HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-29, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMBS-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1950 Prospective Pupils Visit High School A tried nigh from who will be attending high school La the fall are being brought to lUxeter this week and shown over the school, This is being done so that the putpils will have some idea of the set-up when the new term begins in September. new innovation is Vein out at the Exeter District School. Grade 8 pupils the schools of the district Rev. A. B. Irwin Concludes Services The final services in. connec­ tion with the re-opening of the James St. United Church follow­ ing the re-decoration were held Sunday when Rev. A. B. Irwin, of Sarnia, a former pastor, con­ ducted the services. Mr. Irwin was greeted with a large con­ gregation at the morning service with a fair attendance in the evening. His subject in the morn­ ing was “Audacious Faith” and, in the evening “Why the Church”, Both messages were well received, At the morning service the choir sang “Great and Maryellous” and in the eve­ ning “I Will Magnify Thee.” Mr. Allen Elston was guest soloist and in the morning sang “How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings” and in the evening “Repent Ye”. Rev. Mr. Snell supplied for Mr. Irwin in Sarnia. During the month of July union services will be held in Main St. United Church while Mr. Snell is on vacation. THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Kers- lake and family, Mr. -Charles Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl returned Monday after holi­ daying in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hodg­ son were in Ridgetown on Satur­ day attending the wedding of Miss Mary Margaret Hodgson, daughter of Mr.«and Mrs. Earl Hodgson, to Kenneth Irvine of Grand Valley. Hold Union Services Union services by the gregations of Main Street James Street United Churches will he held during the months of July and August. Services will he held in the morning only. During July the services will be iheld in Main Street Church con­ ducted by the minister, Rev. H, J. Mahoney with music provided by the Main Street choir, In August the services will be held in Main Street Church. Rev. H. J. Snell, Mrs. Snell and family are on vacation. i COMING EVENTS cdn- and Andy S n e 1 g r o v e had some rather unusual reception ovex* his television set Monday afternoon. Station KLEE from Houston, Texas, kept coining in on the same channel as WJBK Detroit. From Houston to Exeter is some distance for television, PICNIC Jr. Farmers & Institute KIRKTON GARDEN PARTY — July 19, ball game, juvenile contests, all-star program. 29:6c LADIES’ BOWLING Thursday evening is ladies’ night on the bowling green, Come and enjoy the game at 7:30, New members made welcome. 29c Wed,z July 5 Supper Served at 6:00 P.M. Everyone Bring Own Lunch and Cutlery Friends Welcome LUCAN UNITED CHURCH HAM AND HUNGRY? — Weekly editors front the United States get acquainted just before they tac­ kle this bountiful table of Canadian-cooked food at Ottawa. The editors took a good-will tour of Canada at the expense of the government to fostex' inter-nation relationships. On the extreme right is seen J. M. Soulhcott, editoi- of The T-A, who accompanied them, in that (THEATRE Phone 421 Previews its Coming Attractions THURS. - FBI. - SAT. June 29 - 30 - July 1 The Palomino ★ Jerome Courtland Ar Beverly Tyler The inspiring story of a horse. - Colour by Technicolour - J 1 MONDAY - TUESDAY July 3-4 Bis hop Confirms Fourteen Members Sunday afternoon a confirma­ tion service was held in Trivitt Memorial Church when fourteen persons were received into full membership in the church. The service was conducted by the Right Reverend G. N. Lux­ ton, Bishop of Huron, assisted by the Rector, Rev. C. L. Lang­ ford. Mr. O. S. Atkinson took part in the service carrying the Bishop's Pastoral Staff. The Bishop drew attention to four words from the confirma­ tion prayer, “Defend”/ ‘Continue Thine Forever”, Increase in Thy Holy Spirit”, “Until He Come to Thy Everlasting Kingdom”. The choir under the direction of Mr. Robert Cameron sang the anthem, “Send Out Thy Light”. Mrs. Grant Carew took the solo parts. The following were con­ firmed: Alfred Frederick Wells, Mrs. Helen Mae Wells, Mrs. Ethel Estelle Winer, Mrs. Anna Isabel Acheson, Mrs. Gladys Etoil Bier­ ling, Mrs. Irene Evelyn Harness, Mary Evelyn May 'Wells, Jane Elizabeth Harness, Sally Ann Acheson, Douglas Roy Triebner, Jack Reginald Triebner, Thomas Lewis Triebner, Edwin Nathaniel Brintnell, Bernice Ruth Heine. Announcements BIRTHS HAYLOR—At Mrs. Hunter's nursing home on Sunday, June 25, to LAC and Mrs. Gerald Haylor, Centralia, a daughter, Maureen Lyne, a sister for Gloria and Ronnie. MILLION—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Friday, June 23, to Mr. and Mrs. William Million, Exeter, a son, David, a brother for Gwen and Jim­ mie. WURM-—-Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wurm, Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Gary Leroy, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednes­ day, June 21. DEATHS WELSH—-In St. Joseph’s pital, London, Tuesday, 27, Richard Wrelsh, Exeter, in his eightieth year. CARDS OF THANKS Allan Jaques wishes to thank all his friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home. * I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who so kind­ ly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while a pa- * iMrs, William Devine Hos- June Former Assessor R. Welsh Dies Aftei- a lengthy illness Richard Welsh died Tuesday in his eight­ ieth year. He was born in Us- borne Township the son of the late John and Elizabeth Welsh and is survived by his wife, Kate Balkwill. He was two sisters, Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas brother Wesley. He was a staunch Conservative and Assessor of the village of Exeter for a number of years. He was a member of James St. United Church. A private funeral service will be held at the ~ Home Thursday Rev. H. J. Snell pallbearers will Steiner, Allan Fraser, Asa Pen- hale, Victor Heywood, Harry Bierling, Aubrey Chambers. FRIDAY - SATURDAY June 30-July 1 ★ Dennis Morgan ★ Jack Carson and sensational ★ Doris Day the kind of comedy musical will make you laugh and sing! ‘It’s a Great Feeling’ - In Technicolour - “JUNGLE TERROR” (In Colour) and Cartoon, “HOME TWEET HOME” Strawberry Supper Lucan Memorial Centre Mon., July 3 Supper served 5.30 to 8:30 p.m. Good play to be presented by the South Huron, Junior Farmers entitled, “JUNIOR GROWS UP” Admission; Adults SI.00, Children under 12 years .50 predeceased by W. D. Sanders Jones,-and one*1 Dinney Funeral afternoon, with officiating. The be Dr. E. S. ANNUAL Decoration Service Grand Bend Cemetery Sunday, July 2 A special prepared speakers, 2:00 p.m. programme is being consisting of special singing, instrumental numbers, etc. Everybody* Welcome “The Doctor and the Girl’ ★ ★ . * Where are „ . _ ____ ______ 3n the life of a handsome young doctor. This is the strange love story of one of them . . . Glenn Ford Charles Coburn Janet Leigh many beautiful women i WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY July 5-6 'South Sea Sinner’ ■A- Shelly Winters .MacDonald Carey From the sensational screen play “South of Java” MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. Exeter Man’s Murals Show Resort Fun When visitors to Grand Bend want to know what the resort has to offer they don’t need to peer at a tourist guide. One glance at the wall of Arthur Pugh’s indoor bowling alley tells strangers exactly what goes on in Grand Bend. The bowling alley, recently completed, and the only indoor alley in the village, is decorated with colored murals featuring popular comic strip characters. In various gay and comical poses, characters like Bugs Bunny and Br’er Rabbit depict Grand Bend’s major attractions — roller skat­ ing, swimming, golfitig, horse­ back riding, dancing and bowl­ ing. Pogo, Pluto and the Big Bad Wolf are just a few of the eomic strip people that cavort on the bowling alley walls. Tom. Semple, from Exeter, did the murals for Mr. Pugh. tient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. Garnet Shipman wishes to express his sincere thanks to all those who remembered him while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. * Miss Shirley Flynn wishes to express her sincere appreciation to all those who remembered her with cards and treats, and to her nurses and doctors while she was a patient in Clinton General Hospital and since re­ turning home. 29c Mrs. Mervin Tieman wishes to express her appreciation for the flowers, cards, treats, etc., sent to her while a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital and to .those who called to see her.29c Mrs. Clarice Snell Grimsby Mrs: Or- Mr. and spent the week-end in visiting with Mr. and ville Snell. Mrs. L. H. Taylor, and Neil of Stratford few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Reeder and assisted at the trousseau tea. Mr. and Mrs. Launce Batters- by, Nat, Isabelle, and Lola, of Hamilton, Mrs. Ed Willard and Betty Ann, of Mount Hope, at­ tended the Pfaff-Reeder wedding on Saturday. Kenneth spent a Featuring Kay Jennings, Vocalist 1:00 p.tn. 2:30 p.m. Final Game — 6:30 p.m. Between Winners of Afternoon Games ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Young, Tliamesford, wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Lorna Jean to Howard Wesley Ferguson, Thamesford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Ferguson, Hensail, the wedding to take place in Westminister United Church, Thamesford, July 22. Caven Marks on 29* Grand Bend Dancing Every Night NEIL McKAY and his ORCHESTRA Softball Tournament - July 1 3 GAMES — Parkhill vs. Grand Bend — Sylvan vs. Thedford Anniversary The congregation of Presbyterian Church on observed the seventy-fifth niversary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada by a special Rededication Service, conducted by the minister, Rev. Donald Sin­ clair. The “Back thers”. importance of remembering the faith, sacrifices and devoted ser­ vice of the men and women of the past, the contribution made by Presbyterianism to the wel­ fare of Canada and the world, and the need today to catch again the vision that inspired the church in the past and let God make us His agents in carry­ ing out His purpose for the world today. In the evening several car­ loads from the congregation at­ tended the service of worship and witness held in Knox Pres­ byterian Church, Goderich, by tlie Presbytery of Huron-Mait­ land. The service Was conducted by Rev. Alex Nimmo, Wingham, and a massed choir of 200 voices, including some members of the Caven Church choir, led the sing­ ing, Prof. David Hay, of Knox College, Toronto, preached an in­ spiring s&rmon on “The Glory of God’*. Over 1500 men and wo*- men from all congregations in the Presbytery were present. Caven Sunday an- choir sang ah anthem, to the Faith of our Fa- Mr. Sinclair spoke of the School Results —'dontinued From Page One Lat. 2nd, Fr. cr. Paul Durand, Eng. cr, Hist. 2nd, Geom. 3nd, Ag. Sc. 3rd, Fr. cr, Shop cr. Gordon Hist. 3rd, Shop 3rd. William Geom. 2nd, Ag. Sc. 1st, Fr. Shop 3rd. William Mero, Eng. 3rd, Geom. 3rd, Ag. Lat. 3rd, Fr. 3rd. Donald Petrie, Eng. 1st, Geom. 1st, Ag. Sc. 3rd, Lat. 1st, Fr. 2nd. Robert Russell, Eng. 1st, Hist. 2nd, Geom. 1st, Chem. 1st, Fr. 2nd, Shop cr. Comm. 3rd. Glen Schroeder, Eng. cr, Hist, 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Ag. Sc. 2nd, Lat. 2nd, Fr. 3rd, Shop 3,rd. Neil Taylor, Eng. cr, Hist. 3rd, Geom. cr, Ag. Sc. 3rd, Fr. 3rd, Shop cr. Gerald Webb, Hist. 3rd, Geom. cr, Ag. Sc. cr, Shop 3rd. Donald Webster, Eng. 3rd, Hist. 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Ag. Sc. cr, Fr. cr, Shop 2nd, Comm. 2nd. Joan Batten, Eng 3rd, Hist, cr, Geom. cr, Ag. SC. cr, Fr. cr, Home Ec. 1st. Maxine Bowden, Eng. Hist. 2nd; Geom. 1st, Ag. 2nd, Lat. 1st, Fr. 1st. Wilma Coates, Eng. cr, Hist, 3rd, Geom. cr, Fr. 3rd, Home Ec. 1st. Evelyn Desjardine, Eng. 3rd, Hist. 3rd, Geom. or, Lat, 3rd, Alg. cr. Winnifred Field, Eng. 2nd, Hist. 3rd, Geom. 2nd, Home Ec. 1st. Colleen Gill, Eng. 3rd, Hist. 3rd, Geom. cr, Ag. Sc. cr, Fr. cr, Home Economics, 2nd. Kathleen Hess, Eng. cr, Hist. 3rd, Fr. 3rd, Home Ec. 2nd. Joan Hopper, Eng. 1st, Hist. 1st, Geom. 1st, Ag. Sc. 1st, Lat. 1st, Fr. 1st. Barbara Hunter, ___ __ Hist. 1st, Geom. er, Ag. Sc, 3rd, Lat. 1st, Fr. 1st. Patsy Mitchell, Eng, 2nd, Hist. 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Ag. Sc. 1st, Fr. 3rd, Home Ec. 2nd. Alice Miller, Eng. cr, C 2nd, Geom. cr, Ag. Sc. cr, 3rd, Fr. cr. Shirley Taylor, Eng. 2nd, : 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Ag. Sc. Home Ec. 1st. Shirley Thomson, Eng. Hist. 3rd, Geom, 3rd, Ag, __ 2nd, Fr. 3rd, Home Ec. 1st. June Walters, Eng. 2nd, Hist. 1st, Geom. 1st, Ag, Sc. 3rd, Home Ec. 2nd, Comm. 3rd. Evelyn Wright, Eng. 3rd, Hist. 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Ag, Sc. cr, Fr. cr, Home Ec, 2nd, Eagleson, Eng. Geom. 2nd, Chem. Heywood, Hist. 3rd, Hist. Sc. 3rd, 2nd, Hist. Eng. BASeMU. Exeter Community Park Monday, July 3 CLINTON COLTS VS. EXETER — Admission 350 — $500 Bend SUNDAY MIDNIGHT MONDAY - TUESDAY July 3-4 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY July 5-6 splash! NEWSREEL an Academy Award Winning' Cartoon “LITTLE ORPHAN” . $500 Crediton H Grand Bend Stake I STAKE RACES CLOSED JUNE 15 OPEN RACES CLOSE SATURDAY, JULY 8 1st, Sc. 3-year-old Trot or Pace Sponsored by Business Men of Grand (Trophy donated by sponsors) 2.28 Class, Trot or Pace . . . Sponsored by Zwicker Seed Co. Limited, 2.20 Class, Trot or Pace . . . Sponsored by Tiickey Transport and Tiickey Kist Beverages Exeter Free-for-all. Trot or Pace* * ‘Adam’s Rih ★ Spencer Tracy 'k Katherine Hepburn ★ Judy Holliday Marriage at its merriest . . Love at its liveliest . . . Laughter at its loudest . . in the year’s great comedy PARAMOUNT and Robert Ryan Audrey Totter George Tobias Alan Baxter guy who makes liis living byA _ his fists in a picture packed with sizzling action that rocks the screen! “LOVE BEAUTY” “CACTUS CUT UP” and MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON 1st, Hist. Lat. Hist. 3rd, 2nd, Sc. EXETER ROLLER SKATING RINK Skating 8:00 to 11:00 P.M. . ADULTS 350 CHILDREN 250 REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs French Fries Ice Cream Gum Cigarettes Chocolate Bars SKATING WED., FRI. AND SAT. EVENINGS EXETER RACES $2,200.00 IN PURSES Wednesday, July 12 Races Stafrt at 1:30 P.M . $500 Woollen Blankets Donated to the Winner of Each Race By Messrs. Simmons, Flynn & Smithy Chambers & Darling, Orville Southcott, Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. CLIMIE-WHITESF.LL STARTING GATE WILL BE USED Betting Privileges on the Grounds Announcer : Tory Gregg, CKNX One of the Best Race Meets in Western Ontario FRANK TAYLOR, President z JACK MORRISSEY, Chairman. GEO. W. LAWSON, Sec.-Treas.