HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-02, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY.MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1950
Ulmea Established 1873 Amalgamated November 1924 Advocate Established 1881
Published Each Thursday Mor.ning at Exeter, Ontario
An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Village of Exeter and District
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association
Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the OWNA
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation
Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of March 31, 1950 —
Canada, in advance, 82.50 a year United States, in advance, $3.00
Single Copies 6 Cents Each
J. Melvin Southcott - Publishers Robert Southcott
What Next?
All agog were the capitals of the
world last Tuesday, the anniversary of the
inauguration of the United Nations, as
President Harry Truman addressed the
delegates to that fateful Assembly. What
set the wires buzzing and the typewriters
clicking in every newspaper office was the
apparent change that had come over Mr.
Truman regarding his thinking about, and
his method of treatment of Russia.
Mr. Vishinsky, the leader of the Rus
sian delegation to the United Nations had
been arbitrary beyond all endurance in his
speeches and his general attitude to the
wishes of the majority of the delegates to
that great assembly. The impression—
amounting to a conviction—-had got abroad
that Russia was not to be trusted. Mr.
Vishinskv had talked of peace but the
majority of the delegates believed his
utterances were designed to mislead the un
informed and the unwary. The plainest of
words, on the part of the western delegates
indicated that they were waiting for proof
from Russia that she was sincere in her
peace talks. Those western delegates left
no doubt as to the western attitude to the
Russian propositions. That attitude was,
and is, “show us your sincerity regarding
peace, by doing the things that make for
peace”. These men wished Russia to show
the significance of that multitude of Rus
sian soldiers apparently prepared to march
on the western nations at a moment’s not
ice at the arbitrary whim of the Kremlin.
To the surprise of everyone Presient
Truman hinted broadly that he meant to
change all that. He indicated that he was
prepared to talk peace with the Russians
in the belief that they were sincere in their
peace offerings. This came, as a great sur
prise to the western capitals. These capitals
did not see what Russia had done that
warranted a change in the way of thinking
in the United Nations. Hence the perplexed
wonder of the leading statesmen of the
world. It is too soon to pass judgement on
the President’s speech. He may see farther
than the rest of us. He has been right when
we thought him wrong He may see some
thing that the rest of us do not see. We
hope that he sees deeply into the Russian
mind and that what he sees is a sincere de
sire for peace. Perhaps the conduct of the
United Nations in Korea has suggested
something of moment to Russia about her
duty to become a sincere peace maker.
Then, again. Korea may have strengthened
certain convictions in the rest of the world
that Russia does not care to engage in a
war that would be sure to bring about her
* * * «
The Training Needed
Experienced businessmen and workmen
are critical of the neglect of the classic
and mathematics in our high schools. Said
one surprised father who has come to the
top by the hard way, ”1 wanted my boy to
take my place one day. I have given him
as good an education as our schools afford.
I have taken him into the business and
placed him under good foremen but the
youngster seems to be able to go only so
far on his own. At that time he fails to be
able to make the calculations required.
Worse still, he seems unable to think be
yond the usual thing required of a work
man. He. lacks the power of making dis
coveries. There is little of the creative in
him. He simply was not trained in mathe
matics. His teachers apparently were mere
ly creature of the book. They did not
understand what lay in behind and beneath
the studies. I fear that I’ll have to look
up some school or teacher who can stir
up my youngster’s mind. I must do so if
he is to be something more than a mere
spoonfed worker. I hoped that he would
go a whole lot farther than I ever have
been able to go.”‘ j”' # #
Those Plowing Matches
Since the earliest days of farming in
Ontario we have had plowing matches. Our
fathers saw that good plowing was an es
sential feature of good farming and did
what they could to promote the art. For
one to do* a first class job between the plow
handles was taken as proof positive that
the artist could excel in almost any of the
farm operations. Those early matches were
a comparatively simple affair but the in
terest grew till the day came when royalty
was proud to grace the occasion with his
train and his personal attention.
Plowing matches of the present day
are coming to be occasions when faming
is discussed in its relation to the public If ie
generally. For one to take an active inter
est in the plowing matches is to receive '
something like a liberal education in agri
culture. An interesting feature is the man
ner in which the schools are taking an in
terest in the event. The aim is to make the
day one of real pleasure for the children
through interesting them in agricultural
life. In this way the youth of the land will
be aided in agricultural life. In this way
the youth of the land will be aided in see
ing what good things are in the country.
Main’ a youth leaves the farm for urban
activities before he knows what the farm
has to offer.
The plowing match and the local fall
fair work along with the Junior Farmers
organization and the Women’s Institute to
give every child and youth an understand
ing of what country life possesses in the
way of interesting living. We have come a
long way in this respect since agriculture
was taught from a book, when the youth’s
agricultural education was, largely, a copy
ing of certain dictated notes.
-it vr w
Bring Them To Heel
Yankees have learned that before they
can live well they must first live at all. It
may have taken them some time to learn
this simple fact but they are learning it.
Just now they have no wish to pay their
good money into Russian purses. Still less
do they wish to play flunky to Russian
bosses. They see the possibility of those
disagreeable affairs and are getting ready
to maintain their freedom. Hence their com
mon sense, to move their amusement strictly
to heel and to get down to the business of
At any rate Uncle Sam is cracking
down on the use of essential war materials
for amusement purposes. "We understand
that the fine old gentleman is very serious
about this. Young America may as well
take notice of what is going on in this parti
cular. Jack Canuck is likely to move in the
same direction. The Canadian beaver has
no intention of gnawing down good timber
to have it used for gunmaking purposes.
Uncle Sam and Jack Canuck will be
slow to admit that in this way of doing
things they are walking behind that other
fine gentleman, John Bull, who years ago
saw the necessity of putting business before
pleasure and who, by doing so, won the
way to business prosperity. In a score of
years John Bull will again be sitting on top
of the world when the rest of us will be
sadly musing over neglected opportunities
for sanity in spending that we threw away
in order that we might have, our amuse
ments. It will do all North America a lot of
good to take a leaf from Sir Austerity’s in
teresting and profit-bringing book.
* * «•
f Is Regimentation On The Way?
It is pointed out that the nations of
the earth may be putting a rod in pickle
wherewith they may soon be beating their
own backs. In the effort to prevent war,
we are reminded that we are paving the
way to the condition where no nation will
undertake any affair of major importance
without first submitting the scheme to all
the other nations and securing their ap
proval. For instance, we are reminded, if
Canada should decide to open a waterway
whereby ships could pass from the Atlantic
to the head of the Great Lakes, she would
require the permission of Denmark and
Thibet and Peru before she lawfully could
do so. Or should a company decide to de
velop the Alberta oil fields, that company
would need to win the go-aliead signal
Bolivia and Patagonia and southern Ireland.
It is argued that the alleged and hoped
for union of the nations would, in tins wav,
lay a paralizing hand on enterprise and
finally deprive nations and individuals of
the privilege of free enterprise.
Great as may be the limitations of lib
erty, the cure for those limitations is not
suppression and repression but more lib
erty. The school master may have a great
many lessons to teach but they are not as
painful as the lessons of experience nor
are they more profitable. Meanwhile, the
nations are painfully groping their way to
better international conditions. Their ad
vance is slow but it is being made.'
« « # *
The melancholy days are here—the
saddest of the year. But Hallowe’en always
adds a spark of brightness to young and
old alike.
m—----——------...... ........................... ..................................... es
The Exeter Dramatic Club will
present “Finnigan’s Fortune” in
Lucan on Nov. 5 under the aus
pices of the L.O.L. of that place.
Ed. Eacrett who is attending
the collegiate at Goderich spent
Thanksgiving Day at his home
The damage done to Messrs,
Woods’ Bros, block has been re
paired and Mr. E.'A. Follick is
again occupying his dwelling.
His new bake oven is also fast
nearing completion. .
The Exeter Band assisted the
Laurier Demonstration at Park-
liill on Friday last.
Miss Effie Treble spent Thanks
giving with her sister in Dor
chester last week.
Mr. Win. Statham, who some |
time ago disposed of his bakery
business in Exeter, recently jiur-
chased a Similar business in St,
Thomas. Ajl^Millan was elected,
to parliament as the representa
tive of Huron-Perth on Tuesday
of last week. He defeated J, J.
Merner, Conservative candidate,
and Robert McMillan progres
sive candidate,
Owing to the increase of traf
fic and somewhat hazardous
corner for turning at Cromarty,
it was thought advisable to place
a dummy policeman on the cor
ner so that in future any colli
sion may be avoided.
Mr. Wm. C. Davis, a war vet
eran and, for the past 14 years,
linotype operator for The Exeter
Times-Advocate, lias secured a
position as assistant storekeeper
at the Goderich Flying Training
Mr. Fergus Turnbull of Grand
Bend was winner of third prize
in the tractor class at the Inter
national Plowing Match at St.
Thomas last week.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Bruce Bossen-
berry of the Imperial Hotel Grand
Bend have graciously .given over
their hotel to the Red Cross for
the big fowl supper on October
3 0 th.
The Exeter Lions Club were
fortunate Monday evening in
having as guest speaker at their
Supper Meeting at the Central
Hotel, Dr. Robert B. McClure,
medical missionary and Red
Cross worker from Honan, North
A three day Canadian Chaut-
augua is being held at Crediton
on November S, 9 and 11.
The appointment of Premier
Jas. Gardiner of Saskatchewan
as Minister of Agriculture in the
Dominion Goverment was an
nounced on Sunday by Prime
Minister Mackenzie King
Mr. W. H. Moise of Tara has
arrived in Exeter, and on Friday
will take over the management
of the Bank of Montreal. Mrs.
Moise and three children Jack, Shirley and Bill are expected
to arrive in .Exeter on Friday.
The thirteenth test hole for
water has been sunk at the end
of Albert St. with results similar
to the others. The well was on
a location that was switched with
a diving rod. ,
... Neighboring News ...
Wonder Drug Saves Eyes
The wonder drug ACTH just
released in Canada a month or
so ago has restored to 100% the
sight of little 4i year old JDean
Robinson, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Kingsley Robertson, town, and
while they are rejoicing they are
not over-optimistic as to the final
result, as those treated for rheu
matism and arthritis with the
same drug have reverted to.
trouble again if the drug is not.
(Mitchell Advocate)
Earner Hurt
Neighbors Plow
Unable to work because of in
juries received when he fell
while threshing some weeks ago,
Allister Broadfoot, well-known
Tuckersmith resident, doesn’t
have to worry about his fall
plowing. On Thursday, neighbors
arrived at his farm with tractors
and plows, and plowed 40 acres.
Organizing the plowing bee were
James MHtosh, Russell Coleman,
James Landsborougli, Erlin Whit
more, Wilson Broadtoot, James
Black and Chester Neil.
(Huron Expositor)
Strawberries In
Mr. Wm. Murray of Egmond-
ville, brought into The News
Office on Saturday a cluster of
lovely ripe strawberries and also
some strawberries in flower. He
also had a saucerful of large
blackberries from a bush in his
garden which has been bearing
abundantly up till now.
(Seaforth News)
Threatening Eire
What might have caused a
bad fire in Zurich last Saturday
took place, when boys entered
Miss Louise Hendrick’s barn,
located at the westerly part of
Louisa Street, and a short time
after smoke and flames .were
noticed after the boys had left
the building. Owing to quick ac
tion of Mrs. Hendrick and will
ing neighbours along with the
boys’ help, the fire was brought
under control, without calling
the local Fire Brigade.
Attending Convention
Reeve of Hay Twp., Earl Camp
bell; Harry G. Hess, local mana
ger, Clerk H. W. Brokensliire .of
Zurich and councillor Louis H.
Rader of Dashwood, motored to
Toronto, where they are attend
ing the big Hydro Convention.
(Zurich Herald)
Middle Towns Develop
The future of Clinton and
other “middle towns’* of Ontario
is very bright, Dr. E. G. Eleva,
planning expert, London, assur
ed the members of Clinton and
District Chamber of Commerce
at a dinner meeting in Hotel
Clinton Monday evening, with
nearly 70' in attendance.
Pointing out that decentraliza
tion of industry to the “middle”
towns is absolutely necessary for
the well-being of the country
•Dr. Pleva declared:
“During the next ten years of
grace, you will see a tremendous
development of these “middle”
(Clinton News-Record)
SMILES . . . .
A sweet young thing was say
ing goodbye to her soldier boy
about to leave the U. S. A. for
duty overseas.
“Promise me you won’t fall in
love with one of those Australian
girls,” she begged.
“Positively, dear, I promise.”
he grinned.
“But how can you be so sure?”
she persisted suspiciously,
“I won’t fall In love with an
Austrailiah girl because we’re
going to Ireland! ”
»■ ■ '' ■ '
Consumer Credit levitations
Effective November i, 1950,
instalment sales of consumer goods at retail and loans
for the purchase of consumer goods at retail will be
subject to new Consumer Credit Regulations. This
action has been taken under the Consumer Credit
(Temporary Provisions) Act as passed'by Parliament.
The Regulations apply to every person engaged in the
business of selling consumer goods at retail on credit,
in the business of making loans, or otherwise engaged
in financing the purchase of consumer goods. j
The following requirements will be in effect when retail
sales are made on the instalment plan on and after
November 1, 1950:
Minimum Maximum
down payment time to pay
Motor vehicles (e.g. passen-
ger automobiles and
motorcycles')..................... 331Zj% 18 months
All other consumer goods. 20% 18 months
In no case shall the down payment be less than
INSTALMENT PAYMENTS are to be in regular, approximately
equal, amounts of not less than $5.00 monthly or $1.25 weekly.
Instalment payments may be varied to meet the circumstances of
persons such as farmers and commercial fishermen whose incomes
are subject to seasonal fluctuations.
Similar terms apply to loans granted by banks or loan companies
for the purpose of purchasing consumer goods at retail.
REVOLVING CREDIT ACCOUNTS, permanent budget accounts,
current budget accounts, and similar plans involving payment for
goods by regular instalments.
AFFECTED by the present Regulations, but steps will be taken, if
necessary, to see that charge accounts are not used to evade the
regulations relating to instalment sales.
COMPANIES to maintain records of transactions, to make them
available for inspection, and tet furnish information on request to
, authorized representatives of the Government of Canada.
CONSUMER GOODS include all goods with certain exceptions,
A full list of the exceptions will be found in the Regulations.
For example, the Regulations DO NOT APPLY to sales of
real estate, stocks, bonds, securities, goods for professional or
business use, buses, trucks, building materials, implements and
equipment used exclusively in farming and fishing.
Penalties are provided for violation of the Regulations.
Minister of Finance
For the convenience of the public, copies of The Con
sumer Credit (Temporary Provisions) Act and Con
sumer Credit Regulations will be available al branches
of the Chartered Banks throughout Canada.
Inquiries and requests for additional copies should be addressed Io:
Administrator of Consumer Credit,
490 Sussex Street, Ottawa, Ontario.
Hi In le pessimist was su£-M "V/fiflQ 1 i Bering from rheumatism. L “Every bone in my
" 'le com*
Your car, too, needs doctoring for the rough winter
season ahead. We advice you not to Wait until the
snow falls but to have it done now. Our boys will do
a thorough job.
South End Service
Exeter “ Phone 328