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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-12, Page 10
•- ..., J . .'. *•» Page 10 THE TIMEb-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, 1HURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1950 COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING —of Exeter Agricultural Socitey will be held Tuesday, January 24 at 2 pan. EUCHRE AND DANCE — Town Hall, Hensall, Friday, January 18, 1950, Murdoch's orchestra. Good prises. Sponsored by the Hensall ’Women’s Institute. Ladies please provide lunch. Prize. Lucky lunch ticket. 12c EUCHRE —• Exeter Chapter of O.E.S. will hold a progressive euchre in the Chapter Rooms on Friday, January 13, at 8:15 pan. Prizes and lunch. Admis sion 35 cents. RAKING SALE AND TEA will be held Friday, January 13, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Trivitt Mem orial parish hall, sponsored by the Woman’s Auxiliary. 13* THE PRIDE of HURON Rebekah Lodge will hold a social evening following the regular meeting on .Wednesday, January 18. .Members are urged to be present and an invitation is extended to gentle men friends. Mrs. Gladys Cham ber, N.G. c Previews its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 13 -14 ‘Yes Sir, That’s My Baby’ * Donald O’Connor > Gloria DeHaven Dizziest, happiest laugh treat of your life! MONDAY & TUESDAY January 16 - 17 ‘Madame Bovary’ (ADULT) ★ Jennifer Jones ★ Louis Jordan Great story of a reckless woman’s pursuit of love and three men among many who loved her. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY January 18 -19 ' ‘Miss Grant Takes Richmond’ ★ Lucille Ball ★ William Holden The most hilarious girl-takes-boy escapade of the year , . . MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. «...................................—................................................. a Stephen Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting Township Hall, Creditor! Monday, January 16 at 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Robert MeCubbfti, M.P. for Middlesex West, and Parliamentary assistant to James Gardiner All Stephen Township farmers and their wives should take this opportunity to hear Mr. McCubbin, and anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Lunch will be served. Please bring sandwiches or cookies. Edward Chambers, Earl Shapton, President. Sec.-Treas. —-—---- ----------—-------------------—---- ------a M------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------»l L The Public Is Cordially Invited to the Opening Ceremonies OF THE NEW Exeter District High School Wed., Jan. 25 - 2.30 p.m. Premier L. M. Frost Will Be the Guest Speaker A tour of inspection will follow the ceremony. For the convenience of those unable to attend the afternoon ceremony, the building will be open for inspection that evening from 8:00 to 10:00. James Street Auxiliary The James St. Willing Work ers Evening Auxiliary met at the home ol’ Mrs. Rev. Snell with the president Mildred Allison presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer and the reports of secretaries were read. Mrs. .Snell led in the installation of the officers .after the business discussion. Stella Southcott, a group leader, took charge of the meeting. The theme of the pro gram was “The Bible, our Guide to Christian Faith and Conduct”. A worship service was conducted by the group in charge. Mrs. Margaret Dougall played a piano instrumental. Mary K e r n i c k brought the New Year’s message to the group. Miss Irene Beaupre sang a solo. The study ,book was given by Ann Alderson and Vera John. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served by the group in charge. Huron Health Board To Immunize Childen The Huron County Health Unit is arranging Immunization Clin ics in Exeter Public School start ing January 16, 1950 and con tinuing February 6 and February 27 from 9:30—12:00 a.m. On page eight is an advertise ment of the schedule in several district schools. Infants and pre-school children may attend these clinics. The combined immunization for Diphtheria, "Whooping Cough and Tetanus (Lockjaw) may be given the babies and pre-school children of 3 months to 3 % years of age. Children over this age may receive the combined inoculations for Diphtheria and Tetanus or Tetanus toxoid alone. Reinforcing doses . of Diptheria will also be given where needed. Smallpox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics, February 27, ,1950. Early protection of children against Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox is every parent’s obligation. Exeter Council —Continued from Page One booth, $S.00; January relief, $63.00; William Laverty, labor, $72.36; Samuel Grainger, labor, $61.9 6; Edgar Mawhinney, labor, $58.11; Gerald Cornish, labor, $8.14; John Stire, labor, $27.81; Paul Sass, labor, $26.16; Norval Jones, grading streets, $10.00; John Stire, labor, $2.55; Paul Sass, labor, $2.40; Receiver- General of Canada, tax deduc tions, $11.50. All motions were carried. Ad journment was on the motion of Deputy-Reeve Snider. Miss Annie Sanders entered Victoria Hospital on Thursday to undergo an eye operation. "We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Heywood and family, of near Chatham, spent a few days visiting with relatives. Mrs. Delight Gordon, Toronto, visited last wek with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Michael J, Cronin Michael J. Cronin, in his 100 th year, died Wednesday, January 4 th, in the House of Providence, London, where he had spent the last twelve years of his life. He had been in failing health for three months. He was born in Toronto in the year 1850 and moved to Concession 21 of Stephen Town ship where he spent forty years, then he moved to his farm on Highway 4 near St. Peter’s Church and retired in London in the year 1938. His wife, Mary Glavin, predeceased him thirteen years ago. They had three child ren who died in early childhood. He had one sister, Mrs. John Glavin, who died in February 1933 and one brother, James, who died in March 190 8. He had fourteen neices and nephews and several greatnieces and great nephews. The funeral took place from the Donohue & Weber funeral residence on January 7, at 10 a.m. and in Our Lady of Mount Carmel where requiem high mass was said by Rev. Father Fogarty with Rev. Father Raphael Glavin on the Sanctuary. His bearers were Charlie Cro- nyn, James Glavin, Joseph Carey, John G. Glavin, William Thomp son and Benny Regan. Install Lodge Officers Wor. Bro. Joseph Bryan was installed as W.M. of the Granton Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 483, by W.M. Robert Rainey, assisted by W.M. Clare Westman and W. M. Ray Mills. Other officers are— I. P.M,, Wor. Bro. R. Clatworthy; S.W., Bro. Grafton Squire; J.W., Bro. Ronald Squire; chaplain, Wor. Bro. Clare Westman; treasurer, Bro. A. J. Clatworthy; secretary, Mor. Bro. Robert Rainey; S.D., Bro. Glen Jamieson; J.D., Bro. Douglas Tuttle; D.C., Bro. Aust- tin Hobbs; I.G., Bro. Lorne Mar shall; O.G., Bro. Robert .Hai’die; S.S., Bro. George Wilson and J.S., Bro. Gordon Dawn. Wed 45 Years Reception at their residence marked the forty-fifth wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. John S. Snyder, Clinton. The couple was married at Brucefield by Rev. Edward Sawers. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder lived in Brucefield for many years, and although he now lives in Clinton, Mr. Snyder still operates his harness business in Brucefield. The couple has ,a family of three daughters and one son: Irene, of London; Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Brampton; Kath leen, Starth Lome Cape Breton Island; Melvin, Meaford; and one granddaughter, Margaret Hetherington, Brampton. Mr. S. D. Wein was in Arkan sas and Indianna last week on a business trip visiting some of the areas where broilers are raised. He made contacts for the 1950 market for baby chicks. Mrs. Wein and son accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns visited over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Johns, of Hamilton, , Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd and Carolyn, of London, visited Tuesday at the home of Mr. (and Mrs. F. G. Forrester. TUNE IN! Presenting the Incomparable Music of IIN THE \I I % AND HIS ORCHESTRA©WAYNE KING ©NANCY EVANS ©LARRY DOUGLAS ©FRANKLYN MacCORMACK PROUDLY SPONSORED BY SAUGEEN MOTOR SALES WALKERTON AUMY 6*00 VllIlA SUNDAY l»—----------------.------------------------------ , Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c foi single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En gagements 5Qc. II------------------—--------------------—■ BIRTHS CLARK --- At Alexandria Hos pital, Goderich, on January 3, 19 50, to Mr. and Mrs. Borden Clark, Exeter, a son. HEDDEN—To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden (nee Shirley Cornish), December 31, 1949, at I-Iotel Dieu, St. Catharines, a son (premature). HUNTER—(To Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Hunter at the Stratford General Hospital, January 9, a baby daughter, a sister for Arlene and Sharon. PROUTY — At Mrs. Batten’s nursing home on Sunday, Jan uary 8, 19 50, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Prouty, of Exeter, a son, David Edward. DEATHS CRONIN—-At the House of Pro vidence, London, Wednesday, January 4, Michael Cronin, in his 100 th year, formerly of Centralia, Ontario. DEVINE—At hei’ late residence in Grand Bend, on Friday, January 6, Sarah Devine, in her 85 th year. HEDDEN—At Hotel Dieu, Mon day, January 2, 1950, Russell Clayton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hedden. Fun eral Tuesday afternoon, Jan uary 3, at 2 p.m. from the funeral home of Wintei* & Winter. Interment in Victoria ’ Lawn Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls wish to announce the engage ment of their only daughter, Donna Marie, to Harold James, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Patterson of Montreal; the mar riage to take place quietly the end of January. * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, of Kirkton wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Audrey Louise, to Roy Murray, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Russell, of Russell- dale. .The wedding to take place the latter part of January in Woodham United Church. * The engagement is announced of Beverley June, elder daughter of Mr. Rupert R. Strothers and the late Mrs. Strothers, London, to David Hurlbert Wethey, son of Mr. E. J. Wethey formerly of Exeter. The marriage will take place on .Saturday, February 4, at 2 o’clock in St James (West mister) Anglican Church, Lon don. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. James Squire wishes to express thanks to all those who sent cards, treats and visited her during the weeks she has 'been confined to her home, and also for the many kindnesses shown her. * The family of the late Stephen Webb wish to express their deepest thanks to friends and relatives for their floral tributes and expression of sympathy and for every service rendered at the funeral home and at the burial services. * Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Frayne wish to thank their relatives, friends, neighbours and the Hurondale Institute who so kindly sent Garnet treats, cards, ets., and also those who called and inquired for him during his recent illness at his home. c The family of the late Mrs. Devine wish to thank the neigh bors and friends foi* the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during her illness and in their recent sad bereavement, With special thanks to ,Rev. K. Woods and Mr. Harry Hoffman,* IN MEMORIAM SMITH—In loving memory of a •dear husband and father, John C. Smith, who passed away one year ago, January 11, 1949. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. Like ivory on the withered oak When all other things decay, Our love for him will still keep green, And never fade away. —Ever remembered by wife and family. * SMITH—In loving memory of my father, John C. Smith, who passed away January 11, 1949, If I had all tile world to give, ? I’d give it all, yes and more, To hear his voice and see his smile And greet him at my door; But all I can do, dear father ; Is go and tend your grave, • And leave behind tokens of love, To thee, dear father. —Always remembered by Ina, Lewis Johns' family. * Mr. James Balsdon, Toronto, visited last week with her sister, of viss Nettie Keddy. Mr. August Gregus, of ' Us- bornc, and Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek, Taman, returned home after visiting with friends and relatives in Chicago. Muskegon, Bellaire, Ohio, and W. Virginia. On their return trip they stopped off at Windsor and visited with Mr, and Mrs. William Woodall. Install Officers At Sunday Service During the regular service of worship in Caven Church on. Sunday, the minister, Rev. Don ald Sinclair, installed the of ficers of the several organiza tions of the congregation. The service began in the usual way, with the invocation, the singing of the Psalm selection, “My trust is in the Lord”, and the reading of John 15:1-17. Then, following the prayer, the minister read the names of all the office bearers and they came forward to the /ront of the church for the ser vice of installation. Following this, the hymn,. “A charge to keep I have” was sung by the whole congregation. The sermon, based on the text, “Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9), endeav oured to point out some of the difficulties encountered both in every day Christian living and in working for the church, and that the church’s work consisted not only of its worship and its organ izational activities, ibut most of all, of the witness of its members in every day life. The success of of the Church’s work, in the community and in the world at large is assured through the un tiring efforts of its members to carry out in their lives and in their church work the implica tions of the faith they profess, The service closed with the sing ing of “Go Labor On, Spend and Be -Spent”, and the benediction. The officers installed were as follows: Mission Band—President, Jan ice Neil; vice-pres., Patsy Bow den; secretary, Patsy Johnston; assistant secretary, Phyllis Cann; treasurer, Bernice Strang; as sistant treasurer, Arthur Mit chell; music convenor, Gwen Simpson; assistant, Martha Coch rane. Caven Young Adults Club— President, Roy Campbell; vice- president, Mrs. H. Laing; sec retary, Mrs. G. Mason; treas urer, Mrs. F. Simmons; program convenor, Bill MacLean; mem bership convenor, Alice Pfaff. Caven Congregational Circle— Honourary president, Mrs. R. Russell; first vice-president, Mrs. F. Simmons; second vice-presi dent, Mrs. J. Taylor; third vice- president, Mrs. A. Whilsmith; secretary, Miss M. Brown; treas urer, Mrs. G. Dow; Red Cross convenor, Mrs. F. Whilsmith; flower committee convenor, Mrs. W. Simmons; manse convenor, Mrs. D. .Miller; gift committee convenor, Mrs. A. Kirk. Women’s Missionary Society— Honourary president, Mrs. Henry Strang; president, Mrs. Earl Mitchell; first vice - president, Mrs. W. Sillery; second vice- president, Mrs. H. H. G. Strang; secretary, Miss M. Brown; treas urer, Mrs. J. Kydd; assistant treasurer, Mrs. C. Cann; Mission Band leader, Mrs. I. Snider; literature secretary, Mrs. W. Sil lery; supply secretary, Miss F. Hatter; Home Helpers secretary, Mrs. F. Whilsmith; Glad Tidings secretary, Miss M. Brown; Wel come & Welfare secretary, Mrs. A. Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clarke, of Peace River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lawson, Monday. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE1 FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 13-14 ‘Colorado Territory’ ★ Joel McCrea ★ Virginia Mayo Ar Henry Hull ★ Dorothy Malone A tremendous western drama . . endless excitement . . beauty of locale . . sweep of action! “PORKY CHOPS” (Cartoon) and “ROYAL’ DUCK SHOOT” MONDAY & TUESDAY January 16 - 17 ★ Cornel Wilde ★ Linda Daniell •A- Anne Baxter Ar Kirk Douglas ‘Walls of Jericho’ A stirring drama which portrays the passions, prejudices and pe culiarities of a small Kansas community *. . . PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL During tho Rest of tlic Winter Months, ONE SHOW ONLY AT 8:16 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Evenings Mr. Bob Crawford of the O.A. C., Guelph, visited for a few days last week .with Miss Nettie Keddy, and also called on friends in .town. Mrs. Norm. Hockey and Wayne spent New Year’s and several days in Toronto with Mrs. Hoc key’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cann left last week for a holiday in the sunny clime of Florida. . Mr, Gordon Stringer, of Nor wich, has been transferred to the Exeter branch of the Bank of Montreal. Mr, Jim I-Iackett has been transferred from Exeter to the fit. Thomas branch, Mr. and Mrs, J. Willis Powell have returned from Windsor, after visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs, W, G, Post, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shapton and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe spent the week-end in London with Mrs. Ada Walker. Mr; James Dearing of London visited for a couple of days last week with his brother, Wesley. Young Men! There Will Be An Open Meeting TOWN HALL, EXETER Tues., Jan. 17 - 7:30 Sharp to discuss the organization of a young men’s club. If you are between 21 and 40, living in Exeter and district, and are interested in your community, yon are urged to be present. ft.................. "............ "B -----r------------:-----—.......... -.——.............—■ Exeter Opera House Tuesday, Jan. 17 DON ROBERTSON And His CKNX Ranch Boys 10:00-1:00 Admission 750 Every Sat. Night FRANK TRAHER AND ORCHESTRA r Coming Friday, Jan. 20 Monetta Menard’s TOWN & COUNTRY CLUB presents Lloyd Wright plus * ALL STAR FLOOR SHOW and ★ THE FAMOUS TOP HAT ORCHESTRA Every Friday Evening Mrs. Gordon Emmett, who has been, waiting on her mother, Mrs. William Fraser, returned to her home in London Saturday. Notice To Badminton Members Beginning on Thursday, January 12, and continuing for three regular Badminton Club night, the Club’s “ladder system” will be in operation. All members are requested to pick a partner and participate in the matches to determine their position on the “ladder”. This is necessary to facilitate choosing players to play in league and inter-club tournaments. •W