HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-12-03, Page 25We have had quite the weather, but
this week we did see snow on the
roses. People have had roses out in
bloom the past few weeks, because
of the unusual weather, but they did
look a little sad covered in snow last
week. A taste of winter just to
remind us of what will be coming.
Jean Bewley had visitors a week
ago. Her daughters Mary and
Brenda, and grandson Scott, arrived
to check up on Jean. Brenda and
Scott Raven are from Alberta and
Mary is from near Toronto. They had
a great four days together and
finished tidying things up for Jean.
There was some Christmas
decorating completed and they had
a good time visiting and trying not to
wear Jean out.
Returning from a great trip to
Jamaica are Mark Wilbee and Adam
McClure. They were in Runaway
Bay, Jamaica to attend a friend’s
wedding. Mark was a groomsman in
the wedding party and Adam was a
guest. It was the wedding of Matt
DeJong and Amy Vickers. The boys
had a wonderful time while away.
Congratulations to two couples on
the arrival of new babies. Rob and
Karen Mason welcomed new son
Cole to their family. He is a little
brother for Caden. Also welcoming a
new son to the family are Brent and
Shirlee Groothuis. Joshua is a baby
brother for Esther and Andrew.
Our get-well wishes go out to
Edna Pearson as I believe she is still
in hospital.
Returning from a getaway are
Murray, Ruth and John Lowe. They
flew from Buffalo to Baltimore, a
45-minute flight, to catch the cruise
ship, the Grandeur of the Seas, of the
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. They
boarded the ship at Chesapeake Bay,
Maryland on Saturday and cruised
for about five hours before reaching
the North Atlantic Ocean. They
arrived at King’s Wharf, Bermuda
on Monday morning and spent the
days enjoying the scenery, area and
ship.They departed last Tuesdayafternoon and cruised all dayWednesday and returned toBaltimore on Thursday morning.They had some extra time inBaltimore so toured the NationalAquarium in the famous InnerHarbour.They all enjoyed the shows on the
cruise ship, the casino and the pool
activities such as as a belly flop
competition. Bermuda was very nice
as it is sub-tropical with the
temperatures around 76°F and was
sunny and warm.
The men of the town can breathe a
sight of relief as the barber has
Mike Boven and friends have
returned from their annual moose
hunting trip to the Anikoken area in
the north. Mike reports that it was a
good trip but they didn’t manage to
get a moose. I don’t think they even
saw a moose.
Spoiling Mike’s return from his
moose hunting trip was the fact that
his home was broken into the same
day he returned. Thieves were quite
busy last Friday as three homes in
Walton area were hit, including
Bovens, Trevor Sutcliffe and Steve
Bowers. Electronics and jewellery
were some of the things taken.
The Ryan home was hit last week
so the Walton area seems to be
popular. Neighbours should be
keeping an eye out for each other’s
property and call the police if you
see a strange vehicle around.
Grand View Restaurant was also
hit last week when employees were
on the premises.
The McGavins have been busy
with company and with travelling.
They had daughter Heather and her
daughter Ella down from North Bay
for the weekend. Heather and
Shelley McGavin also had the
opportunity to go to Sarnia to see a
play that Heather’s friend was
performing in.
Neil has been busy on the guest
speaking tour this week. He was the
guest speaker at the Hensall Co-op
annual meeting and the Wanstead
Farmers Co-op annual meeting in
Wyoming. The normal custom is to
give a remuneration to a guest
speaker, but being the dedicated
supporter of 4-H that Neil is, all his
remunerations are given to the local
4-H groups of the area. Kudos to
Neil for his support of 4-H.
Marilyn McDonald is still
recovering from a health problemand some local Walton friendsstopped in to visit last week in GrandBend. Neil and Marie McGavinstopped in on their way to Wyomingand found Gerry and Anne Ryanalready there. The Ryans andMarilyn enjoyed their afternoon anddinner together.The motocross season is complete
and the annual awards night was
held on the weekend. Brett Lee,
manager of the CMRC, hosted the
evening event at the Bitz Factory in
London. Chris and Judy Lee
attended and were delighted to be
overwhelmingly voted and awarded
Track of the Year Award, as voted by
the riders of the CMRC circuit.
The Rider of the Year Award was
awarded to Holmesville area rider,
Nathan Bless.
Jason Shortreed is now a resident
of Huronlea so his friends can drop
in any time to visit with him.
We have some local residents
under the weather these days, so we
wish them all get-well wishes
including Doreen Hackwell, Pearl
McCallum, Joyce Hartman and
Marie Coutts.
Home for a visit from Forrestburg,
Alberta is Rae McClure. He is
catching up with all his family and
friends in the Walton area. He has
made his base at the home of Lavern
and Nita McClure and he will spend
a week with his brother Neil on a trip
to Mexico.
They will be back in time to attend
the McClure family Christmas
before he returns to Alberta.
Returning from a two-week
vacation in Florida are Clint and
Judy Emmrich. They report having
great weather the entire time and a
wonderful relaxing time. They spent
one week on the gulf side and one
week on the ocean side. They spent
time fishing, shopping and checking
out the local flea markets. they
didn’t go shopping on Black Friday
but report that the stores and traffic
were crazy.
The old house on the Rijkhoff
farm has been taken down and thebarn on the Grobbink farm ispartially down. More apple treeshave been taken down at the Taylorfarms and some beautifullandscaping has been done at theDale farm.The McNichol farm has had somemajor changes to the house and forsale signs have appeared on two
more farms.
Mailbox vandals are still out and
about and Monday morning there are
always another box or two
Celebrating birthdays this past
week are Lin Steffler and Kaitlin
Williamson to wind up November.
We kick off December with
Cameron Blair, Tim Dionne, Daniel
Fritz, Jim Fritz, Scott Godkin, Justin
Hoegy, Malinda Johnston, Curtis
Wharton and Paul McCallum.
Greeting at Duff’s United Church,
Walton on the first Sunday was
Annelies Ringgenberg. Members
were greeted by strains of Christmas
music by organist Glenda Morrison,
and Phyllis Mitchell playing violin.
Annalies lit the candle of hope and
read the story of hope.
Annual reports are soon due and
can be e-mailed to Monique by Dec.
20. The United Church Women
Christmas supper is Dec. 2 and the
white gift service and communion
will be Dec. 6. A special young
people’s play, Help Jesus Shine, will
be presented on Sunday, Dec. 20.
Gloria Wilbee is looking for all
young people to take part and would
appreciate being contacted by them.
Abby McGavin would appreciate
any donations of old coats, gloves,
scarves, mitts, boots to be dropped
off by Wednesday, Dec. 9 at the
church, McGavin shop or their
The Christmas Eve service will be
at 7 p.m. Dec. 24.
Confirmation classes will be held
in February and March and
interested young people can contact
Rev. Peter at 519-887-8240 or by e-
Rev. Peter announced the birthday
of the week and the congregation
sang Happy Birthday to Jo-Ann
The scripture lessons were read by
Bonnie Glanville and the choir sang
the anthem, She Walked in the
Rev. Peter’s reflection was Shoots
of Tomorrow. Rev. Peter compared
Advent to an expectant mother, who
lives every moment with the
knowledge that new life is on its
way. Advent is a time of waiting,
wondering, preparing and believing
that as people stand on the threshold
of a new church year, they find
themselves waiting for the birth of a
baby, the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
May they welcome this season of
Advent with new “shoots” of joy,
hope and love.
The offering was collected by
Lorne Glanville and Don Baan.
A full breakfast was served
following the service.
Christmas tunes
Brussels Public School entered a float into Saturday night’s
Santa Claus parade with its band playing throughout the
entire parade route despite the wet conditions. (Shawn Loughlin
Reports due Dec. 20
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By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON