HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-10-12, Page 6Page 6 FOR SALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR sale—Oil burning space heater. Findlay “Vega” enam­ elled range, coal or wood; in­ ner spring mattress. —R. D> Hunter, Exeter, phone 150-W. 28:5c FOR SALE—’40 Chev 2 -ton truck, completely overhauled, in good condition. Three sets Of racks, tarp, hoist, good tires. Reasonable. Melvin (Rob) Edwards. Apply at the Exeter Co-Op. 5* FOR SALE—1949 small Dodge with low mileage, heater, suit visor and undercoated. Phone 47, J, Passmore, Hensail.5:12c FOR SALE—Case 12” tractor plow on rubber, in good con­ dition. Apply: Joe White, tele­ phone Crediton 29-r-5. 5:12* FOR SALE—C h o i c e raspberry plants—Viking, Latham, etc, Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, third house s outh of South End Service Station, Exeter, - 5:12* Additional Classifieds On Page 7 New and CARS FOR SALE 1950 DODGE SEDAN, black brand new 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, dark blue heater, low mileage 1948 CHEV SEDAN, spotless interior 1947 CHEV SEDAN, not a mark inside oi* out 1947 CHEV COACH, new tires, very good condition 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio, heater. This car is hard to duplicate 1934 CHEV low price 1930 FORD tires, new paint job. Going for $150.00 19 29* FORD COACH, runs well $90.00 COACH. For the of $175.00 COACH, 600-16 Dodge and DeSoto Sales Open Evenings Telephone ZURICH 4 FOR SALE—Kelvinator; reverse- j iblo rug. size 7% x 4, like new. —Phone 444-R. 12* FOR SALE—Twenty little pigs. Joe Amos, Ailsa Craig, phone 619-r-14. 12c FOR .SALE*-—A quantity of 4- and 5-inch tile. J. W, Gardi­ ner, 21-r-10 Kirkton. 12* FOR SALE—-Late 19 48 special delux Plymouth sedan, mar­ oon, in excellent condition, only owner. Apply Lloyd Hodg­ son, Centralia. 12c FOR SALE—1949 Austin coach, A-l shape. Price $1,175.00. -— Phone Clinton 616-r-13. 12:19* FOR SALE—-5-month-old pullets, ready to lay. Apply: Mrs. Rus­ sell Page, Grand Bend. 12c FOR SALE—1949 Plymouth se­ dan, air conditioner and heat­ er. Price $1,750. Contact Fit. Sgt. Pridham, phone 316 local 18. 12 c FOR SALE—A quantity of cidar apples. Apply to A, Gackstet- ter, Hensail. 12* WANTED WANTED—A number of pigs 7 weeks old and up. —Mac I-Iod- gert, telephone Exeter 173-3, Kirkton 37-17, 12:19* WANTED TO RENI1—Air force couple require 2 - b e d r o o m nished .oi' unfurnished. Occu- nished or unfurnished. Occu­ pancy for Nov. 15, Apply Box. “Y”, Times-Advocate. 12:19c LIVESTOCK WANTED — Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Dis­ abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 5:12:26;2c WANTED—Just received an or­ der for 100 horses. Will buy any kind of a horse, heavy or light, young or old. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. 5 tfn WANTED—15 head of cattle, rough feeding for winter, yearling or two-year-old. Har­ old Campbell, phone 35-r-25 Dashwood. 5:12* SEWING — Dressmaking, child­ ren’s clothes, etc. —Mrs. R. Westdorp, three miles south of Winchelsea, opposite Thomas Hern’s farm. 5:12* HGHWAY 9 6 ACRES clay loam, extra good house with all con­ veniences, large barn equipped electricity, water throughout. 50 ACRES clay loam and part sand, good buildings, electric­ ity in house, immediate pos­ session. •W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Salesman. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1950 MISCELLANEOUS LOST Y 4-ROQM insul brie cottage, hard­ wood flours, conveniences, fur­ nace, Other cottages and houses, —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor. Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter, 5tfc DON’T FORGET to Rota-Cap your birds before you put them in for the winter. They are an excellent wormer, Get them at L. V. Hogarth’s. Phone 266. 5:12:19c LOST—Key for Schwinn bicycle, lost in school grounds, Phone Mrs. Cliff Moore, 129-J, 12c FOR RENT The Woollen Shop GRAND BEND Pre-Winter Sale SOME OF THE SPECIALS • 70/84 Ibex Blankets .Pink or blue borders. On sale ,$4.95 pair • Men’s Work Socks All-wool and wool and cotton values to 800 a pair. On sale 590 pair GENERAL STORE—Huron Coun­ ty, on surfaced county road, centre of prosperous general farming district, good brick store building with comfort­ able dwelling attached, hydro, water pressure, oil burner. A good property in a good loca­ tion, doing a good business, PEED MILL — With complete equipment, comfortable brick house, hydro throughout. Ex­ cellent highway location. Buy now and be ready for heavy fall and winter season. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st., Exeter, Ont, 7c SPECIAL—Ladies’ Home Jour­ nal, Regular 2 years for $5. October only, 2 »years, six months, $5, Subscription for any magazine. —Harry Bur­ ton, phone 4 61-J Exeter. 5:12:19* &. WILL EXCHANGE 4-roomed un­ furnished ground floor apart­ ment with 3-piece bath in Clinton, rent $27 per month, for similar accommodation in Exeter or near Centralia. Ap- Apply Times-Advocate. 28:5:12* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size,, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc FOR RENT—House 1 % miles north of Grand Bend. Melvin DesJardine, R.R. 1, Grand Bend, phone 32-r-15. 12c TENDERS WANTED JR SALE—Lot 7, Con. 8, Us- borne Twp., containing 100 acres; good barn 70x2 6; driv­ ing shed 50x25; 7-room brick house; water pressure system in barn and house; all good buildings; half mile west of Kirkton. —Phone 63-r~18. 12:19* 134-ACRE FARM for sale. This farm has good buildings with hydro and water pressure. The land is in a good state of cul­ tivation. There is a good young bush. Located close to village and highways. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 12tfc F JR SALE—Eight-room cottage with full basement on Carling St., hydro, town water, wood shed and garage. Plenty of garden space. Available after October 15. Apply: O. Walker, Cromarty, phoiie 14-r-4 Dub­ lin, executor for Mrs. Annie Davis estate. 12:19c NOTICES NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar­ rangements can be made. — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* COURT OF REVISION Village of Exeter Court of Revision for the hearing of all appeals against the 1950 Assessment of the Vil­ lage of Exeter will be held in the Town Hall at 8 p.m., Mon­ day, October 23, 1950. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario 5:12c HELP WANTED For the purchase of $172,000 Village of Exetei' tures, maturing in years. Debentures to be ber 15, 1950, and to be non- callable with the exception of those maturing in the twentieth (20th) year. Purchaser to be responsible for the preparation and the printing of the debentures. Sealed tenders at the office Treasurer up to ber 3i% Deben- twenty (20) dated Decem- G, 1950. will be received of the Clerk- 5 p.m., Novem- WANTED—A lady to keep house for elderly man in Village of Centralia. —Phone 141 Exeter or Crediton 27-r-5. 5* STENOGRAPHER and bookkeep­ er for general office work. Saturday afternoons off (5%- day week). Apply Public Utili­ ties Office, Exeter, Ont. 5:12c MALE HELP WANTED—Estab­ lished Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggres­ sive and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your op­ portunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For today to: Company, Roch St., full particulars write The J. R. Watkins Dept. O-E-6, 350 St. Montreal. 5:12:19:26c NIGHT CONSTABLE wanted — Written applications for the position of Night Constable for the Village of Exeter will be received at the office of the Clerk up to 5 p.m., October 16, 1950. Applicants please state age, experience and sal­ ary expected. —C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ont. 5:12c HELP WANTED—Huron County require two Domestics for the Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario. Good wages with board and lodging provided. Successful applicants can com­ mence work immediately. Please contact Mrs. Martha E. Jacob, Matron, County Clinton, Ontario. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Home, Ont. 12c C. V.. PICKARD, Clerk-Treasurer, Corporation of the Village of Exeter, Exeter, Ontario 5:12c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of LILLIAN WHIMSTER TAMAN late of Exeter, Ontario, Married Woman Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be­ fore the 15th day of November, 1950, aftei* which date the es­ tate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. Dated October 4, 1950. THE CANADA TRUST CO., London, Ontario, Executor, by DAWSON & NETHERY, Solicitors, Sarnia, Ontario. 12:19:26c wagon; root pulper; cream sep* arator; 2 water troughs; posts; wire; 2 steel drums; 2 oak bar* rels; gravel box; stoneboat; chain; forks; shovels; tools; pump and piping. FURNITURE; Extension table and 6 chairs; glass upholstered couch; 2 drawers and stands; 2, rings table; inet; dishes and sealers, etc, FARM: Consisting of 50 of choice gravel bottom well fenced, in high state of cul­ tivation, situated half mile north, of St. Marys-Exeter highway, _ 3 miles east' of Exeter. Choice gravel pit, abundance of water, 22 acres plowed for spring crop, balance in hay and grass. On the premises are a 1^-storey White brick house; brick kitchen hydro; house; floors, stable;, repair.. to re- On REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 2/5 acre of land, more or less, on which is situated a well built 2-storey frame dwelling with basement. Also good sized frame garage, numerous shade and fruit trees and best of garden land, never-failing spring well, property in ideal location and in good condition, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Solid oak dining room suite; solid oak bedroom suite, dresser and com­ mode; chest of drawers; two wash stands; small rocker ; 1 small chest; 1 cherry rocker; small chest; small heater; large clothes basket; large mirror; small drawer; pictures and pic­ ture frames; floui’ box;’ 2 toilet sets; inole board; sion dining room table; 5 dining | hard and soft water in room chairs; 2 antique chairs; arm chair; occasional chair; kit­ chen table; 8 kitchen chairs; kitchen clock; centre table; fern stand; 2 oak rockers; kitchen stool; glass cupboard; Quebec heater equipped with oil burner; kitchen stove equipped with oil burner; upholstered couch; spool bed; baby bed; 3 wooden beds; high chair; spinning wheel; hand washing machine; quantity of dishes, silverware and kitchen utensils; numerous sealers; 5- gal, crocks, small jugs; 2 40-gal steel drums; 2 small iron ket­ tles; coal oil oven; and many articles too numerous to men­ tion. TERMS: Cash. Ervin Guenther, Mrs. Letta Taylor, administrators of the estate the late Charles Guenther Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 5:12c and mattress; ,ciock; organ; i Beach rangette, like cupboard chests of beds, sp- extention music cab- new;. acre$ land,. J* J j I j of 2 trunks;large crok- square top exten-lgood cellar; furnace 2 good bank barns,cement cement silo, water in buildings in first class TERMS: Sold subject serve bid. Chattels, cash, farm 10% day of sale, balance arranged for. Possession Novem­ ber 1. • William Moody, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auct. *> j 1 i ot Tenth Annual Sale of REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell by public auction for STUTT BROS. 2 miles northeast of Forest, % miles east of Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 1:00 p.m. sharp 30 HEAD: 15 bulls around one year old; 16 bred heifers. All cattle TB tested, Bulls blood-tested. Heifers calfhood vaccinated. Ten bulls by Ellis Domino 18th C. F.; 4 bulls by Real Emblem 2nd; 9 hei- by M.B. Real Emblem 2nd. to Ringwood Crusty; 7 hei* by Ellis Domino 18th" C.F. to Ringwood Crusty. (Ring- 4 J I M.B. fers bred fers bred wood Crusty is a half-brother to the 1950 Denver Champion.) Lunch available at farm. Sale under cover, Catalogue on re­ quest. W. S. O’Neil, E. M. Lester and Lincoln White, Auctioneers 12:19’* IClearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture W. E. Nairn will sell by public auction on LOT 17, CON. 6, BLANSHARD, BASE LINE 4 miles east of Woodham, 5 miles west of St. Marys, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 commencing at 12:30 the following: HORSES: Black mare, 7 years old general purpose work and double. Black gelding old, heavy draft. CATTLE: Holstein cow, due June; yrs.. cow, 3 yrs. old, I IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS KLEINSTIVER, DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of Louis Klein­ stiver, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1950, are required to file parti­ culars of same with Elmer D. Bpll, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 21st day of October next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor foi" the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 10-5-3t single 5 yrs. 7 yrs. 2 Durham cows, 4 due Mar. and April; black AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Automobile ON THE PREMISES in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD Being Part Lot 31 and 32, S.B.C., of Hay The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 2:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE; Consisting of 2/5 acre of land on which is situated a 2-storey frame ■dwell­ ing, covered with asphalt shin­ gles; has basement, also small barn, some fruit trees, never- failing water supply, land very suitable for building lots. TERMS of Real Estate; 10%’ on day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. AUTOMOBILE: 1927 Model T Ford sedan. TERMS: Cash. Harry Zimmer, administrator of the estate of the late Louis Kleinstiver Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 12:19c 1 4 due Mar.; Hol-I stein cow, 3 vrs, old dile April; 4 steers, 2 yrs.old;6 spring calves. There were no reactoi s in this herd and has always been a clean herd. POULTRY:150 hens.geese. IMPLEMENTS Frost & Wood binder, 7-ft.cut, with trucks; HELP WANTED—Capable girl foi’ general housework in good Toronto home, good hours and wages. Apply: Box 95& Exeter. 12* Rawleigh Customers I am giving up the Rawleigh Agency. All goods are now on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except minerals, sprays and spices which are 10%, Orders will be taken over phone or through mail. I will make delivery into Hay and Stephen in September, others call at my home. Be prepared to settle old ac­ counts when I call. Send in orders early while stock is com­ plete. Will be home evenings and Saturday afternoons. Bring profit sharing cards. E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealer Phone 133 Exeter WANTED—Young lady or mar­ ried woman for clerking in a hardware store. Apply: Times- Advocate. 12c AUCTION SALES Case Manure Spreader, like new; seed drill; disc; M.H, stiff tooth cultivator; M.H. mower, 5-ft. cut; M.H. wagon, like new, with steel wheels, also set of wooden wheels, one man rack; set of sleighs; gravel box; walking plow; set of 4-section harrows; set of 3-section harrows; harrow cart; cutter chine, Vessot grain grinder; heavy duty motor; ““' separator, with hover of sling ropes leys, stoue boat with iron shoeing 10 0-lb. milk cans 100-gal. oil drum; rels bar; der; mower 2 piles lumber and timbers timbers (over lays); cedar posts; 4 galvanized pipe, 4 lengths 12 long; forks; steel troughs; < trie fence. | ■ FURNITURE: Kroeliler Chester-pat: field suite; Heintzman piano; JL'two; burner Moffatt electric range; calf. Hot point annex for electric PIGS: sow with litter 6 weeks stove; Ivory bedroom suite; elec-,2^*, with litter 4 weeks old; trie vacuum cleaner; < table with 3 kitchen chairs; trunk; Stewart electric horse clippers. NO RESERVE, farm is sold. Terms: Cash. Booth on the grounds. Mrs. Muriel Berryhill, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD Part Lot 23, Con. S.B. Hay The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 commencing at 1:30 p.m, FOR TORONTO—Cook, general. 25-35. Beautiful home, every convenience, laundress, and cleaner weekly, 3 adults, and 2 school children. Salary $20 weekly if inexperienced, more if experienced. Good refer­ ences r e q u i r e d. Permanent. Please write Box T Times-Advocate. $4.95 Men’s Pure Wool Plaid $8.95 Ads— tfnSB XI ? Exeter 12c ® In All Ladies’ Sweaters store at one low price. Times-Advocate Want Bargain Counter of the county. Small. medium and large. i OR POOR ONTARIOWILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED * INGERSOLLfertilize Your Crops With NATIONAL well-cured, properly-blended FfiRTIUZER nil*. window sashes for stable; ; Universal milking ma- double unit, like .new; On sale Shirts On sale ON CHOOSING A FEED Feed produces growth and eggs —- but there** a limit to the amount of feed a hen can Use in 24 hour*. If the feed Is stale or poor, your birds cannot eat enough to keep healthy and produce eggs. Ether egg production (drops or health suffers. Choose your feed carefully. A hen needs less of a high-quality feed-—YET LAYS MORE. Feed your birds the NATIONAL way. ns «b HU MS m Ml M The National Quality Mix system is the “fresh‘•mix” system—it gives that tasty “eat more’* quality to your egg mash which is the only way to keep your birds in top shape and toll out the eggs week after week. Laying mash mixed fresh with National “Egbilder at your NATIONAL Feed Dealer- is modem jeedtng* / • ‘ \ Z YOU OtUY FOOlf^-j f YOURSEIF WHEN 1 YOU FEED STAlE MASH . See your NATIONAL Dealer tcaay FRESH MIXED WITH THEY 11 W YOU MORE EGGS THE , NATIONAL WAY/ c □57 Viking electric cream ; Beatty brooder stove range shelter; set ropes and pul- 2 hay forks; wheelbarrow: 3 milk pails; 3 water bar­ cross-cut saw; wrecking crow bars; extension lad- 2 sets double harness; lawn 23 rods page wire fence; J* w elec— bred: « ft Tin AUCTION SALE of Cattle, Pigs, Poultry* Grain, Implements and Household Articles OCTOBER 24, 1950 ED WESTCOTT Lot 16, Uon, 3, Vsborne 1:30 p.m. ’ CATTLE: Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow, due Feb. 11; Here­ ford cow, 25; Hereford cow, just ;d; red cow, due April 15; Durham heifers, 2 years old, 2 heifers and 1 steer rising 3 spring calves and 1 small extension I 6 pigs about 140 pounds, chairs; | POULTRY: 175 New Hamp jhens; 50 New Hamp pullets. GRAIN: 400 bushels of mixed I grain; 300 bushels mixed grain I from registered see Ajax oats and Galore barley, all free from sprouts, IMPLEMENTS: 2-furrow tractor plow on rubber; tut stiff foot tractor cultivator; spring; tooth cultivator: 3*section lever harrows; Int. disc drill, 13-run; Int. 5-ft. mower; Int. hay loader; ilnt. io-ft. steel rake: Massey- i Harris manure spreader; disc (harrow; wagon; sleighs and 12- »ft. flat raack; tiding plow and .two walking plows; grindstone; ’Tut. cream separator; brooder stove; 2 range shelters; and ; other articles, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES: Kit­ chen extension table; 2 black leather rockers; oak library CATTLE; Holstein cow, milk- <table; full size bed and springs; g and due in March; 3 cattle, i single bed; • • - rising 2 years old; 4 yearlings, ’tress; ” HOGS: Twenty choice pigs, 60 ’rack; pounds; 10 pigs, 8 weeks old. Thirty bales of mixed hay. Twenty-one Hampshire and Rock pullets.IMPLEMENTS: Int. mower 6-j drapes; ft. cut; steel hay rake; cultivator; disc harrow; ... , iron harrows; roller; 2 walking * plows: stuffier, new; wagon and] hay rack; wagon box; set of I sleighs; buggy; cutter; light I 1 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice 20-Acre Farm, Stock* Implements, Feed And Furniture W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will by public auction on LOT 13, CON, 5, USBORNE 3 nples east of Exeter, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 commencing at 1 o’clock the following: sell ♦ * Int, i ; day-bed and mat­ dresser and stand; hall ------ baby stroller; 3-lmrner ’coal oil stove and oven; coal oil : heater: congolonm rug 6 x -9; Rock pullets, axminstei' rug 9 x 112 pairs j marquisette curtains; 3 pairs j drapes; 3-bnrner Coleman gas M.H. tstove; Coleman iron; kitchen ' set of ; buffet and 4 chairs. ! TERMS: Cash. Frank Taylor, AncHonoer Fred Dawson, Clerk Ed Westcott, Proprietor i 5