HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-14, Page 6fl- Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 and cheese^ Young*s Hardware for andhot, dif-or a 83 The Hoover Upright or Tank Modelsand bitsand between and the A Hoover Representative will demonstrate for us this triple-action cleaner. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Ken­ an d them ibed- were W. W. Walk- Davis, both of Tor- honour of their to congratulate best wishes, for life. activities, under The famous names represented in our store will be on display at the fair. We invite you to in­ spect them. satin long her glad- Clarence Down and Harry Jeffery of guests followed Exeter. Later top­ will the year Toronto Yes, the majority of the women prefer Hoover. And that, Airs. Housewife, isn’t hard to understand when you see the action of this famous-name cleaner that has served housewives for a good many years. Those years have added experience in building the best! Oxland where fourth of School of Engineering. All calls for service and repairs from residents of Grand Bend and surround­ ing territories will be sm- cepted at * worsted w’ith navy ac- plates. Let- do wonders do organe the on James St. W,A Plans Harvest Home At the W.A. meeting of the James Street United Church on Thursday afternoon •were made for the vest Home service Sunday morning, with Rev. Ann Graham, assist-1 ant pastor of the Metropolitan j Church, London, as guest speak-1 er, and Bob Stephens, tenor, of London, as soloist. j The meeting was presided over; by Mrs. W. Witmer, while Mrs. E. Pym conducted the devotional period. A reading was given by Mrs. William Bowden and a solo was sung by Mrs. T. Coates with’Rev. J. V. Dahms united in mar- Mrs. H. J. Snell as accompanist. Mrs. Coates, a former presi­ dent, who recently moved to Hensail, was presented with a cup and saucer by Mrs. A, Fran­ cis. Mrs. E. S. Steiner expressed the appreciation of the associa­ tion of the splendid work done by Mrs. Coates during her resi­ dence here. last, plans annual Har- to he held September 17, Ann Graham, Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon - Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. PHONE 71 EXETER Ladies Call: V’s A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate It is our aim To help you share In the many phases Of our beauty care. Beauty Shoppe Lines of Beatify Culture Vera C. Fraser, Prop. PHONE 112 EXETER All Tomlinson’s Haird ressing - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With Exclusive Magic Phix The Greatest Permanent Wave Advancement in Years Donna Jean Parker Weds Aubrey Gaiser Autumn flowers decorated the Crediton United Church when riage Margaret Donna Jean Par­ ker, daughtei' of Mr. and Mrs. G. Parker of Staffa and Aubrey Charles Gaiser, son of Mr, Royal Gaiser and the late Mrs. Gaiser of Crediton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a brocad­ ed satin gown with top net yolk over the skirt and a nine-foot train of white silk tule net. She carried a bouquet of Better Time roses. The maid of honour was Mar­ jorie Bernice Parker, the bride, who wore shade of lime green in chiffon, and carried a nosegay of assort­ ed gladioli, asters and roses. As bridesmaids, Thelma Par­ ker, sister of the bride, chose a pastel shade of orchid in chiffon, and Grace Gaiser, sister of the groom, wore pink pastel in chif­ fon. The bridesmaids carried nosegays of assorted gladioli, asters and roses. The best man was Frederick M o r 1 o c- k of Crediton. Wilmer Wein and Alex* Gardiner were ushers. Miss Norma Fahrner, Crediton, was the soloist, singing “Be­ cause” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. She was accompanied by Mrs. F. W, Morlock. For the reception at Staffa, the bride’s mother wore New Blue silk net with grey acces­ sories, set off by Rubrum lilies. The ibridegroom’s mother wore a black crepe dress with black ac­ cessories and Rubrum lilies. Waitresses at the bride’s table wrere Margaret Walker, Helen Walker, Joyce McEwan, Caroline Walker and Delores Pfaff. For a honeymoon to the Thou­ sand Islands, the bride donned a white gabardine suit coat with navy polkadot blouse and navy skirt. Her going away flower j was a Rubrum lily. On their return they side at London. Guests wedding and surrounding i 2362= were from sister of a pastel Dundas will re­ Street, present Toledo, district. at the London Hello Homemakers! Assumin we live to seventy, we spend. at least four years eating! During that time we resent or leave a lot of -good food that has been purchased, stored and cooked well for us. WThy? Actually we come into this world liking no­ thing and disliking nothing, yet the individual develops instinc­ tive likes or dislikes. Attitudes are developed because of the ar­ rangement of environment. Recently we listened to Dr. Blotz, a professor of psychology, who discussed reasons for train­ ing the child to become an ideal­ ist. He emphasized that we should only train a child to think about food. We were reminded that the relevant pleasures of eating (which are salt, sweet, sour and ■bitter) are montonous, whereas the senses of vision, warm or cold touch, and hearing satisfy the child more so than taste. The psychologist pointed out that we are all unsophisticated gour- cets—we think a child likes candy because it is sweet, but no, the candy looks pretty com­ pared to the food served at the family table. As hgmemakers, we should review our meal pat­ tern at this season. beginning of the school^ term when children will lunches or carrying meal. If children can be adven­ turous in food then they will like the food prepared for them. A home economist is trained to prepare the right food in the best way as a guide to food for fitness. The homemaker has an even better opportunity to pro­ vide food that is not only health­ ful but enjoyable. We need three meals a day planned from only 5 classes of food. A* serving from each group is like a strong link in a neces- is is It is now the be selecting the noon-day You will be delighted with this fragrant tea SALADA ! i sary chain. The first “link” milk—1 pint. The second fruits—one serving of citrus fruit or tomatoes or their juices; and one serving of other fruit. The third is vegetables—at least one serving of potatoes; at least two servings of other vegetables, preferably leafy, green or yellow and freqently raw. The fourth is cereals—one serving of whole grain cereal and at least four slices of bread with butter or fortified margarine. The fifth is meat, fish, poultry, or meat al­ ternates such as eggs and cheese. In addition, iodized salt Vitamin D is recommended. TAKE A TIP Meal Planning 1. Avoid monotony. Don’t serve the same food twice in dif­ ferent forms in a meal. 2. Avoid all bland or all sav­ oury dishes in a meal. Crunchy salads or crusty desserts should accompany macaroni etc. 3. Avoid colorless tuce and tomatoes for the main course as sections or cherries “white” dessert. 4. Serve hot foods cold foods cold. 5. A little seasoning ferent flavouring is important to even a favourite dish. Sandwiches 1. It is important today to use different breads—white bread, graham bread, rye bread, buns, weiner rolls, crackers, etc. 2. Flavour and garnishes may be used as interest: Lettuce, raw vegetables, naturtium leaves, herbs, pickles, nuts, etc, 3. All fillings should be minced, moist and seasoned with iodized salt. Fillings (a) Cheese with strawberry jam. (b) Minced pork and diced cucumber. (c) Meat loaf and minced nas­ turtium. (d) Chopped raw apple, celery and nuts. (e) Salmon with minced green pepper. (f) Chopped cooked onions. (g) Scrambled eggs of bacon. (h) Sliced tomatoes grated carrot. (i) Peanut butter and mashed banana. (j) Minced cooked liver sauteed onion rings. 4. At least one item of sandwich filling may be planned for supper prior to making sand­ wich filling, e.g., meat loaf, sal­ mon loaf, bacon, hard cooked eggs, and the liver. Truemner-Pickering Married In Crediton At Crediton United Church Saturday, the Rev. H. F. Currie officiated at the ceremony unit­ ing in marriage Rena Elizabeth Pickering and Orville Ottis Truemner. The bride is the daug­ hter of iMr. and Mrs. Elmer Pick­ ering, Dashwood, and the groom ■is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Olilen Truemner, Grand Bend. The bride chose a white slip- er satin gown, fashioned with a lace yoke and long lily-point, sleeves. The embroidered net veil was floor-length. The bride’s bouquet was vari-colored asters. Miss Grace Pickering attended her sister, and carrying a bouq­ uet of harmonizing asters. Grah­ am Truemner, the groom’s broth­ er, was best man. Foi’ a honeymoon at Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach, the bride donned a grey gabardine suit, with black accessories and a corsage of pink gardenias. M rs. Jack Pryde Hostess To Caven Circle The September meeting of the Caven Congregational Circle was held Thursday evening last at the The the the home of Mrs. Jack Pryde. meeting was opened with hymn “Jesus Call Us o’er Tumult”, followed by the devotional exercises taken by Mrs. Fred Simmons. Following the business an interesting pro­ gram prepared by Mrs. G. Mason was much enjoyed. Shirley Har­ ness sang a solo, “Daddy’s Little Girl”, after which Mrs. Mason gave a well prepared paper on the winter care of garden- and house-plants. Shirley favoured with another solo, “Dreamer’s Holiday”. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the hymn “When i Survey the Wondrous Cross” and prayer. and Style Comfort - Value are leaders on all three counts SMA RT SOFT I-C ALF PLAIN AND PLATFORM SOLES Clearance Table Growing Girls1 Loafers and Low Heel Pumps Regularly to $6.95 Newlyweds Honored On Friday evening, September 1, the friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mr.’. Mervin Dunn met at their home in recent marriage, them and offer a happy married The evening’s leadership of Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Clifford Moir, consist­ ed of ibingo games, At the con­ clusion of these, an address was read to Irene and Mervin by Mrs. neth Moir, Donnie Parsons presented with an electric clock, a spread and a bedroom mat. Singer Sewing Machine Co GRAND BEND Phone 51r3 Grand Bond These calls will be picked up each Thursday by our London representative New Liskeard Trip For Robinson-Sinclair T li e home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods, R.R. 3 Exeter, was the scene of a wedding at which Margaret June Sinclair be­ came the bride of Robert Clair Robinson. The bride is the dau­ ghter o f Mrs. Woods and the late Gordon Sinclair and the bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Eidon Robinson. Rev. Har­ old Snell performed the cere­ mony and Mrs. Freeman Horne, Winchelsea, played the wedding music. Mr. W. J. Sinclair gave his granddaughter in marriage. The bride wore a white gown with nylon yoke and sleeves with points over hands, she carried Picardy ioli. Miss Pauline Robinson, sis­ ter of the bridegroom, wore yel­ low nylon and carried white and yellow gladioli. Mr. James Sinclair brother of the bride was best man. For a wedding trip to New Liskeard, the bride wore a turquoise gabardine suit with accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will make their home on the bridegroom’s farm, line, Blaiishard. Bride Wears Original White Sat in Gown Wearing a.n original gown of white satin and carrying a white prayer book showered with gar­ denias, Arvis Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Haber- er, Zurich, wa's united in mar­ riage to 'Robert Guy Oxland, son of Mrs. Oxland, Victoria B. C. and the late A. C. Oxland. Rev. E. Heimrich performed the ceremony at St. Peter's Luther­ an Church and Miss Audrey Heimrich played the bridal mus­ ic. Soloist was Miss Bernice Wood, Sarnia. The bride was given in mar­ riage by hei’ father. Her gown was fashioned with open sweet­ heart neckline, inverted front fold and skirt ending in a petal train. Her veiT of French illusion was edged in Venetian lace. As maid of honor for her sis­ ter, Miss Paulene Haberer, wore two-tone blue nylon sheer. Iden­ tically gowned were Miss Jean Krueger, London, and Mrs. C. A. Enright, Toronto. The groom was attended b y Paul Maxwell, Toronto, as best man. Ushers er and H. B. onton. Reception at Club Monetta, the bridal couple left for a wed­ ding trip to the Laurentians, the bride travelling in a suit of gray English cessories and corsage of garden­ ias. She carried a flamingo coat. Mr. and Mrs. reside i n Toronto groom will enter his at the University Mr.J. C.W.L. Prepares For Coming Bazaar The September meeting of R.C.A.F. Catholic Women’s League was held Tuesday night at the airport home of Mrs. Doucette. Many articles for the coming bazaar (September 30) were turned over to the presi­ dent. A three-piece baby’s outfit donated by Mrs. Guillemin was raffled, proceeds going to pur­ chase vases for the altar. Tickets were sold on ail all expense trip for two to the World Series games. Among tile guests were two new Canadians, who were wel­ comed to the League. A beauti­ ful crucifix was presented to Mrs. P. Daniels, a recent bride. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Church Picnic The Roman Catholic Church picnic was held Sunday at Turn­hull’s Grove. Among the gather­ ing was a group of Netherland’s airmen, who recently arrived at I Centralia for training. R a c e s were held for both kiddies and grown-ups, and all entrants were awarded prices. After this strenuous exercise, lunch was served, supervised by members of the Catholic Wo­ men’s League. The more you tell—The quick­ er you’ll sell'—Use the Classi­ fieds. Women Prefer See, Our Exhibit At the Fair . . . Winter Coats In Wool, Twills, Velors, flared and tailored, some zipped in lin ing’s, in newest shades of wine, grey, greens and browns, triple­ lined for warmth. Priced from ..... $39.50 Dresses For miss or matron, in Wool Jerseys, Velvets, Taffetas, Bengeline Tissue Faile in smart season’s shades. Priceci from ..... $8,95 Pastel Sweaters an d Card igans Xll-Wool anti Nylon, I?roin ...»..... ......... Skirts Children’s Dept WINDBREAKERS Satin, Gabardine,mention colours. $2.08 straight cut. BLOUSES AND SKIRTS Prom size 1 to 12 years. BABY GIFTS — Of lacy shawls, satin in blues and pinks. 'bound blankets Use Our Convenient Lay-a-way Plan A Visit Will Convince You That Therms Smart Apparel At