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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-19, Page 8
Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1950 A Ice & Wood FREE; DELIVERY E, R, Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter N New York’s I4U1P Church Around the CorneT, famed mar- rying-up place, is 101 years eld, * * * * The Great Lakes have no tides but water levels vary with heavy rains, or strong winds,» ♦ ♦ Universal school Arctic is the "Book printed in English syllables, hook of the of Wisdom" and Eskimo Airport News An Airmen’s Dance was held in the drill hall on Friday, De cember 13. The original inten tion was to hold a sleigh-ride, but plans were changed when the Met section failed to co- operate. The evening was much enjoyed by the large number of attendants, mapy of whom were from the new community across the road from the main gate, Group Captain R. 0, Hawtrey, Senior Technical Staff Officer pf Central Command . at Trenton, made an inspection tour of the unit on Tuesday, December 17, F/L Claude Bourque, of Navi gation flight, has been posted to! Trenton to serve as tor in the School Management. The station hockey from behind to win by a 5 to 3 score on .Monday night in a game against the Fusiliers in London. The .game was hard- fought but clean. Only two penalties were handed out. Two other week mild game played on Tuesday night in Hamburg, j we has and has an instruc- of Service games scheduled for last were postponed because of weather, The first O.H.A. of the season will be New team came JANUARY 16 — MARCH 1 Front-End Wheel Balancing BRINSLEY Huronia Male Choir of will present a musical in the Brinsley United op Friday evening, Jan- The Fxetpr concert Church ......... t _ pary 27, at 8 p.m., sponsored by the Young Adult Fellowship of the church, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trevethick of London spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs, Ruth Watson, Miss Hazel Lewis is spending some time with friends in Tor onto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrissey are taking a motor trip to Flor ida. Mr, and* Mrs. James Treve- thick spent Sunday with Mrs. Hess of Zurich. Mrs. Marion Cunningham of Clandeboye is spending a few days .......... ’ wood Mr, spent BLANSHARD ■Mr* aud Mrs. Qladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare and Veryl, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomspn, Marion, Grant and Sharon, were Satur day evening dinner .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. Stanley Thomson the week-end in Toronto his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, Mr, and Mrs, Norman ppent. with John H. J. CORNISH & CO CERTIFIED public accountants 294 DUNDAS ST LONDON, ONT. ... .................................... > > * I * and Mrs. Mar-with Mr. Prest. Garnet Pierce of London the week-end here Have your car carefully checked on a Visualiner by an expert mechanic. You’ll save money by tak ing advantage of this special as well as the sav ing on wear of your tires, CREDITON Mr. Herbert Beaver, whom mentioned last week as being a patient in London Hospital, was able to return to his home on Saturday. We are glad to report that Mrs. been Mrs. been Bumper to Bumper Service ® Complete Engine Repairs ® Painting ® Body and Fender Bumping ® Radiator Boiling, Back Flushing and Repairing ® Arc., Gasoline and Cold Welding for Cracked Blocks. Cylinder Heads and Valve Ports ® Hobbs’ Glass Cut and Installed © Bean Headlight Beam Aliner ® Battery Charging, Greasing ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES IMPERIAL OIL GASES AND LUBRICANTS ED’S IMPERIAL SALES & SERVICE Phone 3SW Charles Fahrner, who ill with pneumonia, Lawrence Hill, who confined to ,her room, are both on the way to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark and son, of Detroit, visited dur ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs F. W. Clark. Mi's. F. W. .Clark’s many friends are pleased to’ learn that her health is improved. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clark of Peace River called on relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter, of Zurich, visited on Sunday with Mr. H. K. Eilber. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and Sharon, Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan, of Saintsbury, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, of Winchelsea, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardi ner. Mrs. Aimer Passmore and ibaby son, David, returned home on Thursday last. Miss Alice Pass- more is staying with them for some time. Mr. Jack Cann of the R.C.A.F. at Aylmer spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cana. Miss Patsy Mitchell of Hensail spent the week-end with Miss Margaret Cann. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William Mair, Joanne and Betty, Mrs. Ferguson spent Friday evening wijth Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Misses .Elsie Bray, Nona and Lois Pym, Margaret Cann, of London, spent the week-end. at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, Doris and Morris, Credi- ton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Community Night Held There was quite a large crowd of people attended the commun ity night held at Thames Road School on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. William Snow were in charge. Progressive euchre was played. Prizes: Ladies’ high, Mrs. Robert Maver; ladies’ low, Mrs. Stanley Coward and Mrs. Harold Rowe; men’s high, Don ald Maver; men’s lone hands, Donald Bray; low men, Roy Mc Leod. Lunch was then served. Dancing followed. Mission Band The monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held on Sun day during the church hour. The president, Joanne Mair, had charge of the meeting. Hymn 444 was followed by the Theme Prayer. Mission Band Purpose was then given. Hymn 446 was sung and Dolores Allison led in prayer. Roll < all was answered with the paying of fees. Busi ness. Program for next meeting Lloyd Beavers. Roll call to be answered with "your favourite I dog”. Barry Miller and Donald f Ballantyne chose sides of mem-1 bers only, and are in charge of ’ getting more members in the Mission Band. Collection was then, Hymn 427. Readings were then given by Barry Jeffery, Joanne Mair and Barry Miller, The topic was taken by Doris Elford. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. On Sunday Mr. Bert Carr of Exeter gave a very inspiring, message during the church ser vice. He spoke at the three ap pointments. Sunday School will be held at the regular hour 10:15 a.m. and church day. at 11:15 a.m, next Sun- KIRKTON and Mrs. Hiram Hanna _____ Hodgins, Gordon, Grant, Allen and Avis, of Granton, were Friday evening dinner guests pf Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyp Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bilyea Nelson, of Granton, Mr. Mrs. Bud Rudd, of London Township, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bilyea, of Granton, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Jones and Ross, of Glen dale, were Tuesday evening din ner guests of Mr, and Mrs. -Bill Jones. Mr. .and Mrs. Wes Mossey spent the week-end at Mrs. Jas. Mossey’s. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones were Sunday evening guests with Mrs. James Mossey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sookel were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler Mitchell. Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mrs. Gor don Jones are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr, Fred Pattison returned home from Victoria Hospital on Saturday. Mr. Carl Mills of Blyth spent the week-end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills, and Betty, of Woodham, were Mon day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miltbn Hooper. and and Thos. H. Walker Woodworking - Painting - Decorating PHONE 286J Kitchen Cupboards *EXETER Cabinet Work Capons 550Turkeys 65^ TURKEYS and CAPONS Fowl 400 Silvercrest Poultry Farm Phone 171-r-14 Exeter >• t n J •> I j > Alberta Coal Just Received A Car Of The “NEW ALBERTA HARD” COAL WESTERN OATS — $52.00 A TON , WESTERN BARLEY — $58.00 A TON 15% HOG GROWER — $65.00 A TON BRAN — $55.00 A TON PIG STARTER — $3.75 OIL CAKE — $3.80 LAY MASH — $4.00 CHICK STARTER WITH ADDED COD OIL — $4.50 * All Our Grains Are Recleaned For Yotir Benefit r > > Try A Ton! Keep Canadian dollars in Canada and Canadian miners to work . . . First Car to Arrive in Exeter PMM/ir poorwpM & waupapep Jas. P. Bowey ’hone 33 Mr. Visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett at St. Thomas this past week. Prayer services were held at St Paul’s Church Tuesday eve ning with Rev. Wanless as guest speaker. Service at Woodham with Rev. H. Bean as speaker Wednesday night and Thursday evening at Kirkton United Bev. Canon James gave a very fine address. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna entertained guite a number of friends Friday night with seven tables of euchre. Mrs, Hanna, assisted by her daughter, Jean, served dainty refreshments. Mr, “ " * Sunday Moline, Deere tories Sponsored by Company and Wes Simmons He Was in the. party from On tario. The library board and librar ian have put twenty-eight fic tion, twenty-nine non-fiction and forty-two juvenile new books on the shelves this past week. The annual meeting is to be held on February 30. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. William Brown, who before her marriage was Sarah Roadhouse. She Was & resident of Kirkton for many years, before moving to Toronto. Mrs. Brown was very active in church work and institute work in Kirkton. Sympathy is extend ed to her family. Reg Morrison returned from a week’s trip to visiting a and other sight-seeing tour the John Deere the local dealer, & Sons, Exeter. Ill., factory on a John fac- Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W J. A. Petrie, Mgr. SAVE WINTER FOOTWEAR (TILL 11 P.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21) Only a few pairs of eacli line * 1 i > * ’I Priced to clear out completely Muffettes Rubber, wool-lined 2 pairs of 5s - Reg. $8.75 Yours at $6.98 Men’s Felt Boots Keep your feet dry and warm $2.95 Child’s Wool Lined Sno-Pruf Pullons Zipper Front - Fur Cuff Red Only - 7 Pairs $4.44 1 % Leather Winter Boots 4 pairs of green, 5 pairs of brown^ 7 pairs of black - Reg. $9.75 Yours at $7.75 Black Oil Tan Boots 1 pair, shearling line, size 10 - Reg. $14.95 Now $10.95 Bedroom Slippers * t * $ 1 * * PHONE 376 t 1 J*