HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-21, Page 9THE TXM^ADVOCAT^ EXETER, ONTARIO,, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER £1, 1950 Rage 9 Bride Honoured A large gathering of relatives and riends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Willis Tues­ day, September J.2, and present­ ed Miss Shirley Thomson with a miscellaneous shower. The room was beautifully decorated with coloured streamers and flowers. An interesting program with a few musical numbers and a mock wedding ceremony performed by a number of girls was followed by an address read by Miss Shir­ ley Broom. The bride-to be re­ ceived many useful and beautiful .gifts and in a few words ex­ pressed her appreciation. All joined in singing “For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow”, Ice cream and cake were served at the closer The Voice Of Temperance - . . . He’s an old man now and he’s still working at his trade, That’s all he has-—his trade. He has no wife or children or home. He sees nothing ahead as he looks into the future. If he looks back he sees only wasted opportuni­ ties, He is a victim of alcohol. He is wiser now but it’s late, He knows now what would do if he could live life over again—die would H no the first time and every time to the temptation of This was the old man's Sion. too be his say alcohol, confes- (adv't) the Classified Section—a best investment. Use seller’s Registered No. 1 Dawson Golden Chaff Wheat $2.50 Commercial No. 1 Dawbul Wheat ..................... Commercial No. 1 Cornell, Dawson, Egyptian Amber, or Junior Six .................................... No. 1 Cornell slightly mixed with Dawson $2,25 $245 $2.00 F.O.B. Lucan — Sacks Free Has Anniversary Exeter Chapter, Q.E.S. marked the twelfth anniversary of its institution on Wednesday eve­ ning with Mrs. William Middle­ ton, worthy matron, and Mr. F. W. Penwarden worthy patron, presiding. As well as the 'birthday party, “friendship night” was a special feature, Each station was occu­ pied by a friendship officer for the opening and closing of chap­ ter, the D.D.G.M. Mrs, Helen Henshaw of London presided in the East assisted by Mr. McCallum of London. F u r t h e r arrangements made for the bazaai’ to be on October 1' in the library. An apron parade was held with members wearing aprons to be sold at the bazaar; Mrs. Mabel Kyle won the prize. Following the close of chapter, a penny sale was conducted. During the social time, a dainty lunch was served, the worthy matron and worthy pat­ ron presiding over the ceremony of cutting the lovely candle- adorned birthday cake. Guests were present from four London chapters —■ Forest City, London, Orphah, and Trinity; also from Seaforth, St. Marys, Strathroy, Deleware and Bowes- wdn Chapter, Manitoba. Dingrnan-Gaiser Vows Exchanged Saturday Ortha Laurene Gaiser of Lon­ don, daughter of Mrs. Gaiser and the late W. Earnot Gaiser, Exeter, and George Griffin Ding­ man, son. of Mr. and Mrs. George M, Dingman, St. Thomas, were married in a ceremony at James Street United Church on Saturday. Rev, H, J. Snell ciated, Given ip marriage by brother, Arnold Gaiser, the wore a white satin gown tight fitting bodice, Queen style collar, long lily Off!- Jack were held her bride with Anne , . _ . point sleeves and padded hips, A fin­ gertip veil of net was attached to a matching headdress, carried a bouquet of denias and red roses streamers decorated red rose buds. Mrs. Ruby Thayer She white gar- with white with little ALL THIS GRAIN IS HIGH GERMINATION LUCAN 195.193 •’> •HO. TRUCKS 1 <t>« 570. 1936 day Ford, Ford, Ford, 1939 duct'd price motor and tires .................. Pickup, good motor and tires Ford until sold. Thursday’s price 1.190. 650. 1948 1947 1946 1950 825. 825. Mercury 3-1'on chassis and cab, 331” good Ford 1942 ’*....... ............ tinted $H> a day until -sold. Inursduys price .......... ..$1,995. . 1,390. . 1,290. . 1,225. Special Truck Pickup. To be reduced $10 a Ford, step-tip ...................... International 1-. with scutflor .......... 725. 690. 395. Special Tractdr Ford, economical work. To be re- 1949 Monarch Sedan, two-tone green, with white wall tires ............................................... Mercury Sedan ...................................... Ford (Mach, radio ...... Ford Coach, radio, good number ... Prefect, only 3,000 miles (airman posted), Save $200. Chev Conch, very good ...... Special Car Ford Coupe, very clean.. To be rv- I $10 a day until sold. Thursday’s Larry Snider Motors “Your Ford & Monarch Dealer” EXETER TRACTORS step-up transmission .................. step-up transmission .................. step-up transmission. This trac- itely Above Average. PHONE 63 Marathon is an extra-value tire with every feature you would expect in a Goodyear. It’s a guaranteed tire built to give you outstanding mileage. As the name implies it runs ; s . and Runs ;:: and RUNS. 6.00-16 only $19.60 Other sizes at equally low prices. SOUTH END SERVICE RUSS & CHUCK SNELL—-PHONE: 3?8-W MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON good/Vear TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Main Street Auxiliary Hears Musical Talent Main Street Evening Auxiliary commenced its fall activities on September 12 when the members met in the primary room of the church. The president, Merna Walker, presided. Grace Pepper, treasurer, gave the financial report. Following a brief business discussion lead 'by the president, Beulah Howey ■took charge of the devotional period and chose the theme “The iSpirit of the Cross". Vi Beavers read the scripture taken from the 4th Howey reading of the lead in The new study book, “Japan Begins Again”, was introduced by Connie Wilson and she in­ corporated a Japanese flower arrangement and quiz about Japan into her talk. Jean and Grant McDonald favoured with a vocal duet— "Bless This House". A talented newcomer to our town, Miss Nancy Wright, played a group of three piano selections-—Chopin’s G Major and B Minor and Mo­ zart’s Turkish March. The meeting closed by all re­ peating the Mizpah Benediction, Lunch was served by a number of the members. of London, sister of the bride, wore a yel­ low moire taffeta gown with matching headdress and carried a bouquet of yellow and mauve aster with mauve streamers. Mr. John F, Fisher was the best man and the usher was Edgar Thayer, both of London, For a reception at Club Mon­ etta,,. the bride’s mother wore a grey dress with black accessories and a corsage of red roses and white asters, mother received and coat with and corsage of asters. For a trip United States, the 'bride wore a two-tone brown outfit with brown accessories and corsage to match. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Dingman will reside in St. Thomas. Dempnstrate Preserving At Junior Institute The September meeting of the Exeter Junior Institute was held in the home economics room of the Exeter District Hign School. The meeting opened with the Opening Ode followed by The Lord’s Prayer. The roll call was answered iby each girl naming a fruit or vegetable that she liked to can, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and.approved. A report was given Achievement Day held forth which members Garden Club attended, events for the month were given by Anna Brock. A canning and preserving demonstration was given by Jean Hodgert, assisted' by Kathleen May. The meeting adjourned and the girls joined the hoys in the gymtorium for the joint meeting. on the in Sea- of the Currents Junior Auxiliary M eets The September meeting of the Junior Evening Auxiliary of James Street United Church was held on Monday evening at the 1946 1945 1942 tor is defin 1942 1937 FORAGE HARVESTERS! WE HAVE THEM! The New Holland . . .The Best! RHONE 64-W .chapter of John. Beulah lead in the responsive of Oui* Lord’s Summary Law and Mrs. Mahoney prayer. Trousseau Tea Given For Autumn Bride Mrs, Leslie Thomson was hos­ tess for a trousseau tea held in honor of her daughter Shirley, who was married on Saturday to Mr, Elmer Willis of Stephen. Tea was poured in the afternoon by Shirley’s two grandmothers^ Mrs. Sam Jory and son and in the 'Keith McLaren Hodgins. Mrs. Mrs. Iva Dunn Laren displayed the trousseau and gifts in the afternoon. Miss­ es Margaret Thomson, Joan Bat- Mrs. Wm Thom- evening by Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Chester Dann, and Blanche Mc- home of Mrs. M. Cudxnore, The president, Mr. 0. Mc­ Naughton, opened the meeting. The roll call ,and minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. R, McDonald. Mrs. W, Sanders then read the treasurer’s report and the business part meeting followed. Mrs, L, Wein's group charge of the devotional of the was in part of I" .•""I'*'-!’!'!!!***?! m ,.j J. • the meeting which began with the singing of the hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and was followed .Iby a prayer. An interesting talk was given, by Mrs. Edith Dickson , on her trip to the east coast. The meet­ ing closed with the repeating of the Mizpah Benediction. A tasty lunch was served by the group in charge. t . . . in just selling a policy ! We sell a better insur­ ance protection and service—that means satisfied customers who continue their business with us. Phone: Office 24 Res. 162-J W. Herm an Hodgson The Insurance Man Miss av ere Ra­ giris The bridegroom's in a grey dress blue velvet hat pink and white "I beg your pardon, but what is your name?” the hotel clerk asked. “Name!” echoed the indignant guest, who had just signed the 0.- the was with mut- and seal- to the eastern. Sadler-Hamilton Wed In Cromarty Church Cromarty Presbyterian Church was the setting for the double­ ring ceremony uniting H a'z e 1 Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, Crom­ arty, and Robert Dean Sadler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sad­ ler, Mitchell. Rev. W. A. Mc- William, Thorndale, performed the ceremony and Mrs. B. Macdonald, Staffa, played wedding music. The soloist Mrs. Carl Douglas, Belmore. Given in marriage by father, the bride wore a denia white satin gown, Peter Pan collar and leg o’ toil sleeves, fitted bodice gathered skirt, ending in a loped train. Hex' floor-length veil flowed from a satin headdress and she carried a white Bible topped with a bouquet of Reub- rum lillies with flowing ivy and streamers. Mrs. Carlyle Cornish was her sister’s maid of honour in yel­ low brocaded taffeta. Miss Betty Hunkin in mauve and Helen Walker in green bridesmaids. Rosanna and mona Warden were flower in blue and pink taffeta. Robert Davidson of Stratford was groomsman and ushers were Robert Hamilton and Eldon Al­ len of Cromarty. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Cromarty. For their wedding trip to Cleveland, the bride donned a skipper blue suit with matching topcoat, navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Sadler will reside in Staffa. ten nnd Joan Thomson displayedJwitli a event flourish* the trousseau and Rifts in the j m« 8|^nt,™ “n •*'- 1 the register?" I ”1 do,” a « at the I ® Keith Me* iosity' «« Sb Ivlev} i i evening. I Shower For Bride-Elect I A shower was held I home of Mr. and Mrs. 3 ' Laren in honor of Miss Shirley Thomson when the relatives pres- lented her with many useful and ' beautiful gifts. Shirley respond- I ed with a few well-chosen words | and lunch was served. Amy-Earl Wed In Saskatchewan •» On August 22 at 2:30 pan. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Earl, Pangman, Sask., the Rev. Burley of Rouleau officiated at a pretty summer wedding where their second daughter, Hazel Al- deen, became the bride of Glen Alvey Amy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Right Amy, of Con­ quest, Sask. The bride looked dainty pink sheer over taffeta as entered the pink and white corated room, leaning on arm of lier father, while groom’s sister Jean played music. ’The bride carried pink carnations and roses. Her sister Donna wore yellow taffeta with bouquet to match and made a pretty bridesmaid, Llye Amy was his brother’s best man. After the extension of good wishes a dainty buffet luncheon was served and the happy couple left, amid showers of confetti, for Regina for a short honey­ moon and dence at the groom and will duties at School. Ont of and Mrs. Mrs. Earl of Nokomis, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sibbald, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Amy, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin- Amy-, Jean and Lyle of Conquest, Sask. later to take up tesi- Sturgis, Sask., where has built a new home resume his teaching the Composite High town guests were Mt. Iverness of Rouleau, and Miss Mabel Karl answered the clerk what aroused m y More Womerfs Page Articles On Page 10 AN "INSIDE STORY 1900 —It wasn’t only Grandma’s cooking that drew the crowds. She had the first aluminum sauce­ pan in town! In many other Canadian homes, too, this was the begin­ ning of a bright, Pew era of better cooking utensils. 1925 —When mother got married, she already knew how to enjoy life With aluminum. She brewed Dad’s coffee in an aluminum pot...cooked those big family meals more easily in quick, even-heating aluminum. 1950—Tod ay, daughter’s * kitchen belongs io the “aluminum age”. She en­ joys a larger selection of aluminum utensils. This “food-friendly” metal also protects the flavour, quali­ ty and purity of the foods she buys. PINTS'TO THE HOVSeWFE Whenever you see aluminum on the outside of a food or a drink, there’s ah “inside story" of cleanliness and purity Aluminum Utensils clean easily. To remove natural deposit left by foods and water, use a tablespoon of vinegar in boiling water. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA/ LTD