HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-10-12, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1950
buyers, some from this district, look over beasts at Canada’s |Total gross of the sale was $488,385. Highest price:
Cattle l,argest single auction sale held recently at Manitoulin Island.
33$ lb.
Exeter Radio & Electric
v Lighting Fixtures V Small and Large Appliances
Come In and See Our
Established 60 Years
Wishes To Announce That
Mr. Len Harvey
Buy Canadian Keep Canada Strong
For Huron County
Agricultural Representative
Considerable numbers of Stoe
ber cattle have been purchased
during the week and also a num
ber df carloads of well-finished
cattle were marketed during the
week. Milk production is still be
ing well maintained for this
time of the year due mostly to
the fine condition of pastures.
Silo ,filling is in full swing. A
large proportion is being hand
led this year with corn harves-
ers. Bean harvesting also has
progressed fairly favourably dur
ing the past week but the qual
ity of the beans threshed to date
is not good with the percentage
of pickers being very high. Tur
nip shipments continue with most
shipments .being waxed. To date
the frost has not caused any
widespread damage to any crops
and a few farmers in earlier
areas report their husking corn
to be nearing maturity.
14, and
ice, the
start at
opens at
Saturday, October
continuing every
until further not-
l’ii'.st show will
(> p.m. Box office
5:30 p.m.
.MI..District Cattlemen Buy At
of Toronto were week-end guests 1 * s
with Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Gates.) k J B n |
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of! gtOlOI il
Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Murray^ » ▼ SOS I fiLWUllli ■ S lUVUUll
Smith and Marilyn of Toronto ’
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1
Ken Greb.
'■THTl-GAIN Freds are extra high hi T.D.N. (Total
Digr-tible Nutrients). That's why SHUR-GAIN Hogs
go to luarket in 51 j months on 100 pmmds Iv^s feed
than ordinary grain fed hags.
rZ/^£Z’/<75 sure CART
More SHUR-GAIN Is Fed In Canada
Than Any Other Kind
Seventy-five cattle buyers, some
of whom were from this district,
Miss Margret Cook underwent Pafd nearly half a million dollars
an operation for the removal of last Thursday, September 28, in
her tonsils in Exeter on Satur- (four and. a half hours for Mani-
day. We wish her a speedy re- toni;n
turn to good health
Mr. and Mrs.
were in Toronto
last week.
Mr. and Mrs.
and family of
and Mrs.
Mrs. : ____ ........... ......
Lucan and Mrs. Mabel Dale and, j.jie largest single cattle sale ever
daughter of Detroit, .visited with ,n Canada.
Mrs. Chas. Isaac last w®ek. M1’3* J Those from this district who
Dale is a cousin of Mis. Is c I)Urcliased cattle were H. Jack-
son, Seaforth, 31 red heifers; E.
Healy, Strathrov, 42 mixed hei
fers; J. Pepper, Kippen, 29 red
heifers; S. McQueen, Hensall, 26
white-faced steers; R. McAlphine,
Strathroy, 42 steers and heifers.
Like many other buyers, it
was not the first year at tlie
Sale for Messrs. Healy and Mc
Queen. Last year Mr. McQueen
also bought a carlot of white
faced steers, while Mr. Healy’s
car was made up of roan heifers.
Other buyers in 1949 were Ira
L. Morgan, Strathroy, and How
ard A. Lowe, Tavistock, who
L. B,
for a
Curtis Gratton
Curtis Gratton, of Grand Bend
passed away at his home Wed
nesday in his 62nd year. He had
been ailing for the past three
months. He was born in Stephen
Township and farmed on the
Lake Road before moving to
Grand Bend eight years ago.
Surviving are his wife, the form
er Melvena Allen and two dau
ghters, Beatrice at home and
Mrs. Lyman Gratton, of Grand
Bend, also one sister, Mrs. Em
ma Brenner and one brother,
Noah Gratton, of Montreal and
two grandchildren. Resting at
his late residence where the fun
eral will take place Friday at 2
p.m. followed by a service in
the Gospel Hall. Interment in
the Grand Bend cemetery.
each got a carlot of white-faced
steers. Alex Harting, Stratford,
Less McGuffin, London, and Fred
Middleton, Clinton, each got a
carlot of white-faced heifers; A.
A. Dougall, Hensall, one of
Shorthorn, heifers; and Walter
Weber, ^Dashwood, one of mixed
steers /and heifers. Four carlots
of co/vs were purchased by Pat
Marjnnan, Parkhill, at the 1949
sale, and two by W. Revington,
An estimated 1,500 people
crowded the stands and sale ring
to watch the district men vie
With others from Southern and
Eastern Ontario, and United
States, for Manitoulin’s choice
TB-free beef at the Manitoulin
Livestock Co-Operative’s seventh
annual sale at Little Current.
A total of 2,209 head were
sold in 75 carlots in under 40
minutes actual selling time by
Auctioneer Duncan Brown of
Shedden. Some lots were knocked
down in less than 20 seconds to
Ibis sing-song chant. Total
elapsed time of the sale was less
than four and a half hours.
Overall average price for the
1,741,470 pounds of heef sold on
1 the hoof was 28.04. Average of
I cattle other than cows was
29.16. Price per head was $220.- ! 09, reflecting the increase in
j heef prices since last years when
(average price per head was only
($137.86. Many marvelled at the
(increase in six years since the
sale’s inception when head aver
aged only $70.61 each.
Carlot weights were 23,000 to
island’s famous, feeder
(and stocker cattle to set two new
fev^ days ' Canadian records.
i Thirty-three cents a pound
I was paid for one carlot of white-
i facer Hereford steers to set the
highest carlot price ever paid in
Canada for beef on the hoof.
Total gross uf the great cattle °fjauction was $488,385 to make it
Greenway ■
visitors with
, Ken Hodgins.
Katharine Hedden
> Ju»t heat and rub in
MINARD'S, and note the
quick relief you get
Oreaaelesa, fast-drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor. ___ _ .
Get a bottle today; keep)5<46 it handy. aizi 65c•izc 65c
Mrs. Chas. Isaac last week. Mrs.
Dale i s a cousin o f Mrs. Isaac
whom she hasvnot seen for sixty
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks
spent Thanksgiving week-end at
Niagra Falls.
Mrs. T. Bayes
last week after
couple of weeks
Mrs. ' ' ■
Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Tone Essery of Kenova
is a guest with Mrs. Parsons and
Mrs. Kershaw.
Miss Beatrice Essery, R. N. of
London, spent the week-end with
her parens Mr. and Mrs. William
Misses Donna and Maxine Bow
den visited over 'the week-end
with their aunt, Mrs. R. Smith
in Toronto.
Rev. Rogers of Hensall will be
guest speaker at the anniversary
services in the church on Sunday
October 15th. There will
ial music by the choir
by Mr. 1
There will be choir . in the Hiureh <>u Thursday even-' Lord’s Prayer’
ing. All members are requested; Is My Light’’. The church was
to be present. j
returned home
visiting for a
with Mr. and
Anker in Toronto and with
Robert Smith in
he spec-
Thos. H. Walker
Phone 236-J Exeter
Domestic and Industrial
Wiring of all Kinds
Thanksgiving services were ’
held on Sunday, October 8, at i
the United Church. 11 a.m. and; Vl4l4„t LV
7:3o p.m. Rev. E. M, Cook. (24,000 pounds each, and values
B.Th., minister, had charge nijranged from $5,000 to $7,50o
services. At the morning service! pei. (.ar< oarlots went last year
Lucan t’hoir, with Mr. K®w 9tfrom $4,5i’H) to $5,000 apiece,
the piano and Mrs. Don Revnig-1 <pop priced ear this year went to
g at $7.-
731.90. It was comprised of 40
white-faced Hereford steers aver
aging 585 pounds. weight
3,430 pounds.
Harry Hern of Zion as 1 ton as soloist, sang “Rises ThisJRov nowavt| Of Cohourg
’House”. At the evening service'
practice Mr. Velmy of Luctui sang “The- -...- 11 .....v,. aUcl “The Lord
’i IS * X *l.V i* »■<*£? 1
decorated with autumn flowers,
fruits and vegetables. i
Motors — Poultry Time Clocks
Thermostats — Furnace Controls
Fixtures, etc.
A presentation was held
West McGillivray Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Northgrave
of Uourtkind spent the week-end
With Mr. Billie and Miss Aggie
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter
West McGillivray Hall re-ontly .... ..... .
in hmior of Mr, and Mr«. Leslie-and Ian s^nt Sunday^ whh Mr
Murky and presented them with
a purse »»f money.
and Bowman of Lucknow.
„ ....... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroe-Mrs. Fraser Dixon is at pre-Ider entertained their family mi*
sent a patient of St. Joseph's!Sunday—Mr, and Mrs.
Hospital London. Her many fr-i London. Mrs. U
iends hope for her speedy rerov- idon.J1--
___ Baldwin of Lon-1
. Mr. and Mrs. Semple of,
Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt of!
The ladies of Brinslev United ‘ Goderi.-ii and Miss Hodgins of:
Church W. M. S. entei taineii. the 4 Benfield. * t tladies of Alisa Craig and Lieitry Mr. Ed Flynn is “driving
on Wednesday afternoon last. Pontiac ear now. with Mis. Currie of Urediton] Mrs. Boueham of Toronto
rendered u solo and Mrs. $inc-|spent the week-end with Mr. and;
lair of Exeter as guest speaker. 1 Mrs. Jack Whitmore. w
Miss Hazel Lewis is spending’ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Higgins of
some time with her brother Ed- Toronto spent the week-end with
gar of Toronto. 1 Sgt. and Mrs. Max Bloye.
Mr. and Mrs. SvOtt Trevethiek i Miss Audrey Darling lias left
and Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Kami!- for Toronto to study advanced
ton of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday, piano music. , . ,
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.j, Mr. Jim Cunningham is driv-
Murrav Hamilton. »mg a new 1959 Meteor car.
Mi*, and Mrs. Ansdl Lee, Alma] Mrs, and George, spent Sunday with for a visit with her daughter in
Mr. and Mrs. t._. _ A
Ailsa Craig,
Rev. J. A. E. Blackwell of Sar
nia was the, guest speaker at
Thanksgiving Sorvicos in .St.
Mary’s Anglican Church Brinsley
on Sunday last. Rev. Blackwell
{was the Rector, of the charge
15 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morgan
spent the week-end with friends
in Detroit Mich.
Mrs, Frank Taylor of Exeter
visited recently with Mrs, Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson,
Eddie and Bonnie attended the
wedding of the hitters sisters
t tNee Verna Kennedy ) on Satur-
Iday last in Trento to Mr. Met-
vyn Monsinger of Malton Air
iSgt. and Mrs. Max Bloye.
I Miss Audrey Darling has left
Mrs, Fred Simpson has left
George Lee of Detroit. »»Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elgie
of London spent the week-end in
Ottawa with Mr, and’ Mrs. Ship-
Mr. and Mrs. Walkom of Tor
onto, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Walkom
of London spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. MacMcNaugh-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan
and Myrna spent Sunday evening
with Mr, and Mrs- H. Paton.
I »Port Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins.
Phyllis, and Bobbie, Mr. and
| Mrs. Lin Craven spent Sunday
hast with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
1 Gamble of Sparta.
Yes, the versatile John Deere-Van Brutit
Model "CG” Cultivator will soon pay for itself
on any one of a dozen tillage jobs on yout farm.
The secret of the Model* “CC” Cultivator’s
wide range of usefulness is in its complete
adaptability to do better work On every job.
Spring teeth can be set individually for shallow,
medium, or deep penetration. .«tooth spacing
is variable ,.« you can use narrow, medium, or
wide shovels « . . and the Model "CC" is avail*
able with either spring or stiff teeth.
Wheels-inside-the-frame design lets you cult!*
vate close to fences. The welded steel frame is
strong and rigid- See us soon about the many
purpose Model ”CC” Cultivator. There’s a
size to fit your farrti.