HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-12, Page 4Page 4 I'HE 11 Al Eb-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1950 Used Cars For Sale ’-16 Ford Coach, 18,000 miles. Just like new, heater, ei\ seat covers. ’47 Oldsmobile, 28,000 just like new., 2-tone set of custom seat covers, cus­ tom radio, heater, defroster, jacket heater, sun visor-r-all deluxe equipment, *47 Chev Coach, better new, heater and defrosters. *34 Ford Coupe, as is $200..00. defrost* miles, colour, than. South End Service ca SB I ■m *82* “8*% d^**1*^ *K*’**’bk yak ®w» yawwaw ram m kwmAlHrOKl jNLWb Girl Drowned ffl-................... The station hockey team was victorious in a tilt with the Army’s No. 27 Central Ordnance Depot team in London on Mon­ day night. The final score was 7 to 3 Cpls. Harold Shaw and Harry Harris and F/O Don Peck scored two goals each, and LAO Dave Bird counted one. Only four penalties "’were handed out during the hard fought session. Games scheduled this against Clinton Colts on Wednesday night, turn match in Clinton night. week are in Exeter and a re- on. Friday ..... ...... ,,,,............—.m.—M Four curling rinks skipped two games in London on Satur­ day. George Moir defeated Eric Wilson in a game that was de­ cided by the last stone. Frank Watkins led his rink to victory over a team piloted by Tommy Crane. In the London bonspiel of ■December 28, the station team of Eric Wilson, Russ Murray, Claude Bourque and George and a FOR SALE Moir won one. lost one game, * # tied one, s'.* oil has been many Pro- REAL ESTATE At Wingham In a heroic effort to save boy from drowning, a .girj from the Wingham district lost her life on Sunday—but her efforts paved the way foi' the rescue of the lad from swirling water an hour later. Lois Dawson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Dawson of East Wawanosh, was drowned and Billie Reavie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford Reavie, also of East Wawanosh, is in Wingham General Hospital recovering from the effects of exposure and shock, The Dawson girl, 14, a first- yeai’ student in Wingham High School, went to the aid of young Reavie, who in attempting to save a pet dog from water some 200 feet from land, b r o k e through thin ice, The ice gave away and the Dawson girl also plunged into frigid water to her armpits. However, she managed to hoist the Reavie boy high enough so he could .grasp branches of a small overhanging willow. With part of his water, the for more rescued. Lois, Billie and his brother, six-year-old Gary Reavie, set out across fields with two dogs to­ ward the marshy section about 11:00 a.m. Sunday. Swollen by recent January rains, the >bog is deeper than is normal at this time of year. A creek, also runs in this vicinity. One of the dogs ventured out on thin ice and broke through. Billie set out to retrieve the animal, and when he also fell in, Lois made a valiant attempt at rescue which resulted in her tragic death. xTke children man­aged to save" the dog from the water and the animal escaped together with the second pet which also fell in some minutes later and reached land without assistance. ’ The presence of mind and quick action of six-year-old Gary,. Reavie probably saved his -bro­ ther from death. Tips boy ran a mile_ across fields to summon his- father, ’’who was ill in bed with influenza, clothes, the spot clinging the girl water. Mr. reach through the ice several times and wading in water up to his armpits. Meanwhile, Gary Reavie con­ tinued on to the Dawson home and notified that family of the mishap. A general alarm was spread. Neighbors and members of the Wingham fire department arrived quickly and laid down rails and even barn doors desperate rescue attempt. horse from the Dawson was. brought to the scene FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4- owner, low and 12-8tfc door sedan, one mileage, spotless inside out. Phone 406-J. DO YOU WANT a real lot in Gibb’s Survey. Contact: H, M, Gill, Realtor, Grand Bend. 5:12c FOR SALE—Evening dress, lat­ est style, turquoise, used once by bridesmaid, size 16. Elliot Apts., 102.12c FOR SALE—-Moffatt electric stove, two years old. Four burners with oven and warm­ ing ' oven. —-Apply Box “B”, Times-Advocate. 12* 25 words FOR SALE—2 bedroom home, nicely situated and complete with modern conveniences. This home is vyell located on a nicely treed lot, It has never been offered for sale before. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. box FOR SALE—is Medium sized conveniences, ed. Also new tage with full Pickard, Realtor, storey brick, home with all Centrally locat- 2-bedroom cot- ibathroom. 0. V. c midnight in the homes of Officers of late, examinations for Flying are to be written start- The burning Flying motion Officers ing on January 23. A number of Flight Lieutenants are also pre­ paring to write examinations February. R. E. Pooley (In some unaccountable way the above advertisement was omitted in our issue last week—ED) Stephen Council —Continued from Page One a A Handsome Convenience Frigidaire'Electric Range Phone 109 Your DRY Cow is working Mac- road Hill, Elec­ town ... •*'^ Exeter, Ont To Exeter Ratepayers I wish to express my appreciation of the splen­ did support that was given me in the recent munici­ pal election. To the elected members of the council I extend niv congratulations. To one .and all, best wishes for a successful 1950. ‘Handsome” and “convenience” are two words that describe the Frigidaire Electric Range models. Fin­ ished in lifetime porcelain and expertly engineered, these models provide convenient accessories that make them a kitchen appliance any woman would be proud of. See the Outstanding Features Of These Kitchen Ranges harder than a Horse! That may sound like an exaggeration .it isn’t! In that last 60 days before calv­ ing she has to rebuild her body — if she “comes in thin” she’ll disappoint you in her next lactation; and she has to build nearly two-thirds of the body of her calf. With the bigger breeds that’s a pound of calf a day, for 60 days! For this double job she needs a feed that’s not only palatable and cooling, but / Body Building / Bone Building Pontiac re-FOR SALE—1933 cently overhauled and re-up- holstered, heater, lights. Apply first driveway, right, off bridge or write Box 188 Hay P.O. 12* seal beam in loo Fire Insurance premium, $24.00; Township of Stephen, refund of taxes, $26.05; Elmer Lawson, delegate to warble fly convention, $15.00; Hydro trie Power Commission, hall, $4.05; total, $158.10. Moved by Swartz and Gregor that the following accounts be paid; Lawrence supt., $45.50; Eldon Smith, oper­ ating tractor on grader, $4.13; Clifford Kenney, operating trac­ tor on grader, $4.13; Jack Pic­ kering, operating tractor on grader, $2.00; Elmer Pickering, tractor man, dragging, $6.00; Orval Mellin, tractor man, drag­ ging, $6.00; Harry Clarke, oper­ ating grader, dragging, $6.80; Wilfred Des jar dine, repairing culvert, $2.50; W. H. Hotson, gravel, hauling and loading gravel, $99.75; Cameron Mc­ Gregor, hauling gravel, $75.70; Norman Vincent, hauling gravel, $45.00; Lawrence Hill, mileage, $6.60; Albert Morlock, welding, $13.50; William Colter, rewiring generator, $3.50; Aaron Wein, hauling gravel, $22.60; Lloyd England, unemployment insur - ance stamps, ‘$1.68; Hydro Elec­ tric Power Commission, $4.05; total, $348.84. On the motion of Beaver and Morrissey, the meeting was ad­ journed to meet again on Tues­ day, February 7, 1950, at 1:00 p.m. Mildly Laxative PURINA DRY and FRESHENING COW CHOW It’s no accident that many of the best dairymen start their calves on Purina Calf Startena. They know that it saves milk, saves work, saves time, saves money — and raises a better calf. Top egg prices nowadays run from June to October or November—and there’s a big premium for big eggs. Aim for that top price, top premium. Start good chicks early, Start them right I A good start is half the bat­ tle with pigs——and the good start begins before your sow farrows. Like the dry cow, she is building her own body for later milk produc­ tion .. building the embryo. SOW & PIG CHOWCHICK STARTENACALF STARTENA Shoe an d Skate Outfits Shoulder Pads Elbow Pads Hockey Sticks White and Figure Skates T raquair’s ------ ----Hard ware THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN body dangling in icy boy grasped the tree than an hour until Donning his Reavie hurried to still and the Mr. where his son was to the tree branch was struggling in toReavie was unable ■the pair aftei’ breaking logs, in a A farm and was ridden into the treach­ erous swale by Fireman Leonard Rheinhardt, who had to ’break ice to allow the animal to make its way toward the children. The water was up to the horse’s neck. Billie Reavie was lifted to the horse’s back and was re­ turned to waiting firemen. An uncle of the Reavie hoy, Robert Arbuckle, then broke waded through water armpits to recover Lois Dawson, who was reported to be floating face down in the water. Mr. Arbuckle became exhaust­ ed on the way back and handed the unconscious girl to firemen, who in turn passed her to Har­ old Kerr when unable to con­ tinue farther. Mr. Kerr managed to bring the girl to dry ground where she was wrapped in blan­ kets and placed in a car which rushed her to Wingham hospi­ tal. Efforts at resuscitation failed and the girl died one and one- quarter hours after admittance to hospital. It is < believed she was in the water more than an hour. Fireman Nichol was also removed to hospital suffering from shock. Robert Arbuckle, Rutherford Reavie and Harold Kerr were taken to the Kerr residence where they were con­ fined to bed for the night. Dr. W. A. Crawford, coroner, conducted a post-mortem exam­ ination on the Dawson Sunday afternoon, attributed death drowning and said that an in­ quest would not be held. Provincial Constable Charles Salter investigated. Lois Dawson Is survived by her parents, three sisters, Mrs. Alex Nethery of Blyth district, Mary and Florence at home and two brothers, Roy and Harold, at home. ice and to his body of Lois HO to accidental FOR SALE—19 44 3-ton Fargo truck, with 2-speed rear-end, 8.25 tires. Reasonable for quick sale. Norval Jones, tele­ phone 362-J Exeter, 12* CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 350 More than 25 words IJc per wxml. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classieds calling for a nuinbei' 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be ad$ed to all accounts not paid within one month. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE- luxe also due ford Ted •’3 6 Oldsmobile de­ sedan, in good condition; 2-year-old holstein heifer Feb. 25; 3-year-old Here- cow due Mar. 5. Apply: Bowden, Centralia. 12 * WANTED — Experienced sales­ lady for managing a ladies’ ready-to-wear store: Apply in writing to Box F Exetei’ Times- Advocate, .l‘2c FOR SALE—Lots. We have just listed several very desirable building lots. If you intend building within the next year oi’ two it will pay you to look at these. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor. c FOR SALE—1948 special deluxe ■Dodge sedan, low mileage, in good condition. Phone 178-r-3 Exeter, B. Dietrich. ' 12* FOR SALE'—G e n e r a 1 Electric •heavy duty Hot Point range, 4-burner and oven. Good con­ dition. Phone 112 Exeter. 12c LOTS FOR No. 455-58 Village plowed. Jones, Hensall, Ont. SALE—Four lots Moir Survey in the o f Hensail. Fall Apply: Mrs. Wes 12:19c FOR SALE—At half original cost, electric washing machine, white enamel rangette, both in very good concjjt^n. Phone Exeter ^457-r-5. 19c FOR SALE—Cottager sink, l.h. drain board, complete with cabinet and swing spout, fau­ cets; almost new. Apply: G. McTavish, Exeter.12* FOR SALE—Young cow, due to freshen. Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 3, Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—’30 Chev coach in A-l condition, priced right for quick sale. Phone 409-J, Carl­ ing St., Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—Child’s large size crib with spring filled mat­ tress, in . excellent condition, ■cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. 12* FOR SALE—1941 Ford Pickup. Apply P. E. Warkentin, % Sam Jory, Exeter. 12* FOR SALE—1946 'Dodge 5-pas- senger coupe, good condition, new tires, heater. What of­ fers? Phone 59-r-2 Dashwood. 12* 1949 CASE VAC tractor with scuffler and mower. Guaran­ teed mechanically and priced to sell. —Exeter Farm Equip­ ment, phone 443-J, Exeter. 12c FOR SALE—Men’s good winter overcoat. Apply to Wes Hack­ ney, Exeter North. 12:19* FOR SALE—C o a 1 and wood heater in good condition. Ap­ ply Times-Advocate. 12* FOR SALE—’29 Plymouth in good condition and good tires. Glenn’s Auto Wreckers, Exe­ ter. 12* FOR SALE—1940 Hudson sedan <—all new tires. Apply to Emil Becker, Dashwood, phone 124. 12* FOR SALE—Studio couch, $25; chesterfield chair, $5; bed, coil springs and spring mat­ tress, $10. —Sandy Elliot, Exeter, phone 64-W. 12c HORSES for sale or exchange. I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which I will sell or ex­ change for other unsatisfac­ tory or aged horses. —G. J. Dow, box 83, phone 83. 12:19:26* tfc MISCELLANEOUS EAVESTROUGHING — Prompt service, town or country. Apply Box *‘B” Times-AdVocate or phone Fair. 9201-W London. 15:22:29:5:12:19* WAITRESS WANTED—Good pay f o r reliable person, Call Retlier’s Cafe, Exeter. 12c HELP WANTED—Female, Cap­ able full time stenographer wanted. Apply stating qualifi­ cations and experience to Box N, Exeter. 5tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Radios, by day or week; vacuum cleaners; elec­ tric floor polishers. —Beavers Hardware. APARTMENT to rent; 3w.xSGmS and private bath, ’Second floor, UiV furnace. Apply: Box 13 4 Lucan or phone 70 Lucan. 12:19c FOR RENT—Two .warm rooms, with sink and separate en­ trance. Phone 15, Exeter. 12c WANTED WANTED—B eech logs and standing timber of all kinds, large quantities or a bush pre­ ferred. Apply: Box M, Times- Advocate, Exeter. 8tsf NOTICES ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the directors and members of South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Saturday, January 21, at 2 o’clock for the purpose of receiving Financial Report, Election of Officers, and other business. Geo. Armstrong, President. W. R. Dougall, Sec.-Treas. 12:19c the be COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of Huron County Council will held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Tuesday, January 17, at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu­ tations quiring should County Saturday, January 14, 1950. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. and other business re- tlie attention of Council be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 5:12c Township of Usborne NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that under a warrant from Wel­ lington Roy Brock, reeve of the Township of Usborne, a meeting of of FIVE-ROOM modelled, bath, hot tap. —W. Exeter. HOUSE, lately re­ new roof, two-piece and cold water on C. Pearce, Realtor, lc FOR SALE —■ At Grand Bend, business on Main St,, cottage and small booth, lot 40X80; lot and cottage on Main ,St., lot 55x88 ft. Liberal terms on both. Herman Gill, Realtor. 12c Three New Homes Full Basement and Furnace Complete Bath and Shower R. E. Balkwill AUCTION SALES tfe AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate Household Effects On the premises in the Village of Zurich undersigned auctioneer hasThe been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 commencing at 2 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: The real es­ tate consists of Vol. S, Lot 130, 131, 132. There is on the prem­ ises brick veneer frame house covered with asphalt shingles in good condition, good dry cellar, j summer kitchen and woodshed; very suitable building lots or garden land. Terms of Real Estate: Ten percent on day of salet balance in thirty days. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cole­ man gasoline stove; dining room oak extension table, 6 dining room chairs; various rocking- chairs; magazine stand; section­ al bookcase; couch; glass cup­ board; gramaphone with records in good condition; living room table; small writing desk; lawn roller; 2 folding clothes dryers; settee; cellar table. Portland cutter; ness, like new; lumber; and many numerous to mention. There will also be offered a number of household effects belonging to Dr. O’Dwyer, who has recently moved to London. Terms: Cash. ALLAN SCHWARTZENTRUBER, Proprietor R. F. STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 5:12e single har- quantity of articles too WHALEN The W.A. and" W.M.S. Will meet at Mrs. William Morley’s on Thursday afternoon of this week. Miss Pat Hay of London Nor­ mal School was student teacher at Whalen School last week. I)r, and Mrs. G. E. Faulds of London visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Khlare. Mr. and Mrs, William Munroe of Granton were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, R, Squire. Mr. Densmore, Gorrle, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Goo, Arksey. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Squire, Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and Grafton spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter. BLOWN INSULATION (Rock Wool or Fiberglas) will make your home more comfortable in winter and summer. It pays for itself in the fuel sav­ ing. For a free estimate, call Collect T. L. Rivers, Grand Bend, 44-r-15, Representative, Lambton Kent Home Insula­ tion CO. 5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —-G. J. Dow, phone S3 Exeter. 12:19:26«tfc the electors of the Township Usborne will he held in the Township Hall, Elimville on MONDAY, JANUARY 23 at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the office of one Councillor. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed qualifying than required to elected, the proceedings will ‘adjourned until Monday* January 30 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m, until 5 o’clock p.m. at the same places and with the same officers as pro­ vided in the by-law passed in December, 1949 for the calling of the annual general nomina­ tion and election. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice govern themselves accordingly, H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensall, January 10, 19 So,12:19c Baby chicks I i and be be and PLASTERING, chimneys built, cement work, mixers for rent. J. Webster, Station St., Exe­ ter, phone 423. 14:19* i Slirimp industries, worth $14,- 000',000 a year, thrive from Guayules to Mazatland on the cast coast of the Gulf of Califor­ nia, HATCHING NOW. Twenty breeds, Cr os s-b rods and Hy-Lines. Thousands available weekly. Government Approved. Vitamin ted breeders. Royal mating chicks from famous trap-nest strains. Place your chick order how tor high quality chicks from our best breeders. Neu- liauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. London. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Stock and Implements The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 4, Lucan on JANUARY 16 1:30 pan. following: Good work team 5 old. Cow, 7 years old, cow, 5 years old, 2 Jersey heifers, 2 years old; cow, 3 years MONDAY at ; the HORSES: < and 6 years CATTLE; •bred July 23; bred June 25; rising old; 3 heifer calves; bull calves bull calf. PIGS: Brood 29; brood sow, brood sow, bred sow, not bred; oid; 1 boar. TWO goats, 6 hens. IMPLEMENTS: 2 steel wagons; hay rack; 13-hoe drill; Bissel disc, 12-plate; mower, 6-ft. cut; set of harrows; iron harrows; scuffler: hand seeder; hay rake; root pulper; set light sleighs; set of britcheu harness; set back band harness; pulleys; _____, shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes, barrels and other articles. REAL ESTATE: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the, real estate consisting of 18 acres of land, double brick house With slate roof, bank barn and drive shed, situated on No. 4 highway. TERMS: Chattels, cash. The terms of real estate made known, on day of sale, GEORGE HOWARD, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. sow, bred Dec. bred Nov. Nov. 14; 8 pigs 8 ducks, 15 29; brood weeks Ranty tired seed M.H. drag hay fork rope and horse collars; forks;