HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-02, Page 3f THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2,1950 THE OW HOME TOWN - By STANLEY «75SNLTS>-"THE TENDERFOOT- W[,;' p»pr IMO. IGng Feaf urea fyahtde fht ■ Worki fiighU. reservtA You AND Your RANCH HOUSE FRIENDS' 9ft OW7 - * JUST YOlj WAIT "TIL THEY ROPE YOU ZNTP A CARD /SAME WITH A- OWI- PODNER WEAR/NO SPURS $ Assets Increased Hundred-Fold Since Hay Mutual Organized When pioneers of South Huron met to organize the Hay Town- Ship Mutual Farmers’ Fire In­ surance Company, little could they have realized that today, 75 years later, the assets of their company would have increased more that one hundred fold. In 1875 this company con­ tracted to insure 119 farmers against the scourge of fire with a capital .account of $5,139.50. Toay the comany boasts a solid financial backing of over half a million dollars. During these years of measur­ ed .growth, the company was in ■debt at the end of three finan­ cial years only, amounting in all to a total of only $1,9 87. These facts illustrate ,the just­ ifiable pride with which the pre­ sent officials of the company celebrated their anniversary re­ cently. In honour of the occassion a special souvenir booklet is be­ ing published by the Times-Ad- vocate reviewing the successful history of the company. Initiative From Church Records show that the idea for the mutual fire insurance company originated in a church organization. In 1874 a notice published in ITay township, stat­ ed that members of “the Evan­ gelical Association and others” called a public meeting for Satur­ day, September 5, “to consult whether it is expedient to estab­ lish a Farmers’ Fire Insurance Company upon the mutual prin­ ciple for the County of Huron.” Forty persons who' attended that meeting unanimously endors­ ed the suggestion and they im­ mediately took action to form the company. Four days later, a peti­ tion was drawn up, signed by 119 residents who agreed to be insured .for $138,100. In this list appear the names of the pioneers of Hay and surrounding for not “Therefore be ye in such an hour the Son of man CHRIST WERE also ready: as ye think cometh.” Matt 24:44 TO COMEIF TODAY would you welcome Him ns your Lord and King or would you be among those who will •cry for the rocks and the moun­ tains to fall upon them? Rev. 6:16,17 “Christ has gone to prepare a •place for those who have made Him their Saviour and He will come again to receive us, that where He is we may be also.” John 14:2,3 BUT, to those who receive Him not He will appear again in flam­ ing fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 11 Tlies. 1:8 Jesus Said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” John 14:6 “Whosoever cometh unto Me, I will ih no wise cast out,” John 6:37 Sunday, ABC network CHAS. E. FULLER 5 pan. D.S.T. P.O. Box 123 Los Angeles 33, Cal. si ■® Thank You! To nit Who contributed waste paper ami to all who , assisted with the collection we extend our sincere ap­ preciation. We Propose to Make SIMILAR COLLECTIONS nt regular intervals of Three to Four Months Ptease Save All Waste Paper The proceeds will be used entirely for service work in the community I Exeter Lions Club C. Si MacNAUGHTON president JAS* P. BOWEY Scc.-Ti’cas. H of the $ i visit- Elsie returned and Mrs, spending Hospital, the the no for agent, uphold- Inhabitants of the Isle of Man are Manxmen. Two-Door Sedan, Fleetline Series. Available in Deluxe and Special Models. home and BUILT IN CANADACANADA'S BEST SELLER CANADA’S BEST BUY! SNELL TWo-Door Sac/on, Slyfellne Series. Available in Deluxo and Special Models, Four-Door Sedan, Fleetline Series. Available in DeLuxe and Special Models. HARPLEY Misses Esther and April Whit­ ing Whiting of Centenary are visiting for a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Love. Mr. Glen Love has secured a position at Centralia airport. Mr, and Mrs, Colin Love spent the week-end at Hagersville and other points. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Brown on the arrival of a baby boy to their home. Mrs, Ed Stewardson of Grand Bend is staying at the home of Mr. Ross Brown. Thee-quarter century of its exis- t a n c e, The longest incumbent of this office was Gabriel Holtz­ mann, who served for 32 years from 1889 to 19gi. “Like all officers and agents of the com­ pany he viewed his work in the true spirit of a mutual organiza­ tion. He was an advisor to the insurance needs of the members Of the company rather than a salesman intent on reaping .per­ sonal gain. His visits were more the flavor of a social than a bus­ iness call. The present Mr. Reuben A. Goetz, is ing this fine tradition." Other general agents company were H. V. Dirstein, Henry Eilber, George Park and •Meno Surerus, Edward Bossen- berry, Mr. Holtzman, and Wil­ liam Lamont. townships. Final Step On January 1, 1875, the sub­ scribers took the final step of organization. Meeting in Salem church, they decided on the name of the company and declared Zurich the head office. Nine directors were elected-—John B. Geiger, H. V. Dirstein, Samuel Rannie, David Hostetler, Henery Bller, Adam Sacks, Daniel Sure­ rus, Bernard Faist and Abraham Leman. John B. Presidet of V,Dirstein, manager and ary- treasurer. Samuel became vice-president and Mr. Dirstein was named agent. Agent’s commision was set at $1.50 for every aplication written and ac­ cepted and as further sum of 10 cents was ' - - - - - ■ - - sessment paid one meetings. “From here indicated,” the authors of the booklet state, “the sterling merits Farmers’ Company yond the territorial hers may beyond the County of its origin.” John B. Geiger served as presi­ dent for six years, time on the office among the directors names appear three times in the list of Long' Service A remarkable feature of the ■company is the length of , time which its officials served,' Out­ standing for their length of ser­ vice rendered are Oscar ,Klopp, 33 years, and, Gpldie Graham, 28 years, of the present directors. William Consjtt served for 32 years. Those who served over 20 years were; Peter Douglas, Wil­ liam Lamont, Daniel Surerus, Christian Stade and Thomas Yearly. Present officers of the com­ pany are William H. Love, presi­ dent; William Haugh, Vice-presi­ dent; Herbert K. Eilber, secre­ tary-treasurer; Reuben A. Goetz, Agent. Auditors are J. W. Haber- er and George Deichert. Present directors include Henry G. ■Beaver, Goldie Graham, Fred J. Haberer, Oscar Klopp, Reinhold Miller, Glarance .Parke and Ezra Webb. Over the past 75 years the company’s records show that lightning has caused at least .40% of the fires in the district. Fur­ naces, hot coals, stoves, pipes and chimneys are the next greatest dangers. Threshers and gas en­ gines, children playing with mat­ ches, lamps and lanterns, shot guns and brooder stoves are responsible in lesser degrees. Served 53 Years In reviewing the successful history of the Fire Mutual the authors pay special tribute to the late Henry Eilber, of Credi- ton, who became manager in the seventh year of the company and devoted 53 years to its service. “His zeal was a perpetual source of inspiration to successive gen­ erations of presidents and direc­ tors .and, under his adept man­ agement, the company established itself and started that period of expansion which has continued until the present day. His life was one of devotion .to those, whom he was privileged to serve* and his ability and integrity won him the loyalty of the whole constituency. His public career and his private life refute the !old adage that a prophet cannot have honor in his own country,” Mr. Eilber served as a member of the Ontario legislature over 20 years, and also as puty reeve and clerk of township. When he was a member of legislature Mr, Eilber rendered valuable service on the special committee which revised Fire Insurance Legislation in Ontario, There have been only three managers of the company since its incorporation. Besides the late Mr, Eilber, the late H. V. Dir­ stein and the present manager, Herbert K. Eilber served in this position. General Agents Only nine general agents have served the company during the Geiger was the company elected and II. secret- Rannie granted for every as- levied. Directors were dollar for attending the small .beginnings of the Hay Township Mutual Fire Insurance became known far be- confines of her own limits and today mem- be found in areas far From that circulated and .many and four presidents. for de- the the MUSICAL! FIG —- This is Hansi, the 3 ^-year-old musical pig be­ longing to the Copenhagen vaude­ ville artist, Carl Hansen. Hansi can eat off a plate and is able to play “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf” on bails. —G.F.C. An old local preacher at village chapel was giving out notices for the week, As preacher had been obtained the following week he announ­ ced: “minister for next Sunday, my freinds’, will be pinned upon the door.” XI ON Miss Gerta Hunter of London visited over the week-end at the home of her sister Mrs. Ward Hern and Mr. Hern. Mrs. Herman Kyle to. the home of Mr. Harold Hern, after some time in Victoria London. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Frances and Keith visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben O’Donavan of London. Mr, and Mrs. Morris Hern and family ,visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs* Albert Varewych, and Stanley have moved to his home in Delhi after spending the past year and a halt in the of Mrs, George Brock, Mrs. Gordon Bugden is ing at the home of Mrs, McGuffin of Byranston. Mr,, and Mrs. William Beer’, and Miss May Skinner of Grand Be'nd, and Mr. Maurice Quance of Exeter yisited on Monday with Mrs, Herman Kyle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Inlier and family of Exeter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacques on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bert Nixon and family of near Granton visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Hern, You 11 be happier in December if you shop in November, And what better gift can you give than a practical electrical appliance or a fine piece of McBrine Luggage, We’ll hold your Christmas secrets for you until you require them. It s Later Than You Think I Use Our Lay Away Plan The Famous Names Represented in Our Store Assure You of Quality Merchandise Phone 109 Only Chevrolet offers such a the lowest prices, too! Take your choice of two widely different, style-leading two-door sedans —both of them available in either standard or de luxe appointments. The Fleetline De Luxe Two-Door Sedan (above) fea­ tures a roof and back line which is one continuous, rakish curve. Yet with all its dash, headroom and trunk room are not sacrificed. The Styleline Series, illustrated (below) in the De Luxe Two-Door Sedan, ' gives you an impressive big-car look, with its graceful ’’notch-back” styling — and it's all Chevrolet, through and through! Talk about Choice! Just listen to this: Chevro­ let gives you your choice of eleven surpassingly beautiful body styles in any one of twelve gleaming new colors — for more than W0 dif­ ferent selections! And variety is Just one of Chevrolet’s plus features. No less than nine major features qualify Chevrolet as the leader. And the leader it is — in value, in popularity, in sales! Just check off these big reasons why: 1. LOW FIRST COST ■— away below any comparable car. 2. HIGH REPUTATION — preferred by more Canadians than any other car at any price ! 3. ECONOMY — World's Champion valve-in-head engine with new carburetor to step up efficiency! Costs less ta maintain. 4. STYLING *— The style star with the quality look of a big, impressive curl PERFORMANCE — Clearly ouhperforrrts it’s rivals on super­ highways, back eontesslons and In stop-start traffic. DEPENDABILITY —*- Superb engineering for Canadian Con­ ditions keeps costs down, dependability up J SAFETY—* Longest, heaviest car in its field, powerful chassis, Cetti-Safe Brakes! ROOMINESS — Room aplenty for six grownups ,. , and a bigger-than-ever trunk. TRADE-IN VALUE — Renowned long life makes Chevrolet the favorite among used-car buyers — earns you a higher trade-in value! In Four-Door Sedans you take your choice of the Fleetline, with its sweeping "fast back*’, (above) or the long-looking Style­ line (below). And there are two Styleline- Sports Coupes and a dignified Business Coupe. Besides all Chevrolet’s model choice, there’s a big range of Factory- Approved accessories—-grand conveni­ ence features especially designed to make motoring more fun for a Chevrolet owner —- and offered exclusively by your Chevro­ let dealer. '-^SS^ssssrs One of three 1950 Chevrolet Coupe Models. Available in Deluxe and Special Models. A General Motors Value Four-Door Sedan, Styleline Series. Available in Delux» and Special Models. PROVED IN CANADA FOR CANADIANS