HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-21, Page 6Page 6 James St, Mission Circle James Street Mission Circle opened their fall session o n Tuesday evening with a social at t h e home of Mrs. Samson Mc- Falls. Several hymns were sung after which the group was lead in prayer by Miss Jones. Busi­ ness was discussed and at t h e next meeting on October 10 to be held at the home of Mary Neil with Misses Betty Coates and Alma Sillery as leaders. The executive then took charge and a sing-song, contests and games were followed by a delightful lunch. Ships 120 Cattle Alex Gardiner, Dublin, 120 high class cattle to onto meat-packing firm day. This is the second shipment during the past, month. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 FOR SALE FOR SALE shipped a Tor- Satur- Economical, effective, efficient, ever on the job are Times-Ad­ vocate Want Ads. Opportunity Goodness of Bad People A friend of mine, who is chap­ lain of a city jail, recently asked me to give an address to the in­ mates. I was glad to go and do what X could. There were about two hundred men present—many of them seemed quite young. They gave me .excellent atten­ tion; poor fellows; listening to sermons their punishment! I had conversation them; few some people and FOR SALE—1949 Austin coach, A-l shape. Apply at Times- Advocate, 21:28* FOR SALE-—A used wringer, Would also like some washing to do. —Phone 490-J. 21c I suppose is part of with about they were words with asked me con- very day. FOR SALE—Singer electric sew­ ing machine; Ostermoor mat­ tress and box springs. Phone 488-J Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—1947 Pontiac, tor­ pedo styles, in excellent con­ dition. Apply; Art Whilsmith, phone 270-J, 21c Exeter Times-Advocate Major Oil Company is prepared to appoint Farm Agent. Established route, truck supplied. Excellent • opportunity for right party. Apply Box R Residents of Exeter Eastern Standard Time will go back into effect at Midnight, Sun., Sept. 24 C. V. PICKARD, CLERK By order of the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, Notice Interruption Weather Permitting, the Hydro Will Be Off on Sunday Afternoon, September 24 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Daylight Saving Time PLACES AFFECTED ARE Exeter. Henna!!, Zurich. Dashwood. Grand Bond. Crediton. Centralia, and the surrounding Rural Areas Also Affected Are Iairan. Grtmtam Ailsa Craig;. Parkhill, and Lucan Rural Area H.E.P.C. of Ontario a dozen of eager to have a an "outsider;” to call on their vey messages. These prisoners were much like one meets every I tried to inject a little humour into my address and they enjoy­ ed it. I have often spoken at lodges, clubs and even church­ es to audiences that didn’t ap­ pear much different except that they were better dressed, I came away feeling depressed. These men had sinned against society and had to take the pun­ ishment. I felt that if .there is anything in the world I couldn’t be, it is a judge. There is a call­ ing that calls for tenderness and sagacity; a judge needs the .pray­ ers of the people. Even the best must make serious mistakes. One yeads in the newspapers about a man who has committed a crime; it may be theft or something worse. We say, no punishment is too severe for such conduct, yet there is another j side to it 0.11, and if we knew ; that side we would, at least, understand. 1 I am not saying that judges | are too severe, for, after all, I society must be protected, but I I do .think the day will come when ■ our system of handling law- | breakers will be different. [ My friend, the chaplain, has ■had hundreds of conversations : with prisoners and he tells me that what most of these men ; dread is that they will never be J able to regain theii* place" in so- ’ ciety; that others will suspect them and steer away. \ What should the attitude of j the church be toward these people? First, it should not be ’one of sharp and inconsiderate condemnation. We know so little about one another. The people we condemn may have waged a battle against besetting sins or adverse circumstances that would deeply move us if we knew the facts. We can never know suf­ ficient about others to pass any well-founded judgement. Even if we lived a lifetime, our know- • ledge of them would still be '■ partial and. incomplete. • In the first book of Christian history we have, the Acts of the Apostles, we read of the acces­ sions that came to the Church of Jerusalem: "The Lord added to the .church such as were being saved.” Dr. T. G. Selby once wrote: "It is impossible not to be­ lieve that after their admission to the Church many of these men and women had to be picked up again and again out of the mire. But men and women are brought into the Church to be watched over, admonished, help­ ed to their feet again when they stumble.” This is a reasonable view of the Church. It must do for men’s needy souls what hos­ pitals do for their ailing bodies. None of us is perfect and we pass judgement upon ourselves when we become censorious and ultracritieal of others about whose true condition we know little or nothing. Frederick Denison Maurice, one of the great Christ­ ians of the last century, wrote to his mother: "Of all spirits I be­ lieve the spirit of judging is the worst, and it has had the rule of me I cannot toll yon how dreadfully and how long. Look­ ing into other people for faults which I had a secret conscious- others. *11088 were in myself, and act us­ ing them instead of looking for MacINTOSH RED apples, selling from the orchard, beginning September 25. Bring contain­ ers. —Don Fuller on Highway 21 just west of Ravenswood, phone Forest 624-r-31. 21:28c FOR SALE—Kenwood pale blue 3-piece outfit for child, size 2. —Phone 222. 21* Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the County of Huron, bearing date the 11th day of July, 1950, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at my office in the Court House, Goderich, by public auction, on Tuesday, November 7, 1950, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said lands remain unsold an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday. November 14, 1950, at the same hour and place, and at which Municipalities may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands. Goderich, Ontario, July 18, 1950. A.H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, County of Huron. TOWNSHIP OF HAY Name and Description Robt Connor—Lot 1, Ducharme Sy., V. S. Zurich Jim Baker—E. pt. Lot 18, N.B. ...................... ...... Robt. Henderson -Lot 1, Ducharme Sy. ............... Mfrs. Robt. Gowdy—Lot 27, Turnbull Sy................ John Judkins—Lot 4, Plan 19 TOWNSHIP OF Edward Diehl—Lots 23, 4, Mrs. Eily Moorehouse-177 Con. 5 ......... Main, Bayfield TOWNSHIP OF Carl Theander, James Scott—Pt. Lot 205, Con. 1 W. J. O’Brien- Lot 120, Con. 1 .......... ............ All of the above, lots are patented. Dated July 18, 1950. FOR SALE—-Norge oil burner; console type record player (radio attachment). —Phone 255-J. 21c FOR SALE—Climax cutting box, complete with pipes. New set of knives. Cheap. Apply Harry Hirtzel, phone 72-r-3 Crediton 21c FOR SALF—Coal space heater." Phone 385-W Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—In good condition, 1948 Special Deluxe Plymouth radio, nylon seat heater included. Welsh, Sanders 21* 19 48 Special sedan, covers Apply: Street. Philco and Mrs. FOR SALE—A Mt. Royal coal or wood range, in good condition. Apply to Cliff Brintnell, W. Huron St., phone 512-W. 21* FOR SALE—Princess Pat coal or wood cook stove, almost new, ivory enamel, warming closet, six lids and reservoir; also Blue Flame oil space heater. Apply at Exeter Times- Advocate. 21* FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma­ chine, drop-head. —W. Martin, Exeter South. 21* FOR SALE—Used bicycles, gents’ reconditioned and guar- anteeed, $15.00. —W. Martin, Exeter South. 21* FOR SALE—Blue cloth winter coat with red fox fur collar, like new, size 16. —Phone 22, Crediton. 21c FOR SALE—Apartment size 4- burner white electric heavy duty stove, oven control; also Blue-flame oil space heater, reasonable. —J. Findlay, % R. Frayne, River Road, Exe­ ter. 21* FOR SALE—Good coal or wood Clare Jewel range. Cheap for quick sale. Call 326-J or see Norval Jones in person, two blocks west of library corner. 21* FOR SALE—Large crib with spring - filled mattress, good condition. Apply: 4S Marlboro St. 21* FOR SALE— Oil burning space heater, Findlay’ "Veda” enam­ elled range, coal or wood; in­ ner spring mattress. —R. D. Hunter. Exeter, phone 113-W. 21c FOR SALE— New navy liande- made bathrobe for child 10 to 12 years. Nice gift. —Phone 15. 21c FOR SALE* -Hot air furnace, pipes and registers. Also water boiler for 4 to 5 radiators, cheap. — Phone 15. 21c their fautls in myself where I should have wen sure to find them all; this has hindered my progress in love and gentleness and sympathy more than all things else.” Maurice’s self-con­ demnation came because of hiG own humility and s y m p a t h y. Great and good men are first to make allowame for weakness in When someone asked David Livingstone how, in view of their cruelty, lie could treat Arab traders with patience, he replied: “I have faults of my own.” As I was leaving tile jail one prisoner thanked me for my visit, then added; "I hope you’ll come hack.” i am still wondering if that was a compliment or a wise­ crack. Our quotation today is by Dr. Richard Pyke: “If religion has not made us patient with people, it has not done much for us.” (Advertisement in an English newspaper) Owner of tractor wishes to cor­ respond with widow who owns a modern thresher; object mat­ rimony; send photograph .of the machine. STANLEY Years in Arrears Taxes Cost Total 1947-8 6.60 2.25 8,85 1947 ■& 1949 63.00 3.58 66.58 1947-8-9 9.42 2.25 11.67 1947 4.58 2.25 6.83 1947 & 1949 7.76 2.25 10,01 Tht Reader Comments 11.81 2.25 400.20 8.17 STEPHEN 1947 1947 2.35 2.62 Published in the Ontario Gazette, August 5,1950 I.eiterK to the editor n»ibHMhc<l HeVifewfi'Sei* represent the views rtf individual persons. We invite our renders to make nsc rtf this column. To the Editor We behind street health the County of Huron $40,000 a year to maintain a health unit at Clinton, Ont. There have been complaints made to the Unit about this hatchery. What IS the matter with having some action. —A Taxpayer have a chicken hatchery a residence on the station that is a menace to the of Exeter. It is costing FOR SALE—Seed wheat, Cor­ nell variety at $2 per bushel. Office phone 54, residence 63, Cook Bros. Milling Co., Hen­ sail, Ont. 14:21c FOR SALE—Brick house, Credi­ ton, Price $1,900.00. Apply: F/S Pridham, Crediton. 21* FOR SALE—Used kitchen range with power oil burner. Croc­ ker Refrigeration, phone 59-W Exeter. 21c FOR SALE—3-way pump good condition. Oliver foeanpuller complete, in good shape. — Phone: John Ryan, 20-r-21 Crediton. 21* FOR SALE—125 Grey Rocks, 6 months old, laying. —George Boa, Staff a, 14-r-19 Dublin. 21:28* FOR SALE—Girl’s coat, size 16. Beautiful all-wool, fully lined. Purchased in spring and worn onljf five or six times. Suitable for fall and winter wear. Will sell for one-third of original cost. If interested, apply at Times-Advocate. 21:28c FOR SALE—170_ pullets, and Sussex. months old, pullets, will month. —C. Aon, phone 11. R.R. They are four healthy, strong .be laying in a M. Green, Credi- 21* HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY — For ladies’ ready-to-wear. Id­ eal working conditions. Per­ manent position. Apply Ross’ Limited, 19 6 Dundas St., Lon­ don, Ont. 14:21:28c FOR RENT FOR RENT—By day or week—- wallpaper steamer, v a c u u m cleaner, floor polisher. —Bea­ vers Hardware. 21c. LOST AND FOUND , LOST—On highway 21, 3 miles northeast of Grand Bend, a canvas trailer-roof, Please con­ tact Caretaker, P.O. Sarnia or phone 1'35-M Sarnia, (reward) 7:14:21* FOUND—In Usborne on Huron Street, a black dinner pail with lunch. Owner can have same by applying at Times- Advocate and paying for ad. MISCELLANEOUS PRACTICAL NURSE available. For particulars phone 61. Mrs. Melville. 21:28* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 'Exeter. May 4* tfc PAPERHANGING' & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 380-M Exeter. IStfc MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS — From your local agent. Any magazine any time.* —Harry T. Buston, phone 461-J Exe­ ter. 14tfc BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, fin­ ancial statements, income tax reports, auditing, etc. —Nor­ man Cowan, Hay P.O., phone Dashwood 40-r-13. 14:21:28:5* NOTICES NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar­ rangements can be made. — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* litter of 11, 3 weeks old; York­ shire sow weeks old. Per and November hog, 6 shoats. FOWL ■■ HAY; IMPLEMENTS Cockshutt ’binder; Frost & Wood oil bath mower, loader; Mc.D. hoe drill; roller riding plows; 3 gang plows; 3 walking plows; 2 buggies; set of scales; turnip drill; stock rack; cutter; Cockshutt manure spreader, nearly new; Litchfield manure spreader; 2 set of Sloop sleighs; sap pails; tongues; 2 hay racks; 2 scufflers; cultiva­ tor; steel scales; wagon; 150 8- inch tile; lumber; cedar posts; wagon and box; 2 wheelbarrows; car; rope; pulleys; slings; 2 set of double harness and collars; fanning mill; grinder; 3 root pulpers; cream separator; pails'; logging chain; steel troughs; chop boxes; 150-ft. hose; ex­ tension ladder; quantity of plank; .bag truck; bags; barrels; drums. Thirty cord short wood; forks, shovels, chains. Also a full line of household furniture. NO RESERVE—Farm is sold. Terms—cash. Refreshment booth on grounds. Miss Agnes Woods, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auct. with litter of 7, 2 3 sows due in Octo- Tamworth : 25 geese, Quantity of baled hay. New 7 - f o o t , 5-ft.; M.H. hay side rake; M.H. ■; 3 single-furrow 3 gang plows ; 2 buggies drill BAR MAN—Capable and effi­ cient bar man wanted to work in Officers’ Bar, R.C.A.F. Sta­ tion Centralia. Must be fami­ liar with handling cdsh and stock - taking. Starting salary $125 per month. References required. Apply: Bar Officer, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. 14:21c WANTED Rawleigh Customers I am giving up the Rawleigh Agency. All goods are now on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except' minerals, sprays and spices.which are 10%. Orders will be taken over phone or through mail. 1| will make delivery into Hay and I Stephen in September, others call at my home. Be prepared to settle old ac­ counts when I call. Send in orders early while stock is com- evenings i Bring I Kitchener Stock Yards sell by PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY AT 1 PAL a. large offering of Dairy Cows, Market Cattle, Feeders, stackers, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses Ship your livestock to the largest Auction Market in On­ tario with room for 25 car loads. Three auction rings operate at one time. The modern way to market livestock. Accurate counting. Lunch counter, acres parking area. For a day come to Kitchener Thursday. F. J. Steffler, Manager Phone 2-9 671 ac- Ten big next tfc LIVESTOCK WANTED—Up to $5.00 ' ■ ~ _ z:_ abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your " Phone William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 3:10:17:24c each for Dead oi* Dis- farm. Prompt service, collect Exeter 287-W. WANTED—25 cattle for rough feeding during winter. —Don­ ald Parsons, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone 692-r-33 Hensall. 21* WANTED—Immediately! 2k fur­ nished apartment, 2 or more rooms, in or around Exeter; couple with one child. Write Box "U”, Times-Advocate. 21* REAL ESTATE WE HAVE FOR SALE houses in Exeter, Hensall, Clinton and Mitchell, Stores in Huron and Middlesex. 22 farms of 1 to 275 acres in Huron, Perth and Middlesex.--W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Sales­ man, Exeter. 31tfn GENERAL STORE—Huron Coun­ ty, on surfaced county road, centre of prosperous general farming district, good brick store building with comfort­ able dwelling attached, hydro, water pressure, oil burner. A good property in a good loca­ tion, doing a good business. FEED MILL —With complete equipment, comfortable brick house, hydro throughout Ex­ cellent highway location. Buy now and be ready for heavy fall and winter season. —C. V. Rickard, Realtor, Main st., Exeter, Ont. 7c HOUSES WANTED—We have sold several houses recently but we still have prospects looking for would consider selling your property come in and talk the matter over with us or, if you prefer, give us a call and We will come to see you. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, phone 165, Main St., Exeter. more.If you Buildings on Properties For Sale Buildings Known As WINCHELSEA AND SHAMROCK CREAMERIES Located at Winchelsea and Centralia Apply to EXETER plete. Will be home and Saturday afternoons, profit Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects And Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH undersigned auctioneer has To sharing cards. E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealer Phone 1S3 Exeter I The i been instructed to sell by public ( auction SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp FULL LINE of furniture and a large assortment of other ar- tfn tides, all in first class condition. Mrs. Sarah Drysdale, Prop. William Johnson, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auct, AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at the residence of MRS. DICK HOWARD William Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 at 1:30 p.m. the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Sim- .............._... .......mons bed and mattress (inner Boundary to and including the I U niaple bed, coil springs south side of Ann Street and on and mattress; spool bedroom the east side of Main Street, to 5suite (4 pieces); walnut hat and including the south side of I rack; rotary water pump; James Street, WARD 2—That <?ral odd chairs: linoleum; . portion west of Main Street, t nut table with marble top; drop from and including the north leaf table: silverware; dishes; side of Ann Street, to and in- copper boilers; shawls; scuttles; eluding the south side of Gidley walnut clocks; saws and tools; Street and on the east side of steel tool trunk; pictures; Dutch Main Street, from and including!oven; coal oil oven; kitchen sink the, north side of James Street hvith piping and tap; walnut to and including the south side I radio case; electric toaster and of Gidley Street. WARD 3-—That I iron; electric stove; sewing ma- portion east and west of Main chine; walnut wing chesterfield Street from and including the chair; large Quebec heater al- north side of Gidley Street, to | most new; Colenhn space heat- and including the North Bound- ’ er, nearly new; well pump and ary, jlOO feet of 2-ineh piping; solid _ . * ’ od<l tables; gar- * ; pots and pans; iron frying pan; kitchen utensils; step ladder; Queen oil burner; kitchen range, nearly new, com­ plete. with carburetor; copper tnbing; 45-gal. tank and all valves; dining room table and 6 chairs; studio couch; mirror on stand; small square table; wicker porch rocker. TERMS: Cash. Mrs. Dick Howard, Prop. Frank Taylor, Aiict, Fred Dawson, Clerk by RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN whom it may concern: I have been authorized, By-law No. 14, 1950, of the Cor­ poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board for the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: WARD 1—That portion west of Main Street, from the South Please take notice that I am j library table; making the said application the this sev- wal- to j den tools; AtOntario Municipal Board date. O. V, Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Dated at Exeter, Ont, July Jy 13: O 5c AUCTION SALES 13/50 'Clearing1 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, And Furniture E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell ■by public auction on LOT. 2, CONCESSION 15, W.R.R. BLANSIIARD 4y2 miles north of St. Marys on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 commencing at 10 o’clock sharp the following: Grey Perclieron and .gelding, 8 yrs. mare, 12 years old. 12 Durham cows, 7 Durham W, HORSES: team, mare old; driving CATTLE: milking; bred; 4 Durham steers, old; 4 Durham heifers, old; 7 yearling heifers; ham calves from 2 to 6 registered Shorthorn bull, 2 yrs. old. The above herd recently test­ ed with no reactors, HOGS: Yorkshire sow, with heifers, 2 years 2 years 13 Dur- month; CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 350 More than 25 words l|c per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words ic per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion S4c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for a box number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will bo added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon, Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at. the latest