goderich and Howick Town
After the ninny fine compliments on our wide
selection of these famous cards last season, we again
have stocked a grand array of the new, beautiful
Coutts’ designs. Wo know You’ll like them—and
they’ll be on display SOON.
Steel* Injured In Collision
A steer owned by J. W. Gardi
ner, R.R. 1 Kirkton, suffered a
broken leg and had to be des
troyed when it was struck by a
car driven by Samuel Rappie of
Stratford. The animal was one
of a herd being driven by Mr.
Gardner along Highway No. S3.
(Mitchell Advocate)
Editors At Quebec
—Continued from Page Que
old .city.
Attending the meeting from
South Huron were Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Southgate of the Huron
Expositor and. Don Soutbcott of
the Times-Advocate.
Convention headquarters was
the famous
scene of two
Towering overpower town Quebec
and the St. .Lawrence river, the
steeple-seeped hotel is as much
a part of Quebec as the history
Constructed in the cultural tra
ditions of 16th Century France,
the hotel stands on a site once
occupied by the Chateau St.
Louis, official residence of Early
French Governors. Pictures of
its walls and stained glass medal
lion recall three hundred years
of history. ,
A short distance to the west
is the rock-guarded Citadel, for
many years the key to the .con
tinent. Editors toured through
awesome fortifications by cour
tesy of the Department of Nation
al Defence, Conducting the tour
was the curator of the museum,
who gave the group a vivid pic
ture of Wolfe’s famous capture
of Quebec in 1759. Standing at
the top of the historic rock the
newsmen viewed the
battle sites.the Isle of Orleans,
the plains of Abraham - and the
old encampments of French
Chateau Frontenac
during the war.
Teen Town
Hi, Teeners! I know we all
enjoyed our successful teen town
dance last Friday. There were
many there and the costumes
were exceptionally good.
The prize for the best comic
costume was won by Marg White
who was dressed as a boy. She
won a red wallet. The prize for
the fanciest costumes was won
by Barb Hunter who algo got a
We have planned another
dance for a week from Friday
and want to see all teeners out.
Tornadoes sometimes rise and
fall. This accounts for the irregu
larity of their damage-pattern.
Helped Build ’Peg Dykes j
A former resident of Kippen a
helped build the dykes in the
Winnipeg flood this summer,;
Thomas S. Acheson, a public re- j lations officer with the Readers’ ’
Digest, who is now visiting in I
Stratford, lived in Kippen for 17
years before he joined the C.P.R. and later the magazine firm. '
Hale and busy at 69, Mr. i
Acheson said that he had been I
drafted to work on dykes during
the flood. He believed that work
done in the past year would lick
anything rampaging rivers could;
offer in the future. ’
Ninetieth Birthday
Miss Elizabeth Shier of
ton celebrated her Doth birthday
Monday, October 30, at the home
of her sister, Mrs. David Hazle-
wood. She was the recipient of
a great many card and a birth
day cake from a niece and
nephew. Although Miss Shier has
been confined to her home the
nast months she keeps bright
and happy and still retains her
wonderful memory.
“Hunting Without Licence”
Brings Mdst Convictions
TORONTO-“Hunting without lie-1
eases” brings more convictions
than any other offence against
Ontario’s fish and game laws, ac
cording to a breakdown of 2,390
cases instituted by conservation
officers of the Ontario Depart
ment of Lands and Forests.
Of the total, 543 persons charg
ed with hunting without the pro
per licence, while 194 tourists
were picked up for fishing with
out non-resident licences in
single year.
Staffa Ladies Honor Resident
Mrs. O. W. Heed was hostess
to the ladles of Staffa Village
who met to honor Mrs. Harvey
Leslie prior to her departure to
live in Seaforth. Vera Humbly,
read an address and Mrs. John
Drake Jr., presented the guest
of honor with a wall mirror,
Mrs, H. Anderson
Dies At Sault
Mrs. Ida Mary Anderson, wife
of IT. R. Anderson prominent
merchant in the Saillt for many
years, died after a short illness
Friday morning at their home
at 738 Wellington Street East.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson cele
brated their golden wedding an
niversary on April 12 of this
year, having been married on
April 12 1900 at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. James
Wood, Usborne Township. They
moved to the Sault shortly after
her marriage and has resided
there ever since. She is survived
by her husband, a son Donald
of the Sault and a daughter (Ha
zel) Mrs. Clifford D.
the Sault, Michigan,
grand children and
grand child of Sault,
She was a member
United Church for 47
funeral services were held at the
Langstaff Chapel'at 2 p.m. In
ternment was in the Greenwood
Everett of
also two
one great
of Central
years. The
Baptismal Rights Held
Baptismal rights were held in
Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. Those who were bap
tized by Rev. P. A. , Ferguson
were children of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
mer Dalrymple. The choir sang
“I’m Praying for ou”.
Exeter Motor Sales
Dodge FRED DOBBS De Soto
Have Your Car Winterized Here
Radiator flushed and filled with permanent anti
freeze — Transmission and differential vacuumed out
and refilled with winter grade of lubricant — Motor
tuned and serviced for easy starting and pleasant
If interested in changing your car or pur
chasing a better used car., see our cars on hand
and ask for a try-out drive.
New Dodge 1-Ton Express *
DeSoto Coupe
Ford Coach
Chev Deluxe Coach
D eluxe
Many Other Cheaper Cars at Bargain Prices
Phone 200 Exeter
Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’
Winter Coats
Another Shipment
of Plastics
Our Prices on Winter Coats Have Not Advanced
Ladies’ and misses’ coats, trimmed and untrimmed,
all chamois lined: box and fitted styles in suede,
twill and kitten’s car broadcloth, camel’s hair and
cordette cloths; shades of copper, toast, beige,
wine, navy, green, black. Prices $31.95 to $9L95
Children’s coats at reasonable prices. Coat sets
for children, coat leggings and hats for all dress-
up occasions.
Babies* Wear
Everything for the baby—“the lagest stock we have
ever had, at very attractive prices.
Work Clothing
keep a complete line of the best known
brands of men’s work clothing, including pants,
shirts, overalls, smocks and work socks. Many
of these lines at old prices. Buy now’ while we
still have a good supply,
A Montana- test on grassland
feeding shofwed that 14 2-year-
old steers fed on ,46 acres of
wheatgrass gained 318 pounds
per head in OS days.
An adjustable feed bank can
be a handy gadget. In the fall
calves can easily roach it. When
they grow, the bank “grows”
with them.
Plastics are ever increasing in
popularity. We have just se-
ceived a shipment of plastics
for drapes, table cloths, cur
tains, etc. in new patterns for
We also have bath shower
curtails at ...........« $4.95 each
bathroom window cur-
to match at ...... $3.25
Ask to sec the new plastic
garment bags.
Plastic padded lining for baby
carriage, cots, etc., in white
only, 36” wide .... $1.60 yard
Boys* Station
Wagon Coats
Made of finely woven water-
repellent gabardine, with
mouton fur collars, satin quilt
ed wool interlining to make
them wind-proof, plain shades
of sand and wine. Priced at
..................... $12.95 each
Superior Store Specials for Nov. 2, 3 and 4
Choice quality, 15-oss. tins ...... 2 for 230
1-lb. bags ............ . each 950
Large tins 2 for 27^
Choice quality, 20-ox. tins ...... 3 for 290
Choice qual, halves, 20-055, tins each 230
Free knitting book with 2 pkgs. 76tf