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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-02-09, Page 4
£8' Making Barley We are again contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Company SEED SUPPLIED — CONTACT US Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Nights 133 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 -B Phone 103 H^nsall, Ont. CARS >?69Q. Special Car F ord sold. Today’s price $1,080. TRUCKS 1947 Coach, economical transportation. To $10 a day until sold. Today's price Ford. Ford. Coach —- $290. Sedan Coach Coach Sedan — $99. Your choice at only $195. Ford 1-Ton Express, low mileage — $1,090. 1947 1940 overhauled. 1942 Ford - 193 6 be reduced — $240. USED TRACTORS -depup transmission — $850. stepup transmission, motor completely new tires •— $825. — $750. Special Truck 1947 Ford 1-Ton Express, very good ^traded in on new 1-Ton Ford’*, To be reduced $10 a day until 1949 Monarch 6-Passenger Coupe. $1,990. 1947 1946 1912 1940 1939 1936 1935 193 O' 1934 1929 Ford Coach —- $1,190. Pontiac Sedan —- $1,190. Mercury, very good — $950. Ford Coach, good motor and tires Plymouth, new motor — $690. Ford Ford Chev Chev Chev | KIRKTON ; ‘ Mr. John Sawyer, accompanied I 3 by his son. Dr. Glen Sawyer, St.» , Thomas, spent part of the past^ ; week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ‘ Sawyer at Toronto. | A very happy time .was spent at the Kirkton rink Saturday afternoon, when 35 members of the Mission Circle held a skating party. Aftei* the skating, lunch was served by the leader, Mrs. G. IL Burgin. Mrs. H. V. Or ago is holiday ing with .her sister, Mrs. Brown, Of St. Marys. Mix and Mrs. Fred Lankin, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gunning, Granton, were guests with Ira and Mrs. Marshall this past. week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and Helen, Mr. Thomas Brock anti Mrs. John McElrea and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock at Hamilton, where they celebrated Mr. Brock’s . mother’s ninety-third birthday, s Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Rumble. ■ of Medina, visited with Lorne and Mrs. Marshall this week. New Library Board Installed The Kirkton Library Board held theii* annual meeting in the Aberdeen Hall Friday eve ning, February 3, with a large attendance. The treasurer’s re port showed §194 was spent on books in 1949, and there is a surplus of §95.01 on hand. The librarian's report showed a cir culation of 35S3 with 119 mem bers. There are 2260 books on the shelves along with four ex changes .from the Huron County Library Association, and every four months from the Depart ment of Education, Toronto. The .new Board members for 1950 I are: Rev. . Dean. Canon James, | Mr. T. A. Wiseman, Mr. Oliver | McCurdy. Mrs, T. A. Wiseman, ! Yr. L. Kemp. Mrs. Truman Tufts, I Mrs. Norm Hazelwood. Mrs. G. " H. Burgin. Mr. AV. Knapp, the , assistant agricultural representa tive and Mr. R. R. Bailie, high ' school teacher at. .Mitchell, show ed moving pictures on New foundland and the Perth Junior Farmers reel. Some of the pic tures were taken in the village of Kirkton. One reel of songs ’ and two reels for the children I were also shown. It was a very! , enjoyable evening for all pres-! ? ent. showing a great interest is | * taken in the library. , |J ---------------- »■ Board members for 1950 Larry Snider Motors PHONE 64-W EXETER H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 294 DUNDAS ST. z LONDON, ONT Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN I L.D.S., D.D.S. ; DENTAL SURGEON | Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon •’ Bus. 36W - Telephones - Res. 36J f S I ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT LJD.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building Phone 273 W. G. COCHRANE, BA. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO FRANK TAYLOR LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter P.O. or Ring 188 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER - Specializing In - Farm & Purebred Livestock Sales “Service That Satisfies” Phone 57r2 RJt. 1 DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you your property’s true value sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or Phone 43-2 of on E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R- 1 • Phone Zurich OSrT WORK WANTED FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND YOUNG LADY requires position in office or store. Fully* ex perienced, shorthand, typing. Write Box "E“ Exeter Times- Advocate. ____ ______ 9* WANTED-—House work by the day by clean, reliable lady. References. —Apply at Times- Advocate. 9c HORSES for sale or exchange. I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which j will sell or ex change for other unsatisfac tory or aged horses. •—G. J. Dow, box S3, phone S3. 12:19:26* tfc LOST-—Hub cap and plastic rim between Zion School and Woodhgjn Monday night. — Finger phone 41-r-17.9* WANTED FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4- door sedan, one owner, low mileage, spotless inside and out. Phone 406-J, 12-8tfc LOST—Logging chain with chain tightener, between Grand Bend and Exeter. Finder please tele phone 127, H.E.P.C., Exeter, Ont. Reward. He WANT1; D—B each logs and standing timber of all kinds, larg-' quantities or a bush pre ferry I, Apply: Box M, Times- Adv, eate, Exeter. Stsf LISTINGS WANTED—Let us sell your property. Prompt and courteous service to buyers and sellers. -—Call Cecil J.; Slewart, phone 335, salesman’ for Arch McIntyre, Real Es- j tate, 27 Bellview Ave., Lon-J don, Met. 1522-J. 2tfc FOR SALE—New Hinnan low vacuum milker; also the fol lowing used units: Universal double unit, $75; Universal single units, §50 each; Surge units, nearly new, §80; power chopper, with 5-h.p. electric motor, $165. See us today — avoid the spring rush. Sandy Elliot, phone 476-W. 2 6tfc PUREBRED Holstein bull calf, very reasonable. —Sandy El liot, phone 476-W.26tfc FOR SALE—12-Gauge Winches ter pump gun (Model 12), practically new. Apply E, An derson, Hensail, phone iOO-r-4 Hensall. 2:9*‘ WANTED—A few shares or half: share to fill Thames Road Beef i Ring. Contact not later than February 18, 1950. Howard [ Johns, Kirkton 44-r*10, or Vic- , _Exeter 173-r-13. 9c j FQR SALE—Modern coal and ; wood range, with warming • closet, in good condition. — ' Phone 206-M Exeter.____2:9c FOR SALE—Little Beaver grind- WANTED—Three- or four-room apartment, furnished or un furnished. tNo children). Ap ply at Times-Advocate. 9* WANTED — Quantity of wood, either standing or down tim ber. Phone 27-r-22 Crediton— Fred Kerr. 9* WANTED — Three unfurnished rooms or small house, by quiet couple with one child. Apply: *‘T”, Times-Advocate. 9* WANTED—A sleeping room by a gentleman working days. Apply: Box "S”, Times-Advo cate. 9 * EXPERIENCED farmer desires to rent a 100-acre farm or work same on shares or on commission. Apply* to Mr. Huizinga, R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 41-r-19. 9 c BABY CHICKS J. FOUND—On Main St., Monday, double-string of pearls. Owner may have same by paying for ad. —Times-Advocate. 9 c STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the farm of L. Valentine, Thames Road, full- grown yellow Collie dog with white neck. Owner please tele phone 173-r-32, and claim same. 9 c tractor steel hay rake; spring tooth cultivator; Mc.D. 13-hoe fertilizer drill; Climax blower; 17 - in. chaff blower; Mc.D. manure spreader on rubber; single sulky plow; walking plow; buggy; cutter; W.B. 77 Viking electric cream separator with motor; 7-in. Champion grain grinder; 6-in. Gem grinder; 3-h.p. motor Uni versal mir-rt’ with 2-cylinder pump, 2 sing'‘ units, with pip ing for 18 co -s; 2-row corn cultivator; 5 Beatty pressure water bowls; 12 cow chains;’ London car; 2 setr team har ness; collars and a host of small articles. * NO RESERVE. Terms: Cash. Proprietor is giving up farming, Refreshment booth on grounds. FRANK HARRIS, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. 9c FEMALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Female, Cap able full time stenographer wanted. Apply stating qualifi cations and experience to Box N, Exeter. 5tfc MISCELLANEOUS er; 6 ^A-h.p, repulsion induc tion motors; oil burner; elec tric stoves; electric washers; electric refrigerators; used commercial lights or fixtures. —Passmore Electric, Hensail. 2:9c BLOWN INSULATION (Rock Wool or Fiberglas) will make your home more comfortable in winter and summer. It pays for itself in the fuel sav ing. For a free estimate, call collect T. L. Rivers, Grand Bend, 44-r-15, Representative, Lambton Kent Home Insula tion Co. 5tfc FOR SALE—Dual purpose Short horn bulls, one month to one year, registered, from T.B. tested herd. —Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, phone 44-r-12 Dub lin. ' 2:9* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone S3 Exeter. 12:19:26 rtf c FOR SALE—Heavy duty electric stove, cheap for quick sale. — J. W. Hern, Exeter. 9* TENDERS WANTED AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and Household Effects Lot 6, Con. 3, Tuckersinitli 1U miles east of Hensall WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1:30 pan, IMPLEMENTS: 3-drum steel roller; flat hay rack, with grain box; 4-section drag harrows; gravel box; dump rake; mangell drill; cutting box; grain roller; 2000 lb. scale; set sleighs; 60 bee boxes; wire stretchers; cream separator; fanning mill; walking -plough; snow fence; double and single harness; grind stone; number .elm plank, and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cook stove; tapestry rug; linoleum, 9’xl’2’; congoleum rug, 9’xll’; ice-box; single bed; double bed; dresser and stand; kitchen table; oak library table; 2 rocking chairs; 4 kitchen chairs; dining room table; couch; all sorts of dishes, sealers, and other articles. Terms—Cash WILLIAM PEPPER., Prop. ED. CORBETT, Auctioneer 3 FOR SALE—New Chore Boy Milker reduced to $9 5. Also some A-l trade-in machines, priced from $25 up. —Sandy Elliot, phone 64-W Exeter. 9c FOR CARETAKING Tenders will be received for the caretaking at S.S. No. 4, Us- borne Township School Area. Requirements as outlined by the Department of Education may be seen at the home of the sec retary. Duties to commence Mar. 1. Applications must be in by Feb. 11. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to Garnet Hicks, Exeter, Ontario, phone 172-r-6. Weak, Tired, Nervous, PeplessJVIen, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Say goodbye to these weak, always tired teellngs, depression and nervousness due to weak, thin blood. Get up feeling tresh, be peppy all day. have plenty ot vitality left over by* evening. Take Ostrex. Contains iron, vitamin Bi. calcium, phosphorus for blood building, body strengthening, stimulation. Invigorates system; Improves appetite, digestive powers. Costs little. New "get acquainted" slie only 60c. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new. nor mal pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggfsta. | BLANSHARD ! • Mr. and Mrs. Ken. U ‘ S J. Lois and Lorene. of Glendale, ■iMr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford. : Shirley and Edwin of Kirkton. : were Sunday guests of Mr. and „ Mrs. Herb Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Lang-1 ■ ford, Shirley and Edwin, of |I Kirkton. were Thursday guests | of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang-1 ford. I Misses Audrey Parkinson, of" a Welburn, and Madeline Dann, of London, spent the week-end at "their homes. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller. Ruth. Ray. and Bobby, Mr. and ” Mrs. Kenneth Langford* Walter, !! and Donnie, and Mrs. Fred Pat tison were Friday evening din- - ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker.Mrs. Morgan. Philip and John,‘j of Clinton, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. ! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper, ;,Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis j -were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb e Langford. j ■ Mrs Fred Pattison. Mrs. Leon- » ard Thacker. Orrie. Elizabeth and i Linda were Sunday afternoon ■ visitors with Mr. and Mrs Or-" ville Langford of Centralia. | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper. .. were Saturday guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Fred Foster of St. Marys. Il Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, -ii Murray and Anne, were Satur-i ..day evening dinner guests of§ Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rion. ©i“ St. Marys. |- Guests at the home of Mr. and|— „ „ Mrs. Bill Jones on Sunday were: I FOR SALE-—I ^-storey medium ' iiMr. and Mrs. James Bryan. Ger-" "aid. Shirley and Robin. Prospect| ; Hill. Mr. Alonza Knowles, of St. | Marys: Mrs. Lillie Harris. Vernas and Dorothy; Messrs. Murray* Harris, Ron Millson and George Hodgins, |NEUHAUSER New Hampshires— I The greatest layers of them | all. Large eggs right from the® start. Pure Forest Hill strain. I Chicks available weekly. Neu-| hauser Hatcheries, Si King: St., London. ? FOR SALE—19 4S Case V.A.C. tractor with or without scuff- ler and 7-ft. mower; also used horse-drawn manure spreader on rubber, and 3-furrow trac tor plow. Exeter Farm Equip ment, phone 443-J Exeter, c FOR SALE—Holstein cow, 5 years old; Shorthorn cow, 7 years old; -—-both to freshen soon. —Milne Pullen, Granton, i phone 17-r-2 Kirkton. 9c i NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHN W. ORCHARD OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355J aAll persons having claims | against the estate of Truman j Samuel Tufts, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of I Huron, farmer, who died on or 8 about the 26th day of November, | A.D. 1947, at the said Township of Usborne. are hereby notified ij to file proof of their claims with i ‘ the undersigned solicitor for the NEUHAUSER RED X ROCKS—J Tops for laying. Combination ? New Hampshires and Barred ? Rocks. Developed specially for ■; oggs. Cockerels make great! broilers and roasters. Thou-!;FOR SALE—Get your supply of sands hatching now. —Neu- ’ codliver oil in gallon tins, hauser Hatcheries. Si King $2.So per gal.—L.V. *Hogarth, St.. London. | phone 266, Exeter. . ______________ 5- --------------------—-------------—-----------------------------------------------------------------a .................................................................. .......... FOR SALE—White wooden dou-; Administratrix on or before the < ble bed, springs and mattress, s first day of March, A.D, 1950, in good condition. Telephone; after which last mentioned date 63-r-14 Crediton.__________9c n the assets of the estate will be REAL ESTATE GRAND BEND—Five lots, Old ; Orchard survey, 4 50x180 ft. one 66’8“xl80'; 20 i cash, balance four payments '■ 5 per ent. Herman Gill. Real-" tor. 9 c , 26:2:9:16c Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed nesday afternoons and dur ing the evenings through out the week. _ - - -____- - - -__________Sc n the assets of the estate will be percent" Meramw 114 J distributed having regard onlyMercury f plnbnc nf wbhh nntlnn hneCi ' «to vlaims of which notice has t been received.J* Thomson, Centialia, phone,Wirkton 4 g-4 Dated at St. Marys, Ontario,Kirkton 48-4._____________— ;this 26th day of January A.D. •4-bedroom home. FOR SALE—One M.H. tractor *950. K. B. Clysdale. Solicitor cultivator; one Allis-Chalmers tor Administratrix. 2:9:16c tractor disc: one Otaco man-’ ure spreader. Apply: R. B. a Williams. Exeter. J FOR SALE- See this insul-brick home with usual living quarters and one • l-edrc ::: <downs, 3 bedrooms nup«. 2-piece bath: good loea-' tien. irUed to sell. ' ' McIntyre, C. J. : sentative. phone 335. «X>pen this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: NORTH END B-A Service Station In the estate of Mary DesJardine, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims s B :.:i ed to sell. —Arch-------------------------------------------t ALL PERSONS having claims re. Real Estate Broker, HORNET POWER Chain Saws—| against the estate of Mary Des* Stewart, district repre-' Sales and service. A size and 5 Jardine. late of the Township of ve. phone 335. e price for every purse and pur- Stephen in the County of Huron. t FARM FOR SALE—One of the ’ best farms in London Town- . ship. -_m highway few miles!; out of London: hydro, good ____.water, geod. buildings. —Arch CONSTIPATION S1FFERERS McIntyre, Real Estate Broker. ’’ ” "" C. J. Stewart* district repre-.. sentative, phone 335. c’j ■Williams Farm Equip- ? widow, deceased, who died on or , 1949, are pose. —.......—« ------ .—— -........ .... ...ment & Repairs. R. B. Wil-3 about September 16, 1949. are Bams Mgr.. P.O. Box 306. -required to file particulars of phone 36S-J. 26:9* Size house, with barn, situated , on one-fifth acre at Staff a, in ’ good foation. Hard and soft water.. —Mrs. Darrell Parker, Staffo - 3:10* : Howard, all of London: Mr. and FOR, SALE—Comfortable J w o - ' Mrs. Don Harris and Wray. • Prospect Hill. j ---------------* Used Car Specials 194 6 CHEV Sedan, in Inuutifttl shape, heater, defrosters, oil filter, window washer*, light er, etc. 1947 FORD Coach. 16*vto* miles, heater and defroster®, has to be seen to be appreciated. the same with the undersigned executors of the late Lewis Des Jardine on or before the 20th Why experiment with harsh, v day of February, 1950. after griping laxatives when you'which the executors of the above can help relieve your condition: estate will distribute the same with the wholesome, gently having regard only to those laxative cergal, Roman Meal? jclaims of which notice has been Here is a tried and tested 5 received, formula, developed by Robert;Dated this 6th day of February, G. Jackson, M.D.. that com- 1950. bines the natural food-values » and delicious flavors of whole J wheat and whole rye with the | gentle, laxative properties off flax-o-lin and bran. Thousands! of sufferers have written to us praising the laxative qualities 4 of Roman Meal. You. too, may| find relief with this valuable * energy food. Ask your grocer for Roman Meal. Write today for FREE book let, “‘Nature’s AVay to Good Health" by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., to Dr. Jackson Foods Limited. Dept. K, 1 Willing- don Blvd., Toronto. RMS South-End Service WILLIAM DesJARIMNE, Grand Bend, Out. ONESIMUS DesJARDlNE, Grand Bend, out. Executors. Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different, We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Rdom ofp bedroom cottage with all eon*.! venientes. Nice lot. Well locat ed. Immediate possession. Rea* ' *; ; rice. Other houses.— ' €. V. Pickard, Realtor. Main St.. Exeter. 2c" i ......H scnable« f- t-DASHWOOD ■; Mrs. A. White and son Robert. . of Detroit, visited with her|FOR_ SALE- !■ mother. Mrs. Witzel. who has« i'been on the sick list on Satur-« Mrs. Merner is visiting with : her daughter in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile motored!. to Detroit and Mt. Clemens on-v; Sunday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merner and Mr. and Mrs. A. ’ -were Sunday visitors with teM-t "fives in- Detroit. I - Mr. Angus Sinclair, R.R. I, Mitchell <1 Mr. Vice-President were Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton troit. . ! ... !; Mr.Directors , stiver William H. Coates, Exeter >4n BowraanviKe. Martin Feeney, Dublin ij Mr. and Mrs. J. Kipfor moved-- K Clayton Colquhoun, Science HBinheir household effects to 3£ur-J! William A. Hamilton, Cromarty* ic-h on Tuesday, where they wSM“ reside. ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, etc. ? Ann St., Exeter Phone 355W :! day‘ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President and Mrs. Charles Snell S the week-end In Detroit. 0 and Mrs. A. Allemand | week-end visitors in De-| and Mrs. Lorne Klein- are spending a few days -Two new i n s u 1 - briek b.;juses» immediate pos-h ession cf one. Cheap for cash;11 insuS-brLk cottage. 2 bed-] rooms, ttothes closet, bath, built-in <■ upboards. living room and ki’. hen. heavy wire, pos-i, Session. —John Caldwell. Hay’! P.O., phene 13rll Exeter. 9*^ 1 -.....................-....................... Tieman FOR SALE—Service station and : ' 1 ' ‘ ■ - garage. Ideal location on high- : way, 4 pumps. Well estab- Oshed business. Fine cement Mock building, complete with | twa-bedreum apartment. Build- ?■ ing steam heated and with all y other runvenienees. —•C. V.| Pickard. Realtor. Main Street, | Exeter. 2 c | Shorthorn Bulls ONE DARK ROAN. ONE RED Klaymor and Drynie Roister Breeding Individual's Choke Priced Moderately WM. OESTREICHER Crediton Phone "12-J FOR RENT l-9*2te Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Solicitors Glad man & Cochrane. Exeter f}A CLIENT WANTS to rent about! 50 acres el good pasture In| Crediton area. W. C. Peareert Realtor. Exeter. 26* b « Clearing I AUCTION SALE s . bf | Farm Stock and Implements W. E. Nairn | will sell by public auction on Lot 26. Con. 9, Fnllarton |on Highway 23, 1 mile north of | Russeldale, 3 miles south t Mitchell, on ! 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY nt 12:30 pan.I the following; ? HORSES: Team of dark brown 'geldings, 6 and 8 years; bay I mare, 12 years old; 50 head of grade Shorthorn cattle; 5 vows, fresh, valves by side; 6 vows, due in March; 1 cow. due in April; 2 cows, due in June; 4 two-year-old heifers; ,2 two-year- old steers; S one-year-old hob Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over .15 years experience. Your Drugs at of Io Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter US'18 ■ reside. :i. Mr. K. Wood of Grand Bend I! ■ was the guest speaker in the- . * *Il Evangelical Church last Sunday Wns: hydro passes.! hevenfeg. W: hydro- passes. awes. Hay Twp.: nydm m. i ■ilyft a^ses., Stephen: hydro in«i 122 “ 150 j Mr. Albert X Kalbfleisch of | Zurich is recuperating nicely fol- WANT A FARM? acres., Stephen: hydro in. acres. Hibbert: hydro in,1 lowing a recent operation in the acre?.’ "ttaekersmith: hydro. ‘Clinton Hospital —W. C. Pearce. Realtor. Exeter.—W. C. Pearce. Realtor. Exeter. meat, 11 miles east of Exeter ‘fers; 3 one-year-old steers; in j with separate entrance, heat-,steer calves, rising one year; 4! ed, hydro and waler, furnished fnlves. All heifers vatMn-| or unfurnished. Phone 176-12 ■ Exeter. * |ated. j IMPLEMENTS: 10-20 on rubber; __ . ....... FOR RENT—Apartment, four tractor plow: 11-in. nee bottom rooms with basement, hot and -Interplow; new Me.D. corn bind- cold running water, hydro and11 er and loader, Just handled 10 bath; 6 miles west of Credi- acres of corn: M.H. side rake- ton. Apply : Albert Gaiser.M.H. hay loader with drop head: phone K4-M4 Dashwood. .*'*«’ — 9:16e . stiff tooth Mc.D, tractor j No. i Oliver i Electrician Electric Wiring Of All Kinds Motors —- Ifotiltvy tinte Clocks AVaterheatcrs •— Thermostats —- Ibirnace Controls —** Fixtnres, etc. i ..........w......... v......... i Jnew Me.D. 32-pIate double “aS: J stiff tooth cultivator, suitable ’ Garfield Thomson Phono 232m M—■ft