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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-05, Page 5
4 1 •r the TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1950 SA1NTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. II, Hunter and family and Mr. J. Hunter were Tuesday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickins, also Mr, F. Dickins, of Saskatchewan. Mr, and Mrs.-H. Hamilton of Ailsa Craig spent the Christmas week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner, Mr, and Mrs. IM. Colbert and family and Mrs. F, Davis were Tuesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. H, Davis. Mr, and Mrs. M. H, Elston and Mrs. F, Davis were Tuesday dinner guests with Mr, gnd 'Mrs, O. Fletcher of Woodham, Miss Joyce McDonald spent the past week visiting with her cousin, Miss Dora Noels of Ayl- mei’. Mr, and Mrs. R. Greenlee entertained the Greenlee family on New Years. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ings of Lon don, Mr, A. Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carroll were iSatur- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. J-I. A. IMullins and Ruth Ann of Arva, and Mr, and Mrs1. C. Abbott and family were Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, Misses Almarie Davis spent the home of Mr. Greenlee. We are glad IMr. Joe Dobbs has the bandage removed from his hand and it is gradually improving. Mrs. F. Davis entertained .her grandchildren on Saturday eve ning. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and Sheila, Mr. and Mrs. . Earl Greenlee, Misses Almarie, Alexia and Janet Davis, also Mr. J. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson and Mr. and .Mrs. D. Maguire and Lee were New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta, London. Mr. and Mrs. Foley and Joyce of Birr were Christmas guests at the home of IMr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and family spent the New Year week end in Aylmer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Noels. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner were Saturday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. <H. Davi§ and family, Mrs. F. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. .Greenlee and Mr. J. Bar ker were Monday guests at the home of Mr. and iMrs. E. Green lee. Miss Simpson holiday Isaac. MAIN STREET UNITEDJAMES STREET UNITED Rev. II. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein,, A.W.O.M,, Musical Director 11 a.m,—Morning Worship. “The World's Supreme Need.” Anthem; Selected. Solo: Grant McDonald, p.m,—Sunday School. p.m.—Rev, Donald Sinclair __ Caven Presbyterian Church will preach. Everybody wel come. 3 7 Of Henry - Hodgins, of ■and Mrs. H. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE and Alexia holidays at the and Mrs. Earl to report that M. . Isaac and Mr. of London spent with Mr. and Mrs. D. the G. aces among Scotland’s poaching fraternity have Rev. Harry J, Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A, Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—* ’Break Thou the Bread of Life.” Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“Building for Eternity.” The salmon been known to tickle salmon to death. They catch one laying close to shore, tickle it back of the gills and start a nervous condition which makes the sal mon rigid. Then they scoop it out of the water. S H.* T. Kendrick, Pastor Tuesday through to Friday 2:30 p.m. — Prayer Group meets this week starting the fourth month of prayer. God is living. Wed., 8 p.m.—.Prayer and Bible Study in the Tabernacle. Thurs., 8 p.m,.—'Sunday School Teachers and Officers Meet. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Sun., 10 Supt.: Sun., 11 Name Sunday, at a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. E. Cudmore. a.m.—“The Use of the of Jesus.” 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. A Great Song Service so come, you are invited. ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. .Dahms. Minister 10 a.m.—“Water Into Wine.” 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—“God and Pain.” Thurs., Jan. 5, 8:15 p.m.—The W.S.W.S. in church school room. Mon., Jan. 9, 8:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Meeting at Brins ley. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: Harold F. Currie Message—“A Human and Divine Partnership.” Worship: ■Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—>2:45 p.m. Church School: Missionary Sunday—Slides. Shipka—11:15 a.m. Crediton1—10:30 a.m. Brinsley—1:3 0 a.m. Would You Like To Have Your Child ren Attend Sunday School? We are interested in having the girls and boys in Exeter learn the Bible; and so will send cars to pick them up on Sunday morning at 9:45. This is free to you so . . . Please Call Mr. Kendrick Phone 337 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.,—Public Worship. Installation of the officers of the organization of the con gregation. Tues., Jan. 10, 8:00 p.m.—The C.C.C. will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, January 8, 1950— 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. — Morning Prayer A hearty welcome is extended to all. Holy Communion First Sunday of each month. EDGEWOOD Mr. Kenneth Garrett Jr. of London spent New Year’s with his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Ken Garrett Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bendall of St. Marys spent New Year’s her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Roland Carty day in London. We are pleased to Mr. Cecil Bowman better. Mrs. R. Moore spent Friday in London visiting Mrs. Ken Kirk, who is a patient in hospi tal. Wedding bells will ring in the community in the near future. spent report is with Roy Fri- that getting on ■S next housewife, time you consider a LIVING The usefulness of modern electri cal appliances considerably lessens the work of today’s The household timesaver be sure you look over the famous General Elec tric line. R. E. Russell KIPPEN (Intended for last week) The Sunday School of St. An drew’s United Church held their annual Christmas Concert Monday evening, December 19. The seating capacity was ex hausted and several had to stand for .th© well organized program which follows: “Welcome Song” Carol McMurtrie, Carol Faber, Katherine Anderson, Eileen Mc Lean, Marilyn Anderson, Marie Jarrott; chorus, “Pure As The Snowdrift” by the Sunday School, song, Ann and Marie Sinclair; piano duet, Marie Jarrott, Kathe rine Anderson; recitation, Har old Parsons; Christmas drill, tiny tots; recitations .by Sharon McBride, Margaret Elgie, Billie Workman, Jack Chipchase, David Cooper; piano duet, Mrs. Broadfoot, Jack Caldwell. One of the most colorful items on the program was the “Bub bles Song” by the junior girls, each dressed in different colors, singing “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”, while four of the girls blew prettily colored bubbles in the air. Nelson McClinchey and Margaret Jean Broadfoot then sang a duet “My Two Front Teeth, Piano instrumentals were given by Miss Marion Thompson. A Christmas Pageant Was pre sented by Anne and Marie Sin clair and Nelson McClinchey. Mr. Hinton expressed thanks to all for their untiring efforts in making the concert a success and to the audience tor presence, without whom no ceft could be a success. The juniors presented a drill. A duet was sung by and Marie Sinclair. A short act play, “Wanted, A House keeper” was presented by Norma Deitz, Isabelle Caldwell, Joyce and Edna Broadfoot, Mona Cald well, Ruth Alexander and Wayne McBride. The Minstrel Show, being broacast over Kippen’s newest radio station OKKO and spon sored by Kippen Home Remedies, added a good many laughs. The junior and senior boys presented the show. Ronnie Anderson gave a recita tion, The entire School then gave the closing chorus, ’’Here Comes Santa Claus”. Santa then „ ap peared and many gifts were pre sented in addition to bags of candy for the children. R. their con- Fire Ann hvo- Cancer has proven more dead ly than any war. Doctors say it is not the increase but that higher statistics are due to earlier and better diagnosis than heretofore. * The right tered banks , _ . was cancelled on Jan, 1, ■> * « of Canada’s char- to issue banknotes ItMX THAMES! ROAD Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ballantyne and family spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. J- Hackney. Misses Margaret Cann, Elsie Bray, Nona and Lois Pym, Elean or Dawson of London spent; the holiday .week-end at tlieir^hpmes here. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Almei1- ^Passmore on the birth of their son. Master Bobby ;b & y n h a m o f Hensail spent a few days last week with his uncle and aunU Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Passmore, Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Exeter. Miss Helen Passmore, .Mr. and Mrs. William Passmore of Exe ter, Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Parsons and family, Mr. and Mrs, Doug. Parsons and family of Centralia spent Monday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McIntyre of London, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bal lantyne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne and .family, Mrs. G. Wiseman, ‘Mrs. Montieth, Mr. Edgar Monteith spent Monday with Mr. and Mrg, Thomas Bal lantyne. Mr. and M'rs. Arthur Gardiner, ■Mary and Bert, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice, Mr. and ’Mrs. Lorne Passmore, Mr. Aimer Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mavers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and family of Toronto, Messrs. Sid, Herb, Ward Neeb and Miss Esther Neeb of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. .Mc Adams and family of Zurich, Mi’, and Mrs. McBride and family of Zurich with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison on Monday of this week. New Years visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Cann, IMr. and Mrs. William Jef fery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cann and family of Exe ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gord. Johnston of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnston of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger Mr. Fahner or Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. William rymple and family and ,Mr. Mrs. Percy Stone visited on Mon day with 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson. A Mr. and IMrs. Andrew Christie and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Dow of Roys spent Friday evening with Rev. and Mrs. Mair. Rev. William Mair conducted the funeral service for the late Mrs. Duncan McLean at the Heath funeral home, Mitchell, with interment in Roy’s ceme tery. The Y.P.U. met in the church basement on Sunday evening. (Misses Betty Allison, Annie Elford, Messrs. Floyd and Glenn Stewart and Ronald Elford are spending this week at O.A.C., Guelph for the winter course. The W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Percy Stone on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmar Howatt and family of Blytli day with Mr. and Hodgert. Sunday School at service at 11:15 onchurch day. and and New Mrs. CENTRALIA Mr, and Mrs. S. Henry family, Listowel, and Mr. Mrs. Andrew Hicks were Year’s guests with Mr. and Lorne Hicks. Miss Dolores Bush of Water loo and Miss Margaret Cook of Kitchener spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, B. Cook, Mr, and Mrs.j 'Cameron Proc- tor and son of Clinton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, Proctor, Miss Donna Bowden visited last week with Miss Fern Braithwaite in Alvinston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaac of De troit and Mr, and Mrs. C. Isaac and baby of South Norfolk, Va., were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt, Lenore and Maxine, were New Year’s visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routley in Kirkton., - -- Duf_ Pen- New Mrs. Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs. R. field, Mr. and Mrs. G, F. warden and Harold were Year’s guests with Mr. and William Essery. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs, Ray Lammie were Agnes and Miss Greta Lammie of Hensail, and Miss Amy Lam mie of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wrightman and Lillian of the mie of London, Mr. and and Mrs, West. Maxine Bowden visited over the^ week-end with her grand Bowden, inmother, Mrs. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harris West and Bette Lou, Mrs. T. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey spent New .... ” and Mrg. wwt_ family in Us- Year’s with ney Coates borne. Mr. and Millbank, W. Mr. and Mrs. , Mr. t__ ___ — Schenck and Richard of London spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith. New Year’s visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ______ ___ .girls, Mr. and Mrs. K. Robertson and David, and Mr. D. Clarke. Miss Taylor, a London Normal student, is spending this week at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Bobiby and Jean, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, Hurondale. New Year’s guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Essery were Miss B. M. Essery of London, J. M.. Gray of and Mrs. Ewart ZION Saturday guests with Mrs. L. Kyle of Exeter were Mr, .and Mrs. Eph. Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and family, Mr, Ross Hern and family, Mr, and Mrs. .Morris Hern and family. The Woodham church choir will present their Christmas Can tata in Zion Church on Sunday evening, January 8, at 8 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend, Messrs. Harry and Bob Hern, 'om Brock are in Guelph this • short Page $ Mr. Advertiser, resolve to have your copy in hy Monday noon. 1 I ■M Ice & Wood FREE DELIVERY E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter * T. week attending the winter course at the O.A.C. Mrs. George Brock of tralia visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Johns. Cen- past Jack Beatty and DeLaval Service IK Mr. and Mrs. E. T, Roberts and baby of Camlachie, Mrs, John Essery, Mrs. Duffield, Mr. and Mrs. F. Penwarden and Harold. R. B. WILLIAMS Don't envy your neighbour and drive all winter yourself When you first bought your car it was an investment in safe, comfortable private transportation. You can get your money’s worth by giving your car the care that a fine piece of machinery demands. GM-Winterizing Service now being featured at Shell Bros. & Co. is a special all-round tuning up and overhaul that puts your car in shape for cold weather driving. Cost of GM-Winterizing is surprisingly low. Phone today. We’ll be glad to answer your questions. Imported Elysians Sealskins Fleeces Meltons Greatly Reduced — Some Less Than Cost $24.95Reg. $35.00 10:15 and Sun- D al and spent Mrs. Sun- Mac. George Godfoolt, H. Godbolt .and We’re overstocked! Racks that should be empty are still full of fine winter overcoats ... all because of this mild unseasonable winter. Double-breasted, single-breasted, slip-ons and dress coats tailored by Fashion Craft and other leading makers. Full colour and size range. Reg. $46.00 Reg. $49.50 $30 OQ Reg. $50.95 Reg. $37.00 Reg. $39.00 $29.00 Reg. $39.50 and home of Mr. Superior Store Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat each 280 2 lbs. 290 i Jones & MayI i sympathy of the com- is extended th the be- family of Mr, Stephen who passed away on Love’s* Mrs. and Mrs. Ed HARPLEY Jean Ridley spent a Parkhill at Mr. Langford Snell Bros. & Co. PHONE 100 EXETER NOTE: We’re ready to work on your car now. Licenced Mechanics only Men’s Overcoat Sale Miss days in Ridley’s. Mrs. Max Desjardine and son, Alex, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. John Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and family and Mr. Joseph Hic key visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jones in Exeter on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Maud Eagleson and Don and Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle- son visited with friends in Lon don on Christmas Day. Holiday visitors for Christmas were: At Mr. Mansell Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family of Shipka, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family of Lucan. \'Mi\ and Mrs. Langford Ridley df Darkhill at the John Ridley. At Mrs. Colin Mary Gill and Mr. Gill and family of Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. William Love and family, Mrs. Maud Eagleson and Don and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson and family spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Jack Hodgins at Corbett. MA and Mrs, Newton Hayter and family at the home of Mr. Frank Statton at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Millin of Corbett and Mr. Hector Murray With Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Mur ray, The munity reaved Webb, Thursday, Mr. Dick England and Mrs. Forbes of Niagara Falls and Mr, and Mrs. Mat England of Hen- sall called at the home of Mr. Mansell nodgius on Friday,V 25 Percent Off ALL LADIES’ AND MISSES’ Winter Dresses Hundreds of ladies’ and misses’ winter dresses—-new styles and materials to clear in a hurry at 25% off regular prices. 25% Off All Ladies’^ Misses’ and Girls’ Winter Coats, Snow Suits and Ski Pants. Children's Coats at $3.95 This is an exceptional bargain—one rack of children’s win ter coats, sizes 3 to 12 years, at less than half price $3.95 each GLOBE DESSERT PEARS Whole pears in. syrup. Large 20-oz. tins ........... each 210 AUNT JEMIMA CAKE MIX Devil’s Food, or Silver ...... per pkg. 350 QUICK QUAKER OATS Large 3-lb. box APPLES (Talman Sweets or Snows) Limited supply, 5 lb. 25c, l/z bus* 79c, per bushel $1.50 CLARK’S PORK & BEANS lAitgc 20-oz, tin ...................... 2 for 250 THRIFT SOAP FLAKES Good quality, in bulk PHONE 32 EXETER