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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-21, Page 5
U 57 — Man, You’re Crazy forget your age! Thousands aro peppy at 70. Try ^Pepping up" with Ogtrex. Contains tonlo lor weak. EJRdpwn teellng due solely to body’s lack ot Iron ydyol* ffieny mon and women call "old." Try Ostrex Tonic TabletB tor pep, younger reeling, thia very day, New "get acquainted" glze only 60c. xor sale at all drug storea everywhere, Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Rpom Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience. Your Drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter • © © 9 o ® ®o THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 Ken Hockey Heads Bowlers The Exeter Bowling Associa tion held, an open meeting Mon day night in the town hall, with rules and regulations drawn up and an executive ed. Ken Hockey was elected for the coming year, with Traquair as secretary-treas- Also elected to the execu- were Alf Maskell, Merle Ileg Taylor. Rene Fran- proprietor of the bowling- volunteered to look the scores and handicaps. All games are to start at p.m., with a deadline of dent Don urer. tive Mode, cois, alley, TIME TABLE CHANGES ^®©©©®oe©© Effective Sunday Sept. 24th, 1950 7:00 7:30 p.m, If by 8:00 p.m., the oppos ing team hasn’t shown up, they must forfeit all three games. ,This year it is to he an 18- team 'league, with bowling only on Monday and Wednesday alights. On Monday will have the alleys to 11:00 p.m. and on from 7:00 to schedule will be by February 1, league will be three sections. The teams in section will play each other once, with the two top teams in each section playing off in a round ■robin tournament. The winner Of this group will be the alley win ner. A fee of 10 cents per man per week will be assessed each player. The schedule begins next Mon day night, September 25. Team schedules will he in the bowling- alleys by Friday night, and all team captains should pick one up. Page S presi- after JUST WAIT TILL HER The once the into each being elect- the league from 7:00 Wednesday p.m.9:00 completed and then reshuffled 5. BACK’S TURNED! ...- Now that most students are back at school and the holidays are just a memory, what’s doing in the little red schoolhouse? Judg ing by this photo, the same things are going on that were in style twenty-five years ago. —C.P.C. Full information from agents For satisfying’results, try Want Ads. ILS' the things I saved for! Wifie: “Tom, do you know it’s st about a year since our honeymoon, when we spent that glorious day on the sands.” Tom: “Yes, and little did I dream then that I'd be spending our first anniversary on rocks.” Drains, Old And New, Main Problem For Usborne Council Yes, 1 really enjoyed my shopping trip—I bought all That’s the way I plan my bigger purchases. They seem to come easier, . and more quickly, when I put something into the bank regularly. I like the comforting feeling of watching my account grow. I hate keeping too much cash around the house. It’s so convenient to have the bank take care of it. And my bank book tells me where I stand Drains—o Id drains, new, fly drains, damage to drains—occu- amount pied Usborne C when they met last week. The council held theii' regular month ly session on Monday afternoon with Reeve W. R. Brock presid ing and Councillors V. Pincombe, “ Jeffery. E. 'Mitchell and II. in attendance. form of agreement, to be in the proposed reforesta- scheme as provided for in 7, 1950, prepared by Cochrane, township solici tor, was approved by the council. In the matter of the complaint by W. Herdman, Provincial Con stable E. Zimmerman reported that the matter had been investi gated and would be taken care of. J. A. Howes’ acknowledged appointment as engineer on two drains and advised that he would be amine the die of the Council lerington’s on the Taylor drain in the form of a culvert opposite the north part of Lot 9, Concession 5, on motion of Councillors Pincombe and Mitbhell. The road superintendent’s re port was accepted including vouchers to the amount of $3,- 091.61 including a payment of $2,000 to the Lavis Contracting Company for gravelling, on mo tion of Councillors Pincombe and Hern. The reeve and clerk were au thorized to sign the application to the Department of Highways for the 1950 interim road sub sidy on a total expenditure of $24,895.39 as set forth in the application by the road super intendent on motion of Council lors Jeffery and Mitchell. On motion of Councillors Pin combe and Jeffery, the clerk was instructed to make application to the Department Of Highways an additional appropriation road purposes of $4,300. Charles Corbett for S. Archibald, engineer, filed com pletion certificates on the Flet cher, Essery and Dunn drains and advised that the contractors be paid the balances owing on the construction contracts’, he also filed a progress report on the Brock Creek drain and ad vised that the contractor might be allowed $1,200 on his con tract. These payments from the different drain accounts as above were authorized on motion of Councillors Mitchell and Hern, Return of guarantees to the, contractors oil the Dunn drain was approved oil motion of Councillors Mitchell and Pin combe. Charles Corbett was instruct ed by the council to inspect the damage caused by last spring’s floodwater to the headwalls and tile outlets on the Elimville and Stewart d,rains ahd advise as to proper repair. The following was tabled, and. follows: From Branch enclosing . . subsidy in support of the warble H. Hern A used tion Bv-lawr No. W. G. thecontrol campaign of $357.57; Council’s time | Construction regarding ...—-i. rm.„ on stewart drain, they be the $150 balance i contract had been to satisfy company. the next date Thanksgiving the Saturday next, on Hern and Current amount J amount includes tot al payments | of $3,760.00 on drain contracts, j were passed on motion of Coun cillors Ilern and Mitchell. All motions were passed un animously and council adjourned to meet again in regular month ly session on Saturday afternoon October 7 next. on Stewart structed t hat that their out their As meeting claims to Dumfries contract council in- 1 advised owing on i all paid s against Annual Frayne Reunion Held At Ipperwash The 1950 Frayne reunion was held at Ipperwash Park with eighty in attendance. Guests were present from Exeter, Dashwood, Toronto, Forest, Thedford and Detroit. During, the afternoon the sports program was enjoyed by all, The winners were: Child ren’s races, Ronald Frayne, Ro bert Frayne, Doris Frayne, Elea nor Frayne, Glen Frayne, Paul Anderson, Viola Frayne, Eleanor Frayne, Murray Frayne, Blake A n d e r son, Shirley Anderson, Marilyn West, Dean Anderson, Murray Frayne; married men, Lloyd Frayne, Harold Frayne; y o u n g men, Dean Anderson, Ralph Frayne; paper bag race, Dean An d e r s o n and Viola Frayne; peppermint race, Mrs. V. II. Frayne and Cecil Frayne; single ladies kicking slipper, Doris Frayne; young men kick ing slipper, Cecil Frayne; mar ried men kicking slipper, Victor II. Frayne; married ladies kick ing slipper, Mrs. W. P. Ser- combe; wheelbarrow race, Mur ray Frayne and Blake Anderson. Owing to was decided Ravenswood Following dent, Ivan Frayne, conducted a business meeting. It was decided to move the picnic date forward to the civic holiday in August. This is the first time has been changed since picnic, in 19 3 2. A vote of thanks to wood church for the use of the basement was made and $10 was donated in appreciation. Special prizes were awarded to —the oldest man, Dan Hamp ton; the oldest lady, Mrs. Dan Hampton; couple married long est, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hampton; youngest baby, Richard Brian Frayne. The new slate of officers for 19 51 will be: President, David Frayne ; vice-president, Dean Clarke; secretary, Shirley Ander son; treasurer, Reuben Frayne; sports, Donald Frayne, Dean Anderson; Jerry Frayne. the cold weather it to have supper in United Church. supper the presi- the date the first Ravens- H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS- ST.LONDON, ONT. For Fall Seeding. V ALFALFA V TIMOTHY V FALL RYE o Lawn Mixtures ® Pasture Mixtures V CERESAN “M” V AGROX “C” V LEGUME-AID Have You Tried Methoxychlor? Safest and Best Barn and Livestock Fly Spray — JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS, LTD. P.O. Box H Phone 207 I guess most women are much like me housewives with modest savings who find their neighborhood bank handy, * useful. .. always obliging EXETER ONTARIO I Flannelettes and Woolettes w. MUGGS AND SKEETER for for on of to 7 Put pep in the pocket by put ting profitable Want Ads on the t s to the which council fall date correspondence dealt with as t he Livestock payment of Just the material for winter pyjamas and gowns, etc. We have nice range of plains, stripes and florals in a wide selection of colours and patterns. Per yard ............... 590 - 650 - 750 i BY WALLY BISHOP ^...EVERYBODY HOLDS 'Tl'ji WiiM THEIR NOSE!’. advised in a position to ex areas about the mid month. granted 'William El- request for a repair meeting afternoon, motion of Pincombe. a c. conn of $4,136.64 regular would Day the was ehangcd October Councillors SHIPKA regular September meet- the W.A. was held in the on Thursday evening with Mrs. Jacoo was The ing of church a good attendance. Ratz, the president, was in charge using the Missionary Mon thly. Mrs. Rev. H. Currie gave the first chapter of the Study Book on Japan. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and prayer. Word has been received by relatives of the passing of Mrs. Hugh McPhee i nee Annie War ner) of Sask., a former resident of this community. A reception was held on Mon day night ill the public school house for the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Tremner inee Rhena Pickering). They were presented with lovely gifts. Both replied in a very suitable man ner and all sang “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows.” Lunch was served. There will he no preaching on Sunday, September 24 owing to Credit on anniversary. Mrs. Ross McKenzie, of Wind sor visited with Mr. and Art. Finkheiner last week. .Mr. and Mis. W. Clark Varna and Mr. and Mrs. E Sillery of Brmefield visited Sunday with relatives, Quite a number from here at tended London Fair last week. Sees Light Apple Crop In Western Ontario The western Ontario apple crop will be light this year, J. J. Johnson, district fruit and vegetable inspector for the fed eral department of agriculture, has announced. The popular northern spie will be particularly light, and pears will not yield more than two-thirds of the 1949 crop, ho said. Mr. Johnson attributed much of the decline to hail, and rain storms. Nu-Back Corsets an d Girdles A splendid garment in a wide variety of styles .. $5.95 and $6.50 Even-Pull Corselettes These garments are made in three .styles ..... $4.75 - $6.95 - $8.95 Gothic Brassieres In broadcloth, satin and nylon materials. Teen, junior, medium, and full cups ............ .........................................♦........ $1.60 to $2.95 Inlaid Linoleum An attractive durable floor covering. Design your own pat tern from the various colours or one single colour. Square- come in brown sand, wine, red, black and blue ♦ Join Our Blanket Club Join our Blanket Club. It’s the your Christmas shopping or buy a blanket for yourself. You pay 50 cents down and 50 cents each week thereafter until blanket is paid for Choose from Kenwood. Strathdown, Ayres Ottawa Valley makes. casv way to do Southcott ros PHONE 16