HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-29, Page 8Page 8 THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1949
Usborne Pupils
Present Concert
The teacher and pupils of S.S,
No. 5 Usborne gave a splendid
program of songs, dialogues,
-drills, instrumentals and recita
tions .on. Tuesday evening.
With Mr. Victor Jeffery acting
as ’Chairman, the program opened
with the “Welcome Bong”. The
choruses sung by the school were
“Jolly Old Man In The Bright
Red Suit” ~ ‘ “
Red-Nosed R e i n deer”.
Christmas Carol
Verse” was
and “Rudolph The
in Song And
given by the Juniors,
solos were , given by Barry Jeffery, Marilyn Bissett I
and Alexia Lostell; recitations by
Carole Westcott, Ronald Hey
wood, Maryanne Lostell, Bar
bara Morley, Joe Koricina, Donna
Heywood, Ambrose Koricina and
Kathryn Hicks. Mrs. Dixon gave
a lovely guitar solo.
The following dialogues were
given, “Harry’s Pockets”, “Fool
ing Aunt Julia”, “Sales Resist
ance” and “Advice To The Love-
. lorn”; piano duet by Maureen
Stewart and Mildred Ballantyne.
Christmas Symbols .were given
by the Junior girls and boys, and
a double trio by senior girls, also
a double duet by the senior girls,
The Junior grades sang “Jingle
Bells”. The song “I Never See
•Maggie Alone” was given, with
Marilyn Bissett_and Barry Jef
A patriotic drill was given by
several boys .and girls. At the
end of the dialogue “Santa Is
Late”, the jolly old man himself
appeared and after speaking and
joking with the children he dis
tributed numerous presents and
bags of candy.
starring. Song and dance
Hopscotch Polka” was
by three senior girls and
senior boys.
.................. . '■ ■ " V " ............ '■ ’■ '■ '
Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of
charge. Card of Thanks 5Qc. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25e extra for each additional verse, Engagements 50c.
COOPER—CpI. and Mrs. R. II.
Cooper, Centralia, are pleased
to announce the birth of a
daughter, Deborah Ellen, at
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
Thursday, December 22, 1949.
ELDER—Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Eldei’ of Hensall announce the
arrival of a son, Larry Ken
neth, at Victoria Hospital,
London, December 20, 1949.
FORD—-To Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Ford, Elimville, a son, Ronald
Graham, on Thursday, Decem
ber 22, at Mrs. Batten’s nurs
ing home.
JACKSON—At Clinton Hospital,
on Saturday, December 24,
19 49, to LAC Gordon and
Mrs. Jackson, a daughter,
Mary Patricia.
LUXTON—At Victoria Hospital,
London, on Sunday, December
25, 1949, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Luxton (nee Reta Wilson),
are happy to announce the
birth of their daughter, Elaine
ALDWORTH — In Exeter, on
Thursday, December 22, 1949,
Grace Sanders, beloved wife of
the late Lewis .Aidworth, in
her eighty-first year.
GREEN—In Usborne ‘Township
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. John Btewart, on Friday,
December 23, 19 49, Sarah
Emeline Carlile, beloved wife
of the late James Green, in
her eightieth year.
HARVEY—In Exeter on
December 23, 1949,
Perkins, ibeloved wife
late Thomas Harvey,
eighty-third year.
WEBB—At the home of
Woodham Lodges
Elect Nev/ Officers
The annual meeting of Wood
ham Orange Lodge No. 492,
Blanshard Township, was held in
the Orange Hall at Woodham.
The following officers were
elected and installed under the
direction of County Master Geo.
Davis of South Huron district;
Worshipful master, O. Jacques;
deputy master, William Dickey;
chaplain, Max Switzer; recording
secretary, Eldon Robinson; fin
ancial secretary, Lloyd Hern;
marshal, Wm, Elston; treasurer,
Herb Hopkins; first and second
lecturers, John Davidson and F.
Jameson; inside tyler, Herb Hop
kin; outside tyler, Clan Thomp
son; committee men, James Mil
ler, Hugh Berry, Harold Davis,
Reuben. Switzer, Emerson Baton;
auditors, Bob Marriott and Wm.
Woodham L.O.B.A.
The first installation of of
ficers for the Agnes Watson
Memorial Lodge No. 1167 was
conducted by the late Agnes Wat
son’s daughter, Mrs. Taylor, as
sisted by Mesdames Greegory,
Endicott, Cummings, Anderson,
and Mr. H. .Watson, members of
the Edith Cavell L.O.B.A. No.
285, of London.
The following officers were in
stalled: W.M., Gladys . Paton;
J.D.M., May Stephens; Chaplain,
Mildred Mills; R.S. Hilda Smith;
F. S., Ordell McAllister;
Hazel Coward; Guar.,
Davis; D. of C., Myrtle
First Leet., Jean Hern;
Leet,, Florence Jameson;
Lula Batten; I.G., Wilhemenia
Jaques; O.G., Lloyd Hern; Sec
ond Coin., Betty Langford; Third
Com., Hazel Webber; Fourth
Com., Beth Webb; Auditors, Fred
Jamieson, George Davis.
Wolf Cubs Hold
his son,
Ezra Webb, near Grand Bend
on Thursday, December 29,
1949, Stephen Webb, in his
ninety - third year. Service
from the T. Harry Hoffman
funeral home, Dashwood, on
Saturday, December 31, at 2
p.m. Memorial service in the
Grand Bend United Church at
3:15 p.m.
Christmas Party
The Exeter1 Wolf Cub pack
held its annual Christmas party
on Wednesday evening, December
21, in the .Trivi'tt Memorial Par
ish Hall. Nearly all of the Cubs
I own topics—
Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter
The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items, We
and our readers are interested in you and your friends* Phone 31w
General Admission
wish to
thank all those who
remembered me at
you all again,
Mrs. Edith Mason.
Previews its
Coming Attractions
December’ 29 - 30 - 31
‘Chicken Every
★ Dan Dailey
★ Celeste Holm
This is an entertaining comedly
for the whole family . . ,
Mr. E. Guettinger and family
of Crediton wish to express their
sincere thanks to the many
friends and neighbours for their
many acts of kindness in the
past years during Mrs. Guet-
tinger’s illness, and their ex
pressions of sympathy during
their recent bereavement, with
special thanks to Rev. Dahms, c
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fergu
son and Donald wish to express
their sincere ‘thanks of the many
kindnesses extended to them
during their recent bereavement;
also for the floral tributes, the
loan of cars, and to Rev. A.
Hinton and Dr. Goddard. *
The family of the late Mrs.
Aidworth desire to express their
sincere thanks to the friends and
neighbors for the kindnesss and
sympathy extended to their
mother during her illness and
their recent bereavement.
were in attendance, and
were entertained to a very
evening of fun.
A bean guessing contest
one of the features of the __
ning with Bill Pollen guessing
closest. He was presented ,with a
pair of hockey gloves Several
rounds of bingo" were played
with prizes being awarded the
Mrs. Leo Hennessey, Mrs. Art
Frnyne and Mrs. Albert Bowen
assisted the cubmaster, Eric
Sutherland and assistant cub
master Mel .Alderson and Doug.
Pryde by preparing and serving
the lunch.
party closed with the
howl and each , member
presented with a bag of
in ♦
January 2-3-4
£ Esther Williams
Red Skelton
- Color by Technicolor -
A sparkling musical comedy
you will love!
AT 2:30 P.M.
MITCHELL—In loving memory
of a dear wife and mother,
Mrs. Albert Mitchell, who
passsed away December 29,
When evening shades are falling
And we sit in quiet—atone,
To Our hearts there comes a
If she only could come home.
Friends may think we have for
When at times they see us
But they little know the heart
Our smiles hide all the while.
-—Ever remembered by her hus
band and family. *
Special Service
Held At Main St.
A large congregation worship
ped in Main St. United Church
on Sunday evening at the special
service sponsored by the Kum-
joinus Class.
'The auditorium was decorated
with Christmas trees adorned
with multi-coloured lights. A
beautiful star of Bethlehem
shone down from the organ pipes.
Candles shed a soft glow through
out the sanctuary.
The service was predominantly
musical with the congregation
joining in the 'Christmas carols,
singing some carols unaccompan
ied and others with a choral
descant. Rev. II. J. Mahoney
told a fascinating story about
“The Shepherd .Who Didn’t Go”.
The choir, directed by Mrs. A. Y.
Willard, rendered several an
solo cixnncu ucunouom . ,
trio, “O Little Town of Bethle
Skinner. A duet,
East” was given by Messrs. F.
Wildfong and G. Skinner. Special
music at the morning service in
cluded a solo, “The ,Holy City”
by Donald Hughes; a male quar
tette, “The Stai* Still Leads” by
Messrs. L. McKnight. F. Wild
fong, ,G. Skinner and H. Skinner.
Mrs. N. Hockey sang a
entitled “Bethlehem”. , A
was sung by Misses D.
M. Follick and Mrs. G.
“Star Of The
Exeter legion
Exeter Arena - Sat., Dec. 31
Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m,
Admission: Couple, $2.00 - Single, $1.28
Visitors In Towi»
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Roulston,
Guile and Karen, of Simcoe,
With Mr, and Mrs. E. A, Howald
and Mrs. G. F. Roulston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walper of
Pt, Severn, with the latter’s par- with Rev. Mahoney’s mother jii
ents, Mr, and Mrs. William Mel
Rev. and Mrs. Howard Bentall
and daughter of Toronto with
Mr, and Mrs. Ted Buswell, Mrs,
Buswell’s mother, Mrs, Viola I
May, is visiting With her.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellsmere
and Gwen, of North Bay, with
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Buswell.
Mr, Bill Armstrong, of Royal
Roades College, Victoria, B.C.,
with his mother, Mrs. Grace
Mr. and ' Mrs. J. B. Dawson
and family, of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Dick and family, of
Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Kennedy, with Mr. and Mrs,
Gord Cudmore and family.
Miss Mary Easton of Toronto,
with her parents.
Mr. George S. Beavers,
Russeldale, with Mr. B. W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandvik,
Amherstburg, with Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Beavers.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones,
Betty and Earl, and Mr. Bill
Salmon, of London, Mrs. John
Johns and Miss Laurena Johns,
of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole and
daughter, and Mrs, Wm. Robin
son, of London, with Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. MbKnight and family,
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Warner
and family, of London, with Mr.
and Mrs. ;R. B. Russell and fam
Mr. Doug Sweet, of London,
and Miss Helen Sweet, Guelph,
with Mrs. Muriel Sweet.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cairnie of
London, with< Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Coombs".
Gordon May of
his parents, Mr.
liam May.
Mr. and Mrs.
and family, of Thedford,
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Sweitzer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schwalm,
Seforingville, Mr. and
Pearce, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Redmond and Bill, Grosse
lie, Mich., Dr. and Mrs. Cecil
Johnston and Peter, Beacon, of
Beacon, N.Y., at the home of
W. C. Pearce.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKen-
zie and Ivan, of Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Rowe and Johrf,
of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Welsh, with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil
Mrs. L. C. Hicks, Stan and Mrs. J. Essery, withfc Mr. and
Mrs. J. B, Creech.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden
with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Brock at Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill of
Windsor, with the latter’s mo
ther, Mrs. Milo Snell.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Ford
and daughter, Dianne, and Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Dearing, Norman
and Mervin, Oakwood Corners,
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor.
Mr. Fred Ford and Miss Mc
Carroll, of Toronto, with the
former’s mother, Mrs. W. J.
Visitors Out Of Town
Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Smith and
Jimmie at lheir respective homes
in Stratford and Millbank.
Rev. and Mrs. H, J. Mahoney,
Phyllis, Margaret and Richard,
Hamilton with
and Mrs. Wil-
George Clark
R. E. Southcott, Jack
and Jim, of Oil City, with the
former’s brother and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bragg
and Bruce, of West Lome; Miss
Mary Pybus, of London; Mr. and
Mrs. Will Johns, of Elimville,
With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne, of
Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Garnet
passmore, of Forest; and Mrs.
W. C. Robinson, of Detroit; with
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne.
Mr. and Mrs, Garl Schultz and
Carl Jr.,
Mrs. Lloyd Jasper and children,
of Mildmay, with Rev. and Mrs.
H. Mahoney.
With Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hicks
of Usborne were Mr, and Mrs.
Mervyn Wilson and David,
Lawson and
of Exeter.
Mr. and
Shirley and
and Dr, and Mrs. Donald Davis,
of Uxbridge, with Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Davis.
Mr, and Mrs. M. F. Gladman,
Bob, Elizabeth and Dianne, of
Hamilton, and Mr. A. W. Pic
kard, of Regina, Sask., with Mr,
and Mrs. C. V, Pickard.
Mr, and Mrs. William Mur
doch of Hamilton, Miss Olive
Wood of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Wood add Bill, of Lam-
ibeth, with
\H. Wood.*
and Mrs,
Ronald Dinham and Cheryl of
Kirkton; Mr, and Mrs, Eli Brown
of Crediton; Mr, and Mrs, Ken
neth Mason, Peter and .Nancy of
Belegrade; Mr. and Mrs. Don
McAllister, Noil and Dale.
The Sunday. School annual
meeting was held at the home of
MA and Mrs. Cecil Skinner on
Wednesday evening.
Ma and Mts. Horace Del-
bridge, Bruce and Fred, and Ma
and Mrs. Squire Herdman and
Helen spent the Christmas holi
day with MA and Mrs. Henry
Guelph, and with Mr. and Mrs,
Stanley Graham at Ayr, Mr,
Graham is the manager of the
Ayr District Co-Operative whose
large plant was destroyed by | fire last week with a loss of
Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg and Miss
Laurene Zurbrigg, R.N., with re
latives in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter
with friends in Harriston.
Mr, and Mrs. John Payne and
family at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hopper
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Currey and family of Wing-
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Knowles
and family with the latter’s par
ents in Seaforth.
Mr. and
and family
Mr. and
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
shank and family in
Mr. and. Mrs. Harold
and boys in Goderich.,
Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner and
Tom with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Johnson and family at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sweit
zer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweitzer
and Brian, with Mr.
Glenn Brenner
Grand Bend.
Mi’. and Mrs. >0. W.
and family
Dorchester.* * * *
Visitors at the home of Mrs.
Mary Hannigan for the Christ
mas holidays were Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Cox and daughters, Patsie
and Sandra, and Miss Burnadette
Tucker, all of Niagara Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Page and
sons Tom, Ted and Paul, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Mattingley and son
Douglas, Mr. William Jefferies,
all of Sarnia, and Miss Kay
Dishman, of London.
Mr. Ron Stephen .R.C.N., Dart
mouth, Nova Scotia, flew home
for Christmas holidays with Mrs.
‘Stephen, visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Westcott and with his mother
and family at Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander
son and 'family of Kippen, along
with Mr. and Mrs. G. Caldwell,
spent the Christmas holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Caldwell
and family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns
and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Neil
motored to Port Hope on Mon
day last and attended the fun
eral of Mrs. Johns’ cousin, Mrs.
John Woolacott.
Mr. Norm Hockey is still quite
ill in Victoria Hospital, London.
He will be confined
for some time yet,
proving slowly.
Mrs, Amos Parker
Mich., is visiting at the home of
Mr. Frank Sheere.
Miss Marguerite Pickard of
Hamilton is spending the holi
days at her home here.
Mrs. D. A. Anderson Is spend
ing the New Year holidays in
Ottawa with her son W/C Nor
man Anderson, who has recently
returned from a trip to England.
Heavy rainfalls visited this
section last week. On Friday it
snowed and the community en
joyed a white Christmas, but
not for long as the snow had
all disappeared on Monday. The
mild spell melted the ice at the
arena and so far there has been
no skating.
R,CA.F. Student
Admits Low-flying
. A 19-y ear-old student pilot
Thur day last confessed to low-
flying and freed his 25 flying
mates from their barracks. His
name was not revealed.
The entire training class at
the R.C.A.F. station Centralia
was ordered confined to barracks
until a pilot who “buzzed" sec
tions of London and St. Thomas
owned up,
Wing Commander E. R. John
son, commanding officer of the
school, said it has not been de
cided what punishment the
will receive.
There have been only
proved, cases of low-flying
One man was discharged
the other was grounded for
Mrs. Andy Snelgrove
in Strathroy and St.
Mrs. William Cutting
and Mrs.
and family at
with relatives at
to hospital
but is im-
of Lansing,
of Detroit, Mr. and
Thomas Jasper, Mr, and
., of
MA and Mrs. George
Mrs. Rhoda Sliapton
Mrs. Gordon Davis,
Leonard, of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. William
* » *
at the home of Mr.
Cecil Skinner for
were Mr. and Mrs.
Annual Concert
Trivitt Memorial parish hall
was filled to capacity with 'chil
dren and parents of the Bunday
School for their Christmas con
The programme opened with
Christmas carols, Bob Cameron
at the piano; solos ,by Shirley
Harness, Billie Wright, Linda
Balfour and Peter* Wright; duet
by Sally Acheson and Jane Har
ness, Mrs. Langford .accompany
ing at the piano; recitation by
Jackie Triebner and a dialogue,
“Christmas Shopping” by Jane
Harness, Donna Wells, Shirley
Harness and Billie Wright. /
The Rector gave a short talk
on the progress of the Sunday
School, having doubled its mem
bership in the last year. He also
stressed the need
The main part
was the beautiful
four having charge of the lan
tern. The pictures shown were,
“Three Little Bears” and “Three
Little Bears in the Mountains”,
and last, “The Birth Of The
Christ Child”, which was very
beautiful and instructive.
Mr. Langford thanked Mr. O.
S. Atkinson, superintendant, and
assistant, Mr. Balfour, also the
teachers and officers, for their
faithfulness and co-operation.
Banta Claus arrived with the
singing of “Jingle Bells”, giving
each child a gift and bag of
candy. The evening closed with
singing “For He Is A .Jolly Good
Fellow” and the National An
Presents Cantata
(Centralia correspondent)
The Centralia Church choir,
under the leadership of Mrs. G,
F. Penwarden, presented its can
tata, “The Chorus in the Skies”,
ments and lights, made an affec
tive. setting for the beautiful and
reverent service, The choir, in
their surplices, entered from the
back of tne church and proceed
ed slowly to their places in the
choir loft singing “Silent Night”.
Rev. G. Weir conducted the
w o r s h i p service and assisted
throughout the
ing, previous to
of each number
The numbers
consisted of choruses, solos and
duets by sopranos, altos, basses
and tenors, also obligatos by the
same, with the choir singing the
accompaniments in carol varia
tions. Each number contained a
Christmas carol. At the close of
the service, Mrs. Penwarden pre-,
sented each member with a gift
in appreciation of theii’ services.
a large
congregation on
decorated with
Christmas orna-
cantata iby read-
the presentation
in. this cantata
Crediton Town Hall
of more teach-
of the program
slides, Mr. Bal-
Fri., Dec. 30
General Admission
Sponsored by
Sharon Ball Club
Too Late To Print These
The Times-Advocate this week
received two advertisements, one
from James Simpson and the
other from Wellington Brock,
announcing their candidature for
the reeveship of Usborne. As the
paper is being printed too late
for the announcements to be ef
fective, they have been omitted.
Vic Lutman Wins Four Firsts
Vic Lutman, a former Exeter
race horseman and_hockey play
er, stole
the race
during the afternoon,
owned by his wife and trained
by him won another first place.
the show Wednesday at
track in Dufferin Park,
He drove home four
a place and two shows
A horse
Bride-Elect Honored
On Tuesday evening of last
week, about thirty neighbours
and friends gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore
in honor of their daughter, Miss
June Cudmore, bride-elect. Con
tests and a social hour1 were fol
lowed by the presentation of
many useful miscellaneous .gifts,
for which June expressed sincere
thanks. A dainty lunch was
December 30 -.31
That Teclmicolor
Musical Spectacle . . .
tV Judy Garland
★ Frank Morgan
• ★ Ray Bolger
★ Jack Haley
and a Pete Smith Specialty,
January 2-3
Margaret O’Brien
Herbert Marshall
Dean Stockwell
‘Secret Garden’
Secret meetings . . . Adventure
on the castle grounds . . . Three
youngsters find happiness.
love my Wife but .
His Trombone and Orchestra with johnny on Vocals
Hats! Horns! Novelties! A Real New Year’s Eve Party!
Admission: 75c Per Person