HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-24, Page 4r Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 195Q Mrs. W. E. Winer, who has spent the summer visiting her son Oren and Mrs. Winex’ in Hamilton and with Dr. and Mrs. McLagen in. Preston, returned home Sunday accompanied by Dr. A. D. C. and Mrs. McLagen and Catharine, Mrs. Winer is disposing of her household furniture and is returning to Preston to make her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. A. D. C. and Mrs. McLagen. • Mr. B. W.. F. Beavers called on Mi*. Lim Lee and family of Forest last Wednesday. Lim’s wife and family of two boys and one -girl arrived from China two weeks ago. Unable to sp'eak our language they graciously received their visitors. Lim at one conducted a restaurant in building now occupied as vers Hardware. time the Bea- FOR SALE FOR SALE AUCTION SALESWANTED Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Mexnoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50 c. "J- f ’ A?A * M * A' Ice & Wood FREE DELIVERY E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter a New an d Used Cars and Trucks 1950 DODGE SEDAN, new immediate delivery 1950 PICK-UP, half ton, new immediate delivery 1949 FORD COACH, black, heater, low mileage. 1948 CHEV SEDAN, Fleetmaster like new, in every respect, low mileage. 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio, heater, in beautiful condition. 1938 DODGE COACH, original finish, new motor recently, one owner car. 1938 FORD COACH, good motor clean interior. 1*930 FORD COACH, 600x16 tires ............................... $165. 1934 DODGE SEDAN 19i3 5 CHEVROLET COACH 1929 1929 Price ESSEX SEDAN ....... $50. CHEV SEDAN, new tires. $50. $95.1929 FORD COACH Ward Fritz Dodge and DeSoto Sales Open Evenings Telephone ZURICH 78 S3 Mr. D. O. Knowles, a partner in the Dinney Funeral Home, recently received word that he was successful in the examina­ tions at the Canadian School of Embalming, Toronto. He attend- ined the one-month course June. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pullen, Tommy and Mary Ann, and .Miss Betty Cunningham of Louisville, Kentucky, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning, Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hazelwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, Carolyn and Kathleen, of Hazel Park, Mich., visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley also ed the Ogden reunion at bank Park on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Fleming low Grove visited on with Mr. and Mrs. William Hea- attended the at Springbank afternoon. F. Squire and Ronald Squire attend- Spriug- of Wil- Sunday ther. They all Heather reunion Park on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Grafton and Mrs. attended the Ogden reunion at Spring’bank Park on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret -Sherwell, Miss Daisy Handley and Mr. Clive Handley, London, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wil­ liam Morley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fitzgerald, London. Mrs. Morgan of New Haven, Connecticut, Mrs. A. W. Gibbard and Misses Barbara and Grace Gibbard, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klhare. The sympathy of the commun­ ity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. George Marlin and family, Wes­ ley, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mill- son ahd f amily, Prospect, in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough of Arva and Mrs. Roberts of Thorn­ dale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Shoebottom. IB BIRTHS FOR SALE—Good Collie pups, male, Phone 177-r-21 Exeter, 17:24* Eunice Nixon A.T.C.M. Theory Harmony Counterpoint History ★ ★ ★ ★ Fall Term Commences September 1 Honour ^graduate from University of Toronto Conserva­ tory of Music in 1943. Ten year’s teaching experience, five years of .which was acquired as a member of the teaching staff of a recog­ nized school of music in Calgary, Alberta. All pupils successful in past examinations, Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory of music, Uni­ versity of Toronto, and Western Conservatory of Music examinations. Experienced in Recitals and Festivals. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE HERN—Morris and Dorothy Hern (Camm) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Leroy Hector, Saturday, August 19, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. KOBE—Ernest and Norina Kobe are happy to announce the ar­ rival of a daughter, Patricia Anne, August 22, 1950, at the Hooper nursing home. LINK—To Cpl, and Mrs. Donald Link, Exeter, Sunday, August 20, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, a daughter, Kathryn Dianne. VENTON-t-T o Pat and Jack Venton, Dorchester, a son, Robert Martin, on August 15, 1950, at St, Joseph’s Hospital, London. (A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Exeter). DEATHS ROWE—In Galt, Monday, Aug­ ust 21, 1950, Samuel Wesley Rowe, formerly of Exeter, in his eighty-second year. WELSH—In Exeter on Monday, Aug. 21, 1950, William Edgar Welsh, in his sixty-fifth year. WILLIS—In Exeter at the resi­ dence of Noble Scott, Thurs­ day, August 17, 1950, Louisa Bedford, beloved wife of late John H. Willis. ANNOUNCEMENTS the. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey Crediton will be at home their friends on Friday, August 25, from 2 to 5 the twenty-fifth their wedding. CARDS OF of to p.m. to mark anniversary of 24* THANKS Mr. and Mrs.Oliver Jaques wish to thank all those who so tkindly remembered Mrs. Jaques with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since re­ turning home. 24* FOR SALE — Ice refrigerator, Beache, 100 pounds capacity, good condition, Also table rangette, oven and two burn­ ers. Phone 446-J Exeter. 24* FOR SALE—Lady’s and gent’s 3-speed Enfield bicycles, prac­ tically Iiew. Can Ibe seen and inspected at residence —Mrs. E. M. 441-J. W. D. on Andrew Schiller, Medd’s Street, phone 24c WANTED TO RENT—Farm up to 100 acres, with buildings. Write P.O. Box 92, London, Ont. 24:31:7* WANTED TO BUY—Used tri­ cycle, Phone 353-R. 24c AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE—- Strathroy, Saturday, A u g u s t 26, 150 mixed stock cattle, Trucks to deliver. —A. G. Mc­ Alpine, Auctioneer. 24 c FOR SALE—Durham cow, due. to calf September 3, carrying third calf. Phone 84-r-3 Zur- rich, Sol Gingerich. 17:24:31c Mrs. Inez MacEwen, Donna and Harry, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown during Mr. MacEwan’s long illness and in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Mr. Ferguson, the Bonthron Funeral Home, the Masonic Order, the pallbearers, to those who loaned cars and for the floral tributes and cards. * I would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, visits while Hospital. treats, flowers and a patient in Victoria ♦ —Mrs. Wm. Devine of the late Mrs. FOR SALE—McLaughlin Buick buck rake; also hay tedder. Apply C. J. Walker, R.R. 1, Cromarty. Phone 12-r-13 Dub­ lin. 17:24c FOR SALE—Used pipeless fur­ nace, kitchen range, 1000-watt wrap around band for 30-gal. tank, annex heater with water front, clean used chimney brick. (Phone 400-J. 24* FOR SALE—'Purebred Yorkshire hogs, 6 months old, Alberta breeding. — Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, phone 44-r-12 Dub­ lin. ■ 24:31* FOR SALE—Feather ticks, Vic- trola, -sofa, seal coat, dress. Address Box 258, Grand Bend. 24* FOR SALE'—3 Yorkshire boars, ready for service. —Garnet Miners, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 32-r-9. 24* FOR SALE—-Cement, gravel, , sand and fill. Garfield Brock, trucker; phone Mrs. J. Stew­ art, 54-r-8 Kirkton. 24:31:7* REG. HEREFORD BULLS for sale—T.B. tested, serviceable age, good rugged calves. At farmers’ prices. Also a few females. —E, R. O’Neil, Den- field P.O., Granton 27-r-15, 2 roads south of Elginfield, sec­ ond farm east No. 4 highway, 15 con. London. 24:31:7:14* FOR SALE—Ford P h i 1 c o car radio, in good condition. Tele­ phone 174-r-22 Exeter, Grant Case. 24 c FOR SALE.—John Deere manure spreader, $70; Waterloo one­ way disc, 4-ft., 26-jinch blades, $350. Shipping cattle next Saturday, August 26. —R. B. Williams, Exeter. 24* FOR SALE—Baby’s gray pram, in good condition. Apply: 7 Ann St., phone 399-J- 24c FOR SALE—White enamelled coke stove,-only been used one winter. Also one Signal Oak coal heater, with new fire pot. Both in excellent condition. — Clare Melick, phone 125 Dash­ wood. 24:31:7* FOR SALE—Beatty electric washer; wardrobe; glass cup­ board; dresser; 2 commodes; 5 kitchen chairs, A11 in good condition. —Phone 237, Mrs. W. E. WinCr. 24* FOR SALE—About 10 acres of good alfalfa (second cutting). Apply Times-Advocate. 24c FOR SALE—8 little pigs; also a Beatty pump. Apply: Silas Stanlake, Exeter, 24* MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS — From your local agent. Any magazine any time. —Harry T. Buston, phone 461-J Exe­ ter. 24* FOR SALE—Solid walnut set­ tee, newly upholstered, Northern Electric battery with batteries included, lawn mower, $5; and articles. Write Box 155 sail. LOST $45; radio $25; other Hen- 24* LOST—W a t c h fob with gold locket, either in Exeter or Centralia airport. Reward. — Reuben McInnis, Exeter. 24* STRAYED STRAYED—From Jim McAllis­ ter’s grassland in Hay Town­ ship, 3 red heifers, rising 2 years. —Harry Smith, Hensall, phone 158-W. 24* FOR RENT FOR RENT—3-room‘ modern apartment with a 11 conven­ iences, not suitable for child­ ren. Apply; Hodge’s Store, Crediton, phone 7. 24c REAL ESTATE LIVESTOCK WANTED—Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Dis­ abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W, William S'tone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 10:17:24:31c MISCELLANEOUS .................. ..................... — , . ' RELIABLE BABY SITTER — Phone 415-W. 24* CLEARING AUCTION BALE of farm, stock, implements, feed and household effects on Wed­ nesday, August 30, 1 o’clock, at west half of lot 25, conces­ sion 2, Logan, 2J miles west of Mitchell, half mile jaorth. Terms: cash. —Mrs. Proctor, proprietor; Scott, auctioneer. George W. M. 24* Clearing AUCTION SALE FOR .SALE—Two-bedroom house with full basement furnace and bathroom. —R. E. Balk­ will. 24* NEW 4-ROOM insul Jjric cottage with conveniences, full base­ ment. —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Large frame house and property of the late Chas. F. Guenther, D a s h w o o d.— Apply to Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Dashwood. 17:24* WHY TOLERATE FLIES in your barn? Use Lindane. It only costs 10c per 100 sq. feet and controls the fly problem from 5 to 8 weeks. —L, V. Hogarth, phone 266. 10:17:24c I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc The been Lot 1% PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 380-M Exeter.18tfc SPRAY 'PAINTING — Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. Free estimate. — ,G. W. Eagleson, phone 40-r-2 Dashwood. 27:10:17:24:31:7* BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, fin­ ancial statements, income tax reports, auditing, etc. —Nor­ man Cowan, Hay P.O., phone Dashwood 40-r-13. 10:17:24:31c NOTICES NOTICE ■—■ Whitewashing. Ar­ rangements can be made. — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* NOTICE—The person responsible for taking tricycle from in front of my home, please re­ turn it to me immediately. — Aubrey Tennant, phone 1-W Exeter. 24* NOTICE Under the provisions of. the Weed Control Act all noxious weeds must be destroyed. All occupants of land in the County of Huron are hereby notified that unless all noxious weeds are destroyed by the day of August 1950 action be taken as provided by the WM. R. DOUGALL Weed Inspector 31st will Act. 17:24c 6 Phone 380-MMain St., Exeter Relatives __ __ ___ John H. Willis wish to express their appreciation for the kind­ ness extended to Mrs. Willis dur­ ing her illness and in their beavement. Special thanks Rev. H. J. Snell and to Mr. Mrs. Noble Scott. IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE—E i g h t thousand slop brick. —Andy Bierling. 24* FOR SALE—Baby carriage, like new. Phone 445-J Exeter. 24* 5-ROOM FRAME cottage, nearly new, on good street; 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, kit­ chen with built-ins. Large lot. Possession arranged. —-W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. To RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN > whom it may concern: I have been authorized, be- to and 24c ANDERSON—<In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. George Anderson, who passed away August 19, 1947. ou are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade; Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around the grave where you are laid. ♦ -•Ever remembered by her hus­ band, and loving Florence. CHECK*—and you’ll choose this Gar Wood unit —famous for oil economy. Let us show you cus­ tomer records of amazing savings in heating costs. ■» a J k a J r x x / * T i t X 1 ) r > :V t > I < t 1 I y y * y > » y 1 s > r ♦ t y n y I V ♦ 5 r V V Of Livestock, Implements, Household Effects and Antiques undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public auction On the Premises 21, Con. 10, Stephen Twp. miles east and 1% miles south of Dashwood, miles west of Exeter, on SATURDAY, AUGUST «O commencing at 12 p.m. sharp LIVESTOCK: Bay general pur­ pose mare, 8 years old, reliable in every way; roan Durham cow; white Durham heifer. IMPLEMENTS: Hay loader; Ideal mower, 5-ft. cut; dump rake; steel-tired wagon; pair bob sleighs; cutter; rubber-tired buggy; steel-tired buggy; fan­ ning mill; grindstone; 100 feet of 1^-inch piping; 30-ft, ladder; hay fork; hay fork rope; set sling ropes; cutting box; quan­ tity of lumber; circular saw; 5- h.p. gasoline engine; 2,000-lb. cap. scales; light wagon; fram­ ers’ auger machine; quantity of sweet clover seed; new single harness; 3 large kettles; sausage grinder; 30-ft. belt; 2 dozen new sap pails; cider barrels; all kinds of carpenter and garden, tools, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din­ ing room furniture, tables, chairs and cabinet; 6 odd dining room chairs; complete mahogany bedroom suite, like new; player piano; Bell organ; 2 antique style beds with springs and mat-, tress; 4 wooden beds; various antique style chairs; 3 chest of drawers; Raymond sewing ma­ chine; 3 bureaus; full set an­ tique style parlor suite, beautiful plush covered settees and odd chairs; various foot stools; 6 oak rocking chairs; 3 couches; 2 small spinning wheels; large spinning wheel; 3 small heaters, all in range; chair; Chairs 3 sinks; 4 dressers; cy hanging painted pictures and frames; 4 oak fern stands; 2 antique flower stands with vases; 6 oak centre tables; linoleum 8x10 ft., 10x12 ft., and 12x16 ft.; full line of kitchen utensils; 75 new beautiful quilts and comforters; also a large assortment of wool­ len and flannelette blankets, sheets and bed spreads; linens and fancy work; numerous pil­ lows and pillow cases; feather ticks; fancy dishes and vases, some antique; chinaware, silver­ ware, glassware, and cut glass dishes; 2 complete dinner sets; sealers, crocks, jars, etc, NO RESERVE, everything will be sold. Being this is a very large sale, selling will start at 12:00 p.m. sharp. Livestock and implements will be sold first. TERMS: Cash. Wm. H, Kestle, Prop. M, Merner and R. F. Stade, Clerks Alvin Walper, Auct 17:24c kitchen cedar chests; arm table; kitchen cupboard; sideboard; complete toilet sets; bedroom lamps; fan­ lamp; beautiful hand good condition. 4 kitchen and 0 . by By-law No. 14, 1950, of the Cor­ poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board for the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: WARD 1—That portion west of Main Street, from the South Boundary to and including the south side of Ann Street and on the east side of Main Street, to and including the south side of J a m e s Street. WARD 2—That portion west of Main Street, from and including the north side of Ann Street, to and in­ cluding the south side of Gidley Street and on the east side of Main Street, from and including the north side of James Street to and including the south side of Gidley Street. WARD 3—That portion east and west of Main Street from and including the north side of Gidley Street, to land including.the North Bound­ ary,I Please take notice that I am making the said application the Ontario Municipal Board this ‘ with con- family, insulated, Rental of HENSALL DUPLEX veniences for each Solidly constructed, hot water furnace, one apartment pays expenses. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Lived In Whalen For 88 Years There passed away at her home Whalen .Corners, early Saturday iSorning, August 22, .1950, Mary Rebecca (Gunning) Millson, wife of the late George Millson who died one year ago Monday, August 21. Mrs. Millson was born nearly 88 years ago on the Blanshard- Biddulph townline, a daughter of the late Wm. Gunning and wife _ Sarah. She was one of a familydaughter. Of nine* t>f which only one *4 ; still alive, her brother, . Gunning, now 92 years J Exeter. She lias lived ’ >■”" —| district all her life, ” j Whalen Corners in she married the late Geo. Mil­ lson. To them were born three children, Stella Blanche, who died at the age of eleven years, Clar­ ence, of the 10 th concession of Blanshard, and Minnie, Mrs. G. Mardlin, of the 16th concession London township who her. She was of a quiet nature ,but was loved by knew her. To many she fectionably called Aunt Mary or Cousin Mary and to all was a true friend and fine neighbor. She was a valued member of Whalen United Church, the W. M.S. and W.A. and was always ready to help and be in her place as long as jher health allowed. Iler clear memory of events and history of Whalen were invalu­ able and will be sorely missed. She was indisposed only two weeks, the result of her advan­ ced age, but never complained and passed peacefully away on Saturday morning. The funeral was held Monday from the Murdy Funeral Parlors Lucan. Rev, Burton, her pastor, conducted the service. A solo was sung by Mrs. Ron. neice, with Mrs. A. pianist. Interment took place in Zion cemetery. The pallbearers were Gerald and Ralph Millson, Gordon and Lloyd Mardlin, Jas. Beckett and Laverne Morley. 100 ACRES FOR SALE—This is one of the most productive farms in this district. It has a good set of buildings with hydro and water pressure. This farm may be bought with immediate or fall possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—5-room brick cott- in good repair, half ofage root new, basement. Hot and cold bath. Kitchen cupboards. New garage. —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. Sc is Arthur old, of in this coming to 1890 when water on tap, 3-piece COOPER—-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. William | H. Cooper, August 16, Dear mother, gotten And neither As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. And when our lives have ended, And Jesus calls us home; We can be with you forever, Never more to roam. —Ever remembered by band and family. LAMPORT — In loving of our dear husband father, Samuel G. Lamport, who passed away, August 27, 1944. We miss you, Dad, at every Along life’s dreary way; And life has never been same Since you were called away. —Fondly remembered wife and family. who passed away ’ 1945. > you are not for-, shall you be- het hus- 24* memory and I survive retiring all who was pf- ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW for sale—This 2-bedroom home is well located in Exeter, it has bright well arranged rooms and all modern conveniences. Quick possession. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. 17tfc HELP WANTED I to at AUCTION CALE Of Fairmj Farm Stock Chattels The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 14, Colt, 5. Stephen Tivp, SATlTUlAY, SEPTEMBER is at 1 o’clock sharp the following: CHATTELS: 7 pigs; 2 small calves; 14 cows; 2 heifers; 11 calves; set of sleighs; wagon box; fertilizer drill; fanning mill; set of scales; 5-ft. mower; hay in barn; hay fork, ropes, pulleys, slings; walking plough; bean cultivator; old disc; man­ ure spreader; binder; set of harrows; tractor plough; tractoi disc; lever harrows; lawn mow­ er; household furniture; hay rake; hay in field; oats in field; beans in field; 50 hens; 2 horses; half interest in thresh­ ing machine with bean attach- in e n t; Allis-Chalmers tractor; rubber-tired wagon and rack; bean boiler; fork, shovels, hoes, chains, whiffle trees, neckyokes, boxes, barrels and other articles. HARM—Being lot 14, conces­ sion 5, Stephen Township, con­ taining loo acres, more or less. On the farm is a brick house, hank barn and pig pen. TERMS of sale: Chattels-—» cash; real estate-—10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 date. C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Dated at Exeter, Ont., July 13/50 jy 13: O St WANTED elderly couple Six-day week, ment, no washing, all conveniences. Apply in to Box ”K”, Exeter Advocate. A housekeeper for in Crediton. small apart* modern writing Times- 24c NOTICE TO CREDITORSGar Wood counter flow principle Glean sunburst flame Washable air filters Flash humidifier ■ Quiet,, efficient automatic operation Engineered for ^il heating TEMPERED-AIRE AUTOMATIC HEATING AT ITS BEST Wr/fe, phone or visit us for a demonstration Of foil information HENSALL by turn the his 24c WAITRESS WANTED—Apply in person to Kether’s Coffee Shop 24 c 1 Ogd en Re union The Ogden family held anual reunion on Saturday, 19 at springbank Park members Park, Mich., Lucan, Brantford, Woodstock don. After dinner, movies and snap­ shots were taken and a sports ■program enjoyed with winners as follows: Mrs. Clarence Lynch, Grafton Squire and team of Clar­ ence Lynch. An interesting feat­ ure was the display of some beautiful hand crochet work by Mrs. Roy Nell. Bill Ogden of Woodstock was elected president for the following year. their Aug. With attending from Hazel Mich., Lucan, Whalen, an d Lon- HELP WANTED (FEMALE)— Wanted: a woman for light work behind the counter in a Snack Bar. No bight work. Experience preferred but not essential, Salary $115.00 per month. Apply RCAF Station, Centralia, Ont. 24c Squire, a Baillie as Lady customer: *T want my shoes comfortable, but they must look stylish, too.” Clerk: ''Yes, ma’am. You want them large inside, and small outside, don’t you?” Linotype Apprentice A Splendid Trade for a Young Man with Reasonable Education Times-Advocate In the. Estates of WILLIAM CHARLES DAYMAN and SELAH : DAYMAN, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all . per­ sons having claims against the estates of William Charles Day­ man late of the .Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, and Selah Dayman of the same place, Widow, who died on Or about the 7th day of April 1939 and the 12th day of ^No­ vember 1949 respectively, are required to file the same with the undermentioned . solicitor on or before the 26th day of August A,D. 1950, after which date the estates of the said deceased will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at Exeter this 27th day of July A.D. 1950. Warren Crescent Dayman and Alwyn Dayman, Administrators. Dimer D. Bell. K.C., Solicitor for the Administrators, Exeter, Ontario , 10;T7:24 i days. Etank Taylor, Auct Fred bawlfeh, Clerk Adam Kirchner and Estate of the late Karl Kirchner, Props.