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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-01-05, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 195Q POP’S Taxi Service Pllone; Crediton 18rll Exeter 857 Canadian railways spend 880.06 per year in malntainance Duncan McKellar for every mile of track in the country.* » * * Diogenes, the ancient Greek with the lamp, liked perfume so well he scented his feet. The fumes rose and scented his whole body. FOR SALE 5,000 Pullets, 3 months old, weight 31 o pounds, for prompt delivery., 32$ per pound. These Pullets will lay A Large Eggs during all of the high priced egg period from June to December. If you have disposed of your hens, these pullets will make you real money. WE PREDICT: 30fc fewer chicks raised in 1950; a shortage of eggs and good prices after June 1; lower feed prices by June or July; a definite shortage, of 5-6 pound roasters, and capons by April 1, and good prices. Pullets can be successfully raised entirely inside. We have, records to show this. =Get our list of January Chick Specials. Day old and 2-3 week old chicks, pullets and cox. Day old chick specials $12.50 to $13.50. ; Book your order now for February or March chicks. | We are setting to order only for February or later I delivery. e Lakeview Poultry Farms & Hatchery EXETER, ONTARIO ffl .......... ............. j Funeral services for Duncan McKellar, 78, who died suddenly in Seaforth following a heart attack, were conducted at the family residence, Cromarty, by Rev. G. M. Young, and inter ment made In Staffs Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lyndsay ana Duncan McKellar, Murray Mc Gill, Ross Houghton, J. Hog garth and Andrew McLellan. Mr. McKellar was a stone mason by trade, and had resided all his life in Cromarty. Besides his wife, he leaves two brothers, Archie and Alex, and two sisters, Mrs. Robert Hoggarth, and Mrs, Kenneth Drake. Deepest slumber is the ground squirrel when it hibernates. It won’t even move when pins are stuck in it. "Now are you sure that this covers everything that happened at Your weekly garden party?" SAVE MILK Raise Calves^on PURINA CALF' STARTENA Sfi» 4, I Do you grudge the milk you’re putting into your calves, and wish you could put it into the milk cans instead? With Purina’s dry-feeding plan you can ship most of that milk. You feed a limit ed amount of milk for only one month, then cut it off entirely. Get EXTRA Eggs ! Along about this time pullets often lose interest, slacken off in production. Here are two things to do to help them snap out of it: 1. Give them a treatment with Purina Chek-R-Ton—just mix in the mash. Chek-R-Ton stimulates appetites, tones up digestions, helps bring them back. 2. Give them an extra feed of extra-good feed. Sprinkle 3 to 5 lbs. of Purina Checkers on top of the mash at noon each day. Birds like them, eat them readily ... you get the good effects of wet mash without the bother of it. On your next trip to town, take home a bag of PURINA CHECKERS K, Raising calves the Calf Startena way saves time, saves work, saves money, as well as milk. It’s worth investigating — ask us about it!For MORE Milk Got any young pigs coming along? Want to take them past weaning without the usual set back? Get them used to eating this good solid ration (Sow & Pig Chow mixed 1 to 3 with your chop!—and see the differ ence! SOW & PIG CHOW We Recc If you’ve plenty of grain on hand, balance it with If you've only a moderate supply of grain, then use If you’re low on grain, or out of it, feed ’’complete” If you want more bulk, palatability, or laxative effect— mmend — Cow Chow Concentrate Cow Chow Supplement Milk Chow (STRAIGHT) Bulky-Las t’ul^u°lBK0 It may seem early to be talking about baby chicks—but the man who makes real egg money in 1950 will be the one who starts his chicks early, and raises them right. It’s none too early to be cleaning up the brooder house, checking up on good chicks, placing your order for a really early start— and resolving that you’ll get them away ’’flying” for 1950 profits on PURINA CHICK STARTENA We Have a Full Stock of Electric Ranges Electric Refrigerators Electric Washers THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN We repair all makes of Sewing Machines. Bring yours in for a general overhaul Work fully guaranteed. w Hurondale WX The December meeting of the Hurondale W.L was opened with the singing of the Ode and "I he Old Lamplighter," followed by the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Roll call was answered with some very interesting ideas for a Christmas menu. It was decided to make a layette for the Children’s Shelter in Gode rich and quilts for the War Memorial .Hospital in London. These articles are to be turned in at the January meeting. A baking sale will be held January 21 in .the Legion Rooms, Exeter. Mrs. Dougall led in a sing song of popular songs. Mrs. Wil liam Elford gave the motto "If Ybu .Can’t Make Light of Your Troubles, Keep Them Dark", Mrs. Ed. Sillery gave her report on the London Area Conference. The members were then favoured with a guitar solo by Mrs. Dick son. Mrs. Rundle read a very delightful poem which she had composed concerning the bus trip to Toronto. Mrs. Fretts gave a reading on the cactus plant. The current events were read by Mrs. Ross Oke. Mrs. Earle .Mitchell gave a reading on things familiar to us at Christmas and the New Year. Mrs. Dougal led in another sing-song. Mrs. Lome Oke gave a vote of thanks to all those taking part in the program and to the committee, followed by "God Save The King.” A very dainty lunch .was serv ed by the hostess, Mrs. William Kernick, and the committee. On October the twentieth in the year ’49 Hurondale W.L planned to have a good time, A tour to Toronto, conducted they said With two department ladies be at the head. In the cool of the morning I 5:30 sharp, We gathered at the depot, From there to depart. Members and friends numbering forty-four strong Packed lunches and apples and took them along With joking and laughing we all crowded in. The seats in the aisles were meant for the slim. The driver looked- ’round him and hastened to say, Well, now we are ready -without further delay. And so we were settled, With minds all content, To see all we could on a holiday bent. The sun came up brightly as we sped on our way, And gave us the promise of a beautiful The gossip to flow In a steady well know. A paper passed ’round whereon we must write Our names, to be sure, just who went on that tour. There was Mary pad Jenny, Alice and Meda, Bessie, two Bertha’s Eunice and Leda, Three Alina’s, two Lena’s, sE^na Ilene, Two Mabie’s, Florrie, Ann, Anna and Jean, M a y b e 11 e. Helen ,Laura and Gertie, Doris, Bernice, Agnes and Elsie, Amy, Edith, Elva, Verda andMinnie, j Ila and Olie, Hilda and Arnie. Feme, Gwen and Emma, Grace and Burdens, 1 A smarter crowd has never been! seen. The bus sped along and soon! within sight. The city loomed up with signs all so bright. The parliament buildings was to be our first stop,They being situated in a most’ beautiful spot. Inside of the building, inscriptions so- fair j Told us of those who had once’ labored there. Up the stairs, to the "floor of the house" .we did climb. And there we spent a most inter esting time. A uniformed guide took us allj through the halls, Telling facts of the things that were placed round the walls. They were wonderful things toil see and to hear,. s to at day. and jokes .continued stream as you might FQR SALE FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4- door sedan, one mileage, spotless Inside and out. Phone 4Q6-J. owner, low 12-Stfc FOR, SALE — Roasting chicken, dressed and drawn, ready for the oven, 5 to 8 lbs. dressed. Phone J. N. Cowan, Dash wood 40-r-13. 29:5* FOR SALE—Sprayed apples. Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, Bell flower etc. Free delivery in Exeter and Hensail. Phone Clinton 613-r-24, Fred McCly- mont, Varna. 8:15:22:29:5* CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 35£ More than 25 words ljc per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per Inch Classieds calling for a number 10c extra. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. 'Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT a real lot in Gibb’s Survey. Contact: H, M. Gill, Realtor, Grand Bend. 5:12c box FOR SALE—Solid brick house, hydro, hardwood floors, re cently decorated, small barn and garage, good well, some fruit trees. Crediton East, one mile from Airport. Apply to F/S Pridham, Crediton East. 22:29:5* FOR SALE—Four-burner heavy Mrs. Alex Ellis, 32 Ann St., phone 26-R. 5 FOR SALE—Purebred accredited Holstein bull, one week old. Very reasonable. —Sandy El liot, phone 64-W.5* FOR SALE—Massey Harris 12- inch grinder, complete with speed-jack, new set of plates. Phone 173-r-34 Exeter. 5* ma- ’36 bed Ap- FOR SALE—Easy washing chine; dining room table; Hudson car; and bed and springs; and two stoves. pe-: b. D. Cook, Centralia. 5* FOR SALE—-Young lady’s sport jacket, brown sport brown chesterfield coat, •gabardine grey suit, clothing is in excellent condi tion and priced reasonably. Can be seen at The Times- Advocate. 5c trench coat, all size 12. FOR SALE—Young York boar pig, fit for service. —Major Baker, phone 164-r-6 Dash wood. 5* FOR SALE—Seven cubic foot Leonard refrigerator, used for several months, in perfect con dition. Apply: St. 3, Newton Apartments. 5* FOR SALE—No. 4 Cockshutt spreader; 24-plate Allis Chal mers tandem disc; 24-45 Mt. Forest thresher; 9-ft. Buehler tractor cultivators. Apply: R. B. Williams, Exeter^5c FOR SALE—19 48 special deluxe Dodge sedan, low mileage, in good condition. Phone 17S-r-3 Exeter, B. Dietrich. 5* FOR SALE—Clare Jewell, 6-lid FOR SALE—2 bedroom home, nicely situated and complete with modern conveniences. This home is well located on a nicely treed lot. It has never been offered for sale before, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, WANTED WANTED TO RENT—T wo or three unfurnished rooms by single business woman. Phone 377-W Exeter. 5* FOR SALE—1A storey brick. Medium sized home with all conveniences. j ed. Also new 2-bedroom cot tage with full bathroom. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. c Centrally locat- WANTED — Two unfurnished rooms, urgently. Phone 52 Exeter. ) 5 c WANTED—B eech logs ana standing timber of all kinds, large quantities or a bush pre ferred. Apply: Box M, Times- Advocate, Exeter. 8tsf FOR SALE—Lots. We have just listed several very desirable building lots. If you intend building within the next year oi- two it will pay you to look at these. C. V. Pickard, Real tor. e NOTICES FIVE-ROOM modelled, bath, hot tap. —W. Exeter. HOUSE, lately re new roof, two-piece and cold water on 0. Pearce, Realtor, lc COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com mencing Tuesday, January 17, at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depu tations quiring should County Saturday, January 14, 1950. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. Three New Homes Full Basement and Furnace Complete Bath andr Shower R. E. Balkwill 5:12c and other business re- the attention of Council be in the hands of the Clerk not later than HELP WANTED tfe Damp (This Weather) Ralph Batten, whose home is south of the dam at the river, says he never saw the Aux Sable any higher in springtime than it is right now, except on flood oc casions. Creeks are running full HELP WANTED—Female, Cap able full time stenographer wanted. Apply stating qualifi cations and experience to Box N, Exeter. 5tfc FOR RENT , 4 V# A■ -A — x Xk Cj A LL AXXX X XX JL VIA Xcoal and wood cook stove in and sman ponds of water covei’ FOR RENT—Radios, by day or week; vacuum cleaners; elec tric floor polishers. —Beavers Hardware. good condition; also 2 congo- leum rugs, 9 ft. by 7% ft. Apply: Mrs. Alex Hackney, late of Thames Road. Phone 3S3 Mitchell. 5c many fields. Cold weather is pre dicted. Zurich Firm Gives Dinner For Employees Ivan L. Kalbfleisch of Zurich was host to the employees of the T. C. Kalbfleisch & Son Planing Mill, together with their wives and friends, at a holiday dinner at the new Ritz Hotel in Bayfield Thursday evening of last week. Group singing was led by John Turkheim, accompanied by Mrs. Tuerkheim at the piano. A large birthday cake decorat ed the head table marking 100 years since the Kalbfleisch fam ily came to Canaaa ana settled in New Hamburg. .Clayton Ort- wein lit the candles and Miss Katherine Kalbfleisch cut the cake. Victor Dianin, principal of Zurich Public School showed films including one of the visit of Prime Minister St, Laurent to Zurich. Katherine Kalbfleisch entertained, with a drum major- ette drill. ; Paul brothers of Kirkton pro- Svided. musical entertainment. A ?vote of thanks was tendered Mr. 'Kalbfleisch by Alfred Mellick. a It was 46 years ago that the ji Kalbfleisch mill was established see ttUU H) utar, ain Zurich where at present Jt Then each was presented with a’gives employment to a staff of nice souvenir. " .......................*^1 Then out on the lawn wa all went to eat, Where we each had a cup of tea for a treat. After appeasing our appetites, our very next hop Was over to Eatons, in there we could shop.could shop. j Then out on the street we lined ! up in a que Cars Collide In Hay An auto accident in which”two cars were cracked up took place in Hay Township on the Goshen Line about two and a half miles south of Zurich about 5 o’clock Thursday evening. A car driven by Stephen Peachey, R.R. 1, Hay Township, who was travel ling north, were in collision on a rise in the road. Damage to ■the Peachey car is estimated at $600 and to the Myers car $300. Provincial Officer Elmer Zim merman investigated. FOR RENT—Four - room flat,, outside entrance, all conven iences, furnished well for- young couple. Apply; Times- Advocate. <• 5* FOR RENT—F u r n i s h e d and. heated apartment and bed sit ting room. Phone 27 6-J. 5c FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms. Apply at The Times- Advocate. 5tfe MISCELLANEOUS FOR REPAIR and carpenter work, call 404j Exeter. 15:4t*. EAVESTROUGHING — Prompt service, town or country. Apply Box "B” Times-Advocate or phone Fair. 609 9W London. 15:22:29:5:12:19* Visit The Vimes-Advocate Mr. and Mrs. W. Ayleswortli, Barbara Ann and Jim. of the Watford Guide Advocate, were pleasant c alters at the Times- Advocate office Saturday after-; noon on their first trip to this ’ part of the County of Huron. Mr.! Ayleswortli is a past-president of the Ontario and Quebec Weekly Newspapers Association. I fifty-five. Five years ago in Feb- ilruary fire destroyed the old mill and many will remember how ; the blaze from that fire lit the i countryside for miles around. A ! new mill bigger and better was built on the old site and today Ms one of the leading industries of the community. I BLOWN INSULATION ( R O c k Wool or Flberglas) will make your home more comfortable in winter and summer. It pays for Itself in the fuel sav ing. For a free estimate, call collect T. L. Rivers, Grand Bend, 44-r-15, Representative, Lambton Kent Home Insula tion Co. 5tfc I Choir Loft Being Remodelled Workmen are this week en gaged in remodelling the choir loft and pulpit of the James Street United Church. The seat ing is being re-arranged and new oak panelling installed. This is the second step in the re modelling and re-decoration of • the church. The first was the installation of a new lighting system. The work Is being done by the Kalbfleisch mill at Zurich. Recalls Similar Weather Mr. John Perkins, who with? Mrs. Perkins observed the sixty-j second anniversary of their wed-1 ding during the 'middle of De-; cember, recalls that that year j the weather was similar to the] weather we have been experienc-1 ing over the holiday season. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate Household Effects On the premises in the Village of Zurich undersigned auctioneer hasThe „ ____ .. . been instructed to sell by public-3 auction on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 commencing at 2 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: The real es tate consists of Vol, S, Lot 130, 131, 132. There is on the prem ises .brick veneer frame house covered with asphalt shingles in good condition, good dry cellar, summer kitchen and woodshed; very suitable building lots or- s garden land. I Terms of Real Estate: Ten ’percent on day of sale, balance Tn Menr •kJw-.nnv Ontario fishermen think newrhe Gang S6e ' n>’ion neis are t0° Sood. The WV LI If* LT n * sparkle of the net attracts soe sot " aH e siea a j many fish that the piscatorial! ppnt I W/ kJ population may be endangered. |1 W .IV1. ........ .... ...... . _ ---- ..Sow© off tncir ShO&S' to| rrhp Unity dfiys.rest their poor feet. 4--------------- ------------------------— L J £emin*al t d I HOUSEHOLD! L2 bas asain’ rest5ng we de-1 December 29 in°the‘basement ofplf Iroline stove; dining room | the church. The meeting was 1 °alL »6 9 sionary meeting was held onI ----’ —J “ inecemoer za m me oasemem or I tnontro tn the church. The meeting wasi voLa spor“ed 1 Ins tute; tJieatre 10 ? opened with session of prayer I Tf aiid Singing. Roll Call WHS aU-i J Spir n° £or th0Se‘iTh«.,fS^ n~ ° er’ e €ame ‘swered by a verse of scripture. 81ghUess SMt 'r‘w, « J 1 cothd useful be. j our bus was to be. I Prayer and New Year The |Then out to the museum we’We all got aboard making sure ’ of officers followed- Presi- wended our way, none did roam, V Sb Srei- X ’But to see all that was in it And away starts our bus on HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cole- But to see all that was in it • “would take many a day. There were sights that were gruesome and some very rare.' And many Of us felt We would fain linger there. But at 5 o’clock sharp the doors close up tight, And we could see no more of those wonderful sights. So off to the restaurant we I walked in good time, ’Where arrangements were made so that all p-ere to dine. I 5Irs- 1<eith ^IfLaren; vice- And away starts our bus on the 'president, Mrs. Cliff Blanchard; ^secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Vivian As we journeyed along singing | Cooper; pianist, Mrs. Harold songs without number, j Butler and Miss Lousie Wynn.Some kept bright and gay while J;The 1949 report was read and slumber. j approved. Miss Wynn closed in With thanks to Our driver whoUraver obeyed all the rules, j * Stopped at all of the crossings J and slowed down at schools, 1 Most cricketers hold the bat We were brought safely home 1 with its handle running across With never a slip, I the right hand palm and resting And all then proclaimed it against the ball of the right wonderful trip. | thumb. I room chairs; various rocking chairs; magazine stand; section al bookcase; couch; glass cup board; gramaphone with records in good condition; living room table; small writing desk; lawn roller; 2 folding clothes dryers; settee; cellar table. Portland cutter; single har ness, like new; quantity nt lumber; and many articles too numerous to mention. There will also be offered a number of household effects belonging to Dr. O’Dwyer,, who lias recently* moved to London, , Terms: Cash. ALLAN SCHWARTZENTRUBER, Proprietor R. F. STADE, CleTk ALVIN WALTER, Auct. 5: life