HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-14, Page 2Page 2 • the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morninc, September 14,1950 Cxeter 5Nmes Established 1873 Auutlguinated November 1924 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario » An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests ot the Village of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the OWN A Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-in-Advance Circulation as or March 31, 1950 — SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year United States, in advance, $3.00 Single Copies 6 Cents Each J. Melvin Sou th co tt - Publishers Robert Southcott THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 A Long, Hard Haul The Korean war is proving to be a long, hard pull. When the trouble broke out, a few cheerful souls gave out that the whole thing would be over in a week or so. Indeed, they wondered if it were necessary to appoint a general over the few police­ men required to chase the meddling North Koreans into their rocky home fastnesses. It was not going to be a war, we were told, 'At best it would be a skirmish. A few air­ planes would drop a bomb here and there and the country would fall back into an eastern, brooding calm, It has not been that way by any manner of means. Russia still is bent on giving her opponents another Dunkirk. We hear of huge sums being vot­ ed to carry on this struggle. Meanwhile the Northern Koreans are steadily pressing on their foes and with terrible results to the rest of the world. What is needed is a stronger opposition to the invaders. All sorts of promises are made for aid to the hard pressed United Nations forces. If things do not move faster and far more effectively in driving back those commun­ ist forces, there will be precious little need of forces. In a moon or so the Russians will have triumphed and the conquest of Korea will need to be undertaken as from the. beginning. Meanwhile, what will the Russians be doing?* ' * * * A Penny Wise Proposition Word is abroad that some local cream­ eries and cheese factories are having hard sledding. For one thing, help is expensive. For another thing, inspection of those fac­ tories is exacting. Further, the market for cheese and butter is precarious. These three factors alone would make the cheese and butter industries considerable of an adven­ ture. In every department of thebe indust­ ries expenses have mounted steadily in the face of the fact that they -were already high eriough in all conscience. Along with these difficulties goes the increasing con­ sumption of milk on' the part of the. gen­ eral public. The pasteurizing of milk and the protection set about the quality of milk offered the public has increased sales be­ yond anything dreamed of a few years ago. In addition to these factors resulting in the difficulty the factories experience in securing milk and cream is the enormous growth in the making of milk into powder and such products. Dairies and creameries have been obliged to travel far with ex­ pensive transportation facilities to secure cream or milk. Intense competition among factories follows inevitably. Little wonder then that the butter and cheese factories find it difficult to impossible to carry on. Factories in which the milk producers are stock holders in the local factories or are share holders in the creamery or dairy have found a partial solution tn this prob- Frau Should a share holder cease to be among milk producers for his factory, he automatically ceases to be a share holder. I'arn.ers must come to set1 that building up their local factory is putting money into their own pockets. Butter makers and cheese makers. on the other hand, must see that unless they give the market a first class product, they arc cutting their own throats. Milk producers must >ee that it is a penny wise policy to sell their milk to an outsider. There may he an immediate gain by so doing. At best it is a penny wise and pound foolish practice. Time To Be Moving There is every reason to believe that the governments of Canada, whether fed­ eral or provincial, or both, are about to interfere in the matter of price controls. They cannot do so too soon as the prices for goods and services have risen beyond all reason. In any ease the business world has had fair warning to mend its ways. As conditions now are, it is evident that some parts of the business world are cunning and clever above, all things and desperately •greedy. It all may be illustrated by a re­ mark made by a business man just as times were mending some time ago, “'There are more dollars floating about and I’m going to get them?’ He .was but one in a hundred thousand and more who proceeded on this principle. The result has been, in the majority of instances, more cash and more luxuries but no increase of happiness. The •old and tried maxim "having food and rai­ ment, therewith to be content” has been allowed to go overboard. John Plain Citi­ zen welcomes the news that the govern­ ment is moving in a matter so vital to the welfare of the nation builders and sus- Uiners. The only danger is that the govern­ ment will not move far enough or fast enough. For our law makers and law ad­ ministrators to prove inefficient in these critical days is to invite business collapse that no one, not even the government, can control. The reasonable thing is for the business world to take the matter into im­ mediate practical consideration. Unions and business associations are called upon by the quiet but stern voice of duty to take im­ mediate action on their own initiative and not to wait for governmental interference of any kind. * * * * A Great Adventure Our schools—both high and public-— are getting under way. And what an enter­ prise ’ it is! Those boys and girls are not in school by accident but by careful planning and study on the part of parents, of the government of the land, and of the school section. Well does society realize that ig­ norance is the foe of everything good. Knowing this, society has built schools and secured teachers in the full confidence that every scholar in the land means something for the stability of the commonwealth. Every boy or girl in our schools is asking the teachers, "What have you to offer that is of supreme importance in my life?" Upon the answer the schools have for this simple but fatefully important question, de­ pends the fate of the nation. Every hour of the school day those youths are asking those teachers to show them the best way to take. This way is -shown in the school room with every lesson taught and every problem the children are taught to meet. The answer is given on the playground and at lunch hour and in conduct on the street. As the school children are today, Canada will be twenty, forty, one hundred years hence. School, be it remembered, is not a preparation for life but life itself. As the pupil lives in school he is very likely to live all his days, Life is made from one piece. Every day the shuttles are flying and the web of destiny is being woven. It is the privilege of every citizen to know what is going on in the school. It is the duty of the school board to ascertain what progress the scholars are making in useful learning as it applies to citizenship. From time to time reports from inspectors should be laid before the school boards of both public and high school. Every ratepayer has the right to know what is being done with his taxes. The schools, in every sense, are enterprises in which the ratepayers and the citizens are partners and should be treated as such by everyone on the boards and* on the teaching staff. The more the people know of the worth of the schools, the better it will be for the commonwealth. * * * is Not A Good Spectacle An unusual sight presented itself in some of our harvest fields last week. Two fanners were engaged in pitching the sheaves onto the wagon rack, an occupation that usually required but one worker. The reason was that the sheaves had grown to­ gether, thus requiring two harvesters to separate them. In many cases the sheaves were grown into the stubble and after har­ vest weeds of the field. The whole stock was a sorry mess. Not only was extra work required in harvesting but the grain has deteriorated in value to the point where, it was of poor quality and of relatively little value for feed. The farmer could not es» cape loss. Farm help is costly. How any farmer can handle such grain at a profit is difficult to see. Farmers comforted them­ selves that they had not to contend with fourteen degrees of frost, as was the lot of farmers in wide areas of the western provinces. As one farmer remarked "Farm­ ing is a gamble”. The farmer who is just beginning or carrying on under heavy ex­ pense for equipment has some close financ­ ing ahead of him. * % * * A hearty welcome is given those im­ provements in our sidewalks. < « * -x- And so there’s to be a tax on chewing gum and chocolate bars and soft drinks’ Oh, well, ho hum. & # * Incense has its place -but Johnny is. to be excused if he prefers those “pickling and jam-making odours. # With a sigh of relief and a sigh with n strange yearning and sombre content, mama and dad saw Johnny and Mary off to school. NEXT ROUND IN A LOPSIDED BOUT « — — - » I As the-------- « TIMES” Go By If— — —— —----------------------« 50 YEARS AGO Messrs. Weekes Bros, sus­ tained a heavy loss-last week in the transit of a monument which had been shipped from U.S. The top was broken off and the loss will amount to nearly $100. One of the best and most pop­ ular institutions in town is our public library. It is a decided fact that we have one of the best libraries in the county. Messrs. Bowden and McDonell are to he congratulated on the success of their excellent horses at the Big Fair, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Dew of Iowa and Mrs. John Hunter, who have been camping at Grand Bend for the past two weeks returned on Thursday last. , .A ' --------- V 125 YEARS AGO Mr. John \V. Taylor is nurs­ ing a very painful finger these days. Mr. Taylor was nailing steel laths on his house when he fell from the step ladder his hand came in contact with the lath in- i flicting a painful wound and threatening blood poisoning. A report of the Centralia Lad­ ies’ Aid shows how hard work can accomplish great feats. Since the United Church burned down in 1921. the Ladies’ Aid have raised $4,110.44 towards furni­ shing the new church. This am­ ount will give the reader some idea of the great undertakings the ladies have so successfully conducted. Alfred E. Tennant, veterinary surgeon, who for over 40 years has practised, in Exeter, died in Victoria Hospital, London, after a serious illness of pneumonia. After an illness extending over three years, there passed away at lier late home in Guelph, Mrs. Samuel Peart, at the age of OS years. The late Mrs. Peart was before her manage Miss Maria G. Horne, daughter of the iate Mr, Horne one of the pioneers of Huron County. 15 YEARS AGO Being anxious to make room in his barn for the harvesting of his bean crop, Mr. Milo Snell made use of his hydro lighting system and, with the aid of sev­ eral men from town, he threshed all night with Mr. Garnet Mc- Falls’ threshing outfit. Mr. Warren Brock of Zion is at the Western Fair, London, where he is showing several of his fine horses. ELLSMERE-BUSWELL— at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell, their daughter Enola Gertrude was united in marriage with Albert Ellsmere of Golden Valley on Saturday, September 8, 1935. 1O YEARS AGO Mr. R. L. Motz, who for the past nine years has conducted the Red & White Grocery busi­ ness in Exeter has disposed of the stock to Mrs. C. P. Harvey. The business in future will be known as Harvey & Harvey. The hotel in Exeter has changed hands and Miss Amelia Acheson, the third generation in the hotel business, is the new proprietress. Messrs. W. H. Pollen and M. W. Talfer are taking in the Globe & Mail Scotch Doubles tournament which opened in Tor­ onto Thursday. Two new teachers have been added to the high school staff— Mr. W. R. Shaw, B.A., of Hawk- Stone, and Miss Marion Snell. B.A., of Auburn. ... Neighboring News . Repeat Performance With His Foals At < .N.i:. Show Albert Drake, sixteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Drake. R.R. 2 St. Marys, had a repeat performance at the Can­ adian National Exhibition last week when he won his class with the registered filly foal: with whi-h he met the same suc-,t cess at last year’s C. N. E. and also Royal Winter Fair. Albert also showed a full sister of the above colt in the 1950 foal class and was successful in winning that class as well as the boys’ foal class. This young lad has a keen interest in his young hors­ es and competed against seven other high class colts. ?(St. Marys Journal-Argus) Big Crowd At Theatre Capacity crowds were at theI local Fox Theatre on Thursday! for Foto-Nite. Mrs. W. H. Mc- Linehey of R. R. 3 Farkhlll was| not present either night and the, offer is now §115.00. At the! Legion bingo a much smaller 1 crowd than usual was on hand. I No one won the jackpot and the; offer was increased^ §10. Tall Weed Last week Lome Watson brought in a lamb’s quarter- which is one of the tallest ever grown. Growing in his corn field it more than kept pace with the corn, and measured over ten feet tall. The stock measured I three inches around the root. (parkhill Gazette) I Leading Citizen Passes | The residents of Varna and ’ community were saddened when ’ they learned of the passing of one of their leading citizens, in the person of Lottie Webster Coleman, o n September 1st, I n his 48th year. For the past tew j months his health had been Un­ impaired but he bore his suffering with patience and fortitude and all that medical aid and loving care could offer was to no avail. He was the sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman and spent most of his life in the community.« (Seaforth News) Cornerstone Laid With official ceremony, the cornerstone of the new §50,000 addition to the Huron County Registry Office was well and truly laid on Tuesday afternoon. It was necessary to get a wrecker from the garage of Reg. McGee & Sons to lift the two- foot-squate stone in, place. • County Treasurer A. H. Ers­ kine inserted a sealed copper box into the cornerstone as it was placed in position. In the sealed box Were a collection of 1950 coins; a copy of the Regi- ety Act of 1887; a photograph: of the present Registrar, J. M. Roberts; Huron County Council minutes of 1949 and 1950; a committee card containing names o f Huron County Councillors, officers and committees tor 1950; a copy of the August 31st issue of The Goderich Signal-Star. Congratulations t o Mr. Cyril; Dunbar of Centralia, who com­ pleted t h e approved course o f training at Sky Harbor last week. He has passed all examinations needed to possess a private pil­ ot’s license. ’ With fall fair time looming up again, barnstorming flights will be frequent. Zurich Fall Fair last week was visited by aircraft from Sky Harbor, tGoderich Signal-Stat) t 200 MZ/Zwz Dollar Diamond s If a diamond as large as a baseball were ever found, it would probably be worth about 200 million dollars. But it would benefit only the person who owned it. The amount of money which the life insurance companies'in Canada invest each year on behalf of their policyholders is large enough to buy such a diamond! But this money is in­ vested in ways which benefit every Canadian. It is put to work to help build new schools, power plants, high­ ways, industrial plants, homes and many other vitally important constructions. In all these ways it promotes progress and helps create jobs in communities throughout the nation. Thus life insurance works for everyone two ways. It helps raise living standards. And it provides seci^ily by building income for old age and protection for families. Today nearly 5 million Canadians are creating this security for themselves and their families the life insurance way.' k The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS . . . BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY 1-4500 The Work Clothes that laugh at Hard Wear! “Big 88“ OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS, WORK PANTS FOR THE WORKING MAN \ MADE BETTER^/ \ TO FITBETTER / fTO WE ArToNGER 7 Haugh’s "Big 88" Overalls are premium grade over­ alls—combining Haugh’s Sanforized Gold Label cloth and finest workmanship .». Extra full cut for more comfortable fit, with the "Tug-of-war" crotch and heavy diamond bar tacks at all points of strain for longer wear. Your best overall buy, because Haugh’s "Big 88" are better! J. A. HAUGH MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. TORONTO, ONTARIO S'M Motovs — Thermostats Domestic and Industrial firing of all Kinds Poultry Time Clocks *— Waterheaters — Furnace Controls *— Fixtures^ etc. GARFIELD THOMSON PHONE 323-M EXETER ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS < H. DOUCETT, MinhUr