HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-19, Page 5B'Hi Hi B THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1950 Exeter Radio' And Electric Stewart Warner Radios and General Appliances Sold and Serviced House and Farm Wiring DONALD JOLLY WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard of London visited on Sunday with Mr, and (Mrs. W. F. Batten. Miss Marion Gianville, Stafffl, is spending some time at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Clarke visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William Wright at Crediton, Mr, and .Mrs. Garnet Johns spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Herman Foster, Gran­ ton.JAMES STREET UNITED Come to CHURCH on Sunday B1 Page 5 —W ror bale * * ★ ★ Litter Carrier Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons Angle Irons In All Sizes WE BUY SCRAP IRON Also Buy Feather Ticks Of All Kinds Bring the Scrap Into Our YardMr. and Terry Lee Huron, are Mrs. Clark Mrs. Amos Warwick, and Gary, of Port visiting with Mr, and Fisher. Wanted Rev. II, J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein,- A.W.C.M., Musical Director 11 a.m.—-“The World A-flame,” Anthem: “The Homeland.” Solo; Margaret Dougall. p.m,—Sunday School. ■Serice conducted by the by 3 7 p.m.- minister. .Service prdached Rev. James Anthony. Solo; Miss Ella Link. Everyone Welcome USED RADIOS We have cleared out our complete stock of used radios and have a good market for more Liberal Trade-In Allowance On Your Radio NOW At Snelgrove’s PHONE 18-W FRAGRANCE IS SEALED IN VACUUM EXETER MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D, Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—-Morning Worship. Anthem; “Work for the Night Is Coming.” 12 noon—Sunday School.7 ------pan..—“Liquid Lore”, coloured moving picture. Anthem: “When Daylight Fades.” Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Congregational Meeting. Exeter Salvage Co. At Station St. - Phone 423 A GOOD INVESTMENT The following discounts will be allowed for the prepayment of taxes in Exeter: First Installment Discounts on February March 1 April 15 allowed if paid, or before: 2 2% 15% 1% Second Installment Discounts allowed if paid on or before: February 2 March 1 April 15 ... 4% 35% 3% PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed,, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Fri., 4:30 p.m.—Sunshine ner, children’s hour. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker: Ken Sweigard. Sun., ■Supt: Sun., 11 Sun., 3 Meet. Sun. 7:30 p.m.- mony. Sun., 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Ser­ vice. Coy- 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. E. Cudmore. a.m.—-Morning Worship, p.m.—-New Canadians Speaker: Meine Eizenga ■Song and Testi- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist: Miss Norma Knight 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—-Public Worship. 3 p.m.—Mission Band. Thur., Jan. 19, at 8 p.m.—Caven Auxiliary Women’s Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Simmons. .ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie Message: “This Business of Liv­ ing.” Worship Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—2:45 p.m. Church School Crediton—10:30 a,m. Shipka—11:15 a.m. I Brinsley—1:30 p.m. Fast Growth Cuts Feed Costs.. Feed for Fast Growth! Here is something worth thinking about: Your hogs are still growing when marketed. Most hogs are sold at around 210 lbs. — fully grown hogs weigh 400 or more! That points up the importance of feeding a good growing ration right through. They don’t need as high a percentage of muscle and bone-building materials toward the end •— but they’re still growing. Grain alone, or grain plus a “smitch” of supplement, or a poorly balanced supple­ ment, doesn’t provide the extra proteins and minerals, and the protein and mineral balance, necessary for fast steady growth. And it’s fast steady growth that takes your hogs to market at. a profit. Setbacks and slow­ downs mean more time arid more feed consumed . . . less leeway above expenses. These’ extra proteins and minerals are extra important while the pig is still in the shoat stage — building up its framework. Vitamin content needs to be high then, too. to balance your grain HOG CHOW Start good chicks early. Start them fast. Grow them big and solid. There’s the formula for poultry profit in 1950! And here’s the .feed to start them last, with high liv­ ability and high vitality— Purina Chick Startena. (We especially recom­ mend the Checker - Ett form.) CHICK STARTENA BUILD THEM UP Both cows and sows need special feed While they’re ••dry”—to help them build both their own bodies and the bodies of tlieir young. This is probably the best .. feed investment you wi.ll ever make —if you pick the right feed. Ask us about the Purina Pro­ gramme for these two classes of stock. You’ll find Purina rations fortified and balanced to meet the actual needs of your pigs for fast and steady growth, if you’re low on grain PIG GROWENA Would you -like to put more milk in the cans, less in the calves . . ♦ make money, save money, save time and Work, and still raise topnotch calves? Here’s how you can do it. Start your calves on Calf Startena ... no milk after the first month, less work, top results. . CALF STARTENA SPECIAL PRICES Electric Washing Machines Hardware THE STORE With the CHECKERBOARD SIGN W.WaV.W.Va'.W ■ViiYi TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, January 22— 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Thursday, January 19, at 8 p.m. —Ladies’ Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Percy Duns- ford. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister 10 a.m.—-Worship, “The Serpent and the Son.” 11 a.m.—'Church School. 7:30 p.m.—“The Righteousness of God.” Mon., Jan. 23, at Fellowship i n. Church. Tues., Jan. 26, at Meeting at the S p.m.—Youth the United 8 p.m.—Prayer Parsonage. and and SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis family and Mr. Ivan Davis Mrs. W. J. Davis spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardiner of Kirkton. We are sorry to report that the condition of Mrs. A. Mc­ Donald has steadily grown worse and at the time of writing she is very low. Mr. and Mrs. H, Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins were Friday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. II. Davis. The January meeting of the W.A. was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Turner. The meeting jjpened by singing “Jesus the litany and Christmas Luxton was read; gave a paper on roll call was answered by verse starting with the lettei’ “F” and some article for the bazaar future roll calls were discussed. After the reading of all reports the afternoon was spent piecing quilt blocks and at the close of the meeting the hostess served a dainty lunch. .Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis and fam­ ily were Saturday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gibson Of Benfield, Mr. and Mrs. II. Davis and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Green­ lee Thursday evenin, Mr. and don spent home of Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. IC. Thompson and boys and Mr. and Mrs. S. Tucker of London were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. letter Shall Reign", prayers. The from Bishop Mrs. Turner Advent. The cl Mrs. O. Dale of Loa­ the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs. Earl EDGEWOOD Quite -a number from the com- j muriity were at the fire at Gran* ton Wednesday morning at Har­ old Wallis’. The fire was caused by over-heated furnace pipes. Mrs. Bowman, of Revere, fell down stairs and hurt .her hip. The Wear Ever Brush Com­ pany held a party at Mrs. Roy Moore’s Friday night, with a display of goods and a bingo game. The winners in bingo were Veda Bowman, Mrs. 'Cornish, Jean Broughton and Mrs. Gord. Rathburn. The door prize went to Mrs. Charlie Gowan. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kenny and babe, Mrs. Elizabeth Kenny and Ross, visited with Mrs. Moore on Sunday Afternoon, Miss Margaret Westman spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Trevor visited with the week-end. with her parents, H. Westman. Foster of London friends here over Mr. Jack Doerr was in Wood- stock Wednesday attending a meeting of Zone 5 of the Ontario Society of Photographers. There was a demonstration of the now Kodak Flexichromo .process for 'natural colour portraits. We Want Your UUSED CARS WEIGHT AT Hensail 80-r-2 Phone 17-r-9 Kintore RIVERSIDE POULTRY CO Men’s Winter Overcoats 25% off all ladies misses* and girls* winter coats Our entire stock of over 300 MEN’S READY-MADE SUITS MEN’S MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS- Spring Prints I ! Pillow CasesBoys* Tweed Suits Men’s Fine Shirts at $2.95 $3.95 ALL BOYS’ WINTER COATS, JACKETS AND PARKAS. for for All my cars are thoroughly checked before being offered for sale! $35.00 VALUES F£R $24.95 VALUES TO $39.50 FOR $29.00 VALUES TO $50.00 FOR $39.00 dresses, snow suits sizes Illa to t ......... $2.95 ..... $3.95 Two pairs of pants, sizes 24 to 28. Reg. $15.00 for ....... $9.95 Sizes 29 to 34. Reg. $20,00 for ........... $14.95 Six dozen bleached hem­ stitched s h e e t s , large size <S1" x 99”, on sale at $3.95 each, $7.75 pair Payments may be made to Eric Carscadden, tax collector, in the Bray Hatchery, up to and including February 1. Good quality and pat­ terns. Reg. value 550 yd, on sale at ......... 490 yd. kJ YOUR DOOR ALL MEN’S WOOL JACKETS, PARKAS AND STATION WAGON COATS Arrow, Forsyth and other makes, < lfil/o. Values up to $4.00 on sale at Values up to $5.75 on sale Before You Buy Drop In and See My Complete Stock of Men’s Pyjamas Flannelette values to $4.50 Broadcloth values to $5.25 5® Percent Off15 20 Percent Off 25 Percent Off 25 Percent Off 1 Superior Store Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat ■f I Jones & May I I ■ii Big land bargain: The United States’ payment of only 2 cents an acre to Russia for Alaska in 1867. 'Cost was $7,200,00'0. Bob Cook MOTOR SALES H E N S A L L Phone >c/» c O CL□m V C W c: I You Never Saw Such Bargains! Continuing Our January Clearance Sale 500 Yards Fifteen dozen pairs of hemstitched pillow cases —42” size, nice fine cot­ ton (firsts). Reg. value $1.(15 pr„ January sale price ................. $1,29 pr. Many Other Exceptional Values in Men’s Wear! STRAWBERRY JAM (with Pectin) Good brands, 24-oz. jars ........ each 380 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE In the I-lb. bag each 840 McLAREN’S PEANUT BUTTER In new Donald Duck tumble r, 8 oz, 340 NEW MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES Special in the large 5-lb. box each 790 LIBBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP Very special value 3 tins 250 GOOD TASTE PITTED CHERRIES Red: eho. ‘qual., 45 syrup. 15-oz. 210