HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-02-16, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1950 B SB' Mr. Reader We would like von to know we have enjoyed an average steady sale of used cars. The nice part of the sales is the satisfied customers and the. friends made. We have at the time of writing some very buys in various years and models; also new used trucks. We ask you to call inspect and drive choice and be one more satisfied customer. new good and your WQODHAM Miss Lorene Jaques, as dele­gate,'- Mrs. ijarry Rodd, Rev. T« G. Wanless Mr. Milton Hooper attended the annual Temperance Convention in Hamilton last week, . Miss Thelma Small returned to -her home at St. Thomas on Sunday after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb visited on Sunday >with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Small of St. Thomas, Mr. and IMrs. . Robert Carroll attended the funeral of Mr. Car­ roll’s nephew, the late Mr. Clar­ ence Hands, at Oil Springs, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace visited on (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger, Kirkton. of Exeter Motor Sales Dodge •— Dodge Trucks — De Soto Exeter FRED DOBBS Tel. 200 0 Announcement William J. Marshall of Marshall Repair Shop would this opportunity to thank all who have ‘ .• Shop during the past three Pressure of work has made it : skilled labour be made avail­ able and as a result I have entered into partnership with Mr. Cecil E. Murray and hereafter the business will be know as like to take patronized the Repair and one-half years. T imperative that more MARSHALL & MURRAY MACHINE SHOP In the past I have tried to give workmanship of a high standard at reasonable rates. This we will continue to do. Mr. Murray and I have installed ad­ ditional machinery and stock and therefore we offer a much trade. We, sure you as prompt a service as possible. larger field in the machine and welding as partners, solicit your patronage and as- that all work entrusted to us will receive KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Hugh visited last week with Berry their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Johns and Marie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns at Ilderton on Wednesday evening of last •week, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller entertained a number .of their friends and neighbours to a euchre party in aid of the Wood­ ham L.O.B.A. on Monday ning of this week. , We extend sympathy to and Mrs. Mitchell Willis who their barn by fire on Friday morning Jast. Ruth Horne, visited on Saturday with cousin, Joyce Dickey. eve- Mr. lost of Winclielsea, her FOR SALE FOR SALE—Crossed Tam and York hog; 4-burner bean cooker; 2-horse electric grinder. Stan, Souder. 94-r-22 Zurich, R.R. 1. 16:23c electric Woods f Ice & Wood FREE DELIVERY PHONE 179-J E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter William J. Marshall and Cecil E. Murray, Props. I 3M® Paring Knives Finest blades, non-slip handles. Al uminum Pots All sizes for all meals. Ask About Our Week-End Special Friday & Saturday Only! Kitchen Tools Evenly balanced, perfectly made, chosen from our big selection. Double Boilers For puddings, cereals, baby foods. Two pots in one. COOK YOUR WAY TO FAME WITH BETTER UTENSILS % Red and White Enamelware Buy Or Sell With Want Ads WANTED FARM WANTED—Have sold my farm at Stratford and would now like to buy 100 to 150 acres in the vicinity of Exeter or Grand Bend, —Sandy El­ liot, phone 64-W. 16c WANTED—To buy or rent 50 to 100 acre farm. Apply: Box *'Y”, Times-Advocate. 16c WANTED—3- or 4-room apart­ ment, furnished. Apply at Times-Advocate. 16 c WANTED — Well furnished 3- roorn apartment for newly­ weds, reasonable rent. —LAC Lapp at Local 72, RCAF Stn., Centralia. 16c WANTED—Three bus. of Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. —John L. Henderson, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone Hensall 94-r-13. 16* WANTED—A small house or 3 or 4-room unfurnished apart­ ment by March 1. No children, Write F/O G."J. Ruston, Clin­ ton, Ontario. 16* LISTINGS WANTED—Let us sell your property. Prompt and courteous service to (buyers and sellers. —Call Cecil J. Stewart, phone 335, salesman for Arch McIntyre, Real Es­ tate, 27 Bellview Ave., Lon­ don, Met. 1522-J. 2tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Apartment, f o u r rooms with basement, hot and cold running water, hydro and bath; 6 miles west of Credi- ton. Apply: Albert Gaiser, phone ,164-r-14 Dashwood. 9:16 c FOR RENT — Two furnished rooms. Apply Times-Advocate. 16c FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms in central location; also gar­ age space for rent. Phone 226 16* WORK WANTED WORK WANTED—Two-years ap­ prenticeship mechanic desires work in garage to complete apprenticeship. Box S, Exetei’ Times-Advocate, 16c WORK WANTED — Young lady requires position in office or store. References if required. Write Box H, Times-Advocate. 16* FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HORSES for sale op exchange. I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which I will sell or ex­ change for other unsatisfac­ tory or aged horses. >—G. J. Dow, box 83, phone 83. 12:19:26* tfc FOR SALE—New Chore Boy Milkers reduced to $95 each, Also some A-l trade-in ma­ chines, priced from $25 up. —Sandy Elliot, phone 64-W Exeter, 16c FOR SALE—Get your supply of codliver oil in gallon tins, $2.85 per gal. —L.V. Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter, • 26:2:9:16c FOR (SALE—'$4.95.00 buys love­ ly big Findlay electric range, new, and 7 'cu. ft. McClary frig, perfect shape. Save $60. Apply Mrs. 'Stevens, E. Wil- liarn, south from Huron. 16* FOR SALE — Purebred ZY o r k hog, two-year-old, quiet, and good stock hog. Apply Harold Hern, phone 4-r-14 Kirkton. 19* FOR SALE — Walnut finish china cabinet, excellent con­ dition; also 2 terrier pups. 'Phone 37-r-3 Kirkton. JL9* MOTHERS, who have children allergic to Bronchitis, Head 'and Chest 'Colds, should try NAMELESS Cold Remedy, the Family Friend, soon as ap­ plied it goes right to work. Relief is quick. Sold in jars at .60 and $1.00 by Brown­ ing’s, Robertson’s and Sanders’ stores. 23:9c FOR SALE—Kitchen range, coal oi’ wood burning, in good con­ dition. Phone 417-J. 16c CHEAP—New Sunbeam electric "Shavemaster”, $23. Used 'a few times. Save money you formerly spent on soap, blades, styptic pencils. Apply at The Exeter Times-Advocate. tfc FOR SALE—Brood sow with 6 choice .pigs, 6 weeks old. Could be sold togethei’ or sep­ arately. Apply to Clarence McNaughton, Cromarty, phone 88-r-ll Hensall. 1 c FOR SALE—Grocery and meat store in London. Nice turn­ over of over $50,000 last year. $3,500 will buy, stock extra. For information apply at The Times-Advocate. 16:23* FOR THE NEW HOUSE you had in mind, youTl want a nice lot, in a good neighborhood. I have 2. Act quick, if you want one or both, —J. W. Powell, Victoria St, West. 3-16-tfc FOR SALE-—Comfortable t w o - bedroom cottage with all con­ veniences. Nice lot. Well locat­ ed. Immediate possession. Rea­ sonable price. Other houses.— C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 2c FOR SALE—Service station and garage. Ideal location on high­ way, 4 pumps. Well estab­ lished business. Fine cement block building, complete with two-bedroom apartment. Build­ ing steam heated and with all other conveniences. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 2c SUBSTANTIAL well built 2- storey brick house Hensall, full basement, hot water fur­ nace, 3-piece bath main floor, 2-piece upstairs. Upstairs self- contained, hot and cold water on tap and heavy wiring*. Metal roof, Extra building lots. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 16c LARGE ALMOST NEW garage service station lunch room heated by air conditioned oil burning furnace, large lot. Dwelling with conveniences, oil furnace heated. A smaller service station on a busy high­ way has attached dwelling equipped lunch room, tourist cabins and small acreage. — W. 0. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 16c RQBERTSPN’S Condition Powder 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, you will find tills powder un­ equalled as a tonic for all farm stock. Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Cars For Sale ’41 PLYMOUTH COUPE. . ’35 CHEV SEDAN. ’3 6 PONTIAC SEDAN. ’33 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. ’31 FORD "A” %-TON TRUCK. The Price Is Right . . . The Cars Are Good , . . You Can’t Go Wrong! Glenn's Auto Wreckers Phone 418-M Station St., Exeter HELP WANTED—Female, Cap­ able full time stenographer wanted. Apply stating qualifi­ cations and experience to Box N, Exeter. 5tfc |i TENDERS WANTED gravel tender The Township of Hay is call­ ing for tenders foi’ hauling and crushing 5,000 cu. yds. of gravel for 1950. This gravel to be taken from the McLaren pit East of Hensall. Tenders call for price of crushing and also sep­ arate price for hauling on flat rate anywhere in the township. Half of the amount to be hauled in the early spring and the re­ mainder in August. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by March 4, 1950, accompanied by marked cheque for $200. Town­ ship to supply one truck. All work and material to meet with the approval of the Road Super­ intendent. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, Ont. 16:23c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exe­ ter. ,16* FOR SALE—150 wire tied bales of second cut alfalfa. Apply: Ken Elder, telephone 83-r-14 Hensall. 16* FOR SALE—A gander or will exchange for a goose. Apply: Mrs. Mert Sholdice, Centralia. 16* FOR SALE—C o a 1 and wood heater; 193 6 Hudson car; coal oil stove. Apply: (Miss) Mar­ garet Cook, Centralia. 16c FOR SALE—Purebred red Short­ horn, 13 months old; matched paii’ Belgian and Clyde colts, 2 years old rising 3; also 35 weaner pigs. Apply: George Allen, Kirkton. 16* FOR SALE—Eight pigs, chunks, weight about 6 lbs. —Albert Mitchell, Exeter. 16* FOR SALE—Coleman gas stove, three burners, low oven, fin­ ished in cream enamel. Phone Dashwood 36-r-18. 16* FOR SALE — Gasoline powered Locomotive washing machine, only 1 year old, in excellent condition. Apply to August Gregus or telephone 172-r-23 Exetei’ (after 7 p.m.) 16* 66 ACRES level sandy soil, some bush, comfortable house, small barn, hydro, telephone at gate. 100 "ACRES rolling clay loam, 3 acres bush, nice variety of fruits, balance tillable, large barn with conveniences, frame house, hydro throughout. Lo­ cation good. Larger and small- er farms too. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 16c HOUSES FOR SALE — Comfort­ able new 4-room house with extra lot, nice location. New 5-room house, well in­ sulated, with conveniences. One good brick house, new air conditioned furnace, all conveniences, beautiful garden with several extra lots. Good income property. We have clients w anting farms. —Arch McIntyre. Real Estate. Broker, phone 3 55 C. J. Stew­ art, Salesman. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Say goodbye to these weak, always tired feelings; depression and nervousness due to weak, thin blood. Get up feeling fresh, be peppy all day, have plenty of vitality left over by evening. Take Ostrex. Contains iron, vitamin Bi, calcium, phosphorus for blood building, body strengthening, stimulation. Invigorates system; Improves appetite, digestive powers. Costs little. New “get acquainted” else only 60c, Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, nor­mal pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists. You Should Own d GEORGE WHITE Tractor-Drawn SPREADER Better Spreading Widespread Beater reduces wrapping; runs easier and smoother; gives wider, more oven spread. MISCELLANEOUS BLOWN INSULATION (Rock Wool or Fiberglas) tvill make your home more comfortable in winter and summer. It pays for itself in the fuel sav­ ing. For a free estimate, call collect T. L. Rivers, Grand Bend, 44-r-15, Representative, Lanibton Kent Home Insula­ tion Co. 5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 12:19:26*tfc -FOR SALE BY TENDER Flame«ware SetsSo Ask At Our Store Covered Saucepans Grand fol* waterless vegetable cooking. Not Advertised T raquair’s Hardware SAINTSBURY On Friday, February 17, there will be a social evening held in the parish hall of ;St. Patrick’s Church. Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings, of Lon­ don, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Car­ roll. The L.O.B.A. Euchre Club, .of Woodham, was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis on Friday evening with nine tables playing. Mrs. J. Dick­ ins won ladies’ high and Mr. J. Dickins, won men’s high. Mr, C. Davis won lone hands. Lunch was served. . Mr. T. Dickins, of Sask., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Davis and family were •Sunday evening guests at the home of Mrs. F. Davis. Miss .Toyce Foley, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Dobbs. We are sorry to report that Mrs. W. J. Davis is tinder the doctor’s care. W.A. Hold Monthly Meeting The W.A. of St Patrie k’s Church met at the home of Mrs. C. Weiberg on Tuesday, Febru­ ary 7, with a large •attendance. The afternoon was spent In quilt­ ing a quilt donated by Mrs, Wei­ berg. Some quilt blocks were pieced and at the close of the business meeting, Mrs. Weiberg, assisted by Mrs. Ted Bridges and Mrs. 11. Carroll, served a dainty lunch. The meeting was closed with prayer by Canon James. FOR SALE—Reasonable. "Good Cheer” range; large oak rock­ er; aquarium; Edison disc phonograph, 30 records; also 200 assorted Edison disc re­ cords, $5 a dozen. —J. W. Powell, Victoria St. West. 3-16tfc 3 DAYS USE of Namesless Cold Remedy proves that it does relieve Sinus, Hayfever, Head­ colds, Mastoid (ear ache). Get it today at Browning’s, Robert­ son’s, Sanders’ stores. 16:2c BEWARE OF HARSH LAXA­ TIVES—They gripe and may harm delicate internal organs. Play safe. Help relieve your constipation naturally. Every morning take Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal . the cereal that’s more than a cereal . . delicious and nutty ill flavor . . . with a gentle laxative action that has won the grati­ tude of thousands of sufferers from constipation. Romal Meal, developed by Robert G. Jack- son, M.D., combines the natur­ al food values and delicious flavors of whole wheat and whole rye with the gentle lax­ ative properties of fiax-o-lin and bran. Ask yottr grocer for Roman Meal today. Write today for FREE Book­ let, "Nature’s Way to .Good Health” by Robert G. Jackson, M.D. Address D r, J a c k s o n Foods Limited, Dept K, 1 Wil- lingdon Blvd., Toronto. RMS SKATING RINK FOR SALT3 241’ y 73’ Tenders will be received by the undersigned to March 4th for a frame building with ,metal roof on West Street in the Town of Goderich. Building to be re­ moved within sixty . days from acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. S. H. Blake, Town Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 13:20 EXHIBITION HALL FOR SALE .180’ X 7(5’ Tenders will be received by the undersigned to March 4th for a frame exhibition building in Agricultural Park in the Town of Goderich, This is an octagon shaped building, 75’ in diameter and 4:0’ high, plus two one- storey wings approximately 35’ X 50’ each. Building to be re­ moved within sixty , days from acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not necesarily ac­ cepted. S. H. Blake, Town Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. ,13:20 Shorthorn Bulls ONE DARK ROAN, ONE RED Klaymor and Drynie Roister Breeding individual’s Choice Priced Moderately WM. OESTREICHER Ureditcn Phone 12-J ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS All .perso n s having claims against the estate of Truman Samuel Tufts, late of the Town­ ship of Usborne in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 2 Bill day of November, A.D. 19 47, at the said Township of Usborne, are hereby notified to file proof of their claims with the undersigned solicitor tot the Administratrix on or before the first day of .Match, A.D. 1950, after which last mentioned date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which notice has then been received. Dated at St. Marys, Ontario, I this 26th day of January A.D. 110501 K. B. CJysdale, Solicitor for the Administratrix. 2:9:16c Better Shredding Large four-bar upper Beater with extra heavy teeth, light­ ens draft and does a better job of breaking up lumps. Longer Lasting Heavy malleable chain drive . . . Metal shield to protect chain sprockets and gears . . . Extra heavy teeth in cylinders and beaters—Extra spiders in centre of cylinders for additional strength * • * Shafts of carbon steel with double roller bearings • . . 16 high quality roller bear­ ings. Extra Wide Box Low and easily loaded . . • Handy jack) supporting front of Spreader, keeps draw-bat at right height for reattaching to tractor. Order Yours TODAYl Mathers Bros. White Avery Wheel Alignment Used Cars ’49 PLYMOUTH Sedan, very low mileage, in new car condition. ’49 PONTIAC 5-Passenger -Coupe iu excellent condition, 15,000 miles. x ’47 FORD Coach, dn exceptional value. ’4 6 CHEV Sedan, with a 30-day guarantee. ’40 FORD Coach, new paint job>. beautiful shape, ’37 CHEV Coach. Como Tn and Soo the Austin New Look with Blue Leather Upholstery Why Pay More When You Can Drive for Less? South End Service