HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-24, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1950 Page 5 CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. George Chriswell and son have returned to their hoine in St. Johns, .Quebec after visiting for the past two weeks With their aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. Sam Raynham. Miss Marcia McDonald has re­ turned to Exeter after holidaying with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Sam Bayxxhajn. Miss Joanne and Master Bob Horney, of Ridgeway are holi­ daying with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, Quite a numbei* from here at­ tended the races at New Ham­ burg on .Wednesday last. i Put pep in the pocket by put­ ting profitable Want Ads on the job. Church of God Grand Bend Rev. Glen Beach, Pastor Anniversary Sunday Three Special Services Miss Daisie Maiden, a returned missionary from China will speak at these services. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m;—Miss Maiden: 2:30 p.m,—Anniversary Miss Maiden. 8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Miss Maiden. Special Singing by the Quartette. Christian Brotherhood CFPL London at 9 day morning. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Study. "China.” Service, Service, Ladies Hour over a.m. Sun- and Bible BRINSLEY Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Treveth- ick and family, of St. Thomas, spent Thursday w?ih his brothers James and Jack ZPrevethiek. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prest and George visited recently with friends in Tobermory. Wedding bells are ringing in the neighborhood. We are sorry to report that Mr. Fred J. Neil is on the sick list. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Stanley Grabowsky (nee Margaret Amos) and babe of Lon­ don spent a few days with hex* father Mr. J, L, Amos, t Bonnie Watson spent a few days with her grandmother Mrs, Jennie Kennedy of St. Marys. Mrs. Beatrice Dixon was invit­ ed to Elimville W.I. on Wednes­ day last where she .gave a travel talk on hei* trip to England. Mrs. Lin Craven attended the W.I. held in Elimville on Wed­ nesday last, A, number from the community attended the Craven reunion at Maryvill Park, “Mich,, on Sunday last. Master Bobbie Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, had the misfortune to have his feet badly burned recently. The McGillivray W.I. were en­ tertained by the ladies of Clover­ dale W.I. at Taylor’s Public School on Wednesday afternoon last. All reported having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Craven of Toronto visited ovei* the week­ end with relatives in the neigh­ borhood. Miss Rosemary and Shirley Regan returned home after a cruise on .the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalton spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Native Of Exeter Dies In Galt Mr. Samuel Wesley Rowe, a native of Exeter and a resident of Galt fox* a number of years, his MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Thos. .Ryan has purchas­ ed a new threshing machine and is busy helping his neighbors out. Miss Claire Glavin spent Sun­ day with her father who is ill. Mr. and Mrs- T. Morkin and family and Mr, and Regan have returned homes after spending vacation with Mrs. M. Mrs. Mack McDonald .attended the funeral of her aunt in Exeter on Saturday, Rev. J. M. Fogarty is home after his vacation in New York, ■IBpassed away Monday in eighty-second year, Mr. Rowe, while active, engaged in the undertaking xxess and at one time was partnership in, Exetex* with the late J. D. Exeter and Wallaceburg before going west where he spent a few years, re­ turning to Ingersoll and then to Galt. He was twice married, his first wife being the late Char­ lotte Perkins. Surviving are his widow (who recently underwent an operation in Galt) and two daughters, Mrs, Fred McDonald of Toronto and Mrs. Don Halliday of Galt; and a step-daughter, Miss Deela Key, of Galt. Mr, Rowe was one of a fam­ ily of fourteen children, three of whom survive—Robert N. and Harry, Exeter, and Mrs. Emma Windsor of Brown City, Mich. The remains are being brought to Exeter and the funeral Thurs­ day afternoon at 2:30 will be held from the Dinney Funeral Home with Rev. H. J. Snell ficiating. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist; Miss Norma Knight 11 a,m.-—"Great Simplicities.” Speaker: Rev, James Anthony. Caven Congregational ""Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Pryde on Thursday, September 7, at 8 p.m, Spray and Brash PAINTING Houses, Barns, Sheds, etc. LYMAN GRATTON GRAND BEND Phone Dashwood 42-r-18 Mrs, Jos. to .their a week’s Regan. was bu si- in JAMES STREET UNITED Rey. H, J, Snell, Pastor Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director UNION SERVICE With Main Street held in James Street Church i .a.m..—Siinday School. a,m,—"Christ Living in Us,” Solo: Miss Helen Shapton. Everybody Welcome Mr, 10 11 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. night—Bible Study. Fri., 8 p.m.—Young People. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, Sun., 11 a.m.—‘Rev; M. S. Cor­ nelius, radio pastor, of Chat­ ham. Sun., 7:30 ip.m.—Evangelist Winn. TRIVITT MEMORIAL —. Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, August 27— 11:30 a.m,.—.Morning Service. ■Sunday School discontinued for July and August. Atkinson. He left was employed at Trade or Sell H ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m. —Church School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service. of- Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64W * EXETER 10. a.m.—Worship. “The Nature of the Kingdom.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—"Personal .Ownership of Property.” Tues., Aug. 29, at 8:15 p.m.— .Mission Band. “Summer Xmas Tree.” In the church school room. The members of the W.S..W.S. will he guests. ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal - Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 9:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. and hol- Mr. Mr. Heat Your Home Better! AUTOMATICALLY! ^pieman oil Floor Furnace It's WARM-FLOOR Heatl Yes—Coleman Oil Floor Furnace sets IN the floor. Needs no basement Auto- ma tic I—no fire tending. Clean! — no dirty fuel, no ashes. Exclusive Coleman features save fuel, move the heat to keep the floors toasty-warm. Come in—let us show you. Low In Cost!—We Can Install Quickly Models available in sizes 30,000 BTU to 50,000 BTU output—heat up to 5 rooms. PHONE 86 Listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories. Beavers Hardware We save you money on quality tires at lowest prices See us t SNELL BROS. & CO EXETER PHONE 100 Your Dominion Tire Dealer Working With Unit Along Alcan Highway Warrant 'Officer William Balk­ will, accompanied by Mrs. Balk­ will and daughter Ann, of Cal­ gary, are visiting with the for­ mer’s mother, Mrs. W. A. Balk­ will. Bill is personnel manager and purchasing agent for two construction and maintenance units of the R.C.A.F. and has been engaged along the Alcan Highway. The Alcan Highway is now a much travelled road with gas stations about every ten to fif­ teen miles. The longest distance between gas stations is eighty miles. The road is built to carry as much as twenty-ton loads. It is kept clear all winter with maintenance camps every miles, well equipped with chinery of all descriptions. Mr. Balkwill was in charge of constructing a new camp at Watson Lake where the tempera­ ture fell to 60 degrees (below. Before construction mobile steam plant generated heat for radiators that were placed on the ground and cov­ ered with rubber sheets to thaw the ground for putting in the footings of. the The first day Exeter he ran sons whom he Whitehouse. fifty ma- started a buildings. of his arrival in across four per­ had last seen at SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll. Mr. G. Essery of London spent several days this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Do-bbs. Mrs. F. Davis spent several days this past week with friends and relatives in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth of Midland attended the Davis re­ union at Springbank on Satur­ day, August 19, and visited with Mr. and and Mrs. and Mr, London. Others to attend the third i union were Mrs. W. J. and Ivan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis and family, Mr. and Mrs, M. Abbott, Mrs. F. Davis, Mr. and Mrs, M. McDonald and family, and Mrs. * A. Elston and and Mrs. H. Davis and girls, Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. H, Carroll and boys were Sunday guests^at the home of Mr. of London on A pleasant sentation was of Mr. and Mrs. ’F. Cunnington in honour of their daughter Ruth, who was married recently. The evening was spent playing games and contests. Mr. and Mrs. L. Vogaxx were called for­ ward to two decorated chairs and Mrs. L. Weiberg read a short a d d r e s s expressing the good wishes of the community and asked the young couple to accept a studio couch from all present. Mr, L. Vogan replied in a pleasant manner and expressed their thanks. Mr, and Mrs. Vogan are to live at Wasaga Beach. Alexia Davis spent several days this past week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Elston, Master holidaying uncle, Mr; St. Marys, Mr. ahd Sunday at J. Dickins CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKaig two children of Sudbury are idaying with his brothers, and Mrs. Angus McKaig and and Mrs. Calder McKaig. , Mrs. Harold McLeod and child­ ren, Mrs. Neil Lamond, and Is­ abel of London, and Mrs. Chas. Wilson of Regina spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. L. Sorsdahl. Mrs. Wilson was form­ erly Flora McLean, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan McLean, and spent her early days on the twelfth concession of Hibbert. The fam­ ily went west some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. Foohilt Bobby, of Acton, have been iting with Mrs. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman and Douglas of Niagara Falls left for home on Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with their many friends here. Miss Shirley Wallace accompanied them to their home to visit for a short time. Mr. Oswald Walker has return­ ed home after having a very en­ joyable trip to the west. Miss Verna Allbrlicht attend­ ed a famiily reunion Hamburg on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John and Margaret Ann and Mrs. Ted Storey and baby visited, friends in Kincardine on Sunday. Wedding bells are ringing in our midst. Mrs. Frank Cadick is still con­ fined to bed .at the home of her mother Mrs. R. J. Scott. Mr. Cadick spent the week-end with her. We wish her speedy re­ covery. The union' church service was held in Cromarty .church on Sun­ day with-a good attendance. Rev. Robinson of Stratford was in charge. Cromarty male quartette provided special music. and vis- and at New Wallace Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and Mr F. Smythe of Centralia Dickins ofand Mrs. P. from this DASHWOOD Rev. and Mrs. Getz .and ily are spending their vacation with their parents in Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz, of Stratford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Goetz. Miss Helen .Spellman of Kitch­ ener spent a few days last week with her aunt Mrs. Harry Hof­ fman last week. ■Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker, Mrs. Taylor and Anne .and Ted­ dy Webb spent Sunday at Rond; eau 'Park. Miss Grace Kellerman, of Tor­ onto, is visiting with Mr. and Harold Kellerman. Mrs. Martha Bakei* is in .Lon­ don at present attending Mrs. S. Adams who is confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tiernan, Nan­ cy and Lynda were Sunday vis­ itors at Bright’s Grove. Mrs. present London fam- Announcing Exeter’s New Taxi Service Exeter Cab Telephone 151 Henry Restemeyer is at in St. Joseph’s Hospital receiving treatments. , those articles now storedTurn in your attic or basement into cash. Someone is looking for the very thing for which you have no further use. Tell them about it in a CLASSIFIED AD in this paper. Back to School STATION AT CENTRAL HOTEL Day and Night Service 12 Midnight to 7 A.M. Phone 465 Lex McDonald and Ross Parsons SPECIALS For a Limited Time Only Boys’ Wool Tweed Suits Double-breasted style with TWO P A I R O F PANTS. Sizes 24 to 28 - 16 .only - regularly $15. On sale at $9.95 Sizes 29 to 34 - 14 only - regularly $21.00 On sale at $14.95 US Cotton ZTZ Shirts Men’s Reg.$1.65 - On Sale at $1.19 Reg.$1.95 - On Sale at $1.39 Reg.$2.50 - On .Sale at $1.79 Reg.$2.95 - On Sale at $1.95 Boy’s Reg.$1.00 .- On SaLe a,t 79 c Shirts $3.95 - On Sale at $2.95 On Sale at $3.95 Reg. Reg. $5.25 I community Davis re­ Davis and Mrs. C« liigs Monday. evening and pre­ spent at the home George Atkinson is with his aunt and and Mrs. Hawkins, Of Mrs. X Dickins spent the home of Mrs. of Lucan. For satisfying results, try Want Ads. Plain All-Wool w« the and on and WOODHAM Mr, and Mrs. Fred Roger Shirley of Kirkton visited Sunday evening with Mr, Mrs. Fred Doupe. Miss Jean Copeland, Bank of Montreal staff, St. Marys, is spending two weeks’ vacation at her home Mr. and family of Saturday Norris Webb. Mrs. L. Davis of here, Mrs. Henry St. Thomas with Mr. Small and visited on and Mrs. Wellburn was guest speaker at the W.M.b. church service on Sunday mor­ ning, Joanne Webb is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas. Misses Phyllis and V e r 1 a Wheeler are spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. John whee­ ler at Coehlll. and Mrs. Graham Walker Stewart Fields of Wendell Walker and Mrs. Stan- St. Marys vxsit- wlth Mrs. M. Mr. and • Mrs. Waterdown, Mr. of Canfield, Mr. ley Mountain of ed on Sunday Copeland. Mrs. George Webber and Bob­ by are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ruch of Tor­ onto. Marilyn Brine spent last wees with Grace Doupe. Mrs. Ed Clarke and Mrs. Wil­ liam Myers of Flint, Mich., visit­ ed during the week-end with Mrs. J. Jaques. Mrs. Ira Shier and Larry have returned to their home in Inger­ soll after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me* | Naughton. I Mrs. John Bowen and Pearl of Kingston are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Vic Chattexx. Mrs. Kettle and Verne, Mrs. Archer and Joan of Midland spent a few days with Mrs. H. Chatten, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith at­ tended the Abey-Smith wedding at Lucan on Saturday. Mrs. Vic Chatten and Barbara have returned home afer spend­ ing the past two weeks at Kings­ ton, Niagara Fail and Ottawa.i Herringbone Tweed Suits For young men. Some with two pair of pants. Sizes 33 to 38 - 14 only - regularly ,$32.50 On sale at $24.95 With .the heavy increase in price of wool these suits are of exceptional value and at a price lower than cost, 25% Off Bathing Suits 25% Off Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Summer Dresses Pullover Sweaters Reg. $3.95 - On Sale at $2.95 2-piece Slack Suits & Men’s Reg. 14.95 - On Sale at 10.95 Boys* Reg. 9.95 - On Sale at 7.95 Fine Straw and Gabardine Hats Valueis up to $2.95 4 # On Sale at $1.95 Men‘s Tropical Pants Superior Store Specials for Aug. 24, 25, 26 OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Imrge 48-oz. tins each 430 UTOPIAN CANNED TOMATOES Large 28-oz. tins, choice qual. 2 for 270 VELVET CAKE & PASTRY FLOUR A quality product ............. 5-lb. bag 350 STOKELEY’S HONEY POD PEAS New pack, 15-oz. tins ........... 2 for 330 ALYMER SLICED PEACHES Choice quality, 15-oz. tins ..... each 19^ TILBEST CAKE MIX (Choc, or white) Willi layer-cake pan; 83^ value for 490 ..... ■ ..,. — Jones & May >