HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-31, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 19S0 Pace 5 THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgert, Brian and Karel, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Reg Hodgert on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson of Whalen visited with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Cann on Sunday JAMES STREET UNITED last. Miss Dolores Allison is spend­ ing ten days at the Y.P.U. Camp at Ryerson on Lake Erie, Mr, and Mrs, Reg Hodgert and Mr, and Mrs, Mac Hodgert spent Monday of this week at the Tor­ onto Exhibition. Mrs, F. G. Evans and daugh­ ter Barbara of Toronto visited over the week-end with Rev, and Mrs, Mair, Mrs. Ferguson and Joanne Mail’ returned home with them on Monday. Miss Ferae Rodd of London spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lome Passmore, Lome Keller of Exeter spent a few days last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, Mr, and Mrs. Carey Joynt spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Morgan. Several attended the home Hodgert noon and evening of last week in honour of their daughter Marion, bride of Saturday last. Mair of Detroit, Rev, II, J, Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director UNION SERVICE With Main Street held in James Street Church i a.m,—.Sunday School, a,m.— "Butting First Things First.” | Soloist—'Allan Elston. 10 11 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R, Sinclair, R.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norina Knight 10 a.m.—-Sunday School, v 11 a.m,—"Great Simplicities, Rev, James Anthony will Thursday, Aug. 31st, 8 Women’s Missionary will meet at the home W. Sillery, n preach, p, m.—- Society of Mrs. from this community the trousseau tea at of Mr. and Mrs. James on Wednesday after- Dr, B. S. Mich., spent Sunday with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. William Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Douglas and Benita, and Mrs. G. Smith (Sr.) visited at the manse on Tuesday of this week prior to leaving by motor for their home in Terrace Bay. Thd1 W.M.S. and W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. James Kirkland on Wednesday after­ noon, September 6, at 2:30 p.m. Miss Patsy Mitchell of Hensall visited with Margaret Cann on Sunday. Misses Nona Pym, Elsie Bray and Margaret Cann of London spent the week-end at their par­ ent’s home. The many - friends of Mrs. George Monteith will be glad to know that she is now able to be up and around again after spending a few days in bed. Donald Ballantyne, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan­ tyne, had the misfortune to break the wrist of his right hand while cranking the tractor on his father’s farm one. day last week. Sunday School and church ser­ vices will be withdrawn on Sun­ day morning, September 3. Misses Margaret and Jean Anderson have been holidaying with relatives in Woodham for a few days.' Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn attended a nylon 'plastic demonstration on Saturday last at the home of Mrs. Murray Gib­ son of Bryanston. Margaret Jean Gibson returned home with them and is spending a few days with her cousin Marilyn. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev, H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m,—Bible Study and Prayer. Thurs., 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C, Speaker: Mrs. R. McDonald. Fri., 8 P.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker; Miss Harriet Brown, Alaskan missionary, with slides of that great country and her work there. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—-Sunday, .School. Supt,; Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 1.1 a.m.-—Missionary Sun­ day and Communion. Speaker: Miss Harriet Brown. This ser­ vice is under the W.M.C. and the Challengers groups. Mrs. H. McLaren and Miss S. Trieb- ner, leaders. Honorary chair­ man: Mrs. H. Kendrick. Sunday, 7:30 p.m,—Evangelistic Message. Miss Harriet Brown. Don’t miss any of these meet­ ings! God is answering prayer, souls are being saved in the old - fashioned way — on their knees at the altar. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.4- Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, September 3— 11:30 a.m.—Anniversary Com­ munion. No Sunday School. •clanpeboye Mr. Hullet of London took the services at St. James on Sunday, August 37th, There will be no service on Sunday, Sept. 3rd in the United Church on account of decoration service being held in St. James Church at 3 p.m. D.S.T. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence O’Neil and family o f Pennsylvania spent a week with Mr, and Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Mrs. George .Simpson was host­ ess on Thursday evening for a Stanley Brush demonstration. Mrs, Jim Darling of Ailsa Craig demonstrated. Mrs. Ken Carter won the lucky draw. Refreshments were served by the hostess a pleasant evening enjoyed. Mr, 'Harry Pyke had a hone installed on Thursday Several ladies attended and tele­ n HENSALL Spray and Brush PAINTING Houses, Barns, Sheds, etc. LYMAN GRATTON GRAND BEND Phone Dashwood 42-r-18 n HERE’S A ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister 10 a.m,—-Worship. "Repentance" 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—"Bearing False Wit­ ness" CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m. —Church School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service. ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal - Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 9:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Mrs. Thos. Dinney, Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mi’s. Olive Grainger and Mrs. E. S. Steiner attended the Mary Hastings Housewives. pic­ nic at Springbank on Saturday. Gary Kestle of Stratford has been spending several days with Tom Steiner. Passing the mess hall a rookie called out to the cook: "What’s on the menu tonight?’’ "Oh, we've hundreds of things to eat tonight," came the reply. "Yeah? What are they?" "Beans!" Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt Judith of Toronto spent week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. C. H. Russell, K.C., of Wutaskiwin, Alta., is visiting with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch and family of St. Catharines is visit­ ing with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Bend visited week at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Inez home after at Bright’s Mr. Judy, turned Park, Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Milton Russell. Mrs. Catharine Hedden Herb are holidaying with tives in Hamilton and St. Cath­ arines. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bill, Betty, 'Charles were in Ridgetown Friday at­ tending the funeral of the form­ er’s father, Mr. George T. Mic­ kle. Little Geraldine Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, suffered a painful acci­ dent while attending Goderich Park, when on the steps to the severely cut her leg which was protruding structure. Geraldine was removed to Goderich Hospital where the wound was dressed. She will be confined to hospital for a few days. Mrs. James Thornlow of Kin­ cardine and Mr. and Mrs. Don­ aldson of London visited at the home of Mrs. Annie Saundercock recently. Mrs. Francis Robinson Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Frances Rob­ inson in the General Hospital at Regina following a two-week ill­ ness. She was the former Fran­ ces Reynolds, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rey­ nolds. She was born in Hensall and lived here until she went west in 1943_. She, was a meni- ‘ a n for by of be and the Oesch’s parents, Alex Mousseau. Mickle of Grand during the past home of her par- Mrs. E. L. Mickle. George Thompson ana MacEwen returned spending a few days Grove. Mrs.and Jean, Bob to their Ill., after D. D. Wilson, and Jim, home in visiting re­ Oak with ■and and rela- L. Mickle, and Bob, a picnic in she slipped beach and on a bolt in the the Mary Hastings’ picinic at Spring­ bank on Saturday. Rose Marie and Carol Anne Revington, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, Wes. Revington of Lucan spent the week with their grand­ mother, Mrs. Fred Simpson. Mr. .Stanley Tomes painted the fence at St. Maines cemetery and it adds greatly ,to the appear­ ance. Sgt, and Mrs. Max Blaye are spending a few days in Toronto at the exhibition. Clare Paton spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorndale. The Peerless Construction Co, are resurfacing No. 4 highway from Lucan, to Clandeboye. and working on north to the town line. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter and Ian spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Bowman of Lucknow. Mr. Karl O’Neil left on a mot­ or trip to the west with Mr. Wes. Revington. on Thursday. Mi?. J. H. Paton, ,Clare and Wm. Allwright spent Sunday af­ ternoon at Springbank. Congratulations to Mr. Roy McRann on race hed in Goderich on Wed., Aug. 23rd, his horse, Jerry Henley winning the 2.29 class. Miss Dorothea Ann Lewis spent a few days in London with the Lattia girls last week. Mr. Arthur Simpson has fin­ ished the .grain threshing in the district. We do not hear of any rail­ way crossing accidents on the C.N.R. now—one bright side of the strike. Wedding bells will ring soon in this vicinity. Miss Joan Murless has return­ ed home after two weeks’ vacat- io at Erie Rest Port Stanley. Mr. Ward. Hodgins, Mr. and Arthur Hodgins attended funeral of Miss Ada Hod- of Toronto at Murdy Fun- Home, Lucan, on Tuesday, Mrs. the gins oral Aug. 29. Interment in St. James cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Williams Jaquline Sandra and Wayne spent Sunday in Sarnia with the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Great Opportunity Old Established COAL BUSINESS FOR SALE Apply Box 536 Seaforth her of St. Paul’s Anglic Church and a choir member many years. She is survived her sister, Mrs. Demoreste, Regina. The remains will brought here and services held in St. Paul’s Anglican Church, burial in the family plot at Hen­ sall Union Cemetery. Bonthron Funeral Home has charge of the arrangements. <> Mr. Jack Corbett spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams in London. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Cor­ bett and Connie who have been visiting there. [ Mr. and I Jerry and daying atI in er home Mr. and and family of Port Dover are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton and members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook are enjoying their summer vacation pn a week’s motor trip, taking in the C.N.E. at Toronto. A reunion of the Wolielo Class of the Hensall United Church will be hold at Jowett’s Grove, Bayfield, on Saturday, Septem­ ber 2. All former classmates are cordially welcome. Transportation is being arranged, cats leaving the United Church by 2 p.m., sports commencing at 3 p.m,, supper at 5 p.m. Rev. Rogers conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, delivering his mess­ age from the text "The hand of God is Upon yon”. Miss Alma Bell sang a solo entitled "The Ninety and Nine”. Mr. J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., presided at th* organ. Miss Mich., here. Mr. were in Toronto last week at­ tending the C.N.E. Mrs. Stewart Barbour of Tor­ onto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoggatth. Little Jean Kennedy accompanied her home after a pleasant visit there. Mrs. Paul the on Lake Huron. Mrs. Harold Scruton Robert Drysdale, have been holi- Drysdale’s sum* Cromarty Ladies Shower Bride-Elect A large gathering of relatives and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Darrell Parker of Staffa on Monday evening and presented their daughter Donna with a miscellaneous shower in honor of her approaching mar­ riage, A varied program of mus­ ic, readings and contests was carried out with Miss Margaret Walker in the chair, Those tak­ ing part were Mrs, R, McCaugh- Vera Miss ey, Mrs, Morlock, Miss I-Iambly and Irene Kemp. Dorothy Keyes of Mitchell read an address and Dorothy and Bet­ ty Parker carried in a beauti­ fully decorated basket laden with gifts. Misses Marjorie Park­ er and Audrey Elliott assisted in opening the parcels after which the bride-elect made a very suit­ able reply and all ing "For she’s a low." A bountiful ved. Personal Items Master Jack Howitt of Auburn is holidaying with his grand- arents Mr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner, The union service in Staffa church was well attended on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falconer ciiicl chi ldren spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs, Lloyd Sorsdahl. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie, Margaret and Ann, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and other relatives. Audrey Kemp /has returned to her home in Mitchell after visit­ ing with her grandmother Mrs. Wm. Houghton. Mr. Eldon Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and children and Irene Kemp visited friends in Wingham and Mildmay on Sun­ day. joined in sing­ jolly good fel- lunch was ser- WINCHELSEA (August 24) Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Glanville Staffa visited on Sunday with WHALEN Misses Mary Ogden and Ruth Whalen are visiting friends in Detroit for several days. Rev. A. E. and Mrs, Duffield, Lambeth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield on Sunday evening. Rev. Duffield took part in the Zion decoration service on Sunday, Mr. Russell Parkinson left on Thursday for Regina. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking and family of Munroe. They expect to he away six weeks. Mrs, Norman Hodgins, Mrs. Harry Squire and Mrs. F. Squire attended a trousseau tea on Wednesday at Mrs. James Hod- gert’s, Thames Road, in honour of her daughter Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Art Harlton are attending the Toronto Ex­ hibition this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire were at Port Stanley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Parkin­ son moved on Thursday to their home they recently purchased^ in Granton. Parkinson Parkinson Thursday, our midst. Mr. and Mrs. B. Holden and Cora were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, of St. Marys, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klhare, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailie of Fullarton spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkin- son. Mr. and Mrs, O’Brien spent Sunday with Miss Teresa O’Brien of London. Try a Want Ad—A small doer of big deeds—Phone 31*W. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 ' <» Seaforth RayMr. and Mrs. have purchaser the and moved i n We welcome them to o n HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR’ , Dead Stock HORSES CATTLE HOGS 85.00 each $5.00 each .50 per cwt. According to size and condition. CalI Seaforth 15 Collect Exeter 235 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED H. J. CORNISH & CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS ST. Teacher of Piano an d Th eory Enrolment On 1:00-5:00 p.m. 00- Of Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ FALL AND WINTER Ready-to-Wear $12.50 Fall and Winter Dress Fabrics Announcing the New1 Tony Day Sweaters girls LONDON, ONT. The new fall and winter dress fabrics are now in stock - including English flannels, bengalines, al* pines, failles, gabardines, tartans, etc.- in all the newest shades, We will be glad to show you these new fabrics, purchased before the price advanced. Our stock of ready-to-wear for the coming fall and winter season is rapidly reaching completion. New coats, suits, dresses, skirts, blouses, sports­ wear, etc. An exceptionally large stock to choose from. Our prices are always reasonable. Tor* Mrs. Woollens Advancing in Price We strongly advise placing your orders for any lines of woollens, including yarns, blankets, and piece goods. Woollens are advancing in price. Buy from present stocks. A.R.GT Tuesday, September 5 of Mr, and Mrs. W. Walters. Miss Donna Gilfillan returned home on Sunday after spending a few days at Seaforth with her cousin, Miss Patricia Horton. Master Edward Hern and Ken­ neth Chappell are spending this week at Camp Hiawatha at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H a r o 1 a Clarke. Miss Dianne Johns of Elim- ville is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. Mrs. W. Veal and Norma of Exeter spent Friday with Mrs. Don Penhale and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey, Mrs. George Bailey and Miss Dora Delbridge attended the funeral of the late Mr. Alex Berryhill of the Base Line on Wednesday last. BRINSLEY Rev. Harold Currie will cupy the pulpit in Brinsley United Church on Sunday next after taking holidays. Mr. Clayton Amos of London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amos. Master Eddie Watson attended the summer school at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trevethick of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Treve­ thick. Mr, and Mrs. Lin Craven spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gamble of Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morley and Kathleen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Noyes of Den- field. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick has recently moved to his new farm which he purchased from Mr. George Hodgson. Helen and Marion Lee spent their holidays with tlieir grand-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steeper, of West McGillivray. A shower was held in honor /f Miss Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rowe, on Wednesday afternoon last. Mr, and Mrs. Ansel Lee and ’children spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong and family of London has recently moved to Mr. Garnet Pierce’s house in Brinsley. Miss Sandra Manquie of Buf­ falo is spending a few days with Mr. atid Mrs. David Morley. Mrs. George Williams of Park* hill is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Witherspoon. First Showing A. D. SUNSHINE and Mrs. William Ferric Violet Willis of Marlette, is visiting with relatives and Mrs, Clarence Reid RESUMES MUSIC TEACHING Mr. J, Nicol, A.C.C.O., Henshll, has resumed teaching piano, or­ gan, vocal and theory. Gold medalist In music composition. (adv’t) Mr. and Billy of Toronto are holiday­ ing for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rodd spent Sunday at Ipperwash. Mr. John Davidson is spending this week at Ryerson Young People’s Camp. Miss Ruby Grummond of onto visited with Mr. and Jim Miller last week. Mrs. William Dickey and were Sunday visitors witli and Mrs. Freeman WinchelsOa. Miss Herne Rodd is holidaying at her Miss Edith Kenny visiting for a few Jaqneline Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. William Decker of Zurich visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Berry and Mr, and Mrs. Allen Kerry, Horne of London home here, of Lucan is days with Studio at Mrs. Thomas Dinney’s Residence Telephone Exeter 156 or Zurich 99-r-7 We arc continuing our sale of T-shirts, sport shirts, tropical pants, swim trunks. Don’t miss these bargains! School 6 See the new WEST POINT JACKET in school colours of black and red. These jackets are made of lust­ rous satin with full rayon lining and zipper front. Black with Red Trim Wine with Grey Trim Green with Gold Trim In selecting your new Tony Day sweater you are pur­ chasing a top grade Aus­ tralian botany wool product of lasting quality and dis­ tinctively s t y led. Plain shades of cascade green, California blue, grey, beige blend, cardinal yellow, and white. Plain knit Semi cable Cardigan . Full cable $6.95 $7.95 $8.50 $8.95 Superior Store Specials for August 31, September 1, 2 STRAWBERRY JAM Sev’l brands, large 24-oz. jars each 400 QUICK QUAKER OATS Large 3~lb. box ..... ........... . each320 STOKELEY’S TOMATO JUICE Fancy quality, 18-oz. tins each 250 MAPLE LEAF SALMON Fancy red sockeye, each 43d RED BIRD MATCHES Good buying SUPER SUDS DEAL Giant pkg. with 1 large Palmolive 590 3 boxes 21 0