HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-12, Page 1Severity-sixth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1950
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Council Strikes Committees;
Appoints Various Officials
The reeve, deputy-reeve and
councillors elect for the year 1950 met for their inaugural
meeting at 11 a.m. on Monday
in the council chambers. The
following subscribed to the de
claration of office before the
the clerk, Reeve Aaron J. Sweit
zer, Deputy-Reeve Howard L.
Snider, Councillors Vernon, Hey
wood, Edward Lindenfield
William Webster.
The reeve then called on
Langford to open the 1950
sions of council. He did so
a short address, bible reading
and prayer.
Reeve Sweitzer thanked Mr.
Langford for his services, The
reeve congi'atulated the deputy
reeve and councillors on their
election and asked for the co
operation of all members of the
council so that the worx to be
done might be carried on in a
fair and business-like manner.
The reeve felt that there was
much work to be accomplished
but that careful consideration
should be given to all expendi
The deputy-reeve ana Council
lor Lindenfield expresed pleas
ure that they were back on the
council for another year and
felt that the ratepayers appreci
ated the efforts of the 19 49
council. Each promised co-opera
tion during the year 1950.
Councillors Heywood and
Webster expressed appreciation
for the trust the ratepayers had
placed in them. Both promised
to carry on their duties to the
best of their ability.
It was moved and seconded by
Councillors Snider and Linden
field that the council as a whole
act as a striking committee to
name the
Lindenfield; Cemetery
field and Heywood; .Education,
Recreation and Community Ser
vice—Webster and Snider; Pro
tection to Persons and Property
—Heywood and Snider; Public
Welfare, Sanitation and Waste
Removal—Snidei’ and Webster;
Public Works—Lindenfield and
All motions were carried. Ad
journment at 7:30 p.m., January
9, on the motions of Councillor
Regular Meeting’
The Muncipal Council met at
7:30 ip.m. in the council cham
bers with Reeve Sweitzer, Dep
uty-Reeve Snider and Councillors
Heywood, Lindenfield and Web
The minutes of the last regu
lar meeting of December 15
were read * and adopted on the
motion of Councillors Snider and
Communications were read
Gentral Mortgage and Housing
Corporation regarding the sale
of wartime houses. It was moved
and seconded by Councillors
Snider and Heywood that the
clerk notify the company that
this council is willing to enter
into a new agreement regarding
sale of houses.
The Workmen’s Compensation
Board regarding Gerald Cornish.
Bell Telephone Company, re
garding installation of equip
ment. Filed.
Schedule regarding assessment
for Ausable Watershed Author
ity. It was moved and seconded
by Councillors Snider and Web
ster that the clerk correspond
with the Authority in regard to
the assessment of this muni
By-law 1, 1950, giving author
ity to the reeve and treasurer
to sign cheques and to make any
necessary loans from the Bank
of Montreal, Exeter, to the ex
tent of $30,000, was given its
three readings and passed on
the motion of Councillors Lin
denfield and Heywood.
The following appointments
were made and remunerations
and time of council meetings set
on the motions of Councillors
Snider and Webster; Cemetery
Board for three years, Kenneth
Hockey; Library Board for three
years, Ernest Jones ahd Elmer
D. Bell; Fence Viewers, J. Nor
ry, William Coates, II. Bierling;
Chief ’Constable and Street Com
missioner, J. Norry ($120.50 per
month); Night Constable, Wil
liam Wareing ($27.50 pet wk.);
Relief Officer, Andrew Camp
bell ($5 per month); Weed In
spector, John Norry ($10 per
annum); Truant Officer, John
Norry ($10 per annum); Audi
tors, Foote & Rafuse ($300 per
annum); Fire Department: Wil
liam Chambers, chief ($40);
Irwin Ford, captain ($25); fire-
meh ($15); in addition to per
annum pay all get $1 per run
and meeting. Reeve’s allowance,
$4 per meeting; deputy-reeve’s
allowance, $3.50 per meeting;
councillor’s allowance, $3 per
Council meetings are to be
held the first and third Monday
Of each month at 8 p.m., or at
the call of the reeve.
The reeve stated that Mr. W.
G. Cochrane did not wish to. be
re-appointed to t h o Ausable
Watershed Authority.
Moved by Councillors Linden
field and Heywood that Mr.
Andrew Dixon be appointed as
municipal representative on the
Ausable River Watershed
Moved by Councillors
wood and Webster that the
secure copies of the town maps.
Moved by Councillors Snider
and Lindenfield that <the clerk
notify Mr. William MacKenzie in
regard to the Wednesday after
noon closing
The clerk
request the
street light
of Mr. Archie Hodgert on the
north side of Waterloo Street.
Dinney Furniture applied for
permission to erect a sign in
. front of their place of business.
Permission was granted on the
motion of Councillors Linden
field and Webster.
The following accounts were
read and ordered paid on the
motion of Councillors Webster
and Lindenfield: Fred Huxtable,
repairs and parts, $20.70; Bell
Telephone Company, J, Norry,
Exeter Public Utilities,
lighting $250.13, town
following standing
Arena—Snider and
and dealt with as
II ey-
Dutch Bride Telephones Home
One of the longest long-dis
tance phone calls in the history
of Clinton exchange was made
Sunday when Mrs. Bruce Cann,
Clinton, talked to her mother in
Holland, a distance of about
4,000 miles.
The call was put through at
1.40 p.ip. E.S.T. here and it
was 7.40 p.m. in Holland. Mrs.
Cann, who came to Canada two
years ago as a war bride, spoke
to her mother, Mrs. Susan
>der Lei and her brother, of
warden, Holland.
was instructed to
P.U.C. to place a
near the residence
Ministers Hear
clock $1.50, town hall $24.63,
$27 6.26; Cudmore Gravel, three
loads gravel, $12.00; Bickle-
Seagrave Ltd., supplies, $198.02;
Samuel Lawson, laying blocks,
plastering, town hall, $54.00;
Municipal World, supplies, $5.-
94; Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods
Co., fire hose
55; Supertest
E’. L.
lamps , ...
Times-Advocate, notices and
election supplies, $101.11; Thos.
Coaxes, welding snowplow, $3.-
50; H. Bierling, coal (town
hall), $92.90; Graham Arthur,
gas, oil, wrecker service (truck)
$11.49; Ontario Municipal Asso
ciation, 1950 membership, $10.-
00; Nev ton Motors, rental poll
ing booth, two polls, $16.00;
Robert Southcott, D.R.O., $6.00;
Vera Rowe, poll clerk, $5.00;
Charles Monteith, D.R.O.,- '$6,00;
Edna Taylor, poll clerk, *
Eric Carscadden, D.R.O., $6.00
Mary Neil, poll clerk,
John Campbell, ''D.R.O.,.
Alta Hennon, poll clerk, $5.00;
Glen McKniglxt, rental polling
booth, two polls, $16.00; Andrew
Campbell, D.R.O., $6.00; Grace
McKniglxt, poll clerk, $5.00; J.
B. Creech, D.R.O., $6.00; Sarah
Laing, poll clerk, $5.00; 'Fred
C. Beaupre, D.R.O., $6.00; Lois
Learn, poll clerk, $5.00; Mrs.
William Webster, rental polling
—Please Turn to Page Ten
R. E.
connections, $44.-
gas, oil (truck)
gas, oil,
> lamps
2 yrs; R. E, Russell,
A. Canp, 2 yrs; H.
; W. G. Seldon, 1 yr;
Sanders, 1 yr. Dated
Hockey? No Ice , , Np Dice ■
Skating .and hockey enthus
iasts are still waiting sufficient
cold weather fox* making ice.
Just before Christmas the ice was
about ready for skating at the
Arena when soft weather settled
in the ice disappeared. Saturday
last, it turned cold and again
the ice .makers spent the mid
night hours at the arena only to
see their efforts defeated on
Monday. The hockey schedules
have gone by the boards to date.
council of the Town-
met in the
Cromarty Man
The South Huron Ministerial
Association held its regular
meeting on Monday afternoon at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. P.
A. Ferguson, Hensall. In the ab
sence of the president, the vice-
president, Rev. H. J. Mahoney,
presided. Devotions were
ducted by Mr.
read the scripture . lesson
led in prayer. The hymns, Pour
Out Thy Spirit from on High”
and ”Ye Who the Name of Jesus
Bear”, were sung.
The speaker was Mr. Ross
McPhail of Cromarty, whose sub
subject was “The Four Corners
of a Community”. These in the
mind of the speaker were, first,
economy—such as will provide a
high standard of living, which
depends to a large extent upon
community effort,., the right use
of natural resources, and the in
genuity of the individual. The
second was education, which he
described as not so much the
’ '. j as
the ability to meet situations
and direct one’s energies to
worthy achievement. The third,
spiritual virtues, grounded in
the teachings of Jesus, are es
sential for that mutual trust and
honesty every community needs
and for the levelling up of our
moral standards. The fourth
corner, the speaker described as
Ferguson, who
hall), .30; Bruce Rivers, iaccumulation of knowledge
(towix hall), .30; Exeter "
the home, which is the
form of community life we
and the finest.
After some interesting
cussic.n, a vote of thanks to the
speaker ‘“was moved -r-«y • I#ev;
C. W. Down and seconded by
Rev. H. -E. Roppel, Lunch was
served by the hostess and the
meeting closed with the
diction by Mr. Mahoney.
Re-Elects Head
The foliowig members took
the Declaration Pf .Office: W. E.
2 yrs; C.
Pollen, lyr
Mrs. E. W.
this 3rd. day of January, 1950.
After the Declaration, of Office
was signed by each member of
the Board. Business
ducted as follow#;
Moved by .Mr, R.
and seconded by 'Mr.
don that Mr. W. E. Middleton be
elected Chairman for the Calen
dar year of 1950. Carried,
Mjoved by Mr. W. II. Pollen
and seconded by Mrs, E. W. San
ders that Mr. W. H. Hodgson be
appointed Sec-Treasurer for 19 50
at a salary of $175.00. Carried.
Moved by- Mrs. E. W. Sanders
and seconded by Mr. C. A. Cann
that the Exeter Public School
Board meet on the first Tuesday
of each month in the Exetex’
Public School. Carried.
iMoved by Mr. W. G. Seldon
and seconded 'by Mr. R. E. Rus
sell that Mr. W. H. Pollen be
the representative of the Exeter
Public School Board on the Exe
ter Arena Board. Carried,
Moved by Mrs. E. W. .Sanders
and seconded by Mr. W. G. Sel
don that Mr. E. Jones be the
representative of the Exeter Pub
lic iSchool Board on the Exeter
Library Board fox* the 3 year
term 195 0-51-52. Carried.
Mr. W. E. .Middleton appoint-.
ed Mr. C. A. Cann 'and iM'r. W. (threw the loops of
H. Pollen to be a striking conx-
mi.ttee to bring in a slate of of
ficers for the various
Property Oomxnittee:
W. Sanders and Mr. W.
Finance .and Insurance: Mr. C.
A. Cann and .Mr W. G. Seldon.
Fuel and Supplies: Mirs. E. W.
Sanders and Mr. W. G. Seldon.
Jloved by Mr. ,C. A. Cann and
seconded by IMr. W. H. Pollen
that above comnxittess be ap
pointed. Carried.
The Chairman to be a membei’
of all committees.
Correspondence: Page & Steele
was con-
E. Russell
W. G. Sei-
January Stock-Taking
January is stock-taking
and January sales. Readers
do well to note carefully the ad
vertisements that ;a,ppear in The
Your Hospital Contribution Is
A Valuable Insurance Policy
Three members of the hos
pital executive met with the
Stephen canvassers on Tuesday
evening in Crediton, and dis
cussed with them the campaign
for funds. The canvassers have
been supplied with the printed
material necessary and will start
on their canvass at once. With
an objective of $25,000, they
already have a good start of
$6,000, and it is expected that
the good people of Stephen will
be generous, and soon see that
the campaign is a success.
W. M. Martin, an Exetei’ Old
Boy, a son of the Manse, now
Chief Justice of Saskatchewan,
writing to R. N. Creech, a boy
hood friend, says—“I am inter
ested in your efforts to procure
a hospital in South Huron, and
I am sending you a small dona
tion. I want to show my sym
pathy with your efforts and I
hope you meet with success”.
The standing to date:
Prev. acknowledged
W. M. Martin, Regina
Foote & Raftise, Lon
don .................
John Prout .................
A friend
John Pollard ............
Harry Rowe ..............
Anonymous ..................
Walter Penrose ..........
Mrs. Penrose aiid Eva
Reg McDonald ...........
L. Day ..............
Anonymous ............
Rudy and Aubrey Cham
bers .........................
Jack Delbridge ..........
W. M. J. Pybus .......
Mrs. E.
H. Pol-
of mind, mittens frozen to ice,
and an army haversack saved
the life of Heather McDonnell,
nine, of Eastview near Ottawa.
She was crossing the Rideau
River near her home when the
ice broke. She spread her arms
as she plunged into the water
and managed to hang on to the
ice by her woolly mittens which
froze to the ice. Oscar -Cyr, a
passerby crawled over on the ice,
an army
haversack to her and drew her
to safety with another passerby
grasping him iby the heels. Cyr
credits the little girl with saving
her own life by obeying his
warning not to struggle oi' she
wou-ld slip off the ice. —C.P.C.
Prev. acknowledged ..,$ 6,000.00
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Lawson (sec. don.) 250.00
$ 6,250.00
Prev. acknowledged ...$16,736.00
Additional 416.00
General prev. ack,
Hay prev. ack. ....
Hensall prev. ack.
Total reported $72,859.80
Ineligibility Of Councillor
Causes New Nomination
The newly elected members of
the 1950
ship of Usborne
Township Hall,
uary 9, for their inaugural
ing. The members present
Reeve Wellington Brock,
Councillors Verne Pincombe,
Harold Jeffery, and Harold Hern
in attendance. At the statutory
hour of 11 a.m., the members
present subscribed to the oath
of office and were constituted,
though incomplete as the muni
cipal council for the year 1950;
and being a majority in number
of the complete body proceeded
Eight Charter
Lions Honored
Eight of the original charter
members of the Exeter Lions
Club were honored with seats at
the head table at the supper
meeting in the Central Hotel on
Friday evening. Five new mem
bers received their initiation.
i One of the older members sub-
1 mitted his resignation to make
room for a younger man. The
club voted unanimously to ask
Charter members present were
J. P. Bowey, J. B. Creech, Dr.
H. H. Cowen, Dr. Dunlop, A. O.
Elliot, T. O. Southcott, J. M.
Southcott and B. W. Tuckey.
The newly initiated members
were Eugene Beavers, Dr. Cor
bett, Warren May, Jack Orchara
and Larry Snider.
Stephen Township Council >
Nai^s Committees, Officials
The 19 50 ^Municipal Council ed to be sent to the De
of Stephen held
re school sketches. Meeting to be I
arranged" by Chairman’' "'oeb'
Treasurer; letter from Medical
‘Officer1 of HeaMi for South
Huron, Dr. Aldis; lettex’ .from
Fire Marshall’s office.
Property Committee to take
necessai*y action to correct con
ditions as outlined in tlxe above
Principle’s Report: Number on
roll, 274; number
days, 16; average
Kindergarten had
with 26 pupils for xnorning and
26 fox’ afternoon. A quantity of
supplies was requested
operation of the school.
Moved by Mr. R. E.
and seconded by Mi’. W.
len that the principle’s report be
adopted and the required sup
plies ordered. Carried.
Moved by Mr. W. G. Seldon
and seconded by Mr. C. A. Cann
that Sec.-Treas. notify the of
ficer at R.C.A.F. Station, Cen
tralia, that owing to overcrowd
ed conditions at the school that
the Board cannot .accept any
Kindergarten pupils at this time.
Carried. .
Accounts: Moved by R. E.
Russell and seconded by Mr. C.
A. Cann, that these accounts be
paid. Carried. .
Mr. W. G. Seldon moved ad
journment at 10:10.
—W. H. Hodgson, Sec-Treas.
of teaching
for the
H. Pol-
Receive Sketches
of the <Twp.
its inaugural meeting for the
in the
Marie Jamieson, 53, of Brant
ford, who has adopted Jan
Lerners, a 28-year-old Dutch
farmer because in 1945 the Hol
lander cared for her son’s grave
at Groesbeek, near Nijmegen.
Leiners wanted to emigrate to
Canada but hadn’t enough mon
ey. He will manage Mrs. Jamie
son’s farm, the job planned for
Cpl. Harold Jamieson. —-C.P.C.
At a special meeting of the
Exetex* School Board Monday
evening, Mr. II. Steele, architect,
was present and presented,
sketches for the proposed ad
dition to the high school build
ing about to be vacated, which
has become the property of the
public school. After due
was -decided that
sideration it
the Sketches be approved and
forwarded to the Department of
Education for their approval.
Township Hall,
Crediton. .£>p January 2, at.jJl
a.m., according to statute, xxev.
J. V. Dahms of the Evangelical
U.B. Church was present and
offered prayer asking devine
guidance be given the council in
the transaction of the year’s
Reeve Elmer Lawson, Deputy-
Reeve Henry Beaver, and Coun
cillors John Morrissey, Roy
Swartz and Charles MacGregor
took the oath of office 'before
the clerk, after which the 1950
council was formally constituted
and convened with Reeve Law-
son presiding.
Minutes of the final Munici
pal Council meeting for 19 49,
held on December 15, and the
special meeting on December
16, were confirmed as printed,
on motion of Roy Swartz and
John Morrissey.
A vote of thanks was tendered
to Rev. J. V. Dahms for official
ly opening the new year’s meet
ing, on motion of Henry Beaver
and John Morrissey.
On motion of Henry Beaver
and Chas. MacGregor the meet
ing was adjourned until 1:30
p.m., aftei’ which the members
were entertained to a turkey
dinner at Rether’s Coffee Shoppe
'by Reeve Elmer Lawson.
Elmei’ Lawson was appointed
delegate to the Ausable Conser
vation Scheme for 1950, on the
motion of John Morrissey and
Roy Swartz.
By-law 1, 1950, known as the
money-borrowing by-law, author
izing the reeve and treasurer to
borrow from the Bank of Mont
real, Crediton, on behalf of the
municipality, a sum or sums
not exceeding in the aggregate
$30,000 for the purpose of car
rying on the business of the
township for the ensuing year.
This by-law was given three
readings and passed on motion
of Charles MacGregor and Henry
By-law 2, 1950, providing for
the total expenditure on
roads of the township for
year 1950, the sum of $36,000,
was given three readings and
passed on motion of Henry Bea-
ber»and Roy Sxvartz, and direct-
ed to be sent to the Depart
ment of Highways for
The tax collector, F.
lock, reported that a
$8,000 of the 1949 tax
The clerk”'■* was authofizeh- to
order subscription to-the Muni
cipal World for all members of
the council and to apply for the
department subsidy on 1949 road
expenditures on the motion of
Swartz and MacGregor.
All ratepayers must notify the
clerk before March 1, 1950, if
they have no dog.
On motion of Morrissey and
Beaver, a by-law is to be pre
pared regarding J. Woodall
change the boundary line of
Police Village of Crediton.
Officers and officials were
pointed for the year 1950,
motion of Morrissey and Swartz:
Clerk and treasurer, F. W. Mor-
lock; road superintendent, Law
rence Hill; auditor, T. A. Wise
man; weed inspector, Elmei' Pic
kering at seventy cents an hour;
school attendance officers, Gar
net Hill, for Schools 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 14, U9, Hl3; Clayton Pfile,
for Schools 6, 7, 11, U15, U16,
U.S.S. 6; J. W. Holt, for Schools
IV. Mor-
total of
levy was
10, 12, US, U17, U18;
valuators, Murray Elliott,
liam Love; members of
committee, Elmer Lawson,
ry Beaver.
Fence viewers: Murray_
liott, Ed Chambers, Leslie Rich
ard, Gordon Ratz, Ed Kraft, Al
vin Finkbeiner, Dean Brown,
John Lovie, Harvey Eagleson.
Pound keepers: B. Cook, Earl
Shapton, Royal Gaiser, William
Love, Ezra Webb, Alvin Baker,
Ross Love, Arthur Baker, Mich
ael Ryan, Leasum Lafond, Hil
ton Ford, Clarence
William Stade, W.
Lloyd B r o p h e y,
Moved by Henry __
seconded by John Morrissey that
the following general accounts
be paid: Donald Mitchell, fox
bounty, $3.00; Bert Holt, shel
ter (Mrs. Carruthers), $7.00;
Mrs. T. Kenney, care of M. Ken
ney, $9.00: County of Huron,
hospitalization, $66.00; Clayton
-Sims, refund on dog tax, $2.00;
Emerson Wein, refund on dog
tax, $2.00; IL K. Eilber, Water-
Continued on Page Four
with the business of the day.
Rev. William Mail* was pres
ent and opened the meeting with
a prayer for divine guidance
during the coming year.
Minutes of the last and statu
tory meeting of the 1949 coun
cil, the minute# of the nomina
tion meeting held on December
23, and the record of the elec
tion for reeve held on December
30, were confirmed as printed,
on motion' of Councillors Pin
corn be and Jeffery.
Correspondence from
ship solicitor, W. G.
advising the council
validity of the qualification Of
one member elect to the council
had been questioned by a town
ship ratepayer. Mr. Cochrane
having been requested to attend
the meeting to advise the council
on the xnatter, advised that since
the fourth membei’ of the coun
cil could not properly qualify at
the time of the nomination meet
nomination meeting should be
held as soon as practicable to
elect one more member to the
On motion of Councillors Hern
Unfl Jeffery, council agreed that
a fursther.^nomination meeting be
held on Monday, January 23, at
1 p.m. for the purpose of elect
ing another councillor to fill the
vacancy existing, and in the
event that it should be necessary
to hold an election that it be
held on January 30 in the same
manner, the same places, with
the same officers in charge as
set forth in the nomination -and
election by-law.. passed in Decem
ber for the nomination meeting
at the end of the year. The
reeve agreed to issue/, a warrant
to the clerk calling fox’ a new
election. The regular council
meeting day was set fox’ the se
cond Monday afternoon in each
month on motioxi of Councillors
Jeffery and Pincombe.
Officials were appointed, sal
aries were set and rates of pay
were authorized on xnotion of
. .azxM^ciilors Pincoxnbe and Jef-
Reeve, $125 per annum, and
Councillors $100; Clerk H. H.
G. Strang, $65 per month; treas
urer N. G. Clarke, $300 per
year; auditor T. A. Wiseman,
$125 pex* year; solicitor W. G.
Cochrane, tax collector William
Johns, $100 per year; assessox*
H. H. G. Strang, $65 per month;
road superintendent William
Routly, 70 cents per hour; offi
cer in charge of Pasturing By
law William Routly, machine
operator Harry Sparling, 75 cts.
per houx' for machine work;
crawlex* tractor operator Emer
son Penhale, $1 per hour; othex*
township labour, 60 cents per
hour; team labour, 75 cents per
hour; relief officex’ N. G. Clarke,
$1 per family on relief and mile-
. age; school attendance officer
William Johns, caretaker of the
township hall John Kellett, $25
per year; livestock valuator
Clayton Smith, $1 per trip and
' mileage
i John , ______ ____,William Doupe, James Heywoodl
. Poundkeepers: Earl Whiting,
. Thomas Yellow, Robert Jeffery,
. Frank Ryckman, Edmund Alex
ander, James Anderson, Everett
Skinner, Garnet Johns, Heber
Shute, Everette Miller, and John
Bray. The clerk was instructed
to incorporate the foregoing in
the town-
that the
or within the prescribed time
qualification, that he could
be considered to be elected,
therefore the council was
complete and that a further
township allowance for
10 cents per mile; fence
— Wellington Kerslake,.
Prance Clarence Down,
J, Hodgins,
and Dennis
Beaver and
NEARING COMPLETION-—The new Exeter ' District High open the new school on Wednesday, January 25 after winch
School is receiving the finishing touches as the students pre- there will ho a tour of inspection. The building will also be
pare to move into it this Friday. Premier Frost will officially open in the evening,—Free Tress Photo
a by-law, to be passed at
February meeting.
The road superintendent __
instructed to secure cash pay
ment for machine work outside
of the township for private in
dividuals, and to charge the
same rates as in 1949, on motion
of Councillors
Reeve Wellington Brock was
re-appointed as the township re
presentative to the Ausable River
Conservation Authority for the
year 1950 on motion of Coun-
cillors Hern and Jeffery.
The treasuerr was authorized
to have township cheque forms
printed, on motion of Council
lors Jeffery and Hern.
Grants of $10 each were made
to the War Memorial Children’s
Hospital and the Queen Alexan
dria Sanitarium, on motion of
Councillors Pincombe and Jef
Membership was taken in the
Ontario Association of Rural
Municipalities and the Associa
tion of Assessing Officers tor
Ontario, on motion of Council
lors Jeffery and Hern.
The treasurer reported a bal
ance of cash on December 31,
1949, of $5,683.47, road super
intendent’s vbuchers of $3,996.-
17 and other current accounts to
the amount of $477.06 were
passed for payment, on motion
of Councillors P i n e o m b e and
Council adjourned to meet
again In regular session on Mon
day afternoon, February 13, at
Pincombe and