HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-29, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weeks of Eckville, Alta., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair, The two ladies are sisters. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kers- lake and family, Mr. Charles Kerslake, and Mr. and Mrs. James Karl returned Monday after holidaying in Northern Ontario, Mrs. Rd. Welsh returned home Tuesday ral days London. fined Mr. wife Eric’s and Mrs. ning on their way home from the Bend. his on Mr. eve* after being ill for seve- in St. Joseph’s Hospital, She is at present <on- her bed. Campbell and to Brie from Belmont called father and mother, Campbell, Friday REVERSE % ® Revere Ware is a wise investment — its tastes better because it's cooked the "waterless" 3 8 The Copper Clad Stainless Steel construction blends way, conserving vitamins, minerals and flavors. years of service with heirloom beauty. Let us show you Revere Ware ... There's none finer! SAUCE PANS 1 o beauty, efficiency and durability guarantee years of satisfaction. Your food SAUCE POT 4 quart — $9.75 BREAKFAST UNIT with 4 cup egg poacher $10.25 $ 2.75 DUTCH OVEN 6 quart — $10,50 DOUBLE BOILERS 1J quart — $10.25 2 quart — $13.95 15 pint — $7.75 quart — $4.95 quart — $7.15 quart — $8.25 SKILLETS in. — $7.50 10 in. — $8.95$6.00 8 THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY Classified Directory FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED PERCOLATORS 6 cup — $10.95 8 cup — $11.95 REVERE in. covered skillet Egg poacher only (fits S in. skillet) ..... . NEW - For Yo ur Convenience REVERE UTENSIL RACK HOLDS UTENSILS AND COVERS Dunkit Will n,>.in Inv Paint Brush FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, sleeps 3, wired for hydro, ice box, nice cupboards, very comfort­ able. J. T. McCaughey, Blyth. 22:29* FOR SALE—The Times-Advocate is agent for the new Royal Portable Typewriter. Let us demonstrate one for you! FOR SALE—194 9 half-ton pick­ up Chev truck, low mileage, shock absorbers, heater. An excellent buy when trucks are not plentiful. Also plywood cover for same and 2-burner hotplates hardly used. Apply: Ken. Miller, Centralia. 29* FOR SALE—One 10-foot self- propelled combine, slightly used. Pick-up and rubber rolls for flax. Apply: Exeter Times- Advocate. ’ 29* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr, Nixon, phone 380-M Exeter. 18tfc WANTED—By quiet clean Air Force couple (abstainers) one, two, three rooms or small­ house (furnished) in or near Exeter. Apply: Box- “E”, The Times-Advocate. 29* d’RAILER ACCOMMODATION at Grand Bend available sonable rates, within distance from beach. Mrs. J. Hotson. at rea- walking Apply: 22:29* NOW IS THE TIME to spray your corn for weeds. It should be done when the corn is about 6 inches to 1 foot high and do not cultivate it after it is sprayej. —L, V. Hogarth, phone Exeter 266. 22:29:6c ROOMS, Apartments and Houses wanted by Air Force person­ nel and others. We have al­ most daily calls for living space to rent. If you have any living accommodation for rent please let us know and we will be glad to send you* pro­ spective renters. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Real Estate and Insur­ ance. Grass Shears 8-Ineh Steel Blades Long Handles Lawn Mower Quality Mower At Low Price 5 Blades * 14-In ch Cut HW C? PHONE 27 ....EXETER Grass Catcher Hooks On To Any Size Mower 1 > J > 4 theof school School Stephen Field Day Results Following is the result Stephen Township public field day held at Crediton recently. Championship awards went to Carole Frederick, senior girls, Ken Gossman, senior boys; Jean­ ette Ziler, intermediate girls; Don Gratton and Roy Wilson, intermediate boys (tie); Vivian Baynham, junior girls; Peter Ra­ velie, junior boys. Dashwood team won the ball tournament which included teams from Crediton, Grand Bend, Khiva, Sharon and Blackbush. Senior Girls: 106 yd. dash, Catherine Dinney, Carole Frederick, Elea­ nor Crown; 220 yd. dash, Carole Frederick, Shirley Denomie, Catherine Dinney; standing broad jump, Eleanor Crown, -Catherine Dinney and Carole Frederick (tie); running broad j u m p, Carole Frederick, Jeannette Bea­ ver, Beverley Neil; ball throw. Catherine Dinney, Pat Greene, Marg. Tasko; high jump, Carole Frederick, Eleanor Crown and Catherine Dinney (tie). Boys: 100 yd. dash, Ken Goss­ man, Jule Desjardine, Ron Snell; 220 yd. dash, Ken Gossuan, Joe Greene, Jule Desjardine; stand­ ing broad jump, Ken Gossman, Sherman Hill, Ronald Snell; run­ ning " Ken hop, Jule high Gossman, Intermediate Girls: 100 yd. dash, Frances Greene, Jeanette Diebold, Joan Ravelle; standing broad jump, Frances Greene, Donna Eagleson, Jeanette Diebold; running broad jump, Jeannette Ziler, Connie Jackson, Ann Houlihan; high jump, (112 tie) Irene Turnbull and Connie Jackson, Jeannette Ziler; ball throw, Jeannette Ziler, Diet- I broad jump, Joe Greene, Gossman, Jule Desjardine; step and jump, Joe Greene, Desjardine, John Denomy; jump, Joe Greene, Ken Sherman Hill. M asons Attend M ain Street Service The members of Lebanon Fo­ rest Masonic Lodge and visiting district officers representing ■Grand Lodge attended divine ser­ vice at Main St. United Church on Sunday morning. The choir, under the direction of Mrs, A. Y. Willard, rendered special music, Messrs. Harold and Gerald Skin­ ner sang a duet. Rev. H. J. Mahoney, a past­ master of the order, used as his theme, "He is my Brother”. "The world seems orientated in the wrong direction and men are bereft of sanity. Humanity seems hopelessly immersed in the prevailing theology of human depravity. Masons are privileged to know that man has a divine faculty which can harness and master the natural forces of the world. Even through primitive savageries man responded to the creative will of the Eternal and sought to inculcate the principles of brotherhood. "If kings who were bitter enemies could arrange a friendly covenant of peace, so can the nations of the modern The world will never be than the men who live in “In order to avert a FOR SALE'—Around 400 to 500 Sussex yearling hens. Apply: Jackson Woods, Exeter, Ont., phone 25-r-4 Kirkton. 29:6* ONION CRATES—We have sur­ plus onion crates at Thedford or Exeter. Priced for quick sale. Enquire J. Hubert Jones, Exeter. 29* FOR SALE—250 Rock and Leg­ horn pullets four months old; 140 Rock pullets, 5% months old. Garnet Patterson, Dash­ wood, telephone Grand Bend 32-r-4. 29* FOR SALE—30 bushels of good feed beans 1 cent per pound. Apply: The Gazette, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 29* FOR SALE—Large Norge oil heater, in very good condition. Phone 415-J Exeter. 29* FOR SALE—Used 5-ft. Tudliope Anderson mower in exception­ ally good shape. A last minute bargain. Exetei' Farm Equip­ ment, phone 443-J. 29c FOR SALE—Baler twine. Cann’s Mill, Exeter. 29c world, better it. catas­ trophic disaster, men must actu­ ally practice brotherliness by their exemplary conduct. Masons must keep alive the realization of this high and holy responsibil­ ity.” Something New Something new to the wildlife dam. A rare bird in loon, has been making his home in the river between the dam and the highway bridge. The black and white water bird, something similar to a duck, was first noticed around the first of the week. Loons, popular up north, are seldom seen in this district. Connie Jackson, Phyllis rich. Boys: 100 yd. dash, Love, Roy Wilson, Don Brunzlow; running broad Donovan Brunzlow, Stan Claire Hayter; standing uruau jump, Don Gratton, Roy W’ilson, Claire Love; hop, step»and jump, Don Gratton, Roy Wilson, Claire Hqyjter; high jump, Stan Haist, Ken Currie, Jack Clark.Junior J Boys: Standing broad jump, i Peter Ravelle, <2 and 5 Hbi Glen* Gratton, John Bylsma: running! : broad jump. Peter Ravelle. (lord, j Miall, Grant Jackson; 5’ yd, ’ dash (5 and 6 years), Barry Holmes, Donald Goodrich. Erie Tiedeman;. 5v_y<i, dash tS years <*uu uuuri >, jreivr 1 Bylsma, Ken Lovie. Girls: Standing broad jump. Joan Morgan. Alma Hodgins, Vivian Baynham: running broad jump, Paula Boulianne, Carol Chapman, Vivian Baynham; 50 yd. dash funder 6 years), Cathe­ rine Hodgins, Beverley Smythe, Linda Miall; 50 yd, dash f8 years and under), Vivian Bayn­ ham, Alma Hodgins, Bonnie Goodrich. FOR SALE—Acre of good mixed hay.—-Phone Exeter 390-M. 29c FOR SALE — 5 % cubic foot electric refrigerator in excell­ ent condition.—Apply Carlyle Taylor, phone 52-r-19 . Grand Bend. 29* Added has been added at the Exeter this district, a Local Items Stephen Township recently gave permission to the Bell Tele­ phone Company to change lines in the town of Centralia and along township roads. Mrs. John Snell has returned from Ottawa where she spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick. The Patricks returned with her to visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hewittand 3 tie 1 Glen | and Master Billy of Weston, Ont., ‘ spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hogarth and also visited with the former’s mother, Mrs. I. M. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wood attended the funeral service held Claire o v a n jump, Haist, broad and under J, Peter Ravelle, John jn gt, Andrew's United Church, Vet Gets The Works There’s a man in Ailsa Craig who isn’t too popular right now. He was sprayed by a baby skunk. Mr. Frank Burns, Exeter, was given two baby skunks tor pets of his family recently. Mr. Burns, aware of the potential danger of the situation, decided to have the odorous quantities of the skunks removed. He took them to a veterinary in Ailsa Craig. Ap­ parently one young skunk didn’t take too well to the Veterinary, 1 so he let him have it. Members or Mr, Burds* family no longer have pets. t Picnic At Bayfield Several members of the South Huron Ministerial Association, their wives and families gather­ ed at the community park, Bay- field, oh Monday afternoon, for a picnic. The children enjoyed a dip in the lake, and following the lunch, races and contests were held in which everyone had i chance to participate. The as­ sociation will resume Its activit­ ies in the fall. Mrs. L. F. Howey is holiday­ ing for two weeks at Maple Grove, CUSTOM WORK WANTED—Bal­ ing, buck raking hay. Also custom combining, reasonable prices. Apply: C. J. Walker, phone 12-r-13 Dublin. 29:6* HOUSE WANTED—We have in­ quiries for a medium sized house. Preferably with about . three bedrooms. If you wish to sell please contact C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. BABY CHICKS REAL ESTATE ONLY $7200 buys Bruce County 287-acre homestead, 2 - storey house, furnace, phone. Steel roof barn for 57 head. Drive­ shed, piggery, 100 level tillable acres, 20 hardwood bush, bal­ ance softwood and pasture. In­ land lakeshore for boating, fishing. Tourist, picnic poss­ ibilities. —Wm. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. EGGS UP IN PRICE, meat soar­ ing. Don’t miss out on the high prices you are bound to get this summer and fall for eggs and poultry meat. Prompt delivery on chicks day old to eight weeks, non-sexed, pul­ lets, cockerels. Turkeys, day old to foui’ weeks, non-sexed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Re­ duced prices l’or’July. —Twed- dle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 29: Ge r * ) i > 7 :> ¥ 1 > 7 HOUSE, BARN, henhouse, vice station and small acreage on Highway 81, reasonably priced. —W. C, Pearce, Exe- teri FOR SALE- age _ _ roof new, basement. Hot and cold water bath. Kitchen cupboards. New garage. —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter, 8c ■5-room brick cott- in good repair, half of PLYMOUTH 5-Pass. Coupe. FQRD Coach. DODGE Sedan. SPECIAL Chev Sedan, good tires, runs well. Trailer Fenderson tap, 3-piece FOR SALE—Chevrolet two-door sedan, excellent condition throughout, good running or­ der, one owner previous, $550. —Phone 390-M. 29c FOR SALE—’49 Ford Custom coach, 2-tone, white walls, seat covers, heater, air condition, etc., show room condition, 14,000 miles, $1695.—H. G. Paquette, Grand Bend, 29c FOR SALE—50 Newhamp and Rock 4-month-old pullets. — Apply Mrs. Thomas Patten, R, No. 3 Lucan. 29* 1 FOR SALE—Lloyd baby car­ riage, mattress and runners, like new, $25.—Phone 37S-W. 29* FOR SALE—Fur Mouton Lamb coat, length 41 inches, §50, bargain.—Phone 390-M. 29c FOR SALE—1930 Chev motor, reconditioned completely. Transmission and clutch in­ cluded, $50. Phone 371-W. 29c FOR SALE—150 young pigs and chunks. See Mae Hodgert. Phone 37-r-3 Exeter or Kirk­ ton 37-r-17. 2 Sc LOST BUSINESS BUILDING for sale— We are now offering a brick building, well located on Main St., Exeter. This property with some renovation, would be suitable for almost any type of business. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. Glenn’s Auto Wreckers Phone 418-M Exeter 1 FOR SALE—1 J-stOrey brick house with modern conven­ iences. This property has 1A acres of garden land. —C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. Two New Homes Each with full basement, furnace and full bathroom. R. E. Balkwill Phone 89-J, Exeter, Ont. POULTRYPOINTERS s by Your Dr.Salsbury’sDealer J NOTICES NOTICE Following the death of my father, I wish to thank the many friends and customers who sup­ ported and co-operated in the past few years. I will be carry­ ing on the livestock business in the future to the best of my ability. Mr. Morrison, head sales­ man of U.F.O, has promised his fullest co-operation in Toronto. 22:29c —Mac Hodjgert Heavy worm infections ac­ count for many poultry losses. To avoid damage from large roundworms, cecal worms, and tapeworms, plus numerous other kinds, practice an efficient worm control program. For best results, worm your birds monthly during the growing period. USE DR. SALSBURY’S FLOCK WORMERS Depend on Us for Poultry Service Your Drugs At ROBERTSON’S TENDERS WANTED London, on Monday afternoon, for Mr. John I). Buchanan, a cousin of Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linklater of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blatchford, of Arkona, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Wood. Mr. J. A. rase, Toronto, visit­ ed his cousin Grant over the week-end. Mr. and spent a few Mrs. Orville Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell of Elbow, sask., and their son, Harry, from Trail, B.C., visited ] friends in Exeter and spent Fri­ day night and Saturday with Mt. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell. They were on their way to Mitchell t® attend the Old Boys’ Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, of Elbow, Sask,, and Harry Campbell, of Trail, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis of Riverhurst, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. George Schinold, of Gralnland, Sask., were visitors with Mr. Warren Melville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Simmons. LOST-—In Exeter at ball dia­ mond during Dashwood-Exeter game, a girl’s cameo ring. Reward. Phone Dashwood 85 or leave at Times-Advocate:-- Nancy Tieman. 29c Tenders will he received by the undersigned up to Monday, July 3, for the Score Card and Concession Privileges at the Race Meet July 12, Separate tenders must be submitted each. George Lawson, Secretary-Treasurer for 29e I Mrs. Clarise Snell days with Mr. and Snell of Grimsby. LOST—Black folding billfold be­ tween Hensail and Centralia Airfield Saturday, June 17, containing a large sum of money and important personal papers urgently required by the owner. Finder please keep money but return billfold and papers to owner. No questions asked. 29c SITUATIONS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF VSBORNE Ratepayers wishing Calcium Chloride for the road adjoining their properties may procure same at the Township Garage at Elimville. Ratepayers to pay for and apply. For further information please contact: W. J. Routly, Road Superintendent, * 15:29c POSITION WANTED —Account­ ant, male, experienced, wishes full or part time employment In Exetet-Grahd Bend district. . Apply; Box “C*\ The Times- Advocate. 29:6:13* PERSONAL Phone 50 *4 49 31 Specials DODGE Custom Sedan,, black. This is a dealer’s demonstrator and has all accessories. MERCURY Sedan. Recently overhauled in onr own shops. Very good shape. CHEVROLET Sedan. New paint job combined with a. good motor. Assigned to scout patrol in World War No, 1, Pat and Mike provided themselves with a cow­ hide. Both of them crawled it and were grazing along in fashion; they moved closer closer to the enemy lines. They -were gloating over .. . apparent success of their trick when Pat who had the front end stopped short. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered. “What’s wrong?” asked Mike. “What’s wrong?” cried Pat in muffled anguish, “It*s a Heinie With 'a milk pail!” into cow and the SKINNY MEN, WOMEN’ Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” Size only 6O<5. All druggists. MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Student to wash cars during summer holidays. Ap­ ply: Snider Motors, Exeter. 29c HELP WANTED MALE—Eleva­ tor and mill worker. Apply: Centralia Farmers’ S u p p 1 y, Centralia. 29* Centralia DND (Non-Urban) No. 1/49 Roads & Driveways Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, 1950, for the construction of roads and driveways at the Air Force Camp, Centralia, Ontario. Plans, specifications, and forms of tender may be obtained at the address shown above. A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) will be required, Which deposit Will be refunded on return of plans, etc., in good condition, within 31 days of closing date of tender. . Each tender must be accom­ panied by a security deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of tender total. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Can­ ada Bonds will be accepted as security deposit. The lowest or any tender not, necessarily accepted, A. J. E. Smith, Region Construction Engineer, Ontario Region. TRUCKS 42 DODGE 2-Ton, chassis and5, cab. New motor. TRADE OR TERMS nt Hensail i A INTERNATIONAL KB3 1- “t,/ Express, low mileage. Dodge - DeSoto, Sales and Service PHONE 31 HENSALL Open evenings and Sundays until 10 pi-.w. 1 r 1 f I 1 t v 7 ■> i v * j y Y