HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-15, Page 61 Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1950 Mr. and, Mrs. Preston Dearing, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernie MeCar- ter toured the eastern United States last week. Preston visited various sheep ranchers in the districts. 11—.........A ..I Spray and Brush PAINTING Houses, Barns, Sheds, etc. LYMAN GRATTON GRAND BEND Phone Dashwood 42-r-lS Dies In Vancouver Word has been received from Vancouver, B.C. by Mrs. Elgin Webb, Grand Bend, of the death’ of her aunt, Mrs. W. T, Mollard, widow of the late William Mol- lard who was a son. of the late James Mollard of the Mollard line and Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mollard lived for many years in Regina, he being one of the first mayors of that city. Later they moved to Vic­ toria where Mr. Mollard prede­ ceased his wife 25 years. She had almost reached 100 years. M..»—....... .........„.. ..... ....... .. . —. ... Huron-Maitland Presbytery Observance of Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will be held at S:00 p.m. D.S.T. in ! KNOX CHURCH, GODERICH Sunday, June 25 Guest Preacher for this Service, Prof. David W. Hay of Knox College Toronto will be assisted by two former Moderators of the General Assembly, the Very Rev. Dr. C. H. Mac­ Donald of Bluevale and the Very Rev. Dr. J. S. Shortt of Kincardine. Clergy of the Huron-Maitland Presbytery will share in the service. Music by Massed Robed Choirs in Stately Processional under the direction of W. H. Bishop, choirmaster of Knox Church, Goderich. Accommodation Arranged for All Service Amplified for Those Present Broadcast CKNX from 8:30 for Shut-ins Special anniversary offering’ will be received by presbytery Any Wishing- Transportation or Able to Provide Cars Communicate with: Rev. D. R. Sinclair, Exeter «———~...... ....——_.—................... ..... . ....n Hensail Library Hours Changed A meeting of the Public Lib­ rary Board was held this eve­ ning in the council chambers with the following members pres­ ent: Reeve A. W. .Kerslake, Mrs. Norminton, Mrs. Goodwin, Miss Ellis and Mr. J, Blackwell. The minutes of the previous meeting were read pud adopted. The librarian’s report for tlfe month of May is as follows: Adult fiction 210’; juvenile fic­ tion 227; adult ,non-fiction 17; juvenile non-fiction 4; a total of 458 books. It was decided that the eve­ ning hours 'be c hanged during Daylight Saving Time as from 7:30 to 9: i30 p.m. instead of from 7 to 9 p.m. Personal Items Mrs. J. Blackwell underwent an appendix operation at Clinton General Hospital on Saturday. Mrs. Ross Peebles is the guest of Miss Jack 'Peebles this week. Wolielo Class Picnic The Wohelo Class picnic is to be held at Lions Park, Seaforth, Friday night, .June 23. Members and guests are asked to meet at the United Church at 5:30 or 6 o’clock. The following committees .are in charge: Sports, Howard Brook, Mrs. Hess; Social, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. Daye Kyle and Jack Cor­ bett. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyce of Kitchener spent the week-end .with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker and Mrs. Taylor and Anne spent the week-end in Port Colborne. Mrs. Emma Dietrich, who has been on the sick list, was taken to London .hospital on Saturday. Mr. Albert Miller is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bertha Hayter has re­ turned from the hospital where she had several small operations. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Dark of Windsor and Mrs. and -Mrs. Thos. Smythe of London were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wildfong of London spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bache of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives here, also attended the Schilbe-Merner nuptials in Zur­ ich on Saturday. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman, who was taken ill very suddenly on Sat­ urday morning was taken to London Hospital Sunday after­ noon. Mrs. Louis Restemeyer, who has been in the hospital, has re­ turned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McPherson of Bryanston were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oes- treicher. .... Classifieds Get Results .... If you’re starting chicks, start them fast! Feed them Pur­ ina Chick Startena Checker-Etts. Fast gains mean profit! Feed for speed — mix Sow <& Pig Chow with your chop. Aim for BIG Eggs EARLY! Big eggs are going to mean real money this Summer and Fall — but that won’t mean a thing to you if you're not getting big eggs! And the only way we know to get big eggs in time to do your pocket the most good is to grow big, strong, sturdy pullets with the body development to get up to full production of big eggs early. We're not talking about “pushing pullets into pro­ duction". The aim of the Purina growing plan is to get pullets to the right stage of development so that when they start to lay they’ll be ready to lay . . . lay heavily and come up fast in egg size. That's not “pushing" them — it's de­ veloping them, with their development balanced against their sexual matur­ ity. Then they'll use your laying ration for laying! Which Purina growing ration to choose depends upon your grain supply. Come in and talk it over! GROWENA • GROWING CHOW • CHOWDER (complete) (with grain) (concentrate) There’s more profit, and pleasure, in a farm that’s free from flies. This view formula Purina Fly Spray will settle the fly problem for you. It kills till flies, including those resistant to DDT. It kills all Summer—you need to spray your buildings only once, unless the Summer turns out extremely hot and long. Use the §ame spray on both buildings and animals — only one product to bother about See us about your supply, early. New Formula Purina FLY SPRAY Want to save time? Sure! Want to save Work? Sure! Want to save money? Sure! Want to raise good calves... BETTER calves? Surd! Hundreds of good dairymen succeed in doing all those things by following the Purina “dry-feeding” plan . . . comparatively little milk the first month, none after that. Tliink of all the time that Saves! Save Time with Purina CALF STARTENA PHONE 27 C_________EXETER FOR SALE FOR SALE — 1928 Model “A” two 1930 Model “As”, all in good shape, —R. Grenier, B-A Service, Grand Bend. lc FOR SALE'—Electric stove, 8 months old, very good condi­ tion, $155. One apartment size Frig, 6 months old, like new, $125. —Phone 489-J if inter­ ested. 15 FOR SALE—Farmhand manure loaders; Waterloo combines and threshers on hand. —R. B, Williams, Exeter, 8:15’ FOR SALE—Completely equipped renovated house trailer, 22 x 8 feet, electric brakes, dolly, hydro, furnished, stoves, ice box, cupboards, wardrobes and all effects. Enquire McCredie, Ed’s Imperial Garage, Exeter, 8*tfn FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, insu­ lated, plywood-lined,, hydro. See Ken Cudmore, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE — Oblong mahogony living room table, real antique. —Apply Mrs. William Hatter, Exeter North, phone 10. c ELECTRIC RAZOR-J New Sun­ beam "Shavemaster”. —Phone 455-W. FOR SALE—Barn 40’ x 4 2’ on foundation. Also double house, steel shingled siding, both to be moved. —'Charles Glanville, phone 673-r-2 Hensall. 15* FOR SALE—'Coleman gas stove, three burners, good condition. Phone Dashwood 31-r-22. 15* FOR SALE-—’30 Chev, steel top, good tires, heater, new brake and clutch lining. Apply: Gor­ don Hamilton, R.R. 1 Hensall. 15:22* FOR SALE—Electric refrigerator and, electric range (Moffat). Both in excellent condition; for .sale cheap. Apply: Mel Alderson, Albert St., Exeter, phone 18 6-J. 15* FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, sleeps wired for electricity, ice box, nice cupboards, very comfort­ able. J. T. McCaughey, Blyth. 15:22* FOR SALE—Barn, 24’x32’ with 7’ brick foundation. — Andy Bierling, Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Eight pigs, S weeks old. Apply Orville Smith, Zur­ ich, Ont., phone 99-r-16. 15* FOR SALE—Ic,Q3th,0X> also,spring mattress, practically new. — Apply R. D. Hunter, phone 150-W Exeter. 15* FOR . SALE—Fifteen acres of Red Glover hay, also baled. — Floyd Wein, phone 92 Dash­ wood. 15c FOR SALE — Electric refriger­ ator, excellent c o n d it i o n, reasonably priced—Apply Jack Snider, William St., Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Ivory colored Sun­ shine baby carriage, like new. —Apply J. S. Fulcher, phone j 221-J. 15c FOR SALE—Hay mower in good | condition, cheap for quick sale, i Apply Simon Greb, Exeter, phone 80-M. 15* FOR SALE—2HH Hybrid Light! Sussex, New Hampshire mixed,! 11 week chicks.—Mrs. Bourne, 1 i Mooresville. 15c | ! FOR SALE—Two-row power lift! I corn cultivator for W. C. Allis-! i Chalmers tractor. Also 25; acres of clover hay when I baled. —Wallis Wein, Dash-J i wood. 15c j ■FOR SALE—1946 %-ton Chev j Pickup, stock rack and snow j 1 tires; also 275 Rock-crossed 1 New Hamp, pullets, starting ■ i to lay. Apply: Lloyd Reynolds, j | phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers com- j bine model 60 in good condi­ tion: also a Johnson % gas engine, nearly new. Apply: Blackwell Bros., R.R, 2, Heh- sall, phone Zurich S8-r-8. 15:22* FOR SALE—12 acres of clover hay. Phone 675-r-31 Hensall. 15* FOR -SALE—Fleury-Bissell man­ ure spreader, nearly new. Ap­ ply: Fred J. Neil, Ailsa Craig, phone 615-r-33.15:22c Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Squire celebrated their forty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary at their home on Wednesday, June 7, serving evening dinner to their two mar­ ried families, Mr. and Mrs, How­ ard Anderson and daughter, Shirley of Exeter ahd Mr. and Mrs. Lavetn Stone and daugh­ ters, Donna, Marlene and Sharon of Kirkton. They received many beautiful gifts and cards. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 350 More than 25 words lie per word, Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch ■Classifieds calling for a box number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Fox hound puppies, 8 weeks old, black and tan, and black and white. —Phone 25-r-5 Crediton. 15:22* FOR , SALE—McCormick-Deering green crop loader, nearly new, wagon box with spring seat.— 'Gerald McFalls, phone 232-W Exeter. 15* FOR RENT FOR RENT •— Two-bedroom cot­ tage, double porch, modern conveniences, on water’s edge, private beach, 8 miles north, of Grand Bend; also rolling home for sale. —A. Hamilton, Exe­ ter. 8:15:22* BABY CHICKS TWEDDLE CANADIAN Approved Chicks and Turkeys at reduced prices for June and July. Chicks day old to eight weeks, non-sexed, pullets, .cockerels. Turkeys, day old to six weeks, non-sexed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Ask for our Bargain Prices on foui' and six week old turkeys. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 15:23c MISCELLANEOUS I am IN THE MARKET for al! kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, «phone 380-M Exeter. IStfc BRICKWORK, PLASTERING — Repairs done. Bricks for sale. Cement available, if required. —J. V. Webster, Exeter 'Sta­ tion West side, phone 4 23. 15:22* HELP WANTED WAITRESS—Call in person at Rether’s Coffee Shop. 15c HELP WANTED—Paper carriers —boys or girls, for weekly paper route. Vacation with pay. —Phone Stratford 39 2-J. S: 15 c WANTED—Housekeeper or elder­ ly couple to take care of my father, John Morley, at his home in Exeter. He is now recuperating at my home from an operation. Please write full particulars regarding salary, qualifications, etc., to C. Mor­ ley, General Delivery, Exeter, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—5-room brick cott­ age in good repair, half of roof new, basement. Hot and cold water on tap, 3-piece bath. Kitchen cupboards. New garage. -—W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—Hensall two-storey brick house, insulated, full basement, 3-piece bath main floor, 2-piece upstairs. Built- in kitchen cupboards each floor. Many extras, nice lawn, hedges, etc. Moderately priced. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe­ ter,,Sc BUSINESS BUILDING for sale— We are now offering a brick building, well located oh Main St., Exeter. This property with some renovation, would be suitable for almost any type of business. —0. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—-storey brick house with modern conven­ iences. This property has acres of garden land. -—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. BUILDING LOT VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND 15,000 sq. ft. - 150’ Frontage Restricted Area - Quiet Street Registered Plan - $750. PHONE GLENN BEACH 42r5 Grand Bend Local | Mrs. Aaron Davis, of Lucan, is} visiting with her sister, Mrs, j Frank Coates Mr. and Mrs. Don Collier and Sandra leave this week-end by motor for Edmonton where they will visit the former’s parents,, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collier and other relatives, Two New Homes Each with full hasemcnLj furnace and full bathroom. R. E. Balkwill Phone Exeter, Ont. LOST PERSONAL LOST—A model airplane, 54” wing span with Forester 29, phone 4 09-M, Reward. 15* WANTED IS THERE ANYONE who can help a young mother with two children and expecting an­ other, live in a better condi­ tion than ‘one upstairs room’? Just .for a few months, please. Phone 273-r-l Crediton. 15* SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! 'Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 60^. All druggists. AUCTION SALES ROOMS, Apartments and Houses wanted by Air Force person­ nel and others. We have al­ most daily calls for living space to rent, If you have any living accommodation for rent please let us know and we will be glad to send you pro­ spective renters, —-C. V. Pic­ kard, Real Estate and Insur­ ance. > WANTED TO BUY—Two-burner hotplate in good condition. — Phone 377-W.____________15c WANTED—Housework by young Dutch woman, few days a week.—.Write Box “G” Times- Advocate. 15* WANTED—’Number of chunks. Phone Exeter 137-r-3 or Kirk­ ton 37-r-17. —Mac Hodgert. _________________________15* HOUSE WANTED—We have in­ quiries for a medium sized house. Preferably with about three bedrooms. If you wish to sell please contact C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture TUESDAY, JUNE 20 at 1:30 p.m. Concession 4 of Stephen (2% miles west of Exeter, % mile south) Three beds, springs and mat­ tresses; dressers; commodes; 2: bureaus; bedding; 2 trunks; 6 parlor chairs and table; organ; couch; writing desk; cupboard; rocking chair; mirror; number of pictures; carpets; linoleum; mats; sideboard; kitchen clock; paper rack; lamps; dining room heater, Superior; kitchen range; kitchen couch; 2 cupboards; kit­ chen table and chairs; dishes of all kinds; antiques; quantity of sealers; washing machine and wringer; some garden tools; car­ penter tools; tool chest; lantern; pots; pans; pails. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. Mrs. 'Charles Box, Prop. Fred Dawson, Clerk Frank Taylor, Auct. 1 f I. > 7 1 1 2 i > > i t 7 I 1 i 4 t t ♦ 7 I 1 WANTED — Three-room apart­ ment (unfurnished) or small house in Exeter. Write Mr. L. M. Waters, 37 Wellington St., Clinton, Ontario, giving full particulars. 8:15:22* NOTICES WOULD the party who picked up a ladies’ wrist watch on Main Street Saturday please return same to The Times- Advocate as they are known. No questions asked. 15c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Ratepayers wishing Calcium Chloride for the road adjoining their properties may procure same at the Township Garage at Elimville. Ratepayers to pay for and apply. For further information please contact: W. J. Routly, Road Superintendent. 15:22c NOTICE Anyone found dumping rub­ bish or seed cleanings on the roads, ravines, lake-front banks, or ditch banks of Hay Township will be prosecuted. Hay Township Council H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk 15:22c NOTICE Following the death of my father, I wish to thank the many friends and customers who sup­ ported and co-operated in the past few years. I will be carry­ ing on the livestock business in the future to the best of my ability. Mr. Morrison, head sales­ man of U.F.O, has promised his fullest co-operation in Toronto. * —Mac Hodgert TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Federal Buildings— Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal” will be re­ ceived until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, June 22, 1950, for the supply of coal anti coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with speci­ fications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Pur­ chasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade­ laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made oh the forms supplied by the De­ partment and in accordance with departmental specifications ahd conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc­ cessful tenderer before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of' the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the ten­ der, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com­ pany and its constituent com­ panies unconditionally guaran­ teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or. the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil­ ment of the contract, By order, ROBERT* FORTIER, i Acting secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 6, 1950. AUCTION SALE Of Implements and Furniture W. C. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 9, Con. 14, Hibbert 1 mile east of Farquhar on TUESDAY, JUNE 20 at 2 o’clock the following: Massey-Harris binder, 6-ft. cut; Massey-Harris mower, 6-ft. cut; 3-drum steel roller; 4-sec- tion diamond harrows; 10-ft. steel hay rake; 14-plate Maxwell disc; Fleury 21 walking plow; truck wagon; flat hay rack; Renfrew cream separator; 14-in. Fleury oat roller; pump jack; new steel water trough; steel barrels: 5-gal. cans; saw Man- drell; sap pan and pails; team harness and collars^. fanning mill; set of scales; hay fork; sling chain; sugar kettles; quan­ tity of salt; quantity _of lumber and plank; and other articles ustfally found on a farm. CAR: 1931 Chev Coupe. FURNITURE: Extension table; small table; settee; kitchen chairs; rugs; etc. NO RESERVE. Terms: Cash. Howard McCurdy, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Chattels T h e undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction in CREDITON the property of the late Thomas: Trevethick on SATURDAY, JUNE 2d, 1950 at 1 p.m. D.S.T. ,the following: Piano and stool; end table and 2 rockers; large oil lamp; flower stand; quantity of pictures; table lamp; bridge lamp; dining room suite; table and 6 chairs; china cabinet; buffet; magazine rack; 2 small tables; leather rocker; 2 rugs and mats; bed springs; mattresses bedding; dresser; toilet set; commode; bed lamp; umbrella; hall mirror; kitchen cabinet; Quebec heater & pipes; General Electric stove, 3-burner; Kelvins tor refrigerator, nearly new; 2-burner rangette with oven; 2 tea kettles; table rack: galvanized pail; all kinds’ of dishes; pots, pans, and pails, Coffield electric washer; stand for wash tubs; wood kitchen sink; roll of linoleum; bake board; 2 floor boards; stool; kitchen table and chairs; win­ dow cleaner; kitchen utensils; carpet sweeper; 2 wash boards; electric iron; ironing board; lan­ tern; mantel clock; many other articles; 4 chairs, Raymond sew­ ing machine; couch; apple dryer and steamer; form for dress­ maker; 3 trunks; 3 chests for packing clothes; 4-section screen; 2 clamp lamps; large clock; writing desk; 2 rockers; cup­ board; 2 beds; dressers; corn­ mode; small table and lamp; arm chair; 2 toilet sets; ward­ robe; blankets, quilts, and pil­ lows; bureau with -4 drawers; chemical toilet, quilting frames; oil lamps; hammock; quantity of fruit; garden tools; lawn mower; scythe; empty sealers, galvan­ ized tub; crocks; step ladder; writing desk; box stove; 4 chairs; stool; 2 benches; chop­ ping block; saws, shovels, axes, drawknife, brace & bits, chisels, planes, hammers, wrenches, clamp, large wooden clamps; quantity of foot wood; 9 oak planks, 12x12x2; large auger; vice; slats for binder reels; boxes of bolts and nuts; hammers; 4 trestles; cupboard; ladder; bor­ ing machine; quantity of whippie­ trees; lo tongues; quantity of lumber; windlass; 6 barrels; long ladder; wooden wedges; quantity of lumber, 3-inch planks, black ash; frame shed; new files, never used; saw sets; sledge hammer; buck saw; wood files; many other articles; gal­ vanized roof. Brick shop, 40x22x33. Terms-— Mrs. Ann trevethick, Drop. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer F< Dawson, Clerk t * r v $ I r f t f r ( t « r r r * t ♦ •f i f t t •* t < ♦ <• * ♦ i ▼ 1 f