HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-06-08, Page 6Page 6 the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, june 8, wso Mr. Ed. Treble and Miss Effie Treble were in Toronto the latter part of the week attending the marriage of Mr. Treble’s grand­ son, Edawrd James, son of Mr. and. Mrs. L. V. Treble, to Miss Folkes. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Smillie. their daughter, Bonnie Jean and granddaughter, Nancy Nix, of Eaton, Colorado spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and family. Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Stevens accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproul© motored to St, Thomas and Port Stanley Sun­ day, They also spent a few hours at Springbank Park, where they took a ride on the miniature train, EDGEWOOD Mrs. Joseph Zuball spent Mon­ day afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kabot. Quite ers are munity. Miss Marys called Victor MM a few of the beet labour- back again in the com- for body and fender work, welding and heavy repair. I will supply Hydro and Air for $20.00 per month. This is an opportunity for someone to be on. his own. R. Grenier B-A Service, Grand Bend, Ont. Phone 50-r-5 Grand Bend Gilberta Hennion of St. on Mr. and Mrs, Westman on Saturday evening, Mr. Victor Westman arrived home from St. Joseph’s Hospital on Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton of Lucan are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gar­ rett. A number from the community attended the funeral on Sunday of Mr. Wilbert Foster who was killed in an accident in United States, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bieber and family called Sunday eve­ ning on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore. Granton Man Killed In Accident Constable Hillis Foster, 36, of Woodstock Police force, his wife Irene, and father, Wilbert H. Foster, 68, .of Granton, were killed lust Wednesday when a trailer loaded with coal loose from its tractor and ed the three in their car. The accident occurred miles west of St. Ignace, The passenger car scoped by the impact with the heavily-loaded trailer, Bodies of the victims were removed three hours later after the twisted wreckage was cut with acetylene torches. , The driver of the truck told state police he heard a snap of the coupling pin holding the trailer, The trailer ran wild and crashed head-on into the pas­ senger car, smashing the engine into the back seat. I broke crush­ three Mich, was tele- 1.k I eeee Classifieds FOR sale FOR SALE — 1928 Model “A” two 1930 Model “As",» all in good shape. -—R. Grenier, B-A Service, Grand Bend. lc FOR 'SALE—-11 York pigs, five weeks old. —■Wm, Boa, R.R. 1, Hensail, 8* FOR SALE-—Used Beatty ft. refrigerator in good tion. Apply: R. Bibby, 23-r-22 Kirkton. 6 cu. condi- phone 8c FOR SALE'—4%’ x 9* steel box with fenders, suitable for truck or trailer. Used Model “A” Ford motor in good con­ dition, —Glenn’s Auto Wreck­ ers, phone 418-M Exeter. 8 CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 35 £ More than 25 words lie per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 7Oc per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid Within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should s be in Tuesday at the latest. help wanted HELP WANTED—-Paper carriers —boys- or girls, for weekly paper route. Vacation with pay, —Phone Stratford 3 9 2-J. S:15c w •I* box ANTED—Housekeeper or elder­ ly couple to take care of my father, John Morley, at his home in Exeter, He is now recuperating at my home from an operation. Please write full particulars regarding salary, qualifications, etc., to C. Mor­ ley, General Delivery, Exeter, '/I iv'WK MS' /. $ \\ Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and boys visited in Hamilton on Sunday with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McAllister. Mr. Roy Motz and daughter Miss Verla, of Elkton, Mich., visited a few days with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning and Miss Hunter of Exeter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ingles of Mitchell on Monday at the marriage of their daughter Mar­ garet to Mr. Austin Nediger of Clinton. Messrs. Al joe Sanders and Courtland Kerr, of Goderich, at­ tended t he International Fair last week. Ti-ade KIRKTON Pyrex to Fill Every Need Cake Dishes Pie Plates Custard Cups .45 to $1.49 Wear-Ever Casseroles for the Bride the sparkling NEW WEAR-EVER JUBILEE ALUMINUM UTENSILS Now on Display at Traquair’s Attention I Special Demonstration AT TRAQUAIR HARDWARE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 16 & 17 Details Next Week Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Hender­ son (nee Ethel Pridham) of Murray Harbour, North Prince Edward Island, and Mrs. Frank Pridham of Russeldale, were re­ cent guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher spent one day this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen and Mr. Walker Kerslake at Londesborough. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fairbairn of London spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Blackler. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Paul of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys. I. N. Marshall and Allan Eve- leigh, an employee of Ross Mar­ shall on the Mari Acres Farm near Kirkton, were among those who enjoyed a sight-seeing which was sponsored by Huron Holstein Association, bus loads in all enjoyed fine outing. They left Exeter at 7:15 in the morning and went by way of Toronto where they visited farms at Oshawa. They returned that night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and daughter, Marilyn, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Truman Tufts and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford and family of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson. Mi’s, Frank Routley were Sunday guests and Mrs. Norman Aylmer. Mrs. Archie Robin­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckell attended the. Robinson - Stephens wedding Elimville day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith at Aylmer this week. and Mrs. Allan Fletcher Betty and Lloyd, friends at Galt this Mr. and and Muriel with Mr. Routley at Mr. and Lawn Mower 16” Cut 5 Blades SPECIAL QUALITY $18.95 $3.98 Garden Supplies ALL-RUBBER Garden Hose AIR SUURITY - NATIONAL SECURITY = Air Force Day e Saturday June 10 i Visit your Nearest Air Force Station “ TD AnI ■I I Ell phone..27...■....... '.... FOR SALE—1938 Chev Coach, good condition, original own­ er. —G. 'C. Weir, Centralia. 8* FOR SALE—Seven-wk.-old pigs. Apply: Chas. S. Bedard, phone 98-r-15 Zurich. 8* FOR SALE;—Electric “stove, 8 months old, very good condi­ tion, $155. One apartment size Frig, 6 months old, like new, $125. —Phone 316, Local 55, if interested, 8* FOR SALE—Moffatt electric stove, 3 burners and oven in good condition. Apply: A. W. Morgan, phone 171-r-32 Exe­ ter. 8 * FOR SALE,—Dining room exten­ sion table with extra leaves and six chairs. Apply Times- Advocate. • 8c FOR SALE—Two litters of 7 and S pigs, 5 weeks old, ready to wean. Phone 679-r-33 Hen­ sail. 8’“ FOR SALE—19 37 Chevrolet se­ dan, exceptionally good, heat­ er, seal beam lights. R. Simpson, after 5. William and Sanders Exeter. Apply: Corner Streets, S* FOR SALE—Maroon English type baby buggy, $15. Phone 104 after 6 p.m. 8* FOR SALE—Farmhand manure loaders; Waterloo combines and threshers on hand. —R. B. Williams, Exeter. 8:15” FOR SALE—Maroon folding baby carriage in good condi­ tion. Reasonable. Phone 206M 8c trip, the Two this which was held at United Church Satur- Mr. and family, visited with week. Mr. Leon truck these lux Ford). FOR SALE—-Nine young pigs about ready to wean. Also a car and radio. Apply: C. Cun­ ningham, 2M> miles west of Clandeboye. S* FOR SALE—A man’s bicycle, in good condition. Phone 303-M after 6 p.m. Sc FOR SALE—Moffatt electric stove, high oven. This is not a new stove but works well. Apply Times-Advocate. 8* FOR SALE—Completely equipped renovated house trailer, 22 x 8 feet, electric brakes, dolly, hydro, furnished, stoves, ice box, cupboards, "wardrobes and all effects. Enquire McCredie, Ed’s Imperial Garage, Exeter. 8*tfn MISCELLANEOUS I FOR SALE—28 x 38 good cedar shingle roof in 2 pieces, in good condition. Apply: Harry Haist, Crediton, Ont. 8c | FOR SALE—’36 Chrysler Sedan, good condition; also white enamel Frost King ipe box. — House No. 123, Centralia Air­ port. 8* FOR SALE — Red Scotch Short­ horn bull, 12 months old, reg­ istered and accredited. —Fred Brown, phone 73-r-4 Crediton, 8* Paul is sporting a days (a Special De-| | FOR SALE- -P u r e b r e d York I hogs — Harold Hern, p hone " 4-r-14 Kirkton. 8*WOODHAM Miss Lorene Jaques ing a few days with Glenn LambertMrs. Mich. Mr. Betty and Russelldale. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills of Scottsville visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills Mrs. D. “ I few days Chisholm Several noon and tended the W.M.S. Sectional meeting in the Granton United Church on Thursday. The mem­ bers of the Evening Auxiliary presented a short play, “Come Follow". Mr. and Mrs. John Prestone of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. W.M.S. Hold Juno Meeting The June meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. E. Vodden. Twenty-five ladies were present. Mrs. G. Wattless conducted the .worship service. The theme was “People Grow Older". The singing of hymns, scripture readings, re­ sponsive readings and prayers, along with a short reading by Mrs. Wattless which fitted into the theme, concluded the service. Busiess was transacted. The roll call was answered by your favourite flower. The meeting was brought to a close by prayer in unison after which lunch was served by the committee in charge. and Mrs. Ray visited Sunday Mrs, Floyd “ is spend-1 Mr. and I FOR SALE — McClary 4-burner of Flint. I Iand 5Mr. ’ of J I Mills with Pridham C. Stephens spent a J with Mr. and Mrs. R.' of Mount Forest. j members of the After-1 Evening Auxiliary at-! ''Share your spares’* through the Times-Advocate want Ads. electric range, oven below, with attached coal and wood stove. Phono 44-r-13 Grand Bend. 8c FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, insu­ lated, plywood-lined,, hydro. See Ken Cudmore, Exeter. 8c FOR SALE- -Ice boxes. — Apply Harry Joseph, at station. 8c NOTICES j County Council The next meeting o £ t h e | Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, • Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Monday, June 12, at J10 a.m. D.S.T. All accounts, notices of depu- ’ tations and other business re­ quiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later Saturday, June 1ft. | N. W. Miller, I County Clerk, I Goderich, Ontario than 1:3c i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family visited with friends in Wiarton over the week-end. Mr. Charles Davis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stevens in Windsor several days last week. Mrs. V, Lownds loft last week for Atlanta, Georgia, to attend the wedding of a cousin. Rev. U. L. and Mrs. Langford visited at Dutton Sunday after­ noon and Monday renewing old acquaintances on a former charge. i FOR RENT FOR* RENT — Two-bedroom cot­ tage, double porch, modern conveniences, on water’s edge, private beach, 8 miles north of Grand Bend; also rolling home for sale. —A. Hamilton, Exe­ ter. 8:15:22* BABY CHICKS DON’T.’ BUY until you send for our reduced prices for June. Day old, started chicks two, three, foui' and five week old, non - sexed, pullets, cockerels. 12 Pure Breeds, 13 cross breeds. Older pullets. Turkeys, three breeds in day old, two, three and four week old, non­ sexed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Free Catalogue. —T w e d d 1 e Chick Hatcheries Ltd.', Fergus, Ontario. 1:8c LOST AND FOUND LOST—Child’s white shoe, size 8, corner Main and James Sts. Finder please phone 405-M. Sc LOST—Since June 2, aged fe­ male terrier, tan and white, answers to name “Scamp”. — J. H. Jones, Exeter. 8* FOUND—’Three licence plates— numbers 1V632, 959U6,°and 8S519C. Owners may secure same by calling at The Times- Advocate and paying for ad. c WANTED HOUSE WANTED—We have in­ quiries for a medium sized house. Preferably with about three bedrooms. If you wish to sell please contact C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. WANTED—S o m e o n e to keep house on farm for Mr. Daniel E. Hicks, Centralia P.O., Ont. 1:8* WANTED—-Accommodation, one way, to Ottawa, Saturday or Sunday. —Phone 4 28-J. 8c WANTED — Three-room apart­ ment (unfurnished) or small house iu Exeter. Write Mr. L. M. Waters, 37 Wellington St., Clinton, Ontario, giving full particulars. 8:15:22* WANTED at once by capable woman, housework tor three weeks, can take full respons­ ibility or care for a convalesc­ ent. Apply at Times-Advocate. 8c REAL ESTATE FOR SALS—-7-room frame cott­ age to be moved from prem­ ises. Apply Times-Advocate. 8* FOR SALE—5-room brick cott­ age in good repair, half of roof new, basement. Hot and coid water on tap, 3-piece bath. Kitchen cupboards. New garage. —W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Exeter. Sc FOR SALE—Hensall two-storey brick house, insulated, full basement, 3-piece bath main floor, 2-piece upstairs. Built- in kitchen clipboards each floor. Many extras, nice lawn, hedges, etc. Moderately priced. —AV, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe­ ter. 8 c BUSINESS BUILDING for sale— We are now offering a brick building, well located on Main St., Exeter. This property With some renovation, would be suitable for almost any type of business. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st, Exeter. FOR SALE—IJ-Storey brick house with modern conven­ iences. This property has 14 acres of garden land. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. BUILDING LOT VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND 15,000 sq« ft. - 150’ Frontage Restricted Area - Quiet Street Registered Plan - $750. RHONE GLENN BEACH 42r5 Grand Bend AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. May 4*tfc PAPERHANGING & PAINTING — Paperhanging a specialty. Work guaranteed.—Mr. Nixon, phone 481-J Exeter. IStfc SPRAYING—Now is the time to consider spraying your grain crop for Canadian thistle, sow thistle, bind pig weed, or not ask me seedlings of clover. The per acre this year. The grain should be 6” to 1’ high. — Phone 26 6, L. V. Hogarth. 25:1:8c weed, rag weed, lamb quarter. Do to spray young alfalfa or sweet charge is $2.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Two New Homes Each with full basement, furnace and full bathroom. R. E, Balkwill Phone 8 9-J, Exeter, Ont, gas range with built-in oven and enamel top table (like new); dining extension table; 6‘chairs; sideboard; glass oval china cab­ inet; serving table; small tables; fern stands Heintzman chesterfield; table lamp; casional chairs chairs, card tables . 3 complete bedroom suites shelves; wardrobe; head sewing machine; heater; scatter mats; rugs; floor coverings; congoleum rugs; smoking stands; cushion drapes; .mantel radio; electric iron; toaster; 2 trays; lawn mowers; garden tools; a quantity of wood; Maxwell elec­ tric washing tub; sealers; white chairs; 24 feet pipe. TERMS: 'Cash. Mrs. John Bolton, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auct. E. P. 'Chesney, Clerk 8 c ; rockers; settee; piano and bench; mirrors; pictures; spinning wheel; oc- 6 dining room pedestal mantel clock; 2 4 matching chairs; book Singer drop­ coal oil Wilton curtains; machine; boiler ironing board; 4 iron, well pump;. Of AV. In the Estate of RICHARD EDWARD DAVIS, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all per­ sons having claims against the estate of Richard Edward Davis, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentle­ man, who died on or about the .23rd day of February 1950, are required to file the same with the undermentioned solicitor on or before the 10th day of June, A.D.1950, after which date the estate of the said deceased will be distributed with preference only to those claims of which notice shall then have been re­ ceived. DATED at Exeter this day trac- 100- sep- with 2 3rd of May, A.D. 1950. Jack Borden Cockwill, Administrator Elmer D, Bell, K.C.. Solicitor for the Administrator, E.xeter, Ontario. 25:1:7c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Property And Household Effects Village of Kippen SATURDAY, JUNE 10 2:00 p.m.’ PROPERTY: 14 storey frame house covered with brick siding, situated on No. 4 highway, with hydro, good water supply, good barn, approximately 7U acres of land, immediate possession. ALSO full line of Household Effects including some antiques. TERMS: Property will b§ sold subject- to reserve bid, 10% down and balance in 30 days. Chattels. The estate of the late Charles Alexander Mrs. Elizabeth Clark and Miss Edna Alexander, Executrix W. G. Cochrane, Exeter, Solicitor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. B. Chesney, Clerk 1:8c AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction At the residence of IV. G. Medd, Exeter WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 1:00 pan, sharp Chesterfield suite; 4 Raymond sewing machine; dining room suite; vacuum cleaner; occasion­ al chair; 2 card tables; 3 rock­ ers; davenport bed; and mattresses; kitchen chairs; tables; 2 parlor lamps; large Wilton commodes; mower; kitchen utensils; garden tools; electric washing machine; 2 wash tubs; clothes horse; coal-oil stove; 2 ovens; quantity of sealers; electric, toasters; electric iron; flowers and flower baskets; dishes of all kinds; sideboard; toilet set; pictures; settee, trunk; curtain stretchers; floor lamps; kitchen cabinet; tennis rackets; all kinds books: lawn table, six chairs. TERMS: Cash. W. G. Medd, Prop. Frank Taylor, Auct. Fred Dawson, Clerk Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture E. Nairn, auctioneer, will’, sell by public auction on Lot 22, North Thames Road, on Highway 83 7 % miles east of Exeter, 1% miles east of Farquhar on TUESDAY, JUNE 13 commencing at 12 o’clock the following:HORSES: Team pf Clydesdale mares, 5 and 6 years old. CATTLE: Three cows due at time of sale; 5 cows milking, Durham and Holstein; 4 vaccin­ ated Holstein heifers, 6 months old; 3 Holstein heifer calves; 3 small calves; 1 Hereford hei­ fer, 6 months old; 1 Hereford bull, 14 months old. HOGS: Five shoats, 14 young Pigs. FOWL: Thirty hens. GRAIN: Four tons of mixed grain; quantity of salt. IMPLEMENTS: 55 M.H. tor, new starter and lights; ft. drive belt; Deon steel arator, 28 x 48, on rubber grain elevator and shredder; new M.H. 3-furrow plow; new John Deere spring tooth 10-ft. cultivator; new Bissel tandem disc, 30-plate; M.H. 9-ft. stiff cultivator; Mc.D. spring tooth level' harrows; Deering binder, 6-ft.; Mc.D. 6-ft. mower; Frost & Wood 5-ft. mower; Inter, hay loader; steel hay rake; manure spreader tooth cultivator; disc fertilizer drill; valor; 3-drum steel roller; 2 set iron harrows; walking scuffler; Fleury Bissel crusher, 12-in. plate; ____ drive belt; fanning mill; set of scales; sap pan and pails; stone boat; road drag; set of sleighs; rubber-tired wagon; hay rack and roller rack; wagon box and stock rack; quantity of 3 x 9 18-ft. long rock elm; quantity of basswood and elm 1-in. lumber; cedar posts; hay fork; slings and lift; M.H. cream separator with power attachments; milk palls; 2 large 100-lb. milk cans; 200-ft. cable and pulleys; emery stone; electric brooder; 2 shel­ ters; fountains and feeders; iron kettle; 1 set team harness; new fire extinguisher; whiffle trees; neck yokes; forks; shovels; car­ penter’s tools, etc. FURNITURE: Heavy duty 2- plate electric stove; Wingham cook stove, nearly new; exten­ sion table and chairs; buffet; bed and mattress; rocking chairs; 2 tapestry rugs; couch; 2 linoleum rugs; porcelain table; white buffet; curtains; *—; 2 large tables; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils, Otaco horse spring Deering 13- corn c.ulti- plow; grain 50-ft. stool; ' electric iron; linen; glassware; kitchen utensils, etc. NO RESERVE. Farm is sold, Terms: Cash. Herbert Harrison, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer U< secretary; 0 2 2 2 end table; small tables; i bed springs armchairs; 6 dining room : refrigerator; Kel Vina tor; 2 rugs; dressers; hall tree; lawn of Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effecs in Village of on THURSDAY, at 1:30 Kitchen enamel cupboard; large extension table; 6 chairs; dishes; kitchen uten­ sils; writing desk; arm chair; serving t&ble; 3-burner Colemap Hcnsall JUNE .15 p.m. range; kitchen POP’S Taxi Service Phone: Ctrediton ISril Exeter 357 Two Specials 193 G MASTER CHEV, 4 new tires, new clutch, assembly, new differential including 2 new rear springs, 1937 DODGE Coupe, brand new motor. Make us an offer.* * * * 1931 MODEL A. Perfect running condition. Ideal transportation at -••••-................,....... $175. 1937 Olds Coach, good clean chi’ «.................... $675. 1948 OLDS Sedanette, just like new. Set new supercushion tires. South End Service Buss and Chuck Snell PHONE 328-W EXETER