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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-10-05, Page 6
DUKE Philip, OF EDINBURGH TAKES COMMAND — Prine Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Britain’s Princess Elizabeth, is shown shaking hands with his officers on the deck of the H.M.S. Magpie as he took command of the Brit ish frigate in Malta. —Central Press Canadian THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1950 e Catholic Church Contributed by B.C. Many people of the present day do not know what the word “Catholic” really means, or the name originated. At the time our Saviour on this earth, there were great churches. There was Confucian Church of China, Buddist Church of Japan, Diana Church of Rome, the Bra- ‘haman of India and the Jewish synagogues. All these churches believed in the same God as we do; they believed in a resurrection from the dead and in a place of joy and a place of woe which was equivalent to our hell and hea ven, but one thing they lacked was they were not catholic or universal or brotherhood churches for that’s what the word catholic means. They were churches of one nation and at variance with one another. They never would have covered the earth as the waters cover the sea, as Christ said His glorious church, would do in time. All those other leaders were saviours to a certain extent but they were saviours of one nation only. Now Christ was not satisfied with this so he picked twelve men—some Jews, some Gentiles how was fine the the the —and he said to them: “Now you are neither Jew nor Gentile, you are one in me,” Now what was he? He was the first catholic or universal sav iour. We have His own words for it: “I am the light of the world.” I am the true light.” “I am the light of every man’s heart.” Our Roman brothers at that time were Roman Dianas. They worshipped the goddess Diana. So we are told in the new testa ment that many of the Jewish priests were obedient to the faith, they came over to the new faith and with them nagogues in the book of Leviti cus in the old testament. Christ said He did not come to destroy His father’s laws but to fulfill them. This is where the surplice or gown is worn in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican churches. Christ teachings are to be followed out in all ages. of Christ and His apostles, they brought theii' robes them that God had ordered to wear in the Jewish sy- Mr. William C. Dace, of Grand Bend, who was laid up in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for several days with a fractured vertebrae, the result of a fall from a scaffold while working on a summer cottage, has ret urned to his home and is able to be around in a plaster cast. Dashwood Church Scene Of Fdl Event Decorated with ferns, yellow m u m s and sweetheart roses, Dashwood Evangelical C h u r c h was the scene of the marriage on Saturday, September 30, of Shirley Ruth Smith, daughter of Mrs. Jack Gudmore, to George Ezra Tieman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Tieman of Dashwood. Rev. Dahms of Crediton, assisted by Rev. Getz of Dashwood, per formed the ceremony, , Before the ceremony, Miss Olgo Tarasuk, Toronto, sang the “Lord’s signing cause”, played stiver. Given in marriage by Mr. Jack Gudmore, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of blush satin fashioned with sweetheart neckline and fitted bodice with full skirt extending in a long train. Her blusher veil of French illusion was caught to her head with seed pearls and she carried an ivory Bible showered with gardenias. Miss Marion Smith, sister of the bride, was maid of honour, and Miss Dona Merner, cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid. The girls were gowned alike in mauve and yellow taffeta prin cess style with bertha and bonnets of matching They carried and mauve Scott, cousin flower girl, green taffeta with appliqued nosegays and bonnet to match. Mr. Russel Tie man was groomsman for his brother and ushers were Mr. Charles Tieman •a,nd Mr. Lome Kleinstiver. For the reception in Zurich the bride’s mother was charming in a navy blue crepe gown with navy accessories. She wore a corsage of yellow mums. Th© groom's mother looked stunning in a cocoa brown knitted wool suit and matching accessories with a corsage of bronze mums. Three grandmothers also attend ed the ceremony. Following the reception the bride and groom left on. a wed ding trip to the States. For tra velling the bride wore a grey flannel suit with black access ories and tangerine hat. The happy couple will reside in Dashwood. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Oil burning space heater. Findlay “Vega” enam elled range, coal or wood; in-0 ner spring mattress. —R. D. Hunter, Exeter, phone 150-W. 28:5c SITUATIONS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Prayer” and, during the of the register, “Be- The wedding music was by Mrs. Lome Klein- FOR SALE—Culvert, 13 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, for driveway.— Phone 423, Harry Joseph, Exeter. 28:5c POSITION WANTED — Capable, efficient, experienced secre tary desires employment in secretarial, stengraphic or general office work, Excellent Re ferences, full pi* part time employment acceptable, Phone Ruth Mahon, 523-W 5* DON’T FORGET to <Rota-Cap your birds before you put them in for the winter. They ar© an excellent wormer, them at L. Phone 266, Get V, Hogarth’s. 5:12:19c FOR RENT—Two clean unfur nished upper rooms, no child yen. —J, W. Rowell, Victoria St., West, phone 2-33, 28:5c HELP WANTED WANTED FOR SALE—100 Sussex-Rock or Rock pullets, laying, —Phone 172-T-4 Exeter. 5c Macintosh, per bushel; also Delic- Spies, and other* kinds, at William McKenzie’s Exeter. 5 c FOR SALE—Apples: $2.25 ’ ‘ ious, Order Store, LIVESTOCK WANTED — Up to $5,00 each for Dead or Dis abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William’ Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont, 5:12:26:2c SPECIAL—Ladies’ Home Jour nal. Regular 2 years for $5, October* only, 2 years, six months, $5, Subscription for any magazine. —Harry Bur ton, phone 4 61-J Exeter. 5:12:19* k WANTED—A lady to keep house for elderly man in Village of Centralia. —Phone 141/Exeter or Crediton 27-r-5. 5:|£ FOR SALE'—Get your capons for Thanksgiving, all dressed and drawn, 60c per lb. Phone 266, L, V. Hogarth. 5c WANTED— 3 - room unfurnished apartment by a young couple with no children, or would buy a small house around $4,000.00 cash. Apply; Box “W”, Times-Advocate. 5:19* WILL EXCHANGE 4-roonred un furnished ground floor apart ment with 3-piece bath in Clinton, rent $27 per month, for similar accommodation in Exeter or near Centralia. Ap- Apply Times-Advocate. 28:5:12* i FOR SALE—Green checked win ter coat size 14. In good con dition. Phone 42-r-12 Lucan. 5* AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc collars colour, yellow Janet cascades of mums, Miss of the bride, was Her frock was of FOR SALE—Used Sunshine rang- ette, as good as new. —R. E, Russell, phone 109 Exeter. 5c WANTED—Just received an or der* for 100 horses. Will 'buy any kind of a horse, heavy or light, young or old. —-Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. 5tfn PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 380-M Exeter. 18tfc WANTED—-Kitchen help want-, ed; also woman for cleaning two days a week. Call in per son, Rether’s Restaurant, 5c STENOGRAPHER and bookkeep er for general office work. Saturday afternoons off (5%- day week), Apply Public Utili ties Office, Exeter, Ont. 5:12c WANTED—GIRL to do general housework three afternoon's a week, Tuesday, Friday and’ Saturday afternoons from 2 to 5. Write P.O. Box 10, Exeter. 5 c FOR SALE—Chev truck with side dump box, built to haul sugar beets. This truck is in good condition and on good rubber. Apply: Huron Lumber Co. Ltd. 5c WANTED—15 head of cattle, rough feeding for winter, yearling or two-year-old. Har old Campbell, phone 35-r-25 Dashwood. 5:12* BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ancial statements, reports, auditing, man Cowan, Hay Dashwood 40-r-13. 14:21:28:5* fin- income tax etc. —Nor P.O.,. phone FOR SALE—A. milk aeriator for cooling milk with water, in good repair. Apply: Harold aylor. 5 * FOR SALE—’40 Chev 2-ton truck, completely overhauled, in good condition. Three sets of racks, tarp, hoist, good tires, Reasonable. Melvin (Bob) Edwards. Apply at the ' Exeter Co-Op. 5* FOR SALE—1940 Plymouth 5- passengei’ coupe in good con dition, new tires. Apply: Mrs. Ralph Atkinson, 3 miles south of Exeter. 5* WANTED TO RENT—4 roomed self-contained apartment. Ap ply Box “H”, Times-Advocate. 5* SEWING — Dressmaking, child ren’s clothes, etc. —Mrs. R. Westdorp, three miles south of Winchelsea, opposite Thomas Hern’s farm. 5:12* FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS WANTED MALE HELP WANTED—Estab lished Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggres sive and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travel outfit,, this is your op portunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For today to: Company, Roch St., Dancing i School EXETER SCHOOL OF DANCING (tap, ballet, acrobats, etc.) commences Sat., Oct. 14 For Further Particulars Please Ring Miss D. E. Woods Phone 513-J After 5:30 i>.nu ZION I Miss Mavis McBride of I Exeter visited over the week-end | with Elaine Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern J visited on Sunday with Mr. and | Mrs. Orville Roger of Kirkton. Quite a number from this community attended the seventy fifth anniversary of Elirnville United Church on Sunday. i-, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bailey of Winchelsea. Mrs. William Brock during the week with Mrs. Edwin Miller of Road. Mr. Allan Westcott near visited Mr. and Thames of near Exeter visited on Monday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Hern. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE. OF LOUIS KLEINSTIVER, DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of Louis Klein- stiver, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1950, are required to file parti culars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ont., by the 21st day of October next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, ICC., Solicitor for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 10-5-3t FOR SALE — TRACTORS: John Deere D on steel, $350.00; 2 Rumley 25-35, $300.00; forage harvest, nearly - Two-wheeled trailer, $5.00 nearly new. I.H.C. new. 5* SUGAR BEET wagon boxes made any way you want them. —R. B. Williams. 5* FOR SALE—Space oil heater, 12-inch burner, practically new. Phone 13 Crediton, East End Garage. 5c FOR SALE—Brown winter coat, red fox fur collar, sizes 14, in good condition. Apply : Times-Advocate. 5 c FOR SALE—A number of 32x6 truck tires, tubes;'also truck's front axle. Cudmore’s Gravel. 5c ICs the same with advertising customers with one ad of time walk up minister You Can*t ^Woo^ of callsj many evenings on the family davenport, movies., flowers, candies- and a lot of nice things over a period of time before you closed the deal. How Long Did It Take You To Court Your Wife? LOST AND FOUND ONTARIO Canada has made great strides in duck conservation but sports men say the real battle to save these birds lies ahead. FOR SALE- Logging chains for sale by the foot. Rhone 423, Harty Joseph, Exeter. 5c FOR SALE-—Baby carriage, med ium blue, very good condition, Phone 33G-M. 5* FOIT SALE—Laying and ready to lay pullets, all popular breeds. Edgar Gudmore, phone 171-r-I4 Exeter. 28tfc FOR SALE—Wood or coal space heater, in good condition. Ap ply: 48 Marlboro St. FOR SALE-—300 Rock-New Hamp pullets, laying 75%. Apply: Urban Ducharme, tele phone 91-r-7 Zurich. 5* FOR SALE—3-piece chesterfield, in good condition, price §50. Apply Times-Advocate, Box R. 5* FOR SALE—Light amber honey 15c per lb.; also clover honey in 4-lb. containers. —Ewart Pym, Exeter. 5d FOR SALE—Quebec heater in good condition. —Mrs. Stacey at Mrs. Fake’s residence. 5* FOR SALE—1949 small Dodge with low mileage, heater, sun visor and undercoated. Phone 47, J. Passmore, Hensail. 5:12c FOR SALE—Case 12” tractor plow on rubber, in good, con dition. Apply: Joe White, tele phone Crediton 29*r-5. 5:12* FOR SALE—60 Rock pullets, 6S month old. —Phone Hensall 692-r-2, Bernice Dillihg. 5* FOR SALE—Oil burning Clare Jewel range, like new, with 50-gal. tank. Priced to sell.—. Lindenfields Ltd. 5c The Usborne Township School Area has for sale a Fairbanks Morse Stoker, Model good condition. May Clarence Down’s, Lot Usborne. Lowest ox* necessarily accepted, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. Apply: GARNET HICKS R.R. 3. Exeter not line B 4-25, in be seen at 27, Con. 2, any tender Dead- DC REAL ESTATE HIGHWAY 96 ACRES clay loam, extra good house with all con veniences, large barn equipped electricity, water throughout. 150 ACRES clay loam.'1 and part sand, good buildings, electric ity in house, immediate pos session. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-RQOM insul brie cottage, hard wood flours, conveniences, fur nace. Other cottages and houses. —W. C. Pearce, Real tor. Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. 5tfc FOR SALE—Grand Bend, Green Acres, new, one-storey house, 2 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, utility room, 3-piece bath, oak floor in living room. Plenty of closet space. Imme diate possession. Priced to sell. Apply: Harold Webb, phone 42-r-S, Grand Bend. 5c FOR SALE—Brick house, Credi ton. Apply Fit. Sgt. Pridham, Crediton. 5* DID YOU to her, ask —right on PERHAPS FOR SALE--C h o i c e raspberry plants-—Viking, Latham, etc. Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, third house south of South End Service Station, Exeter. 5:12* GENERAL STORE—Huron Coun ty, on surfaced county road, centre of prosperous general farming district, good brick store building with comfort able dwelling attached, hydro, water pressure, oil burner. A good property in a good loca tion, doing a good business. FEED MILL — With complete equipment, comfortable brick house, hydro throughout. Ex cellent highway location. Buy now and be ready for heavy fall and winter season. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st., Exeter, Ont, 'tc BUSINESS BUILDING for sale. Brick. Located on Main Street, Exeter. Early possession, if de sired. G. V. Pickard, Realtor. HOUSES, FARMS, BUSINESSES —We have prospective buyers for farms, houses and busi nesses in the Exeter district* If you are interested in selling cowsuit us. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, phone 165, Main St,, Exeter. Consistent Advertising Wins Customers For Youl Buildings and Properties For Sale PRINTING & " PUBLISHING Phone 31-W LOST—Near Airport, One canvas bag, containing braced bit and material, marked "Bell Sys tem”. Please call telephone office, Exeter, collect. 5* Buildings Known As WINCHELSEA AND ’SHAMROCK CREAMERIES Located at Winchelsea and Centralia -—Apply to — Canadd EXETER For the purchase Of $172,000 Village of Exeter 3b % Deben tures, maturing in twenty (20) years. Debentures to be dated Decem ber 15, 19 50, and to be non- callable with the exception of those maturing in the twentieth (20th) year. Purchaser to be responsible for the preparation and the printing of the debentures. Sealed tenders at the office Treasurer up to ber 6, will be received of the Clerk- 5 p.m., Novem- 1950. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk-Treasurer, Corporation of the Village of Exeter, Exeter, Ontario NOTICES 5:12c NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar rangements can be made. — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* COURT OF REVISION Village of Exeter Court of Revision hearing of all appeals against the 1950 Assessment of lage of Exeter will be the Town Hall at 8 p.m., day, for the October 23, 1950. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario full particulars write The J. R. Watkins Dept. O-E-6, 350 St. Montreal. 5:12:19:26e NIGHT CONSTABLE wanted —■ Written applications for the position of Night Constable for the Village of Exeter will be received at the office of the Clerk up to 5 p.m., October 16, 1950. Applicants please state age, experience and sal ary expected. —C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ont. 5:12e WANTED—A full time “Assist ant” at Grand Bpnd Post Of fice. Salary $1080.00 per an num. Apply in writing to Postmistress stating age, edu cation, any previous exper ience. 5 c Manager-Caretaker For Exeter Arena I the Vil- held in Mon- 5:12c RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN whom it may concern: I have been authorized. By-law No. 14, 1950, of the Cor poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board tot the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: WARD 1—That portion west of Main Street, from the South Boundary to and including the south side of Ann Street and on the east side of Main Street, to and including the south side of J a m e s Street. WARD 2—That portion west of Main Street, from and, including the north side of Ann Street, to and in cluding the south side ot Gidley Street and on the east side of Main Street, from and including the north side of James Street to and including the south side of Gidley Street. WARD 3—That portion east and west of Main Street from and including the north side of Gidley Street, to and including the North Bound ary. Please take notice that I am making the said application the this TO by to atOntario Municipal Board date. C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario, Dated at Exeter, Ont., July 13/50 Jy 13: O 5c Applications fox* the above position will be considered by the Exeter Arena Board Applications (in writing) should state age, experience, if any, etc., and salary or hourly wage expected Full details of duties May be obtained from Secretary-Treasurer Applications to be in the hands, of th© undersigned not later than October 7 ROBERT SOUTHCOTT Secretary-Treasurer AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD Part Lot 23, Con. S.B. Hay The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 commencing at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 2/5 acre of land, mere or less, on which is situated a well built 2-storey frame dwelling with basement. Also good sized frame garage, numerous shade and fruit trees and best of garden land, never-falling spring well, property in ideal location and in good condition. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Solid oak dining room suite; solid oak bedroom suite, dresser and corn mode; chest of drawers; two wash stands; small rocker; 1 small chest; 1 cherry rocker; small chest; small heater; large clothes basket; large mirror; small drawer; pictures and pic ture frames; 2 trunks; “ flour box; 2 toilet sets; ___ inoie board; square top exten sion dining room table; 5 dining room chairs; 2 antique chairs; arm chair; occasional cliair; kit chen table; 8 kitchen chairs; kitchen clock; centre table; fern stand; 2 oak rockers; kitchen stool; glass cupboard; Quebec heater equipped With oil burner; kitchen stove equipped with oil burner; upholstered couch; spool bed; baby bed; 3 wooden beds; h 1 gh chair ; spinning wheel; hand washing machine; quantity of dishes, silverware and kitchen utensils; numerous sealers; 5- gal. crocks, small jugs; 2 40-gaI steel drums; 2 small iron ket tles; coal oil oven; and many articles too numerous to men tion. TERMS: Cash. Ervin Guenther, Mrs. Letta Taylor, administrators of the estate ot the late Charles Guenther Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer 5:12c large crok- 1 Rawleigh Customers I am .giving up the Rawleigh Agency. All goods ate new on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except minerals, sprays and spices which are 10%. Orders Will be taken over phone or through mail. I will make delivery into Hay and Stephen in September, others call at my home. Be prepared to settle old ac counts when i call. Send in orders early while stock is com plete. Will he home evenings and Saturday afternoons, profit sharing cards. E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealer Phone 183 Exeter Bring Hn