HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-15, Page 9Page 9 Jack Will iams Phone 24-r-4 Crediton THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1950 POLIO PROTECTION children. Set of 5 Household Brushes One Pint Vacuum Bottle .Phone 176-r-4 Beavers Hardware Lindenfield’s Limited Mount Etna is located Sicily, Bray Hatchery One Door North of the Town Hall E. CARSCADDEN Tax Collector For Your Entire Family I including all unmarried children from three months to eighteen years of age. Pays Up to $5,000 for Each Member of Your Family NEW right, South Crediton, secretary-treasurer, present gifts to Mrs. Robert D. EJgie, Hensail, past district president, and Mrs. Alvin Moir, OFFICERS HONOUR RETIRING ONES — Left to Airs. James Kirkland, Exeter, new president of the Huron Women’s • Institute, and Mrs. William Gaiser, South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 Taxpayers Please take note that I will be available for the payment of taxes each day of the week with the ex­ ception of Thursday after­ noon at the Inquiring friend: Why must a judge look so impressive? His Honor: If you show any signs of interest in a lawyer’s argument he’ll never stop,' * * * * Wein’s Garage Crediton Repairs on All Makes of Cars, Tracks and Tractors JOE MONTGOMERY Mechanic (License “A”), With 30 years’ experience. Phono 13 Crediton Dead .$3.75 Each CALL COLLECT A farmer and his wife had fattened a pig for some special occasion. One day the wife said. “Sajn tomorrow will be our sil­ ver wedding anniversary. Let’s kill the pig.” “Why kill an innocent pig for what happened twenty-five years ago?” Retail Hardware Association SPECIALS Traquair Hardware SB< Good Pullets Can Be Raised AT LOW COST Mitchell Bride’s Home Scene Of Wedding In a setting of multi-coloured tulips and purple and white lilacs at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vallance Inglis, of 'Mitchell, their elder daughter, Margaret Amelia, be­ came the bride on Monday, June 5, at 12 o’clock noon, of Mr. Charles Austin Hediger, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ned- iger, Clinton, with Rev. R. G. Hazelwood of Walton and Rev. A. II. Johnston, Mitchell, of­ ficiating. Lovely in a floor-length gown of ivory taffeta, the bride was given in marriage by her father. The fitted bodice was fashioned with an embroidered portrait neckline and short sleeves while the full .skirt was enhanced with side peplums. She wore the gift of the groom, a rhinestone neck­ lace, bracelet and earrings and carried Sweetheart roses. Mils Evelyn Paris, Toronto, and formerly of Exeter, wore mauve net over matching taffeta with shirred bodice, short sleeves and full skirt, in her role as bridesmaid, and carried a nose­ gay of yellow ross, mauve sweet peas and pink snapdragons. The groomsman was Mr. Ar­ thur Ballantyne of Toronto, Mrs. E. J. Hingst, Mitchell, played the wedding music and accompanied the bride’s younger sister, Miss Muriel Inglis, in singing, “The Lord’s Prayer” and ‘'Because”. Wedding dinner was served at the bride’s home where pink and 'w h i t e streamers decorated the dining room and the tliree-tier wedding cake, bouquets of lilies of the valley and pink and white candles in silver holders graced the bride’s table. Serving the guests from .Clin­ ton, Toronto. Exeter, St. Marys. Seaforth, Walton and Mitchell, were Miss Leota Machan, St. Marys, cousin of the bride, and Miss Millicent McKenzie, Toron­ to. The bride’s mother received in a gown of navy sheer over taffeta with white hat and ac­ cessories, gins in g with grey .and eessories. They corsage. The bride i piece suit of Jinr’P! assisted by Mrs. Hod- ;rey slicer over taffeta wine hat and ac- wore red roses in Thos, H. Walker Woodworking - Painting - Decorating PHONE 286-J EXETER Kitchen Cupboards Cabinet Work Sid ; 4 Gosh, I wish I knew what to do for my feet , , , they burn like everything!” Quid: f‘Why not try a mustard plaster ? Mustard is mighty good on hot dogs.” And, Mr. Motorist, why not try a tankful of the new B-A 88 or 98? We’ll wager it won’t be the last you’ll drive up for. THE SHUR-GAIN WAY donned a three- cocoa gabardine, matching accessories and hat in natural straw for the wedding trip to the Muskoka district. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Nedi* ger will take up residence 3SO Douglas Ave,, Toronto. at SHUR-GAIN FEEDS are PRACTICAL FEEDS “The SHUR-GAIN Way” LOCAL MANUFACTURE Plus CONTROLLED QUALITY SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash offers you the savings made possible by local manufacture., yet SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash is tested—* —at SHUR-GAIN Farm --in SHUR-GAIN Laboratories FARM TESTED FEED SOLD DIRECT —- — THAT’S “THE SHUR-GAIN WAY” Pellets Exeter, who retired from office after six years as secretary­ treasurer, while Mrs. Emery Desjardine, Grand Bend, and Mrs. A. Kerslake, Hensall, district vice-presidents, look on. The annual meeting of the Institute was held at Grand Bend United Church last week. —Free Press Usb orne Group Holds Picnic In Bayfield The annual picnic of fourth and fifth concessions of Usborne was held on Monday, June 6 at Jewitt’s Grove, Bayfield, with an attendance of fifty-nine. The following-are the sports: Peanut scramble for Races Six and under, Mary tell, Carole Westcott; and. under, Kathryn Hicks, Mari- lynn Hicks; girls twelve and under, Maureen Stewart, Patricia Sillery; boys twelve and under, Douglas Sillery, Barry Jeffery; boys thirteen, Irvin Ford, Lorne Ballantyne; young ladies race, Dorcas Sillery, Frances Lostell: young mens race, Ross Jeffery, Frank Gregus; married ladies race, Mrs. Frank Lostell, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; married mens race, Roylance Westcott, Garnet Hicks; graceful w a 1 k i n g, Mrs. Harold Jeffery.^ Kicking the slipper. Dorcas Sillery, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; bean guessing, Ross Jeffery, Alexia Lostell; high jumping, Frank Gregus, Don Easton, youngest child, Billie Jeffery; oldest lady, Miss B. Warren; oldest man, Harvey Perkins. After the sports a softball game was played with Lloyd Stewart and Roylance Westcott as captains. The latter won by a score of 2,8-20. After suppei* the election of officers took place as follows: President, Lloyd Ballantyne; secretary, Mrs. A. Easton; table committee, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. C. Jeffery, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Cil­ lery; sports committee, Ross Jeffery, Don Easton, Frank Greg­ us, Glen Jeffery. The picnic will be held at Stratford next year. Officers’ Wives Hold Last Seasonal Meeting The Officers’ Wives’ Auxiliary, RCAF Station Centralia, held their last meeting of the season at the Officers’ Mess Wednesday night. There were fifty-one pres­ ent and Mrs. V. L. Berg presid­ ed, The Exeter group won the ball tourney among Grand Bend, Centralia and Exeter groups. Exeter won two games and Grand Bend one, A cook hook comprising favor­ ite recipes of the Auxiliary was presented to a recent bride, Mrs. D. McKechnie. All members signed a guest book giving the date of their arrival to the station. The Exeter group entertaained with a re­ cording and an amusing fashion show. Refreshments were served. and piano solos. The schools are under the direction of their supervisor of music. Miss Mar­ garet Don gall. CONTINENTAL’S includes Transportation, Drugs, Hos­ pitalization, medicines, iron and other equipment. Services of Physicians, Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, Nurses. ONLY $10.00 For 2 Years Automatically covers en­ tire family. Individuals at half cost. No age limit. Clark Fisher, Agent R.R. 3, Exeter Western Ontario Motorways 18% Shur-Gain Chick Starter 17% Shur-Gain Growing Mash 17% Shur-Gain Laying Mash 15% Shur-Gain Range Mash 28% Shut-Gain Pte-Turkey Starlet 24% Shut-Gain Poult Starter 20% Shur-Gain Turkey Grower $4.50 $4.15 $4.15 $4.30 $4.30 $4.05 $6.50 $5.30 $4.60 $5*45 $4*75 Feed Shur-Gain Pellets <1 JCaXV Forrest-Love Reunion Draws 150 Members The fiftieth annual Forrest-' Love reunion was held at Grand; Bend with 150 members of the clan attending from Grand Bend,; Thedford, Seaforth, Kippen, Hen-; sail and United States points. Dinner was served and sports were run off directed by Ross Love, Hensall. Prize for oldest lady present went to Mrs. Mary Turnbull, SO, of Grand Bend, and Hiram Blau-j chard, 35, of Walton, was the oldest man. Helen Studevant, of ' Grand Bend, took honors for the youngest child. Garnet Patter­ son, Grand Bend, was Judged best looking man. Officers elected ^are: President, Robert Lee, Thedford; secretary, Fergus Turnbull, Grand Bend; sports committee, Mrs. EL Webb, Carlyle Taylor, R. Love. Lunch, Mrs. Lome Luker, Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. Albert Keys, Mrs. William Love. The .1951 reunion will be held at Grand Bend, Prize winners in the sports were: Valerie Desjardins, Esther Whiting, Brian Gill, Paul Turn­ bull, Barbara Love, Kathryn Love, Jerry Love, Ronald Love, ‘ Norma Love, Marion Forrest. Irene Turnhull, Loraine Taylor, Clare Love, Jimmy Love, R. Webb, Mrs. E. Gill, Mrs. J. E. McEwan, Gordon Blanchard, Eric Turnbull, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Garnet Patterson, Keith Love. ? Local Priest Celebrates’ Ordination Anniversary ■ ! The Rev. John M. Fogarty of; Mt. Carmel celebrated the Silver * Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood, with a Solemn HiglQ (Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel J I Church on Thursday, June S. He: I was assisted by his brother, Rev. j J. J. Fogarty, Elgin, Ont. Rev. L. Flynn, st. Peter’s Sem­ inary, London, Ont. The Rt. Rev. A. P. Mahoney, D.P., London, preached the sermon. Many other priests and friends were present for the occasion, i At the close of the ceremony,’ an address was read on behalf 1 of the parishioners and a purse was presented by the Holy Name Society. Dinner was served by the ladies of the parish, and in the evening a play by the child- den of the parish and presenta­ tion of spiritual bouquets con­ cluded a memorable play. Father Fogarty announced on Sunday that the annual Holy Name Rally for the parishes of Lucan, Zurich, French-Settlement and Parkhill will be held this year in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church on Sunday. June IS, at 5 o’clock. The preacher for the occasion will be Rev, T. J. Mc­ Carthy, D.D., St. Peter’s Semin­ ary, London. and 8 I Mission Circle To Present Concert James St. Mission Circle,are sponsoring a concert on June 19 In the auditorium of James St. Church by the schools jyhich won the .highest number of points in the Brucefield Musical. Festival and Mitchell Musical Festival. The schools are the S.S. No. 1 Stanley, R.C.A.F. Clinton and Si. Columban school, winners of the Best Rural School Chorus shield and the shield for the rural school with the highest number of winning points in the Mitchell High School District. The .concert will consist of solos, ‘ducts, double trios, unison and two-part choruses, choral 1 reading, the mouthorgan "band Eastern Canadian Greyhound Lines Join hands to bring you "Better than Ever” BUS SERVICE effective June 22 GROUND TRIPS DAILY<£ between DETROIT - OWEN SOUND - TOBERMOR via Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia, Grand Bend, Goderich, Kincardine with IMMEDIATE CONNECTIONS to and from LONDON at Goderich T.F—AM BF—I'M EJiT—.Eastern Standard JUST—Day lightSaving*0prr.atrsFtHLy,SaTnr<1ay. Snn<Lr Onh. tC6hncrt>dHTnayh6rha3efdrIx>nddtiatt1hi*r>fHiUr>ntii>rtttp, CONV E N 1 E N T SCHEDULES Read Down Read Up PM AM PM AM 2 10 « 16 Lv Detroit iEST)*............................Ar 5 30 2 00 3 40 9 40 Lv Windsor (DST). ».**.**.........................».*.*.Ar ■6 00 2 30 5 11 1111 Lv Chatham „........... .Ar 4 29 12 59 G 00 12 00 Lv Wallaceburg..,,Ar 3 40 12 10 6 54 12 53 Dv Sarnia............. *■»*Ar 2 47 11 17 8 20 2 18 Lv Grand Bend...................................... .............Lv 1 22 9 52 9 15 3 13 Ar Goderich,,..............12 27 8 57 “OF -nr Lv London*.* *«***»,..«.*.*.Ar 2 40 T1 25* 9 40 3 28 Ar Goderich .................Lv 12 15 9 10* “HT ~*T28“Lv Goderich 12 12 8 42 W 36 4 24 Ar Kincardine..* •**««* .Lv Il 15 7 46| 11 14 5 02 .Lv 10 38 7 08 11 22 5 10 At Southampton ***********10 30 7 00 12 07 5 55 At Owen Sound................ .Lv 9 45 6 15 miciriight 1 00 6 39 Lv Owen Sound .**,**.«.***9 35 5 50 next afternoon 1 40 7 18 Ar Wiarion .*.,*.,*•*♦*■*»•*....o,..,...,.., »,Lv 3 55 5 10 3 20 9 10 Ar Tobermory (DST) ,.*««„.Lv 7 00 3 30 . PM PM .. ...—.... .—................. M ...AM....1 PM GRAND MHO tftBERMOW WIARTOH OWN SOUND KINCARDINE GODt RICH, SARNIA LON DOS CHATHAM WINDSOR iCxetcr io Owen Sound ».o«> tmoir Exeter to Tobermory CENTRAL HOTEL Rhone 151