HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-14, Page 1I*
Seventy-sixth Year
a n d Thursday of
for the annual fall
attractions this year
and better than ever
of additions have
Bigger, Bettei
Planned For I
All roads will lead to Exeter
next week
fair, The
are bigger
and & number
been made to the prize lists.
On Wednesday flight arrange
ments have been made for an
all star grandstand performance
which will include the Paul Bros,
comedy; The Nicklings, acrobats;
Jaon Ross, bull whip artist; the
Freeman Sisters, dancers; Don-
ettas, balancing act; Ken Cook
master of ceremonies. Admission
to grounds and grandstand 50c
and. 2'5 c.
A monstei’ parade o f floats,
cars, freak outfits, bicycles and
school children in costume will
start the Thursday afternoon
program. The main attractions
will be trials of speed, girls’
softball, bicycle and foot races
and a Junior Farmers’ Tractor
Rodeo. For Ahe first time the
Hereford Breeders’ Regional
Show will be held in connection
with the fair, Tory Gregg will
-be at the microphone. A dance
will be held in the arena at
night. Exeter Fail’ lias always
proved a great drawing card and
only good weather is needed to
make it a success.
Junior Farmers, Institute
To Have Fair Booth
The Junior Farmers and Jun
ior Institute met in the auditor
ium of the high school. Jack
Stewart presided at the •business
part of the meeting. Plans were
completed for the booth at the
local fair. It was also planned
to have “Parents’ Night” on
October 4.
Bob Hern was chairman of the
program. Harry Hern led a sing
song, after which Delores Allison
taught the group two new songs.
Norma Knight and Helen Shap-
ton entertained with musical
numbers. The group adjourned
to the cafeteria for lunch.
Plow Adjustment Topic
Harry Sherwood was host to
the September meeting of South
Huron Junior Farmers. Plans
were completed for a joint meet
ing with Clinton and Seaforth
clubs, in preparation for the
tractor driving competition. Mr.
Sherwood gave an instructive
talk on proper plow adjustment.
II •'xjF
Baptismal Service Held
A baptismal service was held
at the James St, United church
in connection with the Sunday
morning service when nine child
ren were baptised. They were
children of Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Frhyne, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Harrow, Mr, and, Mrs. Vic Pyet-
te, Mr. and Mirs. 'Sheldon Wein,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wurm, Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Cowan, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Dyck, Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Bailey and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Iiowe. A large interested
congregation was present, A solo
was sung by Miss Jean McDon
Damage $15,000
In Granton Fire
A disastrous fire of unknown
origin burned the bank barn
owned by Mr. Harold Wallis, of
Granton, to the ground, Monday
night. The barn was one of the
best in Biddulph township and
loss was estimated at $15,000.
The season’s hay and thresh
ed grain were lost, also 40
three calves, a hay loader,
ure spreader and sugar
Although’ a strong east
blew, a bucket brigade saved a
garage, • hen house and drive
shed. The loss is partly covered
by insurance. ,
Mr. Wallis, ~
from Toronto,
dulph council
fire started.
The farm
north of Granton. The barn
5 2x54 feet and stood on a
Bible Society Meeting
Held At Cromarty
On Sunday evening a meeting
in the interests of Bible Society
work was held in the Cromarty
church when Dr. MacNiven o f
London, who is General Secret
ary of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, gave a very stirring ad
dress on this work, He also
showed pictures of lite among
the natives of Africa, revealing
the contrast between conditions
before and after the spread of
the Gospel among it’s people,
W.M.S. Meeting
The September meeting of the
Cromarty W.M.S was held at the
home of Mrs. T. L. Scott with
the president Mrs. Thos. Scott,
Sr., presiding. Mrs. L. Sorshahl
had charge of the devotional ex
ercises and Mrs. T. L, Scott gave
a splendid paper on “Abundant
Living.” Mrs. Scott also read the
secretary's report and Mrs. Har
per gave the treasurer’s report.
The roll call was answered by a
verse on “Harvest” and the of
fering was received. Mrs. Hough
ton then offered prayer. We had
as Bresbyterial guest Mrs. A.
Cameron of Mitchell who was
accompanied by Mrs. S. Camer
on and little son, also of Mit
chell. Mrs. Cameron spoke brief
ly o f Mission Band work and
made a very urgent plea for the
re-organization of our Mission
Band. The meeting closed with
prayer by the president after
which a dainty lunch was served
and a social half hour enjoyed.
Personal Items
Mrs. H. W. Currie, of Winni
peg, a former resident o f this
community, is visiting with her
cousin Mr. gam Norris and Mrs,
Norris. She came east to attend
the Drait-Norris wedding.
Mrs, E, H. Bayne has returned
to her home in Regina after vis
iting with her sisters Misses
Margaret and Bella Miller and
Mrs. E. Templeman and brother
Mr, Jos. Miller.
Mr, Robinson of Stratford
conducted church service on Sun
day morning, Miss Margaret
Walker sang a solo very accept
who just returned
was attending Bid
meeting when the
is the ■ first
wall with 24-foot posts.
and Mrs. Harold
and Bob visited on Sun-
day with Mr., Geo. Earl, Exeter.
Mrs. Herman Kyle of Exeter
is spending some time at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern
Sunday visitor with Mr.
Mrs. Melville Hern were:
and Mrs. Gordon Bender
family of Dashwood, Mr.
Arthur Kerslake, Phyliss
and Pat of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm Spence and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott
and family of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Orivlle Roger and family of
Kirkton visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriatn
Mr. and Mrs. Reg DuValle
and Mrs. Allan of Wingham, Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe of
Exeter visited on Sunday with
and Mrs. Wellington Brock.Mr.
Lay Cornerstone
September 27
Steel beams have f>een placed
for the roof on the Exeter Public
School addition and most of the
walls have been erected. Con
struction is rapidly progressing
as the contractors hope to have
the building ready for opening
in January. The cornerstone will
be laid on September 27 with
an informal ceremony.
The public school hoard met
for their regular meeting on
Monday. Principal Claude Blowes
reported an
with forty in
The board
tario Safety
In Hensail
Over' $59,000
Hensall’s taxable assessment
has Increased more than $59,000
over last year, assessor W. B.
Cross reported to the council
TuOS day night.
Total 1951 assessment is
comprised of la n d
$494,095 and
according to
enrolment of 335,
the kindergarten,
requested the On-
League to show
to pupils of thefilms
Mr, Helge Jensen inter-
the board in respect to
and chairs for the new
No action was taken.
new addition to the Goderich
Public School on Friday night.
They were accompanied by In
spector G. G. Gardiner,
Members Visit School
members of the Exeter
School Board visited the
Hensall’s Utility Man
Do ing Good Work
Hensall’s new utility man,
W. Leonhardt, has been doing a
good job since he started his
duties in July. Citizens and of
ficials say he's the “best we’ve
ever had”.
Mr. Leonhardt makes a regu
lar job of cleaning the streets—
something that hasn’t been done
for some time. He has also
cleaned out several catch basins
in the village which were cov
ered when the new road was
built two years ago.
He takes a personal interest
in the cleanliness of the town
hall, and in the condition of
drains, weeds and streets. Mr.
Leonhardt is moving into his
apartment above Bonthron’s
store this week.
Appeal County Grand Bend Man Jailed
Three municipalities in Huron
County will appeal against the
county assessment “
Court o pens in
The Town of
Colbourne Township were
first to register appeals against
the assessment passed by county
council in its June session, Now,
the Town of Wingham has
served notice that it will make
an appeal in the court of revi
sion over which Judge T, M.
•Costello will preside.
This action has caused con
cern among other municipal of
ficers in the county since the
total assessment of the county
cannot be lowered, although the
amount may be redistributed
among the municipalities. If the
assessment on any of the above
corporations is lowered, that
amount may be added to an
other corporation.
Villages of Exeter and Hen
sall have secured services of an.
attorney to- protect them against
any increase in assessment. Most
of the assessors in the county
will be present at the hearing.
when Supreme
Goderich next
Goderich and
_ __ „ ...... _ Stanley Martin, operator of
Sweep Western Fair Dooley's lunch at Grand Bend,
Preston Dearing and son Ger- was sentenced to two months in
aid, of Stephen Twp., swept the |.
entire field for Dorset Horned
sheep .at the Western Fair.
Every prizg in 14 classes was
taken by the father and son
team. This includede the champ
ion ram and reserve champion
ram, champion ewe and reserve
champion ewe. The Dearings
have been -consistent winners in
past years but this is the first
year they have swept the list,
jail for bootlegging by Magis
trate Dudley Holmes at Exeter
court Tuesday. It was 'Martin’s
second offence this summer. He
was fined $50 in June on a
similar charge.
Four witnesses, all 21 years
of age, testified they bought a
case of beer from Martin for $8
on Sunday, August 20.
A smashed “coke" bottle led
to the charge. One of the boys,
who said he was “pretty high",
smashed the soft drink bottle on
the main street of Grand Bend.
Residents complained to Provin
cial Constable Clare Outingdyke.
•His investigation ended in a
charge of bootlegging against
Martin pleaded innocent and
Frank Donnelly, K.C., acted for
the defense.
The boys, two 17 years of age,
one 19 and another 20, all of
Embro, said they bought a case
of O’Keefe’s Extra Old
Ale from Martin for $8. Each
identified accused in the
room as the one from
they purchased 'the ale. The de
fense argued that the contents
were not intoxicating but Magis
trate Holmes disagreed.
“Bargain Day” •
It was “bargain day" for
Grand Bend operators in Exeter
court Tuesday. Magistrate Dud
ley Holmes, who has consistently
levied the maximum fine of $40
for offences against the' Lord’s
Day Act throughout the sum
mer, lowered the fine to $20
this week.
John Lauman, owner of Lau-
man’s Bowling Alleys, pleaded
guilty to charges of operating on
> Sundays, July 2 and 9. He was
I fined $40 on each count but
’ when his counsel made a plea
ifor leniency on six other charges
the magistrate granted his re.- ! quest. Lauman was fined a total
I of $200 aud costs.
i Glen Nichols pleaded guilty to
’ a charge of operating Fairway
| Driving Range on Sunday, Au.g- lust 13, and was assessed $20
$65,490, buildings
business $48,083,
Mr, Cross.
The increase of
'50 figures indicates the amount
of building and repairing which
has been done in the village
during the past year, Besides
these additions, some assess
ments were raised in accordance
with new equalization standards.
A court of revision on the
sessment roll
September 29,
Mr. P. L.
peared before
gate from the Hensall School
Fair Board, asking for a grant.
Council voted $60 for the fair.
Rev. W. Rogers was appointed
to fill the vacancy on the Lib
rary Board left by Rev. R. A.
Brook. Daylight Saving Time
will quit on Sunday midnight,
September 24. Garbage will be
collected on October 11 and 12
as usual. Council applied for an
interim payment of the statutary
grant under the Highway Im
provement Act.
J. A. Paterson, tax collector,
reported having received $822.25
in cash and $340.00 in prepay
ments of $1,162.25 on the 1950
Mr. Paterson also reported on
the appeals of Goderich town
and Colbourne Township against
the equalization report of county
council. Elmer D. Bell, K.C., of
Exeter was engaged to defend
Hensall at Goderich on Septem-1
her 18.Utility man C. W. Leonhardt I
asked for a step ladder for the!
hall and permission to take i
time off to move his household j
effects to his apartment. Council i
granted requests. ;
Bills and accounts were paid
as follows: L. Baynham, dry
cleaning curtain, hall, $14.50;
Hensall School Fair, grant, $60.-
00; W. B. Cross, sa’ary $150.00,
postage $8.S4, $158.34; Hensall'
School Board, current expenses,
$59,514 over
will be held
council as a dele-
Police Fire Shots To
Catch Resort Intruder
Shots rang out Saturday night
in one of the parks at Grand
Bend, when police attempted to
round up a trespasser who fright
ened cottage occupants in the
The trespasser was noticed
the wife of a cottage owner
he prowled around the building.
She immediately phoned police.
When they arrived the intruder
had gone into the woods. He was
asked to surrender and when he
refused, police fired warning
shots into the bush. Minutes
later police took Albert Tieder-
man into custody. He appeared
in Exetgr court on Tuesday, but
was remanded for medical exam
ination at Goderich.
Kinsmen Consider
House Numbering
Exeter 4 Kinsmen are consider
ing the project of numbering
houses in the village. Prelimin
ary investigations have already
been undertaken by the Lions
Club and the Chamber of Com
merce but these organizations
are willing to turn the project
over to the Kinsmen.
Kinsmen held their first fall
meeting at Club Monetta Thurs
day night, with President War
ren Sanders in the chair. It was
decided to enter a float in the
parade on fair day, September
. At the next meeting, a new
vice-president will be named to
replace Mel Alderson, who has
been transferred to London.
Stan Smith, who recently re
turned to town to teach music
in the district, entertained with
piano selections. He was intro
duced by Director Ray Wuerth.
(Norman Hannigan and Jack
Weber were guests at the meet
Town Topics
Mr, and Mrs. ’Freeman Farrow
and daughter of Stratford were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Farrow over Sunday.
Miss Mary Horney of
was a week-end guest
and Mrs. W- C. Allison
cottage at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Albert Duncan and Mrs. ’ and costs?
Arthur Gardiner and Mr. Bert { George Knapp, operator of the
Mrs. Hugh penny Arcade and other amuse-
" Over the meats. was fined $60 for operat
ing on August 6, 13 and 20.
Charges of dangerous driving
a . against Bert Bossenberry of De-
I Lucan, were adjourned.
and Mrs. Wm. TookeyHay Approves
Seven By-Laws
Hay Township council approved
seven by-laws at their regular
meeting last week.
The by-laws provided for open
ing the south portion of Bisinark
Street in Zurich; the Cann-
Mitchell drain supplemental; the
Wurm drain supplemental; ap- i
pointment of officials; appoint-)
ment and salary of assessor; .
salaries and rates of pay for the
township officials; salaries and
rates of pay for officials in the
telephone system.
A meeting of owners of laud
bordering F “ .
east of Zurich was called for on
September 11,
Owners of land assessed on
the Mousseau Drain were called
to a meeting on September 14
to deal with the dangerous ditch
on the road west of S.S. 10, Hay.
First and second readings were
given debenture by-law for the
amount of $7,300 to pay the
cost of telephone extension to
new subscribers from June 1948
to the present time. The by-law
will be submitted to the Ontario
Municipal Board for approval.
Council contracted Bruce Eick-
meir to paint the walls and win
dows of the Hay Township Hall
for $125. The Women’s Institute
have donated $50 towards this
B. Masse was paid $30 for
land used for fill at the Ortwein
bridge oh Bronson line.
Main accounts were as follows
“—Relief, $118.90; telephone, H.
G, Hess $1,815.50, E. X Freder-
ich $315.00, Northern Electric
Co. $445.03, Bell Telephone Co.
$1,692.34; general, Zurich Her
ald $118.15, H. W. Brokelisliire
$108.28, Hay Telephone System
$2,500, Zurich Bolice Village
$800; roads, James Masse $166,-
60, Alphonse Masse $149.60.
the first blind Hne|^vitXir ■h.h wa« ivitchell.
Attend U.C. General Council
Rev. H. X Snell, representing
the London conference and Rev.
S. Brenton, of Londesboto. and
X L. Snider, of Goderich, rep
resenting Huron Presbytery, are
in, Toronto this week attending
the Genera! Council of the Unit
ed Church of Canada.
Mrs. Vernon of Detroit
Mrs. M. McGrenere and family
of London spent a few days with
Mr. Otto Restemeyer last week.
Grant Wildfong and Robert
Haugh spent the week-end at
Niagara Falls.
Mrs. H. Kraft and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Yates of Toronto visited
with the Kraft sisters last week.
Miss Thelma Weber lifts re
turned home after spending sev
eral weeks in Sherbrooke, Que.,
and Toronto.
Mrs. Russell Tieman has re
turned after spending the past
week in Detroit.
Miss June Alexander of
lcerton spent the week-end with
Marlon Wildfong. a
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe Re
turned Saturday after spending
a week in Toronto.
George Wolfe and friend Miss
C. Moore, of Toronto, returned
with them to spend the week
Mr. D. Weber spent a few
days in Port Elgin last week
with his daughter, Rev. and Mrs.
B. Carr.
Mona Schade of Zurich is
spending a 5 few days with her
cdusin, Dianne Weber.
Mrs. A. Tieman and Russell
spent the week-end in Detroit.
Glen Haugh of Waterloo spent,
the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh.
Mt, and Mrs. S. P. Currie and
family spent the week-end at
North Bay.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher
spent the week-end in Kitchener,
Members of the Dashwood
Walther League softball team
enjoyed a trip t o Edgewood
Park (near Guelph- and attend’
ed the Walther League Labour
Day rally there.
The day was spent in playing
softball, volleyball, and other
sports. The Dashwood Leaguers
played softball with Waterloo
and volleyball with St. Cathar
ines and Humberston, and were
successful in one volleyball game.
London visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning.
Mr. Thos. Pullen, who spent
_____ ___ _______._ _ _____several months w i t h Mr. and
$1,000.00; The Huron Expositor,; Mrs. Ross Hern, has moved to
printing, $4.62; Exeter Times-I the home of Mr. and Mi'S. Milne
Advocate, printing, $3,42; Pro-J Pullen.
vincial Treasurer, insulin, Mit
chell, $1.23; L. Hay, coal, hall,
$196.20; C.N.R., rent of land,
band stand, $1.00; C. Johnston,
repairs, streets, $12.35; J. A.I Paterson, postage, tax notices,
i$8,04; F. Appleby, labor, streets
$13.20; Hensall P.U.C., hydro
and water, hall, $13.41; C. Kip-
fer, postage $5.00, unemploy
ment stamps $6.72, $1.72; C. W.
■ Leonhardt, salary, $123.32; O.
, gas, oil and repairs,
streets, $28.33; Bell Telephone,
service, $11.50; total, $2,001.68.
Schools opened in this district
last Tuesday with Mrs. Garnet
Hodgins as teacher in the north
■ school, Mrs. Mervyn Love in the
Mr, Charles MaeNanghton will
attend the annual meeting of the
Canadian Seed Trade Association
in Toronto on Friday.
west school, and Miss Tompkins
ill Corbett school as teachers,
Mrs. Herb Mollard of Centen
ary visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Joe Horner Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock
and Carl visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor and
family of Grand Bend.
Wedding bells are ringing in
this vicinity this week.
Mrs. Ervine Eggert and Sheila
visited recently with relatives at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Barley of 'Wind
sor visited oft Sunday with Mt.
and Mrs. Lawrence Bollock.
Mfrs. Robert Snowden of Bark
hill is spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBlierson.
Mrs. R, t. Sheppard is visit
ing this W«iek With friends in
School Fair
At Hensail
of (Mr.
at their j
MacDonald in Essex
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham
of Stratford are spending
week's holidays with Mr. and > troit and Fred Bridger, R.R. 1,
Mrs. Elmore Harness. ' *
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith
and Mr. Cox of St. Thomas spent
Saturday with rs. Charles Dale.
Mrs. D. A. Anderson visited
last week with Mrs. W. Lyon of
Miss Corinne Davis of Fort
Erie visited with her grand
mother, Mrs. Sid Davis, of Exe
ter Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Emerson Cornish and
grandson Ronnie visited 1......
friends in Hensall last Wednes-pTrs- Ruth Neilson is Worthy
day. j Commander of the Conclave.
Mr. Gordon May of Hamilton’ Rev, H. J. Snell gave an in
is spending two weeks’ holidavs * spiring talk based on three
• with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ‘ words symbolic to the Conclave
William May. - fraternity, truth and charity.
Malcolm Kirkland returned J Mrs. Margaret Fletcher was solo-
BLANSHARD Hom Victoria Hospital on Sun-{1st of the evening.■r-uxu/ day an oyeration Following the service Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford getting along as well as can be s Mrs. Allen Fraser entertained,
and family, of Lucan, Mr. and expected. the visiting members at their
Mi's. Gladwyn Langford, Shirley Mrs. Beatrice Tomlinson has J home,
and Edwin, of Kirkton, Mr. anil J returned to Fort William after ’
Mrs. Kn Hodgins, Lois and Lor-«spending a month with Mrs. M. j
ene, o f Glendale were Sunday A. Tomlinson, iris and Jim. Her'
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb:daughter, iris (Mrs. W. I. Mil-i
Langford. jler), who travelled her with her J
Rev. Currie, of Crediton, was
the guest seaker at the United
Church service on Sunday after-
j noon while Rev. Burton was in
! in charge of the Brinsley church
! anniversary.
I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire of
I Roya Oak, Mich, visited during
last week with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Squire and other relatives.
' Mr. Harvey Herbert, Brampton
was aweek-end visitor with Mr.
Wilfred Herbert and Mr. and
Mrs. Gerad Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klhare.
and Catherine visited in London
on Sunday with C. S. Maguire.
Donald Pullen, Billie Heather
and Gerald Wallis have entered
St. Marys Collegiate and
Chapman has gone to
London Conclave Holds
Service In Local Church
Over forty members of Mizpah
Conclave No. 3 True Kindred of
London motored to Exeter on
{Sunday evening to hold their an-
__t nual church service in the church witii • of their advisor, Allen Fraser.
September 26
Hensall will hold their annual
school fair on Tuesday, Septem
ber 26, in the Community Rink.
A meeting of the Hensall
Community School Fair Board
was held on Thursday evening
with the following members pres
ent: W. R. Davidson, H. Parget,
P. L.* MacNaughton, W, Parke
and J. A. Paterson.
Mr. Gordon Bennett, agricul
tural representative for Huron,
was present and offered to give
all the help possible.
The following judges were
named for the various classes:
Grain, Harry Strang, R.R. 1,
Hensall; roots and vegetables,
Winston Sliapton, R.R. 1, Exe
ter; fruit, Winston Shapton and
the agricultural representatives;
poultry and eggs, Douglas Morri
son, Seaforth; livestock and pets,
the agricultural representatives;
flowers, Mrs. H. Dougall. R.R.
X Exeter; crafts, Mrs. M. R.
Savauge, Seaforth: decorated bi
cycles and tricycles, to be select
The meeting also decided to
hold either contests or a concert
in the town hall on Friday eve
ning, October 13.
The secretary was instructed
to notify the teachers and the
school inspector as to the dates
and to write to Baton’s
Simpson’s regarding prizes.
Teaches In Kitchener
Miss Anita Batata, a former
pupil of Exeter District High
School and a graduate of Strat
ford Normal School this year,
has accepted a position as in
structor at the Suduby School,
Kitchener, as primary teacher.
Stores Close Fair t)ay
Stores in. Exeter will be closed
on Hair Day, Thursday, Sept, 21
from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m.
No. in Stephen opened on
Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Young of returned home two weeks ago i Tuesday last w i t h a good at-
St. Marys were Sunday visitors I by plane. ' fonnhm
with Mrs. Jas. Mossey., Kathleen'
Mossey returning with them.
Miss Madeline Dann o f Lon
don spent the week-end at her
Mr. John Knox .of Welburn.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mfs.
Bred Thomson.
Mr. Milton Hooper and Glad
wyn Hooper spent Friday and
Saturday at the C.N.E.
Mrs. Fred Mills and Carl
spent a few days at the C.N.E.
Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Frid
ay with ’her brother ML John
Hazelwood and Miss Hazelwood
of Whalen.
Ml and
of Toronto, Ml Fred Thomson,
of Toronto
with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Thom
son and attended the Facey-
Mainprize wedding in the Wel-
linii United church Saturday af
Ml and Mrs. Jack Thomson,
Marlon, Grant and Sharon spent
Sunday with Mrs. R. Chittick of
St. Marys.
. ; tendance with their new teacher
’ Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Prest of J Mrs. Garnet Hodgins of Lieury.
Los Angeles. Calif., spent sev-' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley and
oral days with Mrs. M. G. Tom- daughter Jean and Mr, and Mrs.
linson and family of town and > Orval Barrel of the Mollard Line
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Willert of i spent Sunday at Ipperwash and
Dashwood. port Franks.
Miss May Hodgins returned to
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Murdoch ......„.....................
and Mr. and Mrs. F. Philbroolt her home in Toronto on Friday,
visited in Exeter over the week-] Mr. Gordon Eagleson and Alex
end after spending a very enjoy- j Love attended Western Fair in
able week in Chicago. They left I London on Monday.
for their homes in Hamilton on ML Mansell Hodgins and sister
Monday to resume duties with and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love vis->
the Bell Telephone. Red in Petrolia on Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook have I Mrs. W. R. Hodgins.
Mr. Gordon Eagleson and Alex
Mrs. dark Thomson.
spent the week-end
returned home
with Rev. L. H.
er at Newcastle,
incourt and Mr.
Cook at Stoney
Mrs. L. F. Howey and Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Howey of Lon
don visited with relatives in Tor
onto and with Squadron Leader
and Mrs. Lome Howey of Ot
tawa last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Batata of..._____ _ ___ ___ _ _______
Hamilton visited with the form- spent, the week-end at Chesley
after visiting
and Mrs. Turn
relatives at As
aad Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns
spent Sunday at Bell village
summer resort in Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Cooper of Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. John Batten and ’ Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake
Celebrates Birthday
Mr. Charles Isaac of Centralia
celebrated his 82nd birthday on
Sunday, Sept. 10 and had as his
guests Ml and Mrs. Alvin Es-
sery and Bill, Mrs. A. Robinson,
Ml and Mrs. Glenn Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac and
Jack of Detroit.
er's sister. Ml and Mrs. Harold
Simpson, of town.
Miss Mary VanCamp, at Ot
tawa, is holidaying at her home
Miss Wilma Walters ‘has ac
cepted a position with the Brady
cleaning establishment in Exeter*
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne
and family visited on Sunday
with ML ahd Mrs, Bob Hamilton
of London.The many friends of Mr. Har
ry Ford will be pleased W know
that he is sufficiently improved
.in health so that he may be up
'and around each day, Mr. and
Several ads and news budgets 1 Mts. Lou Fletcher of Kirkton.
have had to be omitted this!visited on Sunday with Mr, and week. | Mrs. Ford. t
Sorry . . . Wrong Number
In an advertisement appear
ing in last week’s issue on be
half of Miss Nancy Wright, mus
ic teacher, the phone number
should have read 294-J instead
of 294-R.