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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-09-07, Page 4
Page 4 4 THK TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 M J ■ . Attention I INSTITUTE MEMBERS You are reminded of Exeter Fair on September 21. Prizes will be offered for the follow ing: shell work, a fancy cushion, a cotton quilt, a hook rug, cot ton knitted lace. Institute mem bers are asked to bring these articles to the pot-luck supper on September 13. The best items will be held for the fair. Singer Sewing Machine Co. All calls for service and repairs from residents of Grand Bend and surround ing territories will be ac cepted at Young’s Hardware GRAND BEND Phone 311'3 Grand Bend These calls will be picked up each Thursday by our London representative I Announcements BIRTHS CAMPBELL--To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold (Joe) Campbell, of Exeter, on Tuesday, September Sth, at the Hooper Nursing Home, a son Gary Lloyd. DICKEY—To Mr, and Mrs. John Dickey of Centralia on August 31, a son, William John, a brother for Linda and Judy, at Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home. . ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Thom son wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter, Shirley Kathleen, to Elmer Thomas Wil lis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Willis, The wedding will take place about the middle of Sep tember. 7 c WANTEDFOR SALE FOR SALE w ■ ............. . jr ANTED TO RENT-—Farm up to 100 acres, with buildings. Write P.O. Box 92, London, Ont. 24:31:7* FOR SALE-—Side delivery rake, 10% ft, in good condition.— Eugene Deitrich, phone 31r5, Dashwpod,7 * 1 s EDWARDS—Mr. and Mrs. Wil bert Edwards (nee Marjorie McDonald), Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a son in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday, September 3. A brother lor Linda. Cliftonand Mrs. Margaret Hamil- are happy to an- MILLER—Mr. Miller (nee ton, Staffa) nounce the birth of a daughter Bonnie Jean, on Tuesday, August 29th In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Ont. DEATHS COOPER—In Stephen Township, at the residence of his son, Hubert Henry Cooper, in his seventy-fifth year. PERKINS—In Exeter, on Mon day, September 4, 195 0, Ser ena Elizabeth Vanstone, be loved wife of John N. Perkins, in her eighty-fifth year. WANTED White B eans Soya Beans Timo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris announce the engagement of their only daughter, Charlotte Christina, to Mr. Frank Hutchin son Nesbit, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit of Blyth, Ont., the marriage to take place September 23, in United Church, 7* FOR SALE — Cement gravel, sand and fill. Garfield Brock, trucker; phone Mrs. J. Stew art, 54-r-s Kirkton. 24:31:7* FOR SALS-—'175 Leghorn and New Ha'mpshire pullets. —-Ap ply to Mr, Jack- Corbett R.R. 1 Exeter, phone 92rll Zurich 7c S a t u r d a y , Thames Road Mrs. W. Maurice Water-Rev. and Sippell, 11 Cedar St. W loo, announce the engagement of their only Elizabeth, to Seeord. son of and the late FOR SALE—Four foot spring- filled mattress, in good con dition $12.00.— Phone 344-W 7c Evelyn I Ewart Seeord | Secord, Ridgeville. The wedding will be held September 23 at 4 o’clock in Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church, Waterloo. CARDS OF THANKS daughter, Mr. Earl Mrs. Oscar Mr. O. 7c to ; who treats, PLUMS FOR SALE — 11 - quart basket, 85e. First farm in the second mile south 31rl4. REG. HEREFORD BULLS for sale—T.B. tested, serviceable age, good rugged calves, At farmers’ prices. Also a few females, — E. R. O’Neil, Den- field P.O., Granton 27-r-15, 2 roads south of Elginfield, sec ond farm east No. 4 highway, 15 con. London. 24:31:7:14* and a quarter o f Dashwood. Phone 7:14* FOR SALE—Local space heater $5.00. •—Apply 11 Ann St., phone 3%6-M,7* FOR SALE—Space heater in good condition, —31 Ann St,, phone 377-J. 7* FOR SALE—19 46 black Hudson sedan in good condition. — F/L Nickel, Apt. 3, Devon Apts. 7”' FOR SALE—10 York pigs, six weeks old. —Apply to Harry Smith, Hensail, phone 187. 7* i i i j j i i Sweet Clover AlfalfaRed Cl over Phone 87 or 158 Dashwood A Is ike CLEAN! No Ashes To Remove Mr. Laverne Wells wishes thank the many friends remembered him with 1 cards and visits while he was a patient in Victoria Hospital. * Mr. Andrew Campbell wishes to express his appreciation for the cards, flowers and treats sent to him while ill. in hospital and since returning to his home. Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs’. Ven- ner wish to thank their neigh bours and friends, in the passing of their brother, Albert D. Berry of Grande Prairie, Alta., for the lovely flowers; also the acts of kindness during their sad be reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Snell and the members of the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home. 7 * Mr. T. Bridges would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered him with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since coming home, and all who i helped in any way with the farm work. 7 c Mr. and Sirs. F. W. Clark wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered Mrs. Clark with flowers, letters, cards and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since her return home. 7c Mrs. Bertha MeBeath and fam- j ily and sisters of the late Mr. i I John MeBeath wish to thank ’ their many friends and neigh- ’ hours for the kindness and sym- j pathy shown during his long. illness and bereavement. Special i thanks to Rev. Mr. Brook and ] Rev. Mr. Rogers; also Gladys Saundercock, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Bert Horton, I.O.O.F. and all those cards and flowers and any way. Mrs. Irvine McElrea ham wishes to thank friends an neighbours nesses, and gifts during home and in the hospital. FOR SALE—Two good building lots facing No. 4 highway Good drainage. — John Cald well. ” 7* FOR SALE—1945 Ford dump truck. •—Apply C. P. Deitrich 20r3 Crediton, R.R. 2, Credi- ton. 7:14* Money-Saving, Work-Saving FOR SALE—Cream all enamel Renfrew coal and wood cook stove, 6 lids with steel top and reservoir. —Apply Alton Isaac, Olandeboye. 7* FOR SALE—Large size Coleman space heater, almost new. — Phone 412-R. 7* SHIPKA Miss Audrey Finkbeiner, of London, visited a few days with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Finkbeiner. Audrey has ret urned home after two months in New Brunswick where she has been in charge of mission work. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes, Miss Pearl Keyes attended the funeral of the late Mr. day last at the church. Mr. and Mrs. and family of London spent -the holiday at the home of the form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering. Robertson Sun- Goshen Line Earl Pickering FOR SALE—Used electric ref rigerators $65.00 and up.— Crocker Refrigeration. ' 7c FOR SALE—Baby carriage in good condition. —-Phone 445J 7* FOR SALE—Timothy, clover and mixed hay, all baled. Also red clover in field,—‘Pat Walker, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 45 8rll. 7c FOR SALE—Royal Princess Pat combination coal and wood stove in very good condition. —-Phone 35r26 Dashwood 7* FOR SALE—Kiddie car, Sun shine tricycle $5, man’s bicyc le, baby buggy with mattress complete $10.00, all in good condition. •—-Mrs. Hayes (Mrs. Sutton’s residence, Simcoe St.) 7* FOR SALE—Cornell seed wheat, guaranteed no sprouts. Elmore McBride, phone 20 6-R. 7* FOR SALE FOR SALE—W h i t e enamelled coke stove, only been used one winter. Also one Signal Oak coal heater, with new fire pot, Both in excellent condition. — Clare Melick, phone 125 Dash wood. 24:31:7* FOR SALE—McCormick Deering combine (52) with Continent al motor, used two seasons,— Wally Wein, Dashwood, 31;7* FOR SALE—Baby carriage, al most new, in very good cond ition. —Phone s336-M. 7* LOST LOST—At Grand Bend, Aug. 30 a black club bag containing boy’s clothes, —Please leave at Times-Advocate. 7c LOST—-On highway 21, 3 miles northeast of Grand Bend, a canvas trailer-roof. Please con tact Caretaker, P.O. Sarnia or phone 1’35-M Sarnia, (reward) 7:14:21* MISCELLANEOUS I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, .phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 3 80-M Exeter. IStfc SPRAY PAINTING — Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. Free estimate. — G. W. Eagleson, phone 40-r-2 Dashwood. 27:10:17:24:31:7* NOTICES NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar rangements can be made.’ — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* LIVESTOCK WANTED $5.00 abled your Phone William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. Up to- each for Dead or Dis- Horses, Cows, Hogs, at farm. Prompt collect Exeter 287-W. service* 3;10:17:24c AV ANTED—Home and care for elderly lady (not confined to bed) within reasonable dis tance of Exeter.— Call Rus sell Moore, 682r4 Hensall. 3 4:7* AV ANTED- nished rooms, couple Box' “XI -—Immediately! A fur apartment, 2 or more in or around Exeter; with one child. Write r” Times-Advocate. 7* WANTED TO RENT—A round! 100-acre farm with buildings,, fall possession. Write Box 9 2, London, Ontario. 7:14* RENT—3 - r o o m- apartment, or a to buy for cash. M. Waters, 37 7* WANTED TO unfurnished small house Contact: L. Wellington St., Clinton. WANTED — A Coleman heater. Phone 445-J. 7* WANTED—194 8 or ’49 pickup. Must be in A-l condition and priced right. Lymen Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 47-r-18. 7:14* WANTED TO BUY—A number of weaners and chunks. Mac Hodgert, phone 173r3 Exeter and 371’17 Kirkton. 7:14c WANTED TO RENT—A farm up- to 100 acres, reasonable build ings with hydro preferred. Apply Box “H”, Exeter Times- Advocate. 7* Miss G. the who sent helped in 7* of Wood relations, for kind beautiful flowers, cards her illness at IN MEMORIAM COLEMAN —In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Wesley Coleman, who passed away one year ago, September 11, 1949. The.............................* 1 I 1 Jt .i T ! V e TENDERS WANTED < t t f I I r w f t e » f CREDITON CLOSING NOTICE The Crediton Branch of the Bank of Montreal will close for a 45-minute lunch period Tues days and Thursdays of each week from 12.30 to 1.15 p.m, begin ning Sept. 19 th. C. W. Parkin son, Mana ger TENDERS FOR BUILDING Sealed tenders will he receiv ed I) y the undersigned until September 11, 1950, for the pur chase of No. 9 vray Township, miles northwest Same is a frame in good repair. dwelling and could be moved in tact on a float. All tendeis be marked Highest necessarily Address McRann, Sec.-Treas., McGillivray Township School Area, R. R. 1, Olandeboye. 7c FOR SALE—28 chunks, eight weeks old, feeding well. —Art Baker, telephone. Grand Bend; 52-1--13. 7* *AN UNFAIR SITUATION (Simcoe Reformer) Canada’s 7"<) papers represent all shades of j political and editorial opinion. j They are an example of the f working of free speech and of free, competitive enterprise. Un-1 like their daily sisters, they boast no “chains”, no would-be barons of the press. It is, therefore, on only very rare occasions that they agree on a particular policy or pro cedure. And when such agree ment is reached. Canada’s gov ernment authorities have always given them a considerate hear ing. That is the case now, as the I 564 member papers of the Can-! adian Weekly Newspapers Asso-I ciation ask the federal govern ment policy. The Canada, business, fluence dividually, small operated, in the main, by small| businessmen. j They live by advertising ana 1 consider publications financed by < private advertising ; safeguards of the| press. | Yet. with their weekly news-1 FOR SALE—Oil space heater, McD. 45-gal. drum, tap and lock. Complete. $45. 1926 Cliev motor c o m p 1 e t e with transmission and r a d i a t’o r. Good power plant. Cheap. $15. —W. E. Stewart. Centralia. 7* i to revise its sales tax School, McGilli- located about 7 of Ailsa Craig, building 2 0,x30* Suitable for a.ADDITION AND CORRECTION TO EXETER FAIR PRIZE LIST Robert Elder Limited Special: Ladies’ Shetland Pony in Harness —to be driven by a lady over 16 to a suitable vehicle, Manners and way of going to count 60%, equipments a n d appointments 20%, and horsemanship 20%. First, second and third prizes - china cup and saucer. Don ated by Robert Elder Limited, Jerald Buggies and Sulkies, Truck Bodies and Refrigera-1 tion, Toronto. | , Class 6, Section 8—Albert evatpi»vi1./al!o^?AveS?r0s,' i Ktbei’ington Special—should be ; Strop? d’ Realt01’ Mai^j“Pony Race” instead of “Pony —rxete^.___________. Outfit”; open to children under WE HAVE FOR SALE houses !14 Jears <)f afiG; bony under 44 (qT" Karl * Kirchner, in Exeter, Hensall, Clinton! and Mitchell. Stores in Huron ; and Middlesex. 22 farms of 1 ■ to 275 acres in Huron, Perth and Middlesex,—W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Sales- s man, Exeter.___________31tfn I ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW fori sale—This 2-bedroom home islMlVJ AW ,o. MV V,MVV.. has »over phone or through mail. I rooms j will make delivery into Hay and i in September, others call at my home. Be prepared to settle old ac counts when I call. Send in j orders early while stock is com- I plete. Will be home | and Saturday afternoons, profit sharing cards. * E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealer Phone 183 Exeter 1 I I 100 ACRES FOR SALE—This is! one of the most productive farms in this district. It has al good set of buildings with ’ hydro and water p ressur e. ; This farm may be bought with REAL ESTATE tender. or any tender accepted. all tenders to must. not Neil NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of KARL KIRCHNER. Deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate , late of the theI inches.I------ j Rawleigh Customers I am giving up the Rawleigh Agency. All goods are now on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except minerals, sprays and spices which •are 10%. Orders will be taken Township of Stephen, in County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of January. A.I). 1950, are re quired to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor, after which date the estate of the said deceased will bo distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Exeter this 28th day August, A.D. ’* ELMER D. Solicitor for Exeter, of big in In- are and weekly newspapers collectively, are the biggest single in the Dominion, however, they businesses, owned ♦ ♦ ♦ « 1 t f I t t * t f 4 I f dearest father the world could hold, cheeriest smile, a heart of gold: those who knew him all will know !! How much we lost one year ago. * God gave us strength to face it: Courage to bear the blow; But what it meant to lose him No one will ever know. —Ever -remembered and missed by his wife, the family and grandchildren. I The • And the surest freedom of the I ASK ABOUT OUR LOW PRICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS ® Gilson Oil Burners for Converting Your Present Coal Furnace to Oil © Sea-Breeze Electric Ironers sadly T HURON ST. EAST ^oBeman OIL Floor Furnace Save yourself work and dirt—have dependable, auto matic, oil heat! Efficient low-cost Coleman Oil Floor Furnace’s improvements move the heat right down to the floor. No fuel or ashes to carry—a cleaner house—more comfort—these are vital blessings. And Coleman will give them to you at an amazing low cost See us and let us prove it. Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 7c ; JHUXTABLE- In loving memory of our little darling, Margaret Elizabeth Huxtable, who passed away three years ago, Septem ber 2. 1947. Lovingly remembered. Grand ma. Mommy and Daddy. 7” JACKSON—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother, Mary Jane Jackson, who passed away September 7, 1945. Dear mother, you are not for gotten, Though on ear£h you are no more; sStill in memory you are with us J of As you always were before. Sadly missed but always membered by her family. ter Refrigeration Authorized Dealers For Kelvinator, Servel and Gilson Snow Bird Domestic Refrigeration • Fawcett Oil Burning Space Heaters with Automatic Forced-Air Circulation PHONE 59-W , __ _ relatively small j circulations, they are faced with * very strong competition for the j advertising dollar. The mnernment’s own child, the CBC, now shares a portion of the weeklies’ former revenue and is expanding on- funds de rived from tax receipts. Magazines, of general farm I content, regularly underrut town, jand village newspapers subscrip- ; tion prices, in the hope of build- ■ iiig giant • irculations and thus i attracting advertising dollars ! which might find their way to the rural press’ Week-end newspapers, not a few of whom feed on sensation in their drive for mass circula tions, also boast to advertisers that there is no need “to use the weeklies’’. The weekly press is not afraid , ? this type of competition. | Weekly newspapers play a vital role in the life of the smaller communities. They are better read than their big city competitors and the advertisements which they carry are also better read and thus bring better results. But weekly newspaper publish ers do object to taxes which neither the CBC, nor the maga zines, nor the week-end news papers have to pay. On every ton of paper used by the weekly papers of Canada there is an 8 per cent sales tax payable to the federal govern ment, There is no similar tax, how ever, charged on paper used in Canadian magazines or American magazines sold in this country. There is no similar tax pay able on paper used in comic books or pulp fiction magazines. Yet all these media are ad vertising competitors of Canada’s weekly newspapers. That the situation doesn’t make sense is obvious. It is equally obvious that the mem bers of Canada’s federal legis lature will realize the need for equity In sales tax application. j j bright well arranged t'"“**'* and all modern conveniences. * Stephen Quick possession. —C. V. Pic-j hard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 17tfc! GENERAL STORE—Huron Coun ty, on surfaced county road, centre of prosperous general farming district, good brick store building with comfort able dwelling attached, hydro, water pressure, oil burner. A good property in a good loca tion, doing FEE]) MILL equipment, ___ __ _________ house, hydro throughout. Ex cellent highway location. Buy now and be ready for heavy fall and winter season. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st., Exeter, Ont. 7 c evenings Bring of 1950. BELL, ICC., the Executors, Ontario. 31:7:14 t i u good business. ■With complete comfortable brick RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN whom it may concern: have been authorized, till FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE- On a large size trailer, IS acres good size cottage mostly furnished. West of Shipka off Crediton Road. —Mr. Chas. Wilton, R.R. 2, Dashwood. 7c HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for modern home in town, three adults. Apply Post Office box 128 Exeter, 31:7* Linotype Apprentice A Splendid Trade for a Young Man with Reasonable Education Times-Advocate Give your white elephants ’green backs’ with Want Ads. iBy-law No. 14, 1950, of the’cor poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board for the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: WARD 1—-That portion west of Main -Street, from the South Boundary to and including the south side of Ann Street and on the east side of Main Street, to and including the south side of James Street. WARD 2—That portion west of Main Street, from and including the north side of Ann Street, to and in cluding the south side of Gidley Street and on the east side of Main Street, from and including the north side of James Street to and including the south side of Gidley Street. WARD 3—Yliat portion east and west of Main Street from and including the north side of and including ary. Please take making the this the Ontario date. C. by Gidley Street, to the North Bound notice that I am said application Municipal Board to at V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario, Dated at Exeter, Ont., July 13/50 Jy 13: 0 5 c In the Estate of LOUISA WILLI;S, .Deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate of Louisa Willis, lute of Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 17th day of August 1950, are required to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor on or before the 16th day of September A.D, 1950, after which date the estate of the said deceased will he distri buted with regard only to thos& ■claims of which notice shall the in have been received. Dated at Exeter this 2Sth day August, A.D, ELMER D. Solicitor for Exeter, of 1950. BELL, K.C., the Executor, Ontario, 31:7:14 AUCTION SALES Kitchener Stock Yards sell by PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY AT 1 PX a large offering of Dairy Cows, Market Cattle, Feeders, stockers, Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses Ship your livestock to the largest Auction Market in On tario with room for 25 car loads. Three auction rings operate at one time. The modern Way to market livestock. Accurate ac counting. Lunch counter. Ten. acres parking area. For a big day come to Kitchener next Thursday. F. J. Steffler, Manager Rhone 2-9671 tfc