The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-02-09, Page 8orients WOTH*0W?£8
|or 5 TEARS ’ *01
pijKes good ’’
Hopper-Hockey Furniture
Phone 99
The W.A. and W.M.S.
Brinsley United Church held the
regular meeting in the basement
of the church on Wednesady last
with Group I in charge. Plans
were made to hold a supper on
March 16 in the basement of
the church.
Mr. and Mrs. George Neil of
Lieury spent Wednesday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Miss Gertrude Amos spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Amos of Lucan.
Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Hodgson
and Wesley spent Sunday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald
is spending some time with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Major
Baker, of Shipka.
The Ladies* Guild of St. Marys
Anglican Church, Brinsley, held
their regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. George Mercer on
Wednesday last,
While Mr. Murray Rowe was
drawing manure one day recent
ly, one of his horses unfortun
ately fell on
its leg. The
disposed of.
Miss Jean
spent the week-end with
father, Mr. William Maguire.
Teachers and officers of the
Brinsley United Sunday School
for the year 1950 are: Super
intendent, Wes Watson; assist
ant superintendent, Martin Wat
son; secretary, Gordon Morley;
assistant secretary, Leslie Mor
ley; treasurer, Mrs. Jack Trevi
thick; song leader, Mrs. Dan
Lewis; pianists, Douglas Lewis,
Joyce Schenk, Jean Dixon; mis
sionary committee, Gertrude
Amos, Mrs, Wes ^Watson, Mrs,
Roland Neil, Harold Schenk;
temperance committee, Wes Wat
son; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Wes
Morley. Teachers' classes: Begin
ners, Kathleen Morley, Mrs.
Stanley Steeper; primary, Mrs.
Karl Pickering, Mrs. Roland
Neil; juniors, Jean Coltherd,
Mrs. George Hodgson; inter
mediates, Martin Watson, Mrs,
Melvin Allison; young adults,
Mrs. Wes Watson, Gertrude
the ice, breaking
animal had to be
Maguire of Paris
Amos; bible class, Mrs.
Morley, Mrs. Dan Lewis.
TES, sir, here’s a method of
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You just relax in comfort
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External Affairs Minister Pearson attended conferences and
investigated possibilities of trade with Asiatic countries, crew
members of the plane which flew him around the world
had opportunity to make friends and influence people on
their own, F/'L R. McKee of Port Dalhousie, Ont., radio
operator on the North Star, climbed aboard an elephant at
Kandy, Ceylon, and found the height too much for comfort,
—Central Press Canadian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde of
Exeter, Mrs. G. Wiseman and
Mr. Edgar Monteith spent Wed
nesday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. William Ferguson.
Miss Feme Rodd of London
spent the week-end with
and Mrs. Lome Passmore.
Misses Margaret Cann
V. Keller,
. and Mrs.
Keller, Dashwood, and
Roy Gibson, son of Mr-
jH. Gibson and the late
Gibson, Centralia. White
Zion Lutheran Church was
the scene of a dainty wedding,
when Rev. L. Ilignell united in
marriage Audrey L.
eldest daughter of Mr
Dora C.
tulips, coloured sprays and white
candles decorated the church and
the wedding music was played
by Mrs. E. Restemeyer. Miss H.
Nadigey wag the soloist.
The bride was given in
riage by her father. Her
was white embossed .satin
beaded headdress and
length veil. Her bouquet was of
white pink-tipped snapdragons.
Matron of honour was Mrs.
David Meyers, who wore a gown
of pink georgette with lace in
sertions, matching headdress
with shoulder-length veil. Her
bouquet consisted of while tulips
and daffodils. Miss Phyllis Gib
son, bridesmaid, was. gowned in
blue georgette with lace inser
tions, matching headdress with
shoulder-length veil. Her bouquet
was of pink carnations. Miss
Gwen Keller was junior brides
maid. Her dress was of lavender
with-, lace trim and she carried
white tulips and yellow daffo-
Donald Keller was best man
and the ushers were Kenneth
Keller and Lloyd Keller. .
The reception was held at the
home of the bride’s parents. The
guests were received by the
bride’s mother who wore a gown
of dark cherry and a corsage of
yellow roses. After the wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson
will reside at .Grand Bend.
Lieury Farm Forum
Lieury Farm Forum met
Monday evening at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shepherd
with 29 members present.
After the radio broadcast three
groups were formed and a jolly
discussion followed on the topic
of "Are Canadians Well Fed?"
This topic was enjoyed by all
the group. Mrs, -Melvin Thomp
son entertained tlw crowd with
two very good contests. A dainty
lunch was served and a social
half hour spent. The next Farm
Forum will meet February 13 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Reid. ’ '
**Litter Carrier Pipes
Truck Wheels for
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Angle Irons In All Sizes
Also Buy Feather Ticks
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You can improve the flavour
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Exeter Salvage Co.
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Is A Product Of Farms In Southwestern Ontario
in 5- or 104b. bags at your favourite grocer’s
Lower Egg Costs
Sold and Serviced by
Elsie Bray of London spent the!
week-end at their homes here. ■
Mr. Jack Cann of the R.C.A.F.
in Aylmer spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gann.
Mr, and Mrs. Ted McIntyre of
London spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde
visited on Thursday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballan
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
of Zion visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pass-
more of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman McDonald of Kirkton,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Passmore.
Quite a number of
People from Thames
tended the combined with Elimville and Roys Young I
People at Elimville Church on I
Sunday evening. ?
I Play practice was. held at the ’ {manse on Thursday evening of I
I last week, and at the home of,
| Misses Doris and Annie Elford;
{on Tuesday evening.
| Farm forum was held at Lum- ’
I ley School on Monday evening.I Rev. William Mair attended |
i the Ministerial Association at I
»the home of Rev. and Mrs. Ma-j honey of Exeter on Monday j
afternoon, i
Sunday School will he held at
the regular hour, 10:15 a.m. on
Sunday, and church service at
11:15 a.m,
W.A. Ami W.M.S. Meet
The monthly meeting of the
; W.A. and W.M.S. was held at
the home of Mrs. Melvin Gardi
ner on Wednesday afternoon.
The meeting opened with quiet
music. Mrs. Elford, president of
the W.M.S., had charge of the
meeting. The theme was "The
Church^—-the Household of
Faith". Hymn 172 was sung,
followed by the Lord’s Prayer
in unison. A reading, "The
Church", was .given by Mrs.
Orville Cann, followed with pray
er by Mrs. Elford. The scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. Wise
man. Roll call and minutes of
the W.A. and W.M.S. were read
and adopted. A minute’s silence
and prayer Were then observed
in the memory of the late Miss
Ella Robinson. A reading, "The
Christian Stewardship", was
given by Mrs. William Rohde.
A vocal duet by Mrs. William
Cahn and Mrs. Archie Morgan,
a poem, "The -Scotch Version of
the Twenty-third Psalm", by
Mrs. Percy Stone, a piano solo
by Miss Ida Harris, a reading,
"Unselfish Prayers", by Mrs.
Edwin Miller, were all enjoyed.
The topic Was "In the Spirit of
Union" by Mrs. William '.Fergu
son. Hymn
Mrs. Elford
with prayer,
then served
The Airmen’s dance held in
the drill hall on Friday night,
was a well-attended and much
enjoyed affair. Music was sup
plied by the station orchestra.
The station quartet sang a few
numbers and was very well re
ceived. The station dances have
recently been receiving enthusi
astic support by an increasing
number of attendants. •* * * *
The Flight Cadets also held a
Valentine party on Friday night.
An orchestra supplied music for
dancing and a .buffet lunch was
served.* <« * r
F/o Wes Bailey, who has been
attached to 'Station Centralia
since March of 19 47, was honor
ed by a gathering of 47 friends
at a dinner party on Saturday
night. F/O Bailey, Training .Com
mand Instrument Check Pilot,
leaves Exeter on Saturday for
Camp Borden, where he will
sume administrative duties,* * * *
The station hockey team
feated the Army Signals team in
a 6-3 game on Monday night in
London. .Friday night the locals
play Clinton, while Wednesday
night will see
Goderich. Both
* *
A badminton
be held in the drill hall on
February 16. An invitation has-
been extended to teams in Lon
don and Stratford to participate,
and there are openings in men’s
singles and doubles and mixed
doubles. Anyone interested in
playing is asked to contact F/O
them taking on
games are in
* *
tournament will
the Young
Road at-
Mr. Harry Cook, of Windsor, ,
spent the week-end with .his par-'
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Cornelius
Cook. He was accompanied home
by his daughter Suzanne, who
has spent the jpast week here.
•Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pocock of
London visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. John McEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalla-
combe and daughter, of Guelph,' spent the week-end with the
I former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
’Fred Smallacombe.
i Mr. and Mrs. Angel left on
{Wednesday for California where
, they will spend a month with
‘ their son and daughter there.
i Mr. Arnold is relieving at the
I C.N.R. depot during Mr. Angel’s
j absence.
I Mr. Cokley visited recently
1 with Mrs. Sarah Blackwell and
j Messrs. David and Stewart Black-
I well.
at local * *
E. M.
5.3.* lir
Schiller, of the
the father 'of a
7% pound hoy on Friday night.
Crediton Host
To Youth .Groups
Crediton Community Youth
Fellowship was host to the An
nual Inter-Church Youth Fire
side held this year in the Evan
gelical United Brethern Church
Crediton. The United 'Christian
Youth Movement js administered
through the International Coun
cil of Religious Education. Youth
organizations were present from
Greenway, 'Grad Bend, Zurich,
Exeter, Dashwood, Brinsley and
The worship theme, "Youth
Build" was directed by Elaine
Mitchell and Margaret Ratz. ,The
scripture was read by Rosalie
Mack. Ralph Johnson, student
at Western University, was theme
speaker. -Special music was pro
vided by the Crediton Youth
Choir, with Ruth Swartz at the
■organ. Brinsley and Dashwood
groups ushered. Following , the
sedvice, 13i0' young people joined
in an hour of recreation. Norma
Falirner directed a varied pro
gram of song, story, reading and
instrumental music, given by
members of the visiting youth
groups. Refreshments concluded
an evening of inspiration and
joyous fellowship.
— Call —
Contracts' For Making Barley
Call at Office, Lucan, for Information
Howard Ferguson, Manager
Hensail 80-r-2 Phone Kintore 17-r-9
Scoffs Elevator
Miss Elva Morley js spending
few weeks with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Denhain
of Kirkton were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wnu Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Ogden and
daughter, of (Woodstock, spent
the week-end with Mrs. Ogden
and Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ogden, of
Fillmore, Sask., visited for a few
days with Mrs. Ogden and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Squire.
The Whalen junior boys had p
friendly game of hockey with
the Woodham junior boys on
Friday at the Woodham rink.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire, of ' Exeter, visited recently with Mrs.
George Millson.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Dickins, London!
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire, Far
quhar; Mr, and Mrs. Roland
Squire, Mr. and. Mrs, Harry
Squire and Mr, and Mrs. Ceorge
Squire were S a t it r d ay dinner
guests with Mr. and
man Hedging.
The W.M.S. and
have their February
Mrs. 'William Hodgson’s home on
Wednesday Afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins, Lon
don, visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. William Walls
and. Suzanne, London, were Sun
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Ronald Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. George Squire
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar.
The "Community Euchre” met
at the school on Thursday eve
ning with a good attendance.
Winners of prizes were; Ladies*
high, Mrs. Harry Squire; gent’s
high, Mr, Harry Squire; lone
hands, Mr, Wilfred Herbert;' con
solation, Mr. Tom Cruikshank.
We are sorry to report that
Mr. John Hazelwood, ,who with
Mrs. Hazelwood is spending the
winter In London, is riot enjoy-
Ing (good health. His many
friends around Whalen wish him
a speedy recovery.
James St. YJ\
The Young People’s Union of
James Street United Church met
in regular session Monday eve
ning with the president, Douglas
May, in charge.
After the opening services and
business session, the meeting
was turned over to Bill Batten,
convenor of the Missionary Com
mittee. Donald Welsh read the
scripture. Dorothy Pooley led in
prayer and Lorna Taylor gave
an interesting topic, "Bestel Park
Talking". Jack Petrie conducted
two games which were much
37S was sung and
closed the meeting
A ten-cent tea was
by the hostess and
Mrs. John Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, of
Centralia; Miss Peart and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Passmore, Of
Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Eve
rett Skinner and Laverne, of'
Elimville, were at Shallow Lake
attending the funeral of Mrs.
John Noble, who passed away at
Shallow Lake in her ninety-third
year. Mrs. Noble, the former
Mary Skinner was a daughter Of
the late Samuel Skinner and
Maty Kelland, of 'Usbornd, and
shortly after her marriage in
1374 to Mr. Noble, went to
Owen Sound district to make her
home. Mrs. Noble lived in Shal
low Lake for the past thirty-five
years, and suffered a stroke two
weeks previous to -her death. Mt,
now on display
The NEXT LOOK in cars!
The New 1950 7^
Mrs. Nor-
W.A. will
meeting at
Out aliead in performance.and’ economy! J
Reduced In Price
$100.00 On All Studebaker Champion Models
Noble predeceased her In 1922.
She is survived by one son and
three daughters, also thirty-four
grandchildren, 73 great grand
children and one . great, . great
grandchild. Mrs, L Peart, of
town is a sister.
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