HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-21, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 195p Exeter Simes ^Wocate Established 1873 Amalgamated November 1924 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Moisting at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Village of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the OWN A Member of the AudLit Bureau of Circulation Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of March 31, 1950 — SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year , United States, in Single Copies 6 Cents Each PublishersJ. Melvin Southcott 2,329 juorr Rureau E* of jrcuudq advance, $3.00 Robert Southcott THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 Two Causes The United States is paying dearly for two bad blunders in Korea, apart from a fundamental blunder of removing their troops from Korea before the country was consolidated and ready for orderly rule. To begin with, the land never should have been divided into North and South. Doing so opened the door to trouble. A land divided against itself cannot stand. Following such blunders it is only too evi­ dent that the forces operating in Southern Korea failed seriously in not learning all that could be found out about the nature of the land. The widest and minutest sur­ vey of every foot of the territory should have been made and the military thorough­ ly acquainted therewith. The work done by Baden Powell in South Africa seems to have been quite forgotten. Had Korea been even reasonably well scouted the present mess might have been avoided. But scout­ ing is hard work and moderns dislike work that exposes them to hardship. To a limited degree a second blunder in the conduct of the war was committed. The trusting so largely as has been done in Korea, to warfare by plane has proven a disastrous mistake. The armed airplane is a terrible weapon when it can be used but it is useless in cloudy foggy weather. Good scouting would have pointed this out to the United Nations. The northern forces saw the limitation of the war plane.', and have taken full advantage accordingly, by ad­ vancing under the cover of fog and mist. Still another fact that the southern forces and the United Nations have over­ looked is the way those northern people as well as the northern soldiers have been trained to take part in the struggle. Those northerners are keen on disguises and pass the’ enemy watching for them with a smile and a nod, only to appear as armed forces in the rear of the United Nations’ armies. Our soldiers are brave and dependable but they seem to be badly led. The blund­ erers among the higher-ups sought out, removed and placed where they can do less harm. Africa. The war over, he saw that the wel­ fare of South Africa was bound up with the British nation. 'Po that end he strove successfully. With growing clearness he saw that the welfare of the race was bound up with the destiny of the British Empire. With all his enthusiasm and with every part of his busy, constructive mind he pro­ moted every cause and every activity that was of interest to Britain. He was no mere Britisher, however, a practical statesman whose interest world wide. No nation could live to but was itself, lie saw with a clearness of vision un­ surpassed by any man of his time. His pass­ ing means every true citizen to take up the torch he carried so a poorer world and a call to should be high and so long.* * * Secrecy The foreign secretaries of the United States, Great Britain and France are meet­ ing just now in New York to discuss the grave international affairs that now con­ cern the world. It is alleged that the meet­ ing is a secret one. Along with this allega­ tion comes word that certain affairs are to be discussed. So there you are! Is this meeting secret or is it not ? We believe that it is. The allegation to the contrary is but a guess, more or less shrewd and may be * more or less misleading. Under the circumstances it is interest­ ing to recall a story of the First World War. The highest-ups were in council, a meeting to which an influential newspaper­ man was invited. Censorship was discussed. “I have got Hus news past the censor,” said the newspapermnn. “and I’m going to pub­ lish it.” Kitchener's face hardened. Calling tile newspaperman by,name he said “If you publish that item, you’ll never publish any­ thing else 1” When the newspaperman re­ turned to his office, the military was in control. Just now when nerves are over­ strung we have no time for allegations or “it is reported from one who knows”. Is Western Germany To Be Re-Armed? Is Western Germany to be re-armed the western nations—including By STANLEYTHE OLD HOME TOWN As We have secured a supply of seed wheat from areas where the wheat did not suffer from the extreme wet weather or was threshed prior to it. OUR PRICE Dawbul - $2.25 per b us. Cornell - $2.20 per bushel Dawson*s Golden Chaff - $2.20 per bushel Fall Rye Seed - $1.65 per bushel Winter Barley - $2.60 per bus. Number One Seed Free From Sprouts This Wheat Is , CLEANED AND TREATED WITH PANTAGEN a -a Untreated Sc per bus. less We would like to point out that we have a good supply' of DAWBUL WHEAT and it is highly re­ commended by the O.A.C. at Guelph, It has out- yielded Cornell and Dawson wheat in their test plots this year by 4 or 5 bushels per acre. OUR CLEANING PLANTS * -v «■ It Doesn’t Work Communism does not bring gratifying results to the people it promises to benefit. It is like the alkali water that increases the thirst of the party drinking it without in any way sustaining life. Its deceptive motto “From everyone according tn his ability to everyone according to In’s need”, turns out to be the exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few and the surrender of the rights of the many for the control of one and he the greediest of the pack. It always has been that way. The loud­ est spoken and the most cunning and those possessed of the hardest elbows ruin the rest of the people. It takes some time for people to find this out, so misleading and so subtle is the appeal of this ruinous doc­ trine. France has found this out and found it out thoroughly. For a while the wise men of that country were obliged to see com­ munism taking poxver of every sort into its hands. These men saw the uselessness of trying to inform people who apparently had. not the capacity to profit by information. Accordingly they allowed the false doctrine of communism to have its way. Little by little the Frenchmen got their eyes opened. When the Frenchmen saw how completely they had been duped they took immediate and radical action. The commun­ ists were politely taken by the neck and escorted to the boundary lines of the coun­ try and told to keep on going and not to conic back. A really good job was done in this particular. France has got rid of her humbugs and now gives promise of settling down to old fashioned ways of carrying on that have stood the test of time. Cannon and bayonet were not used. Shoe leather acted as an effective substitute. For com­ munism to be scorned it need but be put to the test of life. « * * The Passing Of Marshal Striuts The history of any country is the story of her great men. When the history of the last fifty years of South Africa is written it will be found that it will be the story of Marshal Smuts. When the story of the League of Nations and of the United Na­ tions is given to the world, readers will find the name of Smuts prominent among the framers of those documents. In the South African war of half a century ago, Smuts fought valiantly for whnt he regarded as the rights of South 50 YE/XRS AGO The Hensall Observer has en­ tered upon its seventh year of publication. The Observor is quite a newsy little paper. The latest fad now ladies to go without 3 during the evenings. Miss Edith Beers has a position as millinery ! at Chapman’s, London, for that city Monday morning. Messrs. George Rook, Thomas Mitchell and James Neil of Cen­ tralia are erecting new siloes. Mr. Charles Fritz of Dashwood intends moving his family to Zurich this week. 25 YEARS AGO The attendance at .the Exetei Fair on Wednesday eclipsed any­ thing in the history of the So­ ciety. It was easily a thousand more than the average attend­ ance. Gate receipts were $835. Mrs. John Pym, who for sixty- three years has been a resident of Usborne Township, passed away early Monday morning at the age of eighty-five years. J. J. Merner was chosen the L i'b e r a 1-Conservative candidate for South Huron. Militia training ___ _ Exetei’ in a; ..couple of Those wishing 'to join leave their name with Hearn an. Mr, Ed Hesjardine of Bend was fined $10 for ing on the newly laid pavement on the Proof Line road near London. ■ is for headgear accepted saleslady and left will start in weeks, should Major in itself is a startling one. The 1945 are still smoking and the and are Canada-—to be partners in the work ? The question cannons of tearing roar of bursting shells has not been forgotten Yet here we are seriously dis­ cussing the re-armament of our one time foe. We ask are we dreaming? The whole question is difficult beyond all telling. Some people are asking if the Germans are so changed that they may be trusted to join hands with the western na­ tions in the effort to secure world peace. It is asked if the Germans were armed and the issue of battle joined, the might not prove untrue and join of the western world. Others are an alliance with Germany that is hearted will avail, should an actual appeal to Germans the foes asking if but half­ to arms be forthcoming. Canadians are asking if it is their duty send soldiers to western Europe. Many thinking, ask if Canadians have done all means a long one. difficulty of train- so that should be expected of them by furnish­ ing war supplies to Europe. On the other hand there are a great many who are study­ ing the map of Europe and noting that the march of troops from Russia io the Eng­ lish channel is by no These thinkers sec the ing and equipping an army for stopping the Russians should they once start moving westward, furnished as they are with every kind of military equipment and supported as they arc with large supplies of air­ planes Such thinkers believe it to be sound policy to have the armies of defence in the field and on the spot should Russia forget herself and start her war of agres­ sion. have an army trained and equipped in Can ad a, may Still others believe that we should for who knows but that the attack be made on Canada, if an attack is to he made anywhere. About all that Canadians can do at present is to heed the advice Cromwell gave his soldiers: “Trust in Providence but keep your powder dry”. And a great deal is im­ plied in those words “keep your powder dry”. * % W # Dad prizes these fine autumn days wishes they were not so conducive to growth of grass on the front lawn. but the HUM 15 YEARS AGO Mr. Ed Howald won the Mar­ shall mattress given, away in a draw by E. R. Hopper at the Exeter Fair Tuesday. A number from Exeter were at Seaforth Sunday evening to hear Hon. William Alberhart, premier of Alberta, and native son of Seaforth, expound his social credit policies in First Presby­ terian Church. DAYMAN-SIMS—At the home ot the bride’s parents, Verda Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, Exeter, to Warren Crescent Daymen, son of Mr. pid Mrs. Charles Dayman, of Usborne, on Thursday, Septem­ ber 12, by Rev. S. M. Gordon, B.A., B.D. Grand I motor- j 1O YEARS AGO Mrs. Valeria Armstrong daughter, Miss Catherine, have been spending the past months at Glen Orchard Hotel, Lake home On Cecil into the office an egg was “V”. hibition people say that this ! way of telling us ' stands for victory. Rev. R. A. Brook left on Monday for where he will attend the Gen­ eral Council of the U n i t e a Church. and who two Joseph, Muskoka, returned last week. Saturday evening last Mrs. Skinner, Centralia, brought on which plainly marked the letter The egg has been on ex­ in our window. Some is nature’s that “V” of Hensall Winnipeg Neighboring News ... Parkhill And Greenway Become One Parish Last Friday the parochial com­ mittee of Grace Church, Green­ way, met I’idiop G. Luxton of Huron Diocese with regard to the new setup of the parishes of Thedford hill. On Saturday tee for the Parkhill conferred with the Bishop, result of these talks and Greenway to their for; parish. The new charge has yet but will be future. The Thedford parish joins with Grand Bend and their rec­ tor will be Rev. Mr. Houghton, now stationed at the newly built church at Grand Bend. Until such time as a rector is appointed for St. James’ Church and Grace Church, ministers will be sent here for the regular ser­ vices by the London. Greenway and Park- the commit* ante purpose from and Thedford churches A.s a Parkhill will revert back ner standing as one minister for this not been appointed in the near community. His counsel was al­ ways available for any cause I affecting , the welfare of the J church and the district it served. , (Huron Expositor) ! Mitchell Buys Arena The decision to purchase an | arena of steel construction from j Orillia at a much lower cost ! than it could be erected today | was the big business executed at the mass meeting called for Fri­ day evening in the town hall. I The purchase price was $11,000. The building seats 2,200 per­ sons, is 225 x 98 feet and pro­ vides for an ice surface 180 x 80 feet. It will be and transported to early as possible so tee in charge may with the completion arena. taken down Mitchell as the commit- go forward of our (Mitchell Advocate) Explodes Henry Adkins of near met with a painful acci- a Synod Board of (Parkhill Gazette) ReportsLocal Farmer “Best Year Ever1” “The best year Hullett Township week referring to vest. He had bushels of mixed acres, or over 80 bushels to the acre. The yield of hay had been, heavy and he had just put away the second cut of hay. “We’ll fill the barn right up if we are going to have two crops a year,’* he remarked. (Seaforth News) Father Hussey Rites Funeral services were Wednesday morning for Father Thomas Peter Hussey, since 1933 rector of St. James' Church, Seaforth. Father Hussey died in St. "Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday after an ill­ ness of several months. Attending the service were ninety priests of the Diocese. Sisters of St. Joseph’s Order at­ tended in a body. The large church was filled to capacity for the service. During the years in which he served Tn Seaforth, Father Hus­ sey identified himself With the ever,*’ said a farmer this summer’s liar- threshed 2,300 . grain from 28 held Bev, At Exeter and Whalen Corners Are Both Operating For Custom Cleaning and Treating we can give you good service NOW CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN HOW MANY COWS WILL YOU LOSS TO MASTinsOOd Guard against mastitis — beware of too vigorous, old- fashioned milking methods. Don’t lose milk production. Change to gentle acting Chore-Boy, the milker that uses 1/3 less vacuum. Its soothing massage relaxes the cow. She lets her milk down fast. Chore-Boy cups don’t crawl. Write FREE Folder I' I Vj fM. DON’T BUY A MILKER UNTIL YOU TRY THE NEW CHORE-SOY PIPE LINE ^ALAHCED LOW VACUO&W ELMORE J. McBRIDE Distributor For MIDDLESEX AND HURON Phone 206-R White Beans Alsike Soya Beans Exeter Timothy Red Clover Sweet Clover Alfalfa W. E. REID Phone 87 or 158 Cooker Mrs. Hensall dent last Friday afternoon while she was canning tomatoes in a pressure cooker when the latter exploded. Steam blew the lid and part of the contents to the ceil­ ing causing Mrs. Adkins* hands, face, neck and back to be scald­ ed with steam and hot tomatoes. Medical aid was at once sum­ moned which gave the patient much relief. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Her daughter, Mrs. Powell, of Gode­ rich is assisting her mother this Week. (Zurich Herald) Convention About 500 people are slated to visit Goderich this month at three different conventions. The conventions, the dates on which they are to be held, and number District tember doctors Club zone sports day, September 27, about 125; Kinsmen district fall council, September 30, Octo­ ber 1, about 200 from all parts Western Ontario, (Goderich Signal-Star) of people expected, medical ’convention, 19 and 20, about and their wives; ! the are: Sep- 125 Lions of It walk shop strategy. may be b a d etiquette to between your wife and the window-—but it’s smart Dashwood ----M 1 DELIGHTFUL TO SMOKE '•'*'* .....................................■ . ... .........................................