HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-12-10, Page 23THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2009. PAGE 23. Remembrance Brussels Public School students were awarded for their achievements in the Brussels Legion’s Remembrance Day poster and writing competitions. Back row, from left: Caitlin Scarrow, second place in the junior poem category; Nanci Ducharme, youth education chair of the Brussels Legion and Alyssa Bragan, first place in the junior essay category. Front row, from left: Olivia Johnston, first place in the primary colour poster category; Ernesto Hiebert, third place in the primary colour poster category and Amanda Morrison, second place in the primary colour poster category. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Winners Nanci Ducharme, youth education chair of the Brussels Legion travelled to Grey Central Public School to award some of the winners of the Legion’s Remembrance Day poster competition last week. From left: Alison Terpstra, second place in the junior colour poster category; Kelsey Gulutzen, third place in the intermediate colour poster category; Sarah Strome, third place in the junior colour poster category; Tiffany Deitner, first place in the intermediate colour poster category; Adam Baan, first place in the intermediate colour poster category and Ryan Baan, second place in the intermediate colour poster category. (Shawn Loughlin photo) AUTOMOTIVE SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. 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