HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-26, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1950 Page 5
Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D,
Mrs, A, Y. Willard. Organist
11 a.m.—“Seeing Through A
Glass Darkly.”
12 noon-—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—“The Heavenly Vision.”
Monday, 8:30 p.m.—Kumjoinus
Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A.
Organist: Miss Norina Knight
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Mon., January 30—The annual
meeting of the congregation
will be held in the Sunday
School room at 8 p.m. Lunch
will ibe served._____________
Rev. II. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.,
Musical Director
11 a.m.—“The Mission of the
Anthem: “The Glory of the
Solo: Irene Beaupre.
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—Evening Service con
ducted by the pastor.
Sermon preached by Rev. Gor
don Weir of Centralia.
Duet: Mrs. Rhoda Shapton
and Mrs. Percy McFalls.
— Anglican —•
Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford,
B.A., M,A.
Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist
Sunday, January 29—
10:30 a.m.—^Sunday School.
11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer.
Preacher; Mr. David Ellis.
Subject: “Huron College
Building Fund,”
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister
10 a.m.—Worship. “Getting and
Keeping God’s Gifts.”
11 a.m.—Church School.
7:30 p.m.—“The Love of God.”
Sat., Jan. 28, 1:45 p.m.—Mission
Thurs., Feb. 2, 8:15 p.m.—The
W'.S.W.S. in the church school
— Anglican —
Grand Bend, Ontario
10:15 a.m,—Sunday School.
11 a.m. — Morning Prayer
A hearty welcome is extended
to all.
Holy Communion First Sunday of
each month.
United Church of Canada
Minister: Harold F. Currie
Message; “Tail-End Religion.”
Shipka—10:15 a.m.
Crediton—11:30 a.m.
Brinsley—2:45 p.m.
Church School
Crediton—10:30 a.m.
Shipka—11:15 a.m.
Brinsley—1:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, of
Thames Road, visited recently
with Mr. and Mi’s. Wm. Hodgson.
Mr. Thomas Odgen, Fillmore,
Saskatchewan, and Mr. and Mrs.
N. Ogden, Exeter, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire.
Several ladies from this com
munity attended a trousseau tea
at Mrs. Albert Scott's, Farquhar,
on Tuesday, in honour of her
daughter Audrey.
Elect Church Officers
The congregational meeting
was held in the church Tuesday
evening, January 17, with an
average attendance. Rev. Weir
was in the chair .and Gordon
Johnson, was the secretary for
the evening.
Mrs. Hazelwood was re-elected
to the session. Wilfred Herbert
and Bert Duffield were re-elect
ed as stewards. Melville Gunning,
Bill Morley Jr., Gordon. .Johnson
and Cecil Squire were appointed
for the M. and M. Committee.
Parsonage Trustees, William
Hodgson, Will Morley Sr., Geo.
Squire; Board of Trustees, J. D.
Hazelwood, Walter 'Gunning, F.
Squire and William Hodgson;
Auditors, Walter Gunning, Alex
Splendid reports were given
from the various organizations,
The Women’s Association gave
the Stewards Board $165 for de
fraying expenses to the church,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kellar
and family of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr,' and Mrs. Allan
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hern and
family visited recently with Mrs,
J, T, Hern,
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Hern
and Shirley spent the week-end
in Flint Michigan,
Mrs. Gordon Sugden is visiting
with relatives in St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Varewyck
and Stanley visited during the
week-end with relatives in Delhi,
Mr. and Mrs. Myron 'Culbert
of Lucan, Mr, Charles Kerslake
and Mrs. Louisa Kyle of Exeter
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hern during the week.
Mr. and Mrs, James Anderson
and family of Thames Road, Mr,
and Mrs. James Earl and Mrs.
J. T, Hern spent Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Cole and
family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Camm of Woodham visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Hem.
Mr. Harry Hern sang a solo in
St. Paul’s Cathedral in London
on Sunday evening.
At the close of the afternoon
service in the Zion Church, the
congregation presented Mr. Har
old Hern, retiring choir leader,
with a floor lamp, and Mrs.
Hern, pianist, with a table lamp.
The address was read by Mr.
Warren Brock, and the lamps
were presented by Mr. Welling
ton Brock and Mr. James Earl,
.Mr. and Mrs. Hern thanked the
congregation for theii’ gifts.
ft------------------------ --------------.----- ----------------------------------------------—-------—H
Would You Like To
Come To Sunday School?
We are very encouraged by your response to our
free transportation offer to Sunday School. We
would like to have you and vour boys and girls, so
feel free to CALL MR. KENDRICK, PHONE 327.
This is a Sunday School service, feel free to use it.
aa—------------------ -------- ---------- -------—-----------J—------ ---------——-—as
Pentecostal Tabernacle
Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor
Prayer services continue each afternoon at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Speaker: Evangelist L.
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study Review of the
Tabernacle and Prayer Meeting,
lay. 8:00 p.m.1—Y.P.S. Special Speaker: Rev.
FJffAtter, Assistant Superintendent of Western
He will show slides of the
<5htario District.
Home Mission field. You are invited,
and old, so come.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School, classes
ages. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore.
Sunday, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship with the
Sunday^j3:00 p.m.—Mine Eizinga will speak
new Canadians.
Sunday, 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service:
Commencing on January 31 at 8:00 p.m.—Two weeks
of Evangelistic Services with Rev. Ken Nor
cross, of Strathroy.
January 31 at 8:00 p.m.—
Come and hear this
who is so wonderfully used of God
Miss Doris Haist of Crediton
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Aimer Passmore.
Mr. Jack Cann of R.C.A.F.,
Aylmer, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde
visited on Thursday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert.
Miss Margaret Cann of Lon
don spent the week-end at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cann,
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
and Marilyn were Friday eve
ning dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown of
Centralia visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley
of Exeter and Mrs. Otto Brown
and Mrs. Orland Squire and
Elaine visited on Sunday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
and Marilyn spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner of
Miss Ella Robinson passed
away on Sunday morning. Sym
pathy of the community is ex
tended to her brother, Leslie.
Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore
and David visited on Monday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wel
lington Haist of Crediton.
'Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Lome Passmore on the
birth of their daughter, Sharon
Mission Circle was held at the
manse on Saturday last.
Play practice was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Millei’ on Thursday evening.
The monthIv meeting of the
W.A .and W.M.S, will be held at
the home of Mrs. Melvin Gardi
ner on February 1.
■Quite a number from this
Community attended Elimville
Church on Sunday evening when
the Woodham choir put on its
Sunday School will be held at
the regular hour 10:15 a.m. and
church service at 11:15 aau. on
Y.P.U. will hold its meeting
on Sunday evening when there
Will be a guest speaker.
Farm forums were held on
Monday evening at Lumley
School and Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. William Riley and little
daughter visited this week with
the former’s mother, Mrs. Wat
son, in Bly th. ,Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle
were recent visitors with Dr, J.
A. .and Mrs, Spellman, in Kit
Mr, and Mrs. Lee tOesch and
famil of St. Catharines visited
over the week-end with Mrs.
Oesch’s .parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Mousseau.
Mrs. J. Reid of London visited
this week with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Case.
Mr, Smith of Knox College,
Toronto, conducted the services
in Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday in the absence of the
minister, Rev, P. A. Ferguson.
Mrs. Lome McNaughton spent
a few days this ’week with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Duncan, in Lon
The many friends of Mr. R. E.
Shaddick are pleased to hear he
is improving following a recent
heart attack.
Mrs, Hugh McMurtrie who has
been confined to 'her room for
the past three weeks, is slowly
Cook 'Brothers Milling Com
pany have moved to their new
office situated at their mill.
Robt, Cook, proprietor of Bob
Cook Motor Sales, will occupy
the office vacated by Cook Bros.
Milling Company.
Mr. William Kerslake ,of St.
Marys spent the past week with
his son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake.
Mrs. Sararas .of Chiselhurst
visited during the past week with
with her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon-
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker
left last week for iSt. Petersburg
Florida, where they will spend
the winter with .their daughter,
Miss 'Olive Walker R.N. and theii’
son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and
Mrs. George Gould.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson
left London via plane on Mon
day night for Vancouver. From
there they will visit with the
latter’s brother at Victoria, B.C.,
and motor on to California.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glanville
and family of Hensall were in
Parkhill on Saturday last attend
ing the Knight—Robertson wed
ding. Rev. Mr. Woods of Park
hill United Church and former
minister of Main (Street United
Church, Exeter, performed the
ceremony. The bride is the for
mer Lorraine Robertson, sister
of Mrs. Glanville.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden-,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse
and Gwen, of St. Catharines,
spent the week-end with Mrs. C.
M. (Hedden and Herb.
Mr. T. A. Wiseman spent the
past week in Stephen Township,
where he has been auditing pub
lic school books for the town
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart, pf
Ottawa, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Francis.
Mrs. Lome Marshall was a
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Scott, Tuesday eve
ning, where she attended a
trousseau tea for their daughter
Audrey, a .bride-to-be.
When Mr. Robert Hazlewood,
a Blanshard farmer, went to his
barn one morning this past week
he discovered the upstair , barn
door had been blown open by
the recent high winds. While
trying to get it closed, the wind
knocked him down. Fortunately
no bones were broken, but he
was cut and badly bruised about
the head and face.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall
were recent guests with Mr. .and
Mrs. Fred Lankin of St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Yake, of
London, spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod
gins, Lois and Lorene, of Glen
dale, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Langford,
Mrs. Wes Mossey, of Arthur,
spent the week-end ,at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
of Baseline 'tyfere Wednesday eve
ning dinner gupsts of jMr„ and Mrs. Jack Thorson.
Mr. and Mrs, . Austin Timms,
Marlene and John, of Baseline,
were Wednesday evening dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glad-
wyn Hooper,
(Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saakel,
Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Leibler of
Mitchell were Wednesday eve
ning dinner guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Milton Hooper,
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Brine of
Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Facey and Morley of Well
burn, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn
Hooper and ,Veryl were Thurs
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Hooper,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Milton Hooper
spent Monday in .Chatham with
with Mrs. J. W, Humphreys.
Poor Ice Weather
Despite the very mild winter,
■which has been .very hard on the
local ice rinks, Mr. Geo. Hamil
ton and Raymond; Heard, the
boys who have worked so hard,
to get ice, had results Friday
and Saturday nights with large
crowds. It is hoped that the
weatherman will help them out
in their efforts of good clean
Vestry Meeting
The annual vestry meeting of
St. Paul’s Anglican Church was
held in the Sunday School room
with the rector, Rev. C. L. Lang
ford, in the chair. Financial re
ports of the various organiza
tions of the church were present
ed, showing them to be in a
very healthy condition. The rec
tor reported one baptism, seven,
confirmed, and two deaths. Of
ficers for 1950 appointed were:
Vestry clerk, A. L. Case; rec
tor’s warden, W. F. Riley; peo
ple’s warden, John Henderson;
treasurer, AV. O. Goodwin; lay
delegate to Synod, J. L. Scott;
substitute, R. Cameron.
A social half hour was held.
New Arena Officially Opened
Hensail opened their new
arena Friday night, when a
hockey match was played be
tween Lucan and Hensall. Tory
Gregg president of the W.O.A.A.,
Geo. Hainsworth, former N.H.L.
netminding star, J. J. McFayden,
O.I-I.A. president, and Reeve A.
W. Kerslake participated in the
for all
to the
Baptism Service.
forceful found preacher,
people. You are welcome, so
Salvation for
f lic Soul
Healing for
f lic Body
The Second
Coming of
The Baptism
into the
Holy Spirit
and $1'0' to the M. and M. Fund,
There was a lengthy discussion
on the parsonage debt, but it
was held over to a later date for
further discussion for a more
definite answer.
The following officers were
elected for the Sunday School:
Supt., William Hodgson; asst’s.,
Gordon Johnson, Ken Hodgson,
Bill Morley Jr., Cecil Squire;
adult teacher, Mr. J. D. Hazel-
wood; intermediate class teach
ers, Mrs. William Morley, Mrs.
Ogden; treasurer, Mrs. Harry
Klahre; secretary, Wilfred Her
bert; organist, Miss Elva Morley.
Melville .Gunning gave a vote
vote of thanks to the minister,
organists, janitor, etc., for their
work during the past year. A
delicious lunch was served by
the ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton
and son of Grand Bond spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Wein.
Mr. ahd Mrs. "William Pass-
more of Exeter visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz.
Mrs. .Harry Lewis spent Sun
day In Ingersol with her sister,
Mrs. Enuna Edwards.
Mr, and Mrs. James Lays and
son of iparkhlll spent .Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims.
Mr. Sydney Smith is a patient
in Westminster Hospital, Lon
don. ,
Gratifying- Reports Presented
At Congregrational Meeting
The a n n u al ’congregational
meeting of Carmel Presbyterian
Church was held on Friday eve
ning in the schoolroom of the
church with Rev. P. A. Fergu
son acting as chairman and Miss
Jean. McQueen secretary. The
meeting opened by singing “On
ward Christian Soldiers,” after
which Rev. Ferguson read Reve
lation, Chapter 5, and led in
prayer. The various reports were
given as follows: Sabbath School
report by Mr. Charles Forrest;
Session report by Mr. George
Tinney; Arnold Circle report by
Miss Jean .McQueen; W.M.S. re
port by Rev. Ferguson; Mission
Band report ,by Mrs. Ferguson;
Board of Managers report by
Mr. H. C. Bell. These reports
were all very gratifying, showing
a most successful year. Mr. Ir
win and Mr. C. Kennedy were
appointed auditors for this year,
Messrs^. Orville Taylor, Lome
jLulcer and Russell (Moore were
appointed on the Board of Man
agers. Mr. Glenn Bell was ap
pointed Sabbath School assistant
superintendant. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Volland are to be the
-caretakers. The meeting conclud
ed by singing "Praise God From
Whom All Blessings Flow” and
prayer by Rev. Ferguson. Re
freshments were served.
Leaving For Yukon
L.A.C. John Beer, R.C.A.F.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer,
Hensall, who has been stationed
at Goose Bay, Labrador, for the
past 17 months is taking part
in operation “Sweet Briar”. John
left Goose Bay. the end of De
cember arriving ill 'Calgary New
Year’s Day to join the convoy
leaving Calgary ’for the Yukon.
He is driving a truck along the
Alaskan Highway and the course
is about fifteen hundred miles
from Calgary to White Horse.
John is looking forward to meet
ing another Hensall boy, Jack
Smith, who is stationed with the
R.C.A.F. at White Hojjse.
South Huron Agricultural
Society Names Executive
The following executive was j
named at the annual meeting of
the S o u t h Huron Agricultural
Society held in the town hall,
Hensall, on Saturday afternoon:
Pres., George Armstrong; First
vice-pres.,. Wm. Decker; Second
vice-pres., John MacGregor; Sec-
Treas., W, R. Dougall; Directors,
Earl Campbell, Roy Bell, T. J.
Sherrltt, Dick Etherington, How
ard Wright, Dick Kinsman, Allan
Walter, A. W. Kerslake, Elmer
Webster, Elgin McKinley, Sam
Dougall, W, G. 'Parke, Alvijj Mc
Bride, Harvey Coleman, Fred
Smallecombe and Stan Tudor.
The Society is sponsoring a Field
Crop competition for Cornell
wheat. The date for the annual
Spring Fair was provisionally
set for May 25, ,
Stewart’s Taxi
335 Exeter ■
Electric Wiring
Of All Kinds
Motors — Poultry Time
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Thermostats — Furnace
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Phone 232m
B-- " ——■« — ............... ,«
Poultry Supplies
Warner Electric Brooders
350- and 500-Chick Capacity Now in Stock
Purina Chick Starter
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Meal — Checkers — Checkeretts
------------------H ard ware
Continuing Our January Clearance Sale
Men s Winter Overcoats
$35.00 VALUES FOR $24.95
VALUES TO $39.50 FOR $29.00
VALUES TO $50.00 FOR $39.00
15% OFF
Our entire stock of over 300
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By Cambridge, Fashion Craft and James Bros.
25% OFF
MEN’S TWEED SUITS —- 13 only, sizes 35 to 42.
Values to $35.00 ON SALE AT $19.95
MEN’S WINTER OVERCOATS — 13 only, sizes 34 to
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BOYS 3-PIECE WOOL SKI SUITS — 4 only, sizes 2,
3 and 4. Regularly $11.50 ON SALE AT $3.95
------------- -----------------
Boys* Tweed Suits
Two pairs of pants, sizes
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ON SALE AT $9.95
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$20 ON SALE AT $14,95 (
Men’s Fine Suits
Arrow, Forsyth, and other |
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Values up to $4.00 ON ?
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SALE AT $3.95 5
Men’s Pyjamas 1
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Many Other Exceptional ■
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Good buying ...... 2 tins 310
16-oz. jar ...................... each 320
Giant Vel & giant Palmolive all for 660
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Choice quality, 20-oz. tin ........ 2 for 190
Good taste, cho. qual„ 20-oz. 2 for 190
Jones & May