HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-08-17, Page 4Page 4 H. J. CORNISH & CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS ST.LONDON, ONT. al Combines Trade or Sell Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64W EXETER HARPLEY Miss May Hodgins, who has been holidaying at the home of her brother Mansell, returned to his home in Toronto Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. Glen Love who was successful in pass­ ing his Upper School examina­ tion at Exeter. Rev F. L. Lewin, visited at the home sell Hodgins Friday Mr. B. J. Hodgins is at pres­ ent in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. We hope to see him home again soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Love visit­ ed with Mr, and Mrs. G, Cowie over the week-end at Grand Bend. Mrs. Anne Ridley is spending a few days at the home of her son, Mr. J. Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gill and family of Brampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Love dur­ ing the past week. Mr. Gordon Eagleson and Alex at THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 19S0 LOSTFOR SALE NOTICES Port Frank, of Mr. Man­ afternoon. Love spent the week-end Grand Bend. PS John W. Orchard Optometrist WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE IN LUCAN Wednesday, August 23 AND EVERY WEDNESDAY THEREAFTER 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. At the Residence of Miss Elizabeth an ALICE STREET WINCHELSEA Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford of Flint, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Weirburn and Mrs. W. Dickey and girls of Woodham. Mrs. Gordon Sugden attended the funeral of her cousin, the late Mrs. Fred Dufton of Thorn­ dale on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Morgan of Thames Road visited on Sun­ day with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. The local members of Wood­ ham Orange Lodge attended a celebration at Guelph on Satur­ day last. Mrs. Fred Walters and Sandra and Miss Pat Hudson spent Sun­ day with friends at London. Miss Joy Whittock of St. Tho­ mas is spending this week with her sisters, Mrs. Harry Ford and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Misses Muriel Coward, Miss Elaine Hern and Miss Wilma Walters were among those who went by bus on Sunday to attend the World Convention at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas and children of Exeter, Mr. Jake Schneider and Mrs. Ernst ot Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mrs. Irvine Brook of New Westminster, B.C., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Colin Gil- fillan and family and with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald of Staffa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on cattle- One five-room cottage with conveniences. Apply John Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exe- HELP WANTED WANTED — 21 housekeeper for J elderly couple in Crediton. Six-day week, small apart­ ment, no washing, all modern conveniences. Apply in writing to Box “K”, Exeter Times- Advocate, 17c WANTED WANTED TO BUY—30-30 rifle 1 in good condition, reasonable price. Apply: Times-Advocate. 17* WANTED TO RENT by Septem­ ber 1, three large unfurnished rooms, reasonable rent. Apply Box “R”, Times-Advocate. 17* LIVESTOCK WANTED — Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Dis- abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 10:17:24:31c REAL ESTATE NEW 4-ROOM insul brie cottage with conveniences, full base­ ment. —W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter. FOR .SALE—Large frame house and property of the late Chas. F. Guenther, D a s h w o o d.— Apply to Mrs. R. H, Taylor, Dashwood. 17:24* 5-ROOM FRAME cottage, nearly new,, on good street; 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, kit­ chen with built-ins. Large lot. Possession arranged. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. HENSALL DUPLEX with con­ veniences for each family. Solidly constructed, insulated, hot water furnace. Rental of one apartment pays expenses. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 100 ACRES FOR SALE—This is one of the most productive farms in this district. It has a good set of buildings with hydro and water pressure. This farm may be bought with immediate or fall possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—5-room brick cott­ age in good repair, half of roof new, basement. Hot and cold water on tap, 3-piece bath. Kitchen cupboards. New garage. —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. Sc f ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW for sale—This 2-bedroom home is well located in Exeter. It has bright well arranged rooms and all modern conveniences. Quick possession. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. . 17tfc DR sale—One Smalley biowei’ (used 2 years) with pipes, elbows and dust collector; 1 large size Smalley grain and straw blower (new); new Qehl forage harvesters, blow­ ers, wagon unloaders and hammermills. —R. M, Peck, Kippen, phone 681-r-23 Hen­ sall. , 27:10:17 DR SALE—F o 1 d i n g lawn chairs, benches, tables and stepladders. Apply: R. T. Mc­ Donald, phone 404-J Exeter. 20:27:10:17* NOTICE Under the provisions of the Weed Control Ac.t all noxious weeds must -be destroyed. All occupants of County of Huron notified that unless weeds are destroyed day of August 1950 action taken as provided by the WM. R. DOUGALL Weed Inspector land in the are hereby all noxious by the Lost—Billfold, large sum of money and identification papers, in Grand Bend vicin­ ity. Reward. Please return to Hugh Davis, R.R. 1, Centralia. 17* be 31st will Act. 17:24c LOST—M an's “Berne” wrist­ watch with browh strap, be­ tween Centralia village and R.C.A.F. Station. Finder please notify H. W. Tripp, Centralia,, or Times-Advocate. 17 c □NEY FOR SALE—The light honey crop is very short throughout Ontario. Get your supply at once^ 20jf a pound. Bring your' containers. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. 17c! J. DR SALE—4 oil space heaters. One large and one small Cole­ man. One Duo Therm. One Roy Therm. All in good con­ dition. Also three 4 5-gal. oil drums with taps, Apply: An­ derson’s Store, Exeter.17c DR SALE—Good Collie pups, male. Phone 177-r-21 Exeter. 17:24* DR SALE — Ice refrigerator, Beache, 100 pounds capacity, good condition. Also rangette, oven and two burners. Phone 4 4 6-J Exeter. 17c (’OR SALE—’39 Pontiac sedan, a good clean car. Apply Times- ‘ Advocate. 17* DR SALE—1940 Plymouth se­ dan, 1938 Chev standard coach, 1934 Chev standard coach, car radio. Apply: Brod­ erick Bros., phone 277 Exeter. 17* DR SALE—Clover honey in customer’s containers, 20^ per pound. —D. Parker, Staffa. 17* DR SALE—‘Two-wheeled newly built car trailer; strong. Ap­ ply: Thos. Jolly, Blacksmith Shop. 17* DR SALE1— 75 choice N.H. pul­ lets, starting to lay. Apply: George Tinney, R.R. 2, Hen­ sall, or phone 9 2-r-3 Zurich. 17c DR SALE—Heintzman piano and bench. Phone 161 Exeter. 17c I good were “The excellent your plant is and operated and your co­ pMBHtRS! HUti'S HiADQOARTERS fOR AUTHlHriC .......................................WFSTFRN WFAR FOR B0y$ —• Winner of beauty contest. Mann, daugh- ROT ROGtRS p o/ rA* Cowboy*’ oncf TRIGGER The Western clothes you've always wonted— the some authentic styles worn in the movies by Roy Rogers, the ’’King of lhe Cowboys." McKnight & Walper Exclusive Agents for Tip Top Tailors Service Uniforms a Specialty PHONE 81 Local Locker Plant Praised For Service For some time locker p throughout the province have been criticized for their failure to operate at sanitary standards. However, a report recently re­ ceived’by Mr. Ralph Hicks, pro­ prietor of Exeter Frozen Foods, shows that district residents need not worry as to the plant's condition. The report says manner In which being maintained has keen noted, operation is appreciated”. "The plant was found In condition. Recording charts satisfactory”. Investigations made by the de­ partment of health have shown that unless correct freezing tem­ peratures are maintained food may deteriorate and become un­ consumption. Mr. Hicks has been careful to ensure these tempera­ tures and has been compliment­ ed by the department for his co­ operation. MISS TORONTO the Miss Toronto Ruby Gwendolyn ter of a farmer in Grimsby, Ont., was the last entry in the beauty parade and down to her last $10. The $1,000 she won as ’con­ test queen will be spent, she says, to “get some clothes” so that she may get a position as clothes model. She is 18, five feet six inches, weighs 123 lbs. Central Press Canadian FOR SALE-—Durham cow, due to calf September 3, carrying third calf. Phone 84-r-3 Zur- rich, Sol Gingerich. 17:24:31c FOR SALE—-Baby carriage, like new; one new youth bed com­ plete with spring-filled mat­ tress. —-Phone 445-J. 17* FOR SALE-—Boy’s gray tram in good condition. Apply: 7 Ann St., phone 399-J. 17c How do you manage when the phone rings While yon ate in the bathtub?” asked Mr. Dough. “It’s simple,” r e p 1 i e d M r. Know; “I put off taking a bath until my wife calls one of her friends. Then, of course, I have plenty of time to finish without being interrupted.” All persons holding cheques of Exeter Creamery Company Limited are hereby notified to present the same for payment on or before Saturday, the 19th day of August, 1950. All former patrons of the Company are re­ quested to give this matter their immediate attention. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, this Sth day of August, 19 50. W. G. Medd, President of Exeter Creamery Company Limited 10:17c AUCTION SALES Under The Companies Act (Ontario), Exeter Creamery Company Limited hereby gives notice that it will make applica­ tion to His Honour the Lieuten­ ant-Governor of Ontario for ac­ ceptance of the surrender of its charter on lbe fixed Governor. Dated at day of and after a date to by the Lieutenant­ Clearing AUCTION SALE Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public auction the Premises, Main Street, Dashwood on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp Gurney kitchen range in first class condition, with Quebec heater, some lengths coal oil stove; equipped with oven; kitchen lining; small of The been On Sth thisExe*ter, Ontario, August, 1950, W. M. Pratt, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for EXETER CREAMERY COMPANY LIMITED 10:17c Rawleigh Customers I am giving up Rawleigh Agency. All goods are now on sale. Orders over $1.00 10% off, over $10.00 15% off, except minerals, sprays and spices which are 10%. Orders will be taken ovei’ phone or through mail. I will make delivery into Hay and Stephen in September, others at my home. Be prepared to settle old counts when I call. Send in ders early while stock is plete. Will and Saturday afternoons. Bring profit sharing cards. E. L. JOHNSTON Rawleigh Dealer Phone 183 Exeter call ae- or- com- be home evenings new l'ire like new; of stove pipes; electric hotplate, thermometer and range, with new heater; kitchen furniture; table with four chairs to match; kitchen cupboard; children’s bath tub; two utility pans; 2 linoleums, like new; tea kettle; coal scuttle; flower stand; cellar cupboard with screen door; small stand; quan­ tity of sealers; folding clothes horse; mahogany occasional chair; mahogany rocking chair, like new; 4 dining room chairs; oak library table; chair; electric heater; digger; articles tion, all in new condition. NO RESERVE. ~ will be sold. TERMS: Cash. Harold Taylor, Milford Merner, Alvin Walper, box; Of i FOR SALE—Front end manure loader adapted for Case VAC, used one season. Reasonable for cash. Exeter Farm Equip­ ment, phone 443-.T Exeter. 17c FOR SALE—Chesterfield suite, three-piece; folding cot (steel frame); kitchen buffet. Good condition and very reasonable. Apply: drew house, Street. 1 Gordon Thurman, An- St., east side, frame 4th up from Sanders 17* FOR SALE—McLaughlin Buick buck rake; also hay tedder. Apply C. .L Walker, R.R. 1, Cromarty, Phone 12-r-13 Dub- 17:24c MISCELLANEOUS WHY TOLERATE FLIES in your barn? Tse Lindane. It only costs 10c per 100 sq. feet and controls the fly problem from 5 to 8 weeks. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 10:17:24c I AM IN THE MARKET for, all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J, Dow, phone S3 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhangiug a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 3S0-M Exeter. IStfc SPRAY PAINTING — Houses, barns, sheds, roofs, etc. Free estimate. — G. W. Eagleson, phone 40-r-2 Dashwood. 27:19:17:24:31:7* BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, tin- uncial statements, income tax reports, auditing, etc. —Nor­ man cowan, Hay P.O., phone Dashwood 40-r-13, 10:17:24:31c PERSONAL buff ett; arm hand washing machine; iron; (bedstead; coal oil well pump; post mallet; and many too numerous to hole other men- Everything Prop. Clerk Auct 10:17c RE: ERECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER TO TOWN To whom it may concern: I have been authorized, By-law No. 14, 1950, of the Cor­ poration of Exeter, to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the erection of the Village of Exeter to a town, said town to be named Exeter. And to apply further to the Ontario Municipal Board for the division of the proposed town into three wards with the following boundaries: WARD 1—That portion west of Main Street, from the South Boundary to and including the south side of Ann Street and on the east side of Main Street, to and including the south side of James Street. WARD 2—That portion west of Main Street, from and including the north side of Ann Street, to and in­ cluding the south side of Gidley Street and on the east side of Main Street, from and including the north side of James Street to and including the south side of Gidley Street. WARD 3—That portion east and west of Main Street from and including the north side of Gidley Street, to and including the North Bound­ ary. Please take notice that I am making the said the this The been by Lot 1U Clearing AUCTION SALE Livestock, Implements, Household Effects and Antiques undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by auction On the Premises 21, Con. 10, Stephen miles east and 1% south of Dashwood, miles west of Exeter, on public Twp. miles 6 SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 commencing at 12 pan. sharp LIVESTOCK: Bay general pur­ pose mare, 8 years old, reliable in every way; roan Durham cow; white Durham heifer. IMPLEMENTS: Hay loader; Ideal mower, 5-ft. cut; dump rake; steel-tired wagon; pair bob sleighs; cutter; rubber-tired buggy; steel-tired buggy; fan­ ning mill; grindstone; 100 feet of li-inch piping; 30-ft. ladder; hay fork;, hay fork rope; set sling ropes; cutting box; quan- of lumber; circular saw; 5- gasoline engine; 2,000-lb. scales; light wagon; fram- auger machine; quantity of seed; new single 3 large kettles; sausage 30-ft. belt; 2 dozen, cider barrels; all application Ontario Municipal Board date. C. V. Pickard, Municipal Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Dated at Exeter, Ont., duly 13/50 Jy 13: 0 5e to at NOTICE TO CREDITORS SKINNY MEN, WOMEN’ Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 60 (J. All druggists. FOR SALE BY TENDER Located In the Village of Hen­ sall, known as the Zeufle Build­ ing, Tenders to be in the hands of the manager, Hensail District Co-Op, before August 28, 1950. Purchaser to remoe all debris. Highest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. Hensall District Co-Operative Hensall, Ontario 10:17c Til the. Estates of WILLIAM CHARLES DAYMAN and SELAH DAYMAN, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all .pet- sons having claims against the estates of William Charles Day­ man late of tlie .Township of Vsborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, and Selah Dayman of the same place, Widow, who died on or about the 7th day of April 1939 and the 12th day of No­ vember 1949 respectively, are required to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor on or before the 26th day of August A.D. 1950, after which date the estates of the said deceased will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been .received. DATED at Exeter this 27 th day of July A.D. 1950. Warren Crescent Dayman and Alwyh Dayman, Administrators. Elmer D. Bell. ICC., Solicitor for the Administrators, Exeter, Ontario 10:17:24 Put pep in the pocket by put­ ting profitable Want Ads on the job. tity h.p. cap. era’ sweet clover harness; grinder; new sap pails; kinds of carpenter and garden tools, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din­ ing room furniture, tables, chairs and cabinet; 6 odd dining room chairs; complete mahogany bedroom suite, like new; player piano; Bell organ; 2 antique style beds with springs and mat­ tress; 4 wooden beds; various antique style chairs; 3 chest of drawers; Raymond sewing ma­ chine; 3 bureaus; full set an­ tique style parlor suite, beautiful plush covered settees and odd chairs; various foot stools; 6 oak rocking chairs; 3 couches; 2 small spinning wheels; large spinning wheel; 3 small heaters, all in range; •chair; chairs and cupboard; 3 sinks; 4 dressers; bedroom lamps; fan­ cy hanging lamp; beautiful hand painted pictures and frames; 4 oak fern stands; 2 antique flower stands with vases; 6 oak centre tables; linoleum 8x10 ft., 10x12 ft., and 12x16 ft.; full line of kitchen utensils; 75 new beautiful quilts and comforters; also a large assortment of wool­ len and flannelette blankets, sheets and bed spreads; linens and fancy work; numerous pil­ lows and pillow cases; feather ticks; fancy dishes and vases, some antique; chinaware, silver­ ware, glassware, and cut glass dishes; 2 complete dinner sets; sealers, crocks, jars, etc. NO RESERVE, everything will be sold. Being this is u very large sale, selling will start at 12:00 p.m. sharp. Livestock and implements will be sold first. TERMS: Cash. Win. H. Kes tie, Drop. M. Merner and R. F. Stade, *** Clerks Alvin Walper, Auct 17:24c good condition, kitchen 4 cedar chests; arm kitchen table; kitchen sideboard; 2 complete toilet sets;