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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-22, Page 8
.4 Tomlinson’s &Haird ressing Discover How Good 'BQ Check This! her as Hunkin er and. judges, for the boys. rib- the and similarly to She wore a organdy and of pink and and yellow Call: V’s Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter acted as adjourned with the I Beauty Shoppe Lines of Beauty Culture 9. Mrs. Paterson took ears, son rendered a vocal rally. It was .moved by Corbett, Parke $15.00 men’s Relief A. E. those who have not given donations are urged to same ready for Monday These contributions for Iced Tea Can Bel Make tea double strength, and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste. ON HOLIDAYS June 17 to July 3 Oofs Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With exclusive Magic Phix The greatest permanent wave advancement in. years. session. The roll call shower of infant's good used clothing boys and .girls up to Ladies It is our ah» To help you share In the many phases Of our beauty care. All VERA C. FRASER, PROP. Tel. 112 Exetew THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, W&O Hensall Institute Holds Annual Picnic The Legion rooms provided the setting for the annual picnic Of the JHensall Institute Wednes day afternoon. A delicious picnic supper was enjoyed by the encouraging crowd of members and children after .which an entertaining per iod of sports arranged by Mrs. Hess and Mrs. James Paterson resulted, as follows: Child’s race, 1 to 5 years, Eric Mousseau, Patsy Schwalm; girl’s race, 5 and over, Marion Bell, boys, 5 and over, Jerry McClin- chey, Ken Richardson. Ladies’ bottle game, Mrs. Glenn Bell’s group; ladies’ pil low case, Mrs. G. Schwalm’s group;, ladies’ grapefruit race, Mrs. G. Bell’s group; ladies’ race, Mrs. A. E. Munn. Mrs. Beer presided for a short business featured a wear and suitable for 16 years of age. Some preferred to give money. The Kippen East Institute , is entertaining the Seaforth and Hensall Women’s Institutes in the Legion rooms Monday night, June 19. The Hensall ,Institute members are urged to be pres ent. All above have night. the Goderich Children’s Aid So ciety will be forwarded to Mrs. Ken Johns’ home, Woodham, for storage and distribution. Mrs. Cross will provide a motto, Mrs. A. E. Munn, a demonstration, and Mrs. M au de H e d d e n, a musical number. Mrs. Orr, .district representa tive, gave an enlightening sum mary of the District Annual held in Grand Bend on Friday, June Kerslake and Mrs. J. Mrs. Pater- solo at this Mrs. Edna seconded by Mrs. W. to forward a donation of to aid the. Ontario Wo- Institute -Manitoba Flood Fund. At this time Mrs, Munn, who attended the convener’s convention in Guelph, gave a vivid account of the var ious sessions. Mrs. Beer expressed hearty thanks to all whereupon the National Anthem was sung. In charge of luncheon plans were Miss Phyliss Case, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Horton. Accounts of weddings, church meetings and other news items for the women’s page should reach the Times-Advocate by Monday if opssible or Tues day noon at the latest. 0 n « ■ Ice & Wood FREE DELIVERY E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter POP’S M Service Phone: Crediton ISrll Exeter 857 • Old Floors Re-finislied* ® Asphalt and Rubber Tile © Linoleum Laid. a H A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate FASHIONS AID THE FUND Margaret Sangster, Hensall, and Norma Wilson, Exeter, display the latest in beach and evening wear at the Beta Sigma Phi sorority Fashion Show presented last week in the high school auditorium. Margaret wears a black satin bathing suit with large straw beach hat as featured in “Look” magazine. Norma models a silver lame strapless evening gown with grey net. The girls presented all the modern designs now being sold in local merchants’ stores. Ninety dollars were raised for the South Huron Hospital Fund. t —Jack Doerr, Exeter Garden Wedding For Norma Moir A very pretty garden wedding took place at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Moir 'on No. 83 Highway, Usborne Township, when their daughter Norma Pat ricia was united in marriage with F/O Sydney Gordon Squires, Summerside, P.E.I., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Squires, Halifax, N.S., on Saturday, June 17, at 3:00 p.m. Rev. D. R. Sinclair officiated The pianist was Miss Norma Knight, organist of Caven Pres byterian Church, Exeter. The soloist, Mrs, I-Iarold Simpson, sang very beautifully “Because” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The ceremony took place be fore a beautiful back ground of shrubs and flowers. The bridal party walked between an aisle of pink and white streamers. The pretty bride was given in marriage by her father. She was gowned in an ankle-length net over taffeta with lace insets, fashioned with a bolero jacket, trimmed with lace. Her elbow length veil of silk illusion was caught to a sweetheart head dress of net trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of yellow roses and pink carnations tied with white bon and streamers. She wore groom’s gift, a rhinestone sapphire necklace. The bride was attended by sister. Miss Shirley Moir, maid of honour. She was gowned in blue net, styled that of the bride, headdress of blue carried a nosegay white snapdragons roses. Miss Donna Mitchell, cou- in of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a yellow net dress and a yellow organdy headdress iden tical to that of the maid of hon our. She carried a nosegay of mixed spring flowers. Misses Donna and Dianne Moir, twin daughters of Mr. and Catharines, They were ankle-length and wore flowers and yellow rose- Junior Institute Debates Sunday Sport Question The South Huron Junior In stitute met recently in the Opera House, Exeter. Roll call was answered by naming a member of Parliament, Marion Dou gall made an nouncements concerning Achieve ment Day and the- district annual delegates appointed to the lattei' were Agnes Bray and Pauline Simpson. Bessie Johns took up , the E m e r gency Fund collection. Christine Dobson gave briefly the address by Dr, G. E. Wilson, of Ontario Hospital, Kingston, on “Life Partnership’’, which was given at the Provincial Confer ence of the Junior Farmers held in Guelph in April. , A debate on Sunday sports was given with Bessie Johns, Clarice Lyn, Helen Shapton and Viola Hunkin participating. Jean Mill- Joyce Coward The meeting joint meeting Pollman-Herbert Wed lHensall W.M.S. r* abyBand Meets With At Woodh am Ma nse A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Woodham manse on Saturday when Rev. W a n 1 e s s united Mary Alice, daughter of Mr. Menzer Herbert ( and the late Mrs. Herbert, tojbyterian Church, Roy Cleveland Pollman, son of; brated 1 Celebrates Anniversary The W.M.S. of Carmel Hensail, Main St. W.M.S. The June meeting of the Main Street United W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School room of the church. Mrs. E. Carter presided and conducted the devotions, followed by a business session.Pres- cele-*At 4 o’clock the Baby Band and its sixtieth anniversary | their mothers were welcomed by * H. J. Mahoney. The girls and boys of the Baby Band under the direction of their superinten- Mrs. Ed Moir, St. were flower girls, gowned alike in mauve sheer voile bandeaus of mauve carried nosegays of buds. The groom was supported by his friend, Thomas Brennan, of London. The usher was Evan Sims, cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the house. Receiving with the bridal party were the bride’s parents, Mrs, Moir being .gowned in powder blue faille crepe with white ac cessories and wore a corsage of pink carnations. Also receiving was the groom’s only brother, Mr. Max Squires, of Welland, Ont. Four waitresses, cousins and friends of the bride, Misses Mar garet Rundle, Betty Moir, Pat Mitchell, Kathleen Moir, served a buffet dinner to the fifty guests. The bride’s cake adorned tlie dining table. Many telegrams of congratulations were read. Later the happy couple left on a short honeymoon, the bride travelling in a blue checked suit with a gray shortie coat, navy blue accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. On their return and after a short visit at home, F O and Mrs. S. Gordon Squires will leave for a visit with the groom’s parents in Halifax, and then to their new home in Sum merside, P.E.I., where the groom, a graduate of the Centralia Fly ing School, is on staff. Guests were present from De troit, St. Catharines, Welland, London, Hensall and Exeter. The Amazingly Low Priced Genera/ Electric Compact Vacuum Cleaner Only $49.50 Yes, Mrs. Housewife, check the features of this com pact G-E upright cleaner, outstanding features in this low price. be amassed at the and at such a new You’ll model4 jzvujr v .ovuiuu rui.iu<ui, ovii u*. orateu its sixtietn anniversary j ineir wo"e’’a”’J>alettbiue "■“«1 « »ad miestB Present from | Mrs. 'lace dress with white yeessorles:Goaerleh, Clinton oirevnou ot tnetr snpenuten- : and carried a bouquet of pink;L^te . kh-etha ivlth the mem | d<?nt p Merkleyt C()Utribut- ; roses Mrs. Roy Johns, sister of several numbers to an iin-;the bride, attended J?*;' promptu program. The children navy sheer. Mr. Stanley Pollman J1 Angluan Church. nu ; „—.... ! *®iwas his brother’s best man. | president, Mrs. C. Hudson, —, Following a reception at the’^kied. J r- home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy The Goderich VGM.b. had j i Johns, the happy couple left on - ’’barge ot the devotional period. | ■<................. 1 aTifsi. Taylor read the scripture; i and Mrs. Bissett led in; (prayer, after which Mrs. W. A. i ; MavLean. a former member of J the W.M.S. delighted with a| I vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. j I Malcolm Dougall at the piano. ■The offering was received and dedicated by singing the Doxol-! ogy and dedication prayer. Mrs. H. Y, MacLaren introduced the guest speaker, I)r. ’ Annabell McEwen of London, a< i medical missionary in India who I had to return owing to ill I health. Dr. McEwen gave an in teresting address. Mrs, C. Hud son welcomed the guests and an nounced that Mrs. Arnold was the only charter member living. She was present when the W.M.S. was organized sixty years ago. The hymn, “More Love to Thee”, a favorite of Mrs. Arnold, was sung. Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess favored with a vocal duet. The meeting closed by prayer by Mrs. D. G. Love of Clinton. A social hour was spent when re freshments were served. A birth-: day cake decorated for the occa sion was served at the close. j their honeymoon trip to North! < Bay, the bride wearing a iI suit with white accessories, 'their return they will reside ; the groom’s farm. iI grey lesson On .....* on “By the way,” smiled the pat ient as the doctor was about to ; leave. “I’m not going to insult you by paying you for this call* but you may rest assured that I have not overlooked you in my will.” The doctor paused at the door. “Do you know. I think I shall make a slight alteration in that prescription I just made out for you.” I iWOODHAM Phone Klrkton 53rl0 MUTUAL ITS NEW!ITS G-E!!ITS GUARANTEED!’! Woodworking - Painting - Decorating PHONE 286-J EXETER Kitchen Cupboards Cabinet Work Magazine Subscriptions FROM YOUR LOCAL AGENT 78 Weeks of TIME for just $6.87 78 Weeks of LIFE for just $7.80 HARRY BUSTON PHONE 461J "Any Magazine Any Time” EXETER '’ presented their gift boxes as they ! Hang “Hear the Pennies Drop ping”. Mrs. R. Balkwill played several musical numbers. The children Haired to the church lawn for games and refresh ments. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Prepare For Warm Days And Vacations in . . . Legion Ladies Honor Retiring Secretary The June meeting of the Hen sall Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary was held in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. Fred Beer, in the chair. It was decided to hold a Mon ster Bingo in the near future in aid of the Manitoba Relief Fund. Mrs. Edwin Dub was appointed convener of this project. An invitation was received from the Legion Ladies* Auxiliary at Blyth, asking this auxiliary to be their guests oh July IP. The in vitation was accepted and plans drawn up for transportation. One candidate, Mrs. J. Drys dale, was initiated into member ship in a ceremony conducted by the president. Mrs. Beer gave a brief resume of the Ladies’ Aux iliary of the Legion of Canada Convention held in Hamilton last week and attended by over 500 delegates from all parts of On tario. Mrs. Fred Appleby rendered piano solos and Mrs. Maude Hed den, vocal solo. Miss Gladys Luker accompanied at the piano. In a special draw, tlie follow ing were winners: Mrs. Devlin, Mrs. J. Simmons, -Mrs. J. Sang ster. Mrs. Beer drew the lucky tickets. Mrs. Jack Peebles, sec retary treasurer, who is taking ! up residence in London, was pre sented with a lovely strand of pearls. Mrs. Beer read the ad- } dress, while Miss Gladys Luker presented the gift. Mrs. J. Drys dale received the appointment of i secretary-treasurer until the end ' of the year. Luncheon was served. I Legion Ladies Plan Bingo For Flood Fund Hensail Legion Ladies* Aux iliary met in the Legion Hall. President Mrs. F. Beer presided. One candidate, Mrs. Jack Drys dale, was initiated into member ship. It was decided to hold a bingo in the near future in aid of the Manitoba Flood Mrs. Edwin Dick convener. * Beer gave Ladles* Auxiliary of the of Canada Convention Hamilton, Appleby played piano Mrs. Maude Hedden Gladys Luker accom- the piano. For the Ladies DRESSES —- : .gingham. BLOUSES cool cottons. hi spuus, chambrays Relief Fund, was appointed SKIRTS Drindle and circulars. F. a brief resume Honor Bride At Crediton Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of Crediton held a ing on Wednesday 14, in honour of Jerry Keller (nee of Chatham, who married at Chaham. The evening was spent with music and playing court whist, Mr. and Mrs, Keller were pre sented with numerous gifts and good wishes. A delightful lunch was served afterwards, family gather evening. June Mr. and Mrs. June Wright) were recently Mrs. of the Legion held in Mrs. solos, and sang. Miss i panied at Mrs. Jack Peebles, secretary treasurer, who is taking up resi dence in London, was presented with a strand of pearls, Mrs. Beer read the presentation. Miss Gladys Luker presented the gift. Mrs. Jack Drysdale was appoint ed secretary-treasurer until the end of the year. SHORTS —• corduroy, pastels, drill. HALTERS — iu pastel broadcloth and waffle pique. SUN DRESSES - chambray, Shun BATHING SUITS 1- and 2-piece, fitting lastex. For the Tots EVERYTHING to 2-picce in pique, Ray, — sizes 12-20, all shades, form keep them cool and smart in Dresses, Sun Suits. Swim Suits, Shorts, Blouses. KJ FOR SALE—The Times-Advocate is agent for the new Royal Portable Typewriter, Let us demonstrate one for you! CREDITON EAST Mrs, J. Anderson and daughter are visiting in London with Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Schroeder. Mr, and Mrs. Roland Mots at tended the twenty-fifth annivers ary of Dr. and Mrs. Steiner in Exeter on Wednesday, Congratulations to Mr, Jack Anderson on passing his Elect rical Engineering examinations. Come in and browse around. A visit will convince you it pays to shojp at MELVIN’ “Your Friendly Store” •M