HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-02-02, Page 7P«»£e 7 By STANLEY 'A* A vV THE OLD HOME TOWN jtfttU'ad JI I Pvtvnt Office THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1950 Pagtor Day. Communion Service with thea.m .■ 12-10 full weeks of meetings night at 8:00 pan. Pentecostal Tabernacle Rev. H. Kendrick, Two each Tuesday through to Friday, with- 'Rev, Ken Norcross. You are invited each after­ noon to prayer service at 2:30 p.m.; the tide is ris­ ing and God is visiting us. Messages on Salvation, Di­ vine Healing, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the second coming of Christ. Sunday, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sunday., 11:00 Pastor. Sunday, 7 ;30 pan.-—Evangelistic Service. Rev. Ken Norcrpss, speaker. Good singing and a hearty invitation to all. Friday, 4:30 pan.—Sunshine Corner with Aunty Ruth. Children’s hour. Come to for the community banqquet. Everyone is to make a from kitchen articles or copies and wear it to the ruary meeting at which it be sold. hat gro- Feh- will Ashed the meaning of the term, "dressed lumber/' a Kan­ sas editor replied: "Charlie Mc­ Carthy.'' MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, Harry J, Mahoney, B.D. Mrs, A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—"The Impregnable Rock,” 12 noon—Sunday School, 7 p.m.—First Order of the Tues., 8 p.m,—Evening Auxiliary at Mrs. E. Howey’s home. Fri.day-—Sunday School Sleigh Ride and Supper. TRIVITT MEMORIAI — Anglican •— Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A, Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, February 5-— 10;30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a,m.—Holy Communion. Feb, 21, 6 p.m.—Shrove Tues­ day, Pancake Supper. s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon . Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel, 71 Exeter Shoppe Traquair’s Hardware CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A, Minister Organist: Miss Norina Knight 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. 3 p.m.—Mission Band. Caven Congregational Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 7, at 8 p.m. Washes by an exclusive vacuum-cup action . . . easier on clothes. Rinses and dries with extra high-speed rotary dryer. Does all your laundry in one hour a week. Saves soap and hot water. No built - in connections needed. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 11 a.m,—"Disciples Who Know the Truth.” Anthem: PTurn Thee Again.” Solo: Mrs. Tom Coates. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Service conducted by the members of the Young People’s Union. Sermon preached by Mr. Bert Carr. Solo: Helen Shapton. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V« Dahins. Minister 10 a.m,—Morning Worship "Feeding the Five Thousand” 11 a.m.—'Sunday 'School 7:30 'p.m. — W.S.W.S. Day of Prayer for Missions. Speaker, Miss Nola Krueger, of Zurich. Thursday, February 2, 8:15 p.m. W.S.W.S. in church school­ room. Thursday, .February 9 — Prayer meeting at the parsonage. SEE A DEMONSTRATION TODAY ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE —« Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m,,—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. KIRKTON Mrs. Wes Doupe spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Yake, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna spent the week-end with Mr? and Mrs. E. Tomsett and Mrs. Ethel Cross at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Ham­ mond, Joyce and Shirley, of Fergus, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly and Mrs, Horace Greenstreet at­ tended the funeral of their cou­ sin, Mrs. Norman Dingle, of Toronto Friday. Hon. Jas. Gardiner and Mrs. Gardiner of Ottawa spent the week-end with Mr. and George Allen. Mrs. Robert Gardiner of coe spent the past week Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. Miss Shirley Anderson of Exe­ ter spent the week-end with her cousin, Donna Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton and daughter of Stratford were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burger. Mrs. M. B. Gallop is holiday­ ing with her daughter, Mrs. Lome Hodge, at Crediton. Miss Joyce Ross of London spent. the week-end with Miss Pauline Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and son, Clayton, of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger. Mrs. Wes Batten is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, and Mrs. Pym of London. Mrs. Sim- with ffte sparkling NEW i WEAR-EVER 111 R 11 R RJUBILEE ALUMINUM UTENSILS CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church or Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie Message: "Christ and Our Failures.” Worship Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—2: 45 p.m. Church School Crediton—10:30 a.m. Shipka—11:15 a.m. Brinsley—1: 3 0 p.m. Have You Donated To The Hospital Fund? Staffa Institute Meets Mrs. Thos. Laing was hostess to Staffa Women’s Institute. Mrs, W. J. Fell presided. Motto was given J. Dearing. Current pared by Mrs. Les read by Mi’s. Harold Coleman. The topic, "Citizenship,” pre­ pared .by Mrs. T. L. .Scott, was read by Mrs. Laing. A program included piano duets by Mrs. O. W. Reed and Mrs. Lloyd Colquhou; reading by Mrs. W. O’Brien and a piano solo by Mrs. R. McCaughey. Mrs. C. Bowman conducted a contest. It was unanimously decided to write *to Reeve Frank Allen re­ questing the .Public Health Unit to be formed in Perth county. Mr. by Mrs. M. events, pre- Butson, was PRINTING Isn’t Package Goods! e IT TAKES TIME to produce good printing and a good newspaper AT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE we try our hardest to apply printing skill and modern machinery so that good work can be produced tpiickly,-But it does help if we have a reasonable allowance of time YOUR ORDERS for printing are always appreciated, speed is of the essence we make an effort to make the deadline with the best possible workmanship! YOUR NEWS ITEMS and advertising orders are welcome, too. We start the next week’s Times-Advocate on Thursday. It helps us in receiving copy for news and ads on Friday* Saturday and Monday « . , THANKS for reading If 1 The Times-Advocate ONTARIOEXETER Phone 31-W — PRINTING & PUBLISHING WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. 'Colin and family visited on with Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. of near Seaforth. Mr. Clarence Ford, chener spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. and son Danny day with Mr. .and Mrs. Nelson Clarke of Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heard and boys, of Anderson, and Miss Mildred Schurer, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. Gilfillan Sunday Church. of Kit- and Mrs. Harry Williain Walters visited on Sun- DASHWOOD The many friends of Witzel will 'be pleased to she is improving following : cent heart attack. Miss Carol Webb spent week-end in Detroit. • Mrs. Isiah Witmer, who been in St. Joseph’s Hospital some time, has returned home. A bus load of the Mens Club motored to Kitchener on Wed­ nesday and enjoyed a conducted tour through Snider's Packing Plant. Mrs. Ireland of Stratford is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Tieman. Mr. E. Hutcheson is in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, where he will undergo an operation. Mr. * “ “ spent a ing to sister, i Mr. spent mother, been on the sick list. Library Board Meets The annual meeting of Dashwood Public Library held in the Bank of Montreal rooms on Friday evening, Jan­ uary 20. Mrs. J. M. Tieman, the chairman of the board, took charge of the business., Mrs. J. M. Tieman, secretary - treasurer, gave the financial report. There is a balance in the treasury of $7.50. The library now consists of 255 volumes— fifty-five of these belonging to the permanent library. Almost $72 was spent for new books during tile* year. The circulation this year was 1,671. The following persons com­ prise the library board for 1950. I Mt. S« P. Currie, H. F. Taylor, ’Mrs, A. E. Oestreicher, Mrs. R. IJ. Taylor, Mrs. Ervin Rader, Mrs. J. M. Tieman. Mrs. William Wein was appointed librarian, with Mrs. A. Allemaiid as assist­ ant. Other business items were discussed after which the meet­ ing was adjourned, The library is a splendid asset to the people of the village and community and it is the desire of the board that many more people will avail themselves of this s P 1 e n d 1 d opportunity to read good books at the low fee of $1.00 per year for adults and 50 cents per year for children under seventeen. Mrs. hear a re- I r i Kumjoinus Class Meets On Monday evening a large number of the Kumjoinus Class met at Main Street Church for a monthly social. The new presi­ dent, Mrs. 'Percy Merkley, pre­ sided. The Bulletin was read by Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Mahoney, Mr. W. G. Medd, iMrs. Morley Sanders, and Mr. Cecil Wilson. At the conclusion of the worship ser­ vice a community sing-song was enjoyed. The I-Iuronia Male Quar­ tette, comprised of Grafton Coch­ rane, Norman Walper, Pat and Mike Skinner, sang some of the good old songs. Mrs. Louis Dixon played the guitar and Mrs. A. Sweitzer gave several readings which were heartily encored. A committee of Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, Mrs-. Helga Jensen and Mrs. G. McKnight, Rev. Harry Mahoney and Pat Skinner were appointed6, to explore* the pos­ sibility Mrs. charge ducted served Mr. and Mrs. George Braithwaite, Mr. ‘ “ and and Mrs. Young Adult Class Elects New Officers The Young Adult Class of the James Street Sunday School held a social evening, together with election of officers Wednesday of last week. A sing-song was en­ joyed together with a gram and contests. The officers are: Mrs. W. J. Thompson; president, secretary, Hugh Love; of social Cann; membership committee, Mrs. Allan Westcott. Mr. G. Hicks was in charge the program and Rev, H. Snell the election of officers, lunch was served at the close. The loveliness of a lady May depend upon her hair, Its lustre and its styling And its professional care J Hair Tints - Radio Waves All Lines of Beauty Culture Machine and Machineless Waves Telephone 112 Exeter Vera O. Fraser, Prop. Tomlinson’s the has for and Mrs. T. I-I. Hoffman el few days in London ow- the serious illness of her Mrs. Spellman. Sam Witzel of Toronto a few days with •, Mrs. Witzel Low-Ceilinged Room—The use of striped "wall paper and long win­ dow draperies will add several indies of height in appearance to a low-ceilinged room. short pro- President, first vice- Kerslake; convenor committee, Mrs. C. Hairdressing Howard of J. A - Featuring • Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW "FLUID WAVE” With exclusive Magic Phix The greatest permanent wave advancement in years. 411 of presenting a drama. G. McKnight was in of the program and con- the recreation. Lunch was by the social committee, and Mrs. Bill Higgins, Mr. Mrs. Eric Sutherland, Mr. Mrs. G. Skinner, Mr. and Helga Jensen. Zurich W.l. Meets The Women’s Institute met hall, Mrs. Newell Gei- in charge of the pro- in Dinnin, public school addressed the meeting the town ger was gram. W. V. principal, on "The relationship of the par­ ent to the school”. He cited ways in which the parent is able to help the teacher. Misses Eleanor Hay, Elaine Geiger, Kathleen Hess, and Alice Forrester and Mrs. N. Geiger contributed to the program. Mrs. A. Roche presided for business. Co-operation was asked %lBE*LOI »,events M0TH.-»aW« |o, 5 VEWS . . O'4! BERLOU J makes jooi '■ Zgg *» J Hopper-Hockey Furniture Phone 99 Exeter nr D1/111.5-Year Guaranteed ^Eltli.yUwbT^hR^QF Would You Like To Come To Sunday School? We are very encouraged by your response to our free transportation, offer to Sunday School. We would like to have vou and your boys and girls, so feel free to CALL MR. KENDRICK. PHONE 327. This is a Sunday School service, feel free to use it.