HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-29, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1949 Want Ad$ - An Excellent Selling Service For Councillor I stand for square dealing in all municipal work and fire protection of our town. I wish you all a Happy New Year! To The Electors of Exeter I wish you all a Happy New Year! If you believe that I can serve you during the year as your Deputy-Reeve, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence, If elected I will endeavor to serve you to the best of my ability. Your Vote Is Valuable! Use It! 0 Mrs. Thomas H arvey Mrs, Thomas Harvey, a well known and highly esteemed resi­ dent of Exeter, passed away on Friday at the home of her son, Ernest, in her eighty-third year, Mrs. Harvey had been ailing only a short time, having suf* fared a slight stroke a couple of weeks previously and apparently was on the mend when she again took ill and passed away, She was born in Usborne Township, her maiden name be­ ing Almira perkins. Following her marriage to Mr. Harvey, they farmed in Usborne. About 1892 they where Mr. brother, the late Joseph Harvey, purchased the Exeter grist mill, which was operated as the Har­ vey Brothers’ Mill for thirty years. Mr. Harvey passed away in December 1938. Mrs. in earlier member of izations of Church. Surviving and three daughters, Mrs. A. E. Buswdll, of Exeter, Mrs. Mildred Batson, of London, and Mrs. i Ethel White, of Victoria, B.C.; also one sister, Mrs. Honor Johnston, of Auburn, The funeral was held from the Dinney funeral home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. J, Snell, assisted by Rev. C.z W, Down. The bearers were Messrs, Harvey Perkins, cliffe, mere, Moon, being Mich, Exeter Cemetery. moved to Exetei' Harvey, with his life was an the women’s James Street aye one son, M '■ S4 To the Electors Of Exeter My sincere wish is to serve the Municipality of Exeter to the best of my ability, and I would ask your support in electing me as your Reeve. W. G. Cochrane ■H Haryey active organ- Vnited Ernest, Luther Row- Thomas Coates, Bert Elis- Ted Buswell and E. S. the latter with Mrs. Moon present? from Ann Arbor, Interment was in the Heed Ye H As a citizen of the Village of Exeter, I have served on the Village Council for one year. I now offer my services as— Deputy-Reeve —and will deem it an honour to serve you in that capacity ’for the coming year. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. Wishing you the compliments of the season . . . Mrs. James Green Mrs. James Green, a resident of Exeter for many years, died Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John W. Stewart, of Usborne in her eightieth year. The funeral Monday was held from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home conducted by Rev. William Mair and assisted by Rev. James Anthony. Her maiden name was Sarah Emetine Carlile and on April 9, 1889, .she was united in marriage with Mr. James Green,- who predeceased her September 30, 1948. For many years they resided on the seventh .concession of Hay township and in 1923 they retired from the farm and moved to Exeter. She was .the last of a family of four sisters and five brothers. Surviving are Mrs. Stewart, of Usborne, Robt. J. Green, of Port Stanley, and Mrs. J. I. Moir, of London. The bearers were Messrs. Ivan and William Stewart, William Kipfer, of Lucan, Alvin Lipt, .Larry Trafford and Robt. Thom­ son, of London, Interment .was in the Exetei* cemetery. Mr. iMrs. William Stewart and dren, of Toronto, attended funeral. and chil- the Mrs, Frank Barrett Mrs. Frank Barrett, formerly of Dashwood, whose maiden name was Christina Bender, died at her home in ’Sarnia last week and the funeral Saturday was held from the Ross funeral home in that city. Those from here who attended the funeral were her brother, John Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender, Wm. Bender, of Crediton; Mrs. Cun­ nington, of Centralia, -Mr. hnd Mrs. Gord. Bender, of Dashwood. A sister, Mrs. Robert Miles, of Calgary, and a carload of rela­ tives from Detroit also attended tho funeral. th is I will give you a brief outline of some of the work which was accomplished past year. The big venture of the year was the William Street Drain, a 24-inch trunk running from John Street to the river, a total of over dfJjOO feet, a drain which take care of future needs for both storm and sanitary sewer., and one that can line will be added to at any time. The Village of Exeter can now boast of a Public Rest Room, something that was greatly needed; also, a room was added to out Town Hall for our Town Police. The room, although it does not add any beauty to our ToWn Hall, does give our police a headquarters—something they did not have in the past A new auxiliary unit or trailer was added to our Eire Department Equip­ ment with hose, ladders, chemicals, etc., which gives added protection to the tax­ payer and bis property. Approximately 3,000 feet of sidewalks were laid and close to 5,000 yards of gravel were put on the streets—^something that Was desperately needed. We hope that our Garbage Collection was carried out satisfactorily to the ratepayers. A good number of cellar drains were put into working order, and many other items of importance were carried out. Work Planned for the Comihg Year We propose laying* tile in Ann Street Drain from Carling to Marlboro to carry off the dry weather flow, approximately 2,000 feet of other drains to relieve the water pressure on the property-owners’ cellars. I have a number of other items in mind which will be beneficial to the community, if it be your wish that I remain as Reeve. I, as Reeve, have served you for the past 365 days. Your support on Mon­ day, January 2, will be greatly appreciated. Thanking my mover and seconder, I wish you the Compliments of the Season! A. J. Sweitzer Chrismas Services At James Street Christmas decorations made a beautiful setting for the services in James Street United Church on Sunday, A lighted Christmas tree and wreathes of evergreen were supplemented with a bas­ ket of flowers in memory of the late Mrs. Albert Mitchell, and two baskets of flowers from the family of the late Mrs. Aid* worth. Special Christmas music was provided by the choir. Two an­ thems were sung—“Unto Us A Child Is Born” and “Behold The King”. A solo was sung by Miss Jean McDonald and a duet by Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs. M. Cud- more, also Mrs. Coates and Mrs. McFalls. The .minister, Rev. I-I, J. Snell, took for his theme “Beth­ lehem”. There was a large turn­ out for the service. In the evening the Y.P.S. was in charge. Douglas May presided for the service. Miss Lorna Tay­ lor read the scripture. Miss Dorothy Pooley led in prayer and Mr. Carfrey Cann delivered a very fine message. Special carols were sung by the choir. A duet was sung by Shirley Anderson and Veale. FOR SALE FOR RENT Misses Norma FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4- dpor sedan, one owner, low mileage, spotless inside qnd out. Phone 406-j, i2-8tfc FOR SALE —' Roasting chicken, dressed and drawn, ready for the oven, 5 to 8 lbs, dressed, Phone J, N, Cowan, Dash­ wood 40-r-13. 29:5* FOR SALE—Sprayed apples. Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, Bell­ flower etc. Free delivery in Exeter and Hensail. Phone Clinton 61>3-r-24, Fred McCly- mont, Varna. 8:15:22:29:5* DON’T BUY storm windows un­ til you have seen the Simplon combination storm and screen windows. The inserts are eas­ ily changed from winter to summer from inside the use of ladders, stallation. For free phone 31-W, Roland without Fall in­ estimate C. Day. 22:29c FOR RENT—-Radios, by day or week; vacuum cleaners; elec- trie floor polishers. -—Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT—Two furnished 3- room apartments, heated, with bath, hot and cold water, with or without children. Apply— Times-Advocate 29 c FOR RENT—Nine - room hoqse, warm and comfortable, all newly redecorated, lots of water together with large garden. Apply at The Times- Advocate, 22:29* FOR RENT—Five - room cottage with bath, available now. Ap­ ply to John Caldwell, phone • 13-r-ll Exeter. 29* FOR SALE BY/TENDER Visitors In Town Miss Janet Kestle of at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. and family in Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred London Hopper Dobbs. Fred and George, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Matthews of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Fred May. Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson in Mitchell with Dr. William and Mrs. Lawson. Mr. Neil Jones of Ottawa Is spending the week with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Miss Jacqueline Curry, Wing­ ham, is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper. Miss Helen Anthony of Tor­ onto, Miss Isabelle Anthony and Miss Gladys Ecklin, of Hamil­ ton, with Rev. James and Mrs. Anthony. The latter two are spending the week here. ♦ * * c Mrs. W. E. Winer returned home Monday after spending a few weeks With Mr. and Mrs. Oren Winer and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winer, of Hamilton, and with Dr. and Mrs. McLagan, of Preston, and Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Trenner, of Strathroy. Late Again! With Monday and Tuesday ob­ served as holidays, Exeter had a long holiday ’week-end. That is the reason The Times-Advocate s week.is late in publishing this re Jewellery Thieves —Continued from Page One The Sudbury hold-up was ported to be the largest there in several years. About $1,000 in cash and several thousand dol­ lars worth of jewellery were stolen from the store in an armed hold-up. Police said Bez- dek was carrying $137 arressted, and Simko had Both were well-dressed. when $140. KIPPEN are sorry to reportWe Mr. Charles Alexander is fined to Victoria Hospital, don. Sunday visitors jvRh Mr. Mrs. J. Cochrane were Mr. Mrs. Harry Fuss of Zurich, Miss Agnes Cochrane, Clinton, Fuss, N» Ontario,,Mr. James Fuss and friend of Exeter. ■Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckman, Miss Lillian Ryckman and Mrs. M. Seymor and Pollock, Dakota, U.S.A, are visiting the 'Parsons’ relatives in this community. John William Ferguson A shadow of gloom wag cast over this community on Wednes­ day last when it was learned of the sudden passing of 'John Wil­ liam (Jackie) Ferguson, young­ est son of Mr. and. Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, aged two years and nine months. On the Thursday previous, the little fellow was playing as usual and on Friday he wasn’t so well and on the orders of Dr. God­ dard he was admitted to the War Memorial Hospital, London. On Saturday the parents were told he was another victim of the dreaded Leukemia. Despite the fact the new wonder drug ACTH Was Used Jackie failed to react and, passed away on Wednesday afternoon, nt 2 p.m. He leaves to mourn his pass­ ing his sorrowing parents, one brother Donald, aged three years, his grandmother, Mrs. Warren Schilbe and grandparents, Mr, and Mrs; Will Ferguson, Thames Road. A private funeral service was held from his late residence on the second concession of Tucker­ smith, followed by public service in St. Andrew’s United .Church here on Friday afternoon, con­ ducted by Rev. A. Hinton. The pall bearers were cousins, Lloyd Ferguson, Maurice Flnk- beiner, Roy D u c h a r m e. Earl Schilbe. The flower bearers were cousins, Dorothy and Marlene, Billie and Harold Jaques and Marjorie Hodgert and .neighbors N e 1 s o n McClinchey, Bob Cald­ well, Gerald Smith, Grant Mac­ Gregor, Ken McLellan. Interment was made in Exeter Cemetery. that con- Lon- and and 'Miss FOR SALE—IPlay pen; white ice box; 4-burner, heavy duty Acme range, 3 years old. Mrs. Alex Ellis, 32 Ann St., phone 26R. 22:29c HORSES for sale or exchange. I have some horses which I will guarantee good workers at all times, which I will sell or ex­ change for other unsatisfac­ tory or aged horses. — Dow, Box 83, phone 83. LOST G. J. 29* LOST—A bumper guard from 1948 Chev east of .Exeter on Huron St. Apply to A. Cottle, Woodham, phone 37-12 Kirk­ ton. 29* The following good used, equipment was used in an open air Skating Rink: Deep well pump jack (Mc­ Dougall) with a 3-h,p. Century electric motor, single phase, 25- cycle, 220-volt. Deep well pump 300-foot 2- inch cylinder with rods and pipe. Pressure system for same. Round wooden water tank 8 ft. by 8 ft. for reserve supply. All electrical wiring, etc. Same Tenders the above whole on ______ 1950. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. VILLAGE OF HENSALL J. A. Paterson, Municipal Clerk. shades, can be seen any time, will be received for single unit or as a or before January 9, 29c LOST—In Exeter on Friday, De­ cember 23, a gent's gold poc­ ket watch. Reward. Finder please phone 419-J. . 29* LOST—Friday, December 16, a lady’s black fur muff. Finder please phone 351-W. 29c WANTED WANTED—B e e cli logs and standing timber of all kinds, large quantities or a bush pre­ ferred. Apply: Box M, Times- Advocate, Exeter. 8tsf BABY SITTING for New Year’s Eve, More convenient if child­ ren are brought to my home. ■Call 297-J. 29* WANTED — Two unfurnished rooms, urgently. Phone ■ 52 Exeter. 29c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Solid brick house, hydro, hardwood floors, re­ cently decorated, small barn and garage, good well, some fruit trees. Crediton East, one mile from Airport. Apply to F/S Pridham, Crediton East. 22:29:5* FOR SALE—2 bedroom home, nicely situated and complete with modern conveniences. This home is well located on a nicely treed lot. It has never •been offered for said before. G. V. Pickard, Realtor. FOR SALE—Five - room house, bath, sunporch and oil burner, 3 acres land could be pur­ chased through V.L.A. or pri­ vate sale. This house is in the town. Telephone 254-R or contact Don Hughes. 29* FOR SALE—li storey brick. Medium sized ‘ conveniences. Centrally locat­ ed. Also new tage with full bathroom. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, c home with all 2-bedroom cot- FOR SALE—Dots. We have just listed several very desirable building lots. It you intend building within the next year or two it will pay you to <obk at these. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor. c Five-room modelled, bath, hot tap. —W. Exeter. HOUSE, lately re­ new roof, 3-piecO and cold Water oh C. Pearce, Realtor, 1c Three New Homes Full Basement and Furnace Complete Bath and Shower R. E. Balkwill tfc Rebekah Lodge Meets The Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge held its final meeting of the year on Wednesday, Decem­ ber 21. The rooms were attract­ ively arranged with a lighted Christmas tree, candies and poin- settas. The Rebekah degree was conferred upon three candidates by the Pride Of Huron .degree team. In closing the meeting Noble Grand Gladys Chambers extended Christmas greetings to the members. A social hour fol­ lowed with carol singing and au exchange of gifts. Lunch was served bringing the evening to a pleasant conclusion. MISCELLANEOUS FOR REPAIR and carpenter work, call 404j Exeter. 15:4t* PLASTERING repairs done. Ap­ ply: J. V. Webster, west side Exeter Station, telephone 423. 8:15:22:29* EAVESTROUGHING — Prompt service, town, or country. Apply » Box “B” Times-Advocate or phone Fair. 6099W London. 15:22:29:5:12:19* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 29* HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER—Capable typ­ ist, proficient at Shorthand, for office of local firm. Duties to include correspondence, in­ voicing, billing etc. Hours 9.00 ’ a.m. to 5.00 p.m. with Wed­ nesday afternoons off. To com­ mence January 3, 1950. Apply to Box “J” Times-Advocate, stating age, martial status, ex­ perience, names of previous employers and salary expected. 12-Stfc WANTED-—Full time Secretary- Treasurer and Fieldman for Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Duties to com­ mence January 2. Apply by tender not later than Decem­ ber 30 to W. V. Roy, Secret­ ary- Treasurer, Box 310, Clin­ ton, Ontario. 22:29 Cafeteria Help After February 1 the Board proposes to serve a hot plate at noon to students in the Cafeteria Of the new school. Letters of application will be accepted until January 6 from persons interested in employ­ ment. Applicants prepared to assume full responsibility should be prepared to submit tender at an interview. Please state experience and complete address. Interviews will be requested at a later date. i * E. D. HOWEY, Exeter District School Board, Box B, Exeter, NOTICES Secretary, High Ont. Village of Exeter NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the “ “Village of .Exeter Will be held In the Town Hall, EXETER on Monday, December 26, 1949 between the hours of 12 o’clock noon and 1 o’clock in Hie after­ noon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, throe councillors, three members of Public School Board and one Public Utilities Commissioner. , , And further notice Is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of­ fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until > Monday, January 2, 1959 | when, polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o'-cippk pan. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village by­ law viz: Polling Sub Division No. 1A— at showroom of .Newton Motors, Main St,; Earl Parsons, D.R.O,; Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No, IB— at showroom of Newton Motors, Main St,; Chas. Montieth, D.R.O. Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No, 2A— ------ ... .. .. . 'Bric Neil, at Town Hall, Main St., Carscadden, D.R.O.; Mary Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No. at Town Hall, Main St., Campbell, D.R.O.; . Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No, 3A-— at Glen McKnighf’s' Residence, Main St., And, Campbell, D.R.O.; Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No. 3B— at ' Glen McKnight’s Residence, Main St., Jos. B. Creech, D.R.O. Sarah Laing, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No. 4— at Residence of William Webster, Main St., Frederick C. Beaupre, D.R.O.; Lois Learn, Poll Clerk. And all , electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. CLARENCE V, PICKARD, Returning Officer Exeter, Ont., December 9, 1949 2B— a.I. k>i«, John Alta Henn on, AUCTION SALES COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF HOLSTEINS 51 HEAD 20 Purebreds — 25 Grades Area Tested — No Reactors Blood Tested — Many Vaccinated Selling at the Farm % mile west of Staffa, 5 miles south of Dublin, 10 miles west of Mitchell, Perth County, on. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 at 1:00 p.m. the following: HERD SIRE: Dewdrop Path- Finder Knight, a show hull 3 years old. 26 PUREBRED cows and hei­ fers, 25 high class grade cows and heifers, 10 cows fresh, 26 cows and heifers due in January and February, 15 heifers due In September and October. This is a uniform herd—all young and in good condition. If interested in new milkers and springers, do not miss this sale! SELLING without reserve. Terms cash. For catalogues write Wallace Pedigree Co., Simcoe. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer W. C. DAVIDSON on Pedigrees CLIFTON F. MILLER, Prop. « To the Ratepayers Of Hay Township Having accepted the nom­ ination for the Council of Hay Township and the Hay Municipal Telephone Sys­ tem, and being unable to see everyone, I hereby solicit your vote and in­ fluence. Oscar Klopp Motors — Poultry Time Clocks — Waterheaters — Thermostats — Furnace Controls •— Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring Of All Kinds Garfield Thomson Phone 232m Oven-Dressed Turkeys and Capons . Order now! Yow get the best from Silvercrest! Turkeys: under SO lbs, 650 a lb. Fowl: 400 a lb. Capons: 550 a lb. Orders taken for New Year’s Silvercr&st Poultry Farm Owned and operated by EDGAR & MRS. CUDMORE Phone 17*r-14 Exeter #