HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-07-06, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1950 PftglEi 5 Ernest C. McWilliam Services for Ernest C. McWil­ liam, 57, were conducted by the Rev. L. C. Harrison of Lucan, <S a t u r d a y, in Murdy’s funeral home, and interment made in Medway Cemetery, He was born in London Town­ ship, moving to Biddulph Town­ ship 10 years ago, He attended St. James Anglican Church, Clan- deboye. He is survived by one sister, Mrs, Amos Ferguson, of London Township, Pallbear er s were Edward Flynn, Harold and Malcolm Hod­ gins, James Sigsworth, Alonza Phillips, and Clifford Cobleigh. The largest North American rodent is the Beaver. CANNING PROTECTION BEGINS RIGHT HERE i needs are here at Traquair Hardware soAll your canning stow away food (savings now while prices are at their lowest, and protect your investment by using quality supplies that will keep all your foods just as you want them. Cannerand Rack Deep canner, holds 7 jars complete with rack and cover $2.50 and $3.50 Cone Strainers Fine strainer and pestle for jelly making Alu minum $5.50 Kitchen Scale Easih’ aj listed to accurate weight — plain dial Fruit Funnel A handy funnel for preserving Aluminum Pots Strong handles and tight cover — for preserving Only $3.95 4 Preserving Kettles Blue granite — good quality 3 sizes $1.60, $1.75 $2.00 Fly Sprayer For barn or house t, 29c to $1.19 Sudden Death Bug Killer For tomatoes and potatoes 30c, 50c and 80c per Bag Fly Coils To catch the flies 2 for 5c MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry 3. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist UNION SERVICE with James Street held in Main Street Church 11 a.m.—.‘'Richey than a King,” Anthem; “Seek Ye the Lord,” Mr,Duet; Miss Marie and Frank Wildfong. » 12 noon—Sunday School. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Minister; J, TIenry Getz Organist; Mrs. Ken McCrae 10 a.m.—-Service of Holy Com­ munion, Guest minister; Rev. H. E. Roppel of Zurich, •Church School. p.m.-—Decoration Service Dashwood E.U.B. Cemetery. Speaker: Dr. H. A. Kellerman of Kitchener. Dashwood Choir and Band. 11:15 a.m.. 3 in on Decoration Service To Be Held At Dashwood Cemetery Decoration Day will be held Sunday afternoon, July 9, at 3 o’clock in the Evangelical Ceme­ tery on. the Goshen Line. Dr. H. Kellerman of Kitchener will Dashwood will be in invitation PURINA FLY SPRAY '*> Wftft Ok O»Ti» CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norma Knight 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. The Sunday School will meet with the congregation. Sunday School Lesson: “The Sermon on the Mount.” TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, July 9, 1950 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Sunday School discontinued for the months of July and August. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer. Fri„ Sp.m.—Y.P.S. No Meetings in the Tabernacle July 9. District Camp at Bray­ side, Paris. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Rev. Harold F- Currie, Minister Subject: “The Cheerio’s of Jesus”. Worship: Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—2:45 p.m. Church School: Crediton—10:30 a.m. Shipka—11:15 a.m. Brinsley—1:3 0 p.m. Wedd ing Anniversary Marked In Winchelsea A pleasant social time was spent in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge on Thursday evening last when their neigh­ bours of Winchelsea and Sun­ shine lines met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern and presented them with a lovely table lamp in remembrance of their fifteenth wedding annivers­ ary. Mr. iously Bingo during a dainty lunch was Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Delbridge grac- expressed their thanks, and euchre the evening ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister Sunday, July 9— 10:00 a.m.—“The Church’s ness in the World,” 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—The Fifth Command­ ment, “Honour to Parents.” Thursday, July 6, at 8:15 p.m.— W.S.W.S. Friday, July 14, at 8:00 p.m.— Mission Band. Wit- No CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend Rev. Glen Beach, Pastor Sunday service will be held due to provincial convention being held at 110 Paul Street, West London. The public is cordially invited to attend this convention. Monday to Saturday, July 10 to July 16—Rev. William Flee­ nor, returned missionary, will conduct one week’s services on personal evangelism. ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal - Grand Bend,- Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 10:15 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. kirkton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Copeland of Toronto were -Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Arlo Cope­ land. Mr, and Mrs. Erie Humphreys, Jean and Helen spent the holi­ day week-end in Toronto and Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Copeland and family of Paris spent July 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Cope­ land and Mr. and Mrs. John M<?- Elrea. HARPLEY and Mrs, Paul Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagle- son took a trip north over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Lang staff, Toronto, called on Mr. B. J. Hodgins at the home of Mansell Hodgins on Friday evening. Miss Jean Ridley spent July 1 with her grandmother, Mrs. M. Desjardine. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Hardy and family, of Lucan, ^pent last Sunday evening : Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Moncton, N.B., with his parents, Colin Love. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. A. he the guest speaker. Band and church choir attendance. A cordial is extended to all, Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hopcroft and son Bobbie of Port Colborne spent last week-end with his pa­ rents, Mr. croft. Mr, and of London with Mr Mr. and Mrs. S. P, Currie and family spent the week-end with her parents in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family of Richmond Hill spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Tommy and Carol stay­ ing to spend their holidays. The Lutheran Ladies Aid with their husbands held a picnic on the church lawn Tuesday eve­ ning. Miss Marie Kraft is a patient in St, Joseph’s Hospital in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft of London spent the week-end day with relatives here. Mr. Albert Miller, who been in London hospital several weeks was brought home Tuesday by be confined time. Rev. and few days in Flint, week. . Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper of Ingersoll spent the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Vassie and son Dennis of Kitchener are visiting with Mrs. Mary Tieman and other relatives. Mr. and of Toronto here. Mr. and spending a fives here. Mr. and man were holiday visitors in To­ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reste- meyer of London spent the holi­ days here. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac ■ and sons of Detroit spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smythe of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chares Steinliagen. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Genttner and family and Mr. Fred Gentt­ ner are visiting relatives in Mich­ igan. Mr. Aaron Restemeyer, who has been on the sick list, is im­ proving. Miss Betty Douglas of Strat­ ford spent the holidas with Mrs. Ness and Paul. and Mrs, Thos, Hop- Mrs. Keith Wildfong spent the week-end and Mrs. G. Wildfong. holi- ambulance and will to his bed for some Mrs. H. Getz spent a Mich., last Mrs. Archie Bender spent the week-end Mrs. few Mrs. SA1NTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth of Midland, Ont., spent a few days this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Master Douglas Smyth accompanied them. On Sunday they were din­ ner and and Mr. they the Smyth of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and Cameron Davis spent last week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott of Tara. Mr. Carol of guests with Mr. and Atkinson. Mrs. G. Carroll and Detroit are holidaying home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Richard were guests at the ’ Hodgins Wedding on Saturday in London. Mr. Maurice McDonald, How­ ard and Joyce and Mr. H. Davis, George Kel- Hugh, Almarie and Alexia, mem­ bers of Woodham Band attended guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. P. Dickins of London tea guests at the home of and Mrs. R. Greenlee, and spent Sunday evening at home of Mr. and Mrs. F. at the home of Morley Love of are holidaying , Mr. GRAND BEND and Mrs. Lovie of the week- C. Kimpel are days with rela- Harold Keller- were played after which served.and Mrs. H. Latta and Arva were week-end Mrs. E. Mrs. William Love and Mr. and Mrs, and family attended on Friday evening Gill’s in honour of Ken Hamilton are spending end with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and other friends. A number from this vicinity attended the decoration service on Sunday at Grand Bend Ceme­ tery. Mr. and and family Colin Love the shower at Mr. Ed Miss Audrey Gill of Blue Water Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Thermon Hayter of Detroit visited at the home of Mr. Paul Eagleson on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McLean and Mary Ellen of Detroit are staying mother, Mr. lee and Sunday with Mrs. Maude Eagle- son. for a while with her Mrs. Maria Hayter. and Mrs. Calvin Green­ family of Corbett spent sion of faith, Mr. and Mrs. Aus­ tin Timms, Mrs. Ellis Strachan, Mrs. Laurence Mills, and Mr. John Davidson by letter. Personal Items Mrs. Ira Shier of Ingersoll is spending a few days with hei1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. Rev. T. '.............................. ing Boys’ week. . Ronnie spent a few days with Mr. ana Mrs. Norris Webb. Mrs. Frank Levy and daugh­ ters of St. Marys are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Miss Marian Mills, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. William Mills. Mrs. Vic Chatten and Barbara spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denham of Fort Erie. Mrs. L. Courtney of Midland is visiting with Mrs. H. Chatten and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber and family of Rochester, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. Harry Webber and Helen and Miss Ordell McAllister. G. Wanless is attend- Camp at Bimini this Webb of Grand Bend Church of God Rev. Glenn Beach, Pastor MONDAY TO SATURDAY July 10 to July 10 Returned Missionary REV. WILLIAM FLEENOR will conduct one week’s services on Evangelism Public Cordially Invited DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 17 to July 28 Bible Study and Hand Work for all age children Hear the Christian Brotherhood Hour over CFPL, London, from 9:00-9:30 every Sunday morning This is the Month for ★ ★ ★ ★ * Body and fender repairs Tire rotation and replacement Thorough motor' tune-up Summer-weight lubricants Flush-clean the radiator Brakes and wheel alignment adjusting Reconditioning springs and shocks Get it done at Snell Bros. & Co. Competent mechanics . . Factory methods and materials . Fair prices Most Car Service Jobs Done Inside 24 Hours Snell Bros. & Co. Phone 100 Warning To the Parents of Exeter Canadian Canners Ltd E. J. Green, Local Manager IB Wear X Babies* forty members of the Auxiliary and friends London by bus on Mon­ visited several places of Silverwood’s and Won- st Woodham Auxiliary Tours London Sights About Evening went to day and interest, der Bakery were visited during the morning and Tweedsmuir Hall, the Free Press and CFPL, Kellogg’s and Nash Galleries in the afternoon. The group re­ mained for supper and a show {during the evening. , .Sacrament Observed Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- Harry Ford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fletcher of Kirkton. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Horne were Mr. and Mrs. James Doan and Mrs. Prentice of Hornings Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arm­ strong attended the Gordon pic­ nic at Springbank on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scheerer of Cold Creek spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. lett. ___ _ _ .. . . Miss June Walters has taken the band tatoo in St. Ma^ys on per was observed at the church a position at Coronation Lodge’Tuesday evening. ' ’at Grand Bend for the summer j ^Irs. months. *»v. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock of; Thursday London spent the week-end nt j jjw ,.... ... G. — evening at the home of Mrs. St. DaviB- ........................... the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ^Irs’ Walters, Master George Brock remaining for some holidays. Miss Joy Whitlock of Thomas spent the week-end with Mr. ' ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Judy of at the Harry Dickins Diekins­ We will not be responsible for any injury to children pulling Green Peas from loads either on our property or on the highways. service on Sunday morning. Sev- Mr and Mrs 0 Davis and»eral were also made members of ‘ Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan spent:the church—Misses Hetty Mills,. — ' at Chatham Mr and Annie Spence, Dianne Marriott,Godholt and Mr’ Mid Mr. Laurence Mills by profes-| Godbolt spent Sunday: .... ...... ........................................... ELIMVILLE I and avoid disease IMPROVES APPETITES /KlUS (lARGE ROUND- 'worms $ ■ and STOCK CATTLE EXETER. Disinfect poultry drinking water with Cheek-R-Tabs FARM BUILDINGS This new Purina spray con­ taining iXiXTs is especially formulated to take fullest ad­ vantage of this powerful in­ secticide for complete fly con­ trol in the barn and for stock cattle on pasture. Easy to use economical DAIRYMEN: Don’t let flies rob you this year—ask about our complete D. D. T. fly control program. BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Morley Waugh and Mrs. Waugh of London spent Monday with the former’s daugh­ ter, Mrs. Leonard Thacker and Mr. ’tliacker. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family and Mrs. Fred Patti­ son attended the Hazlewood re­ union in Stratford on Saturday. Mr. Aiex Dobson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Pattison, Mrs. Dobson and baby Wayne returned home with him on Sunday. Miss Madeline Dann returned home Sunday after spending the last two weeks in Vancouver. Baby Barry Thomson returned home from Sick 'Children’s Hos- Upital, London. Mr. Carl Mills left for Toronto on Saturday Where he intends attending summer school. Mr. Carl Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. RUcli of Lake­ view. Miss Audrey Parkinson, Well­ burn, is spending her summer holidays at her home. Mrs. John Thomson and Fred Thomson of Toronto visiting the former’s son Stanley Thomson and Mrs. Thom­ son. Miss R. Adamson of Kitchener is spending her vacation with her Ti foil Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Murray and Ann attended the Thomson reunion in Stratford Park on Saturday. I I Mrs. Thos. Bell, Misses Bessie < and Florence Bell and Mrs. Chas, j Mr. are Mr. i I ewu/fv at rw? PKiee/ tMONE 27_____a___________"I i ana jrivreiive ot'u auu ali»« wias. • Stephen and Bott Anne motored! to Kingsville, Point Pelee and Rondeau Park last Wednesday, visiting with Mrs. Lily Hanna, Kingsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nash, of Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis and children motored up from Long Branch, New Jersey, last week. They are staying with Mrs. Otis’ parents, Mr. and ?|.. Johns while Sigma, tinues his army course at ton. Murray Stephen and chums, Kent Jackson and Merton hers of London enjoyed a motor trip to Mnskoka over the holiday week-end. Miss Donna March and Mr. Frank Walsh of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner, Mrs. Orville Bird and Darlan left Saturday for two months tor Prince Edward Island with Mrs. Birds’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and Wayne of Crediton and. Mr. Don­ ald Parsons of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, The Elimville Institute picnic will be held in Seatortli Lions’ Park on Tuesday, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Philip March, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. March of Parkhill. Mrs. McEalls of Exeter visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Wes Horne. ‘ Mrs. Lloyd . Otis con- Kings- Cham- Special Size 70” x 00” flannelette sheets —heavy Kincolt make, white with pink or blue borders, a good buy for winter as prices on these have advanced sharply. July selling price only $4.95 pr* Bedspreads Chenille bedspreads, size 72” 100”, all popular colours includ­ ing whites with floral designs. On sale at ................ $9.85 each We have just received a large shipment of babies’ wear, including bonnets, dresses, dia­ pers, rompers, bootees., crib sheets and blan­ kets, rubber sheets, rattles, baby pants, car­ riage covers—in fact, everything required for babies’ wear. We are marking all these lines at very close prices. Superior Store Specials for July 6, 7, and 8 GOLDEN NET COHOE SALMON Special value, ^lA-lb. tins ........ 2 for 59$ KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES Oven fresh, 8-oz, pkgs. 2 for 25$ AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Choice quality, 15*oz, tins 2 for 25$ COUNTRY KIST KERNEL CORN 14-oz. tins ..... 11$ each, 9 for 90$ WETHEY’S APRICOT JAM I,urge 24-oz, jar, extra value .. each29$ GIANT SUPERSUDS With I cake Palmolive soap all for 59$ Jones & May