HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-11-19, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2009. PAGE 15.Pastor Perry ChuipkaThe Parish of New BeginningsYou, as an individual, can help
change our world and make it a
better place.
A wise schoolteacher sends this
note to all parents on the first day of
school: “If you promise not to
believe everything your child says
happens at school, I’ll promise not to
believe everything he says happens
at home.”
We sometimes wonder what our
young people are learning these days
in school. We can even become a
little cynical about what’s happening
in our high schools because of all
that we hear in the media and see on
television. We hear about police
being needed to walk the high school
halls in the cities so that they can
keep the peace in the school.
What’s happening to our high
schools? I used to ask that question a
lot until I became involved in one of
the F.E. Madill Secondary School’s
Challenge Day.
Now I think the question should
be, “What am I doing as a concerned
individual to help our high
Some of you may recall reading
one of my articles for this paper
about the helpful Challenge Day
program at the school.
Well I am going to help them
again this year because this program
changes lives. In a world that doesn’t providemuch safety and comfort for our
young people, this Challenge Day
program provides them with both. It
allows young people to talk about
the real issues that face them on a
daily basis, the issues that they keep
bottled up inside because they have
no one to tell and/or no one to listen
to them.
I think the reason we are hearing
about more random gun shootings
and other violence by youth in our
communities today is because they
have no one to talk to about their
Last year at the challenge day I
saw the depression on some of the
youths faces and heard their cries
(sometimes literally) for help. They
may put on a strong face when you
see them in public but that is not
always the true face of our young
Last year in this program, I was
able to befriend six young people
who were able to express some of
their anxieties of being a teenage in
our ever changing world. Sometimes
we think that the youth like all these
changes and that they are coping just
fine. Nothing can be farther from the
truth. I think our youth are
struggling with even more issues
than we. They have to deal with so
many changes in their lives.
Changes with their bodies,changes in the way that they think,changes in their family life, changes
at their part time jobs and changes in
their relationships. Our youth have
often been called the push button
generation because most of their
time in life is spent operating
technology with buttons on it.
However, the computer and all
their push button technology can’t
help them with these problems even
though some might think it will help
them. They need our support and
they are also our future.
The Challenge Day program is the
only thing that I have seen that is
helping our youth deal with their real
issues in a very healthy way. I heard
young people apologize to other
youth. I watched as they spoke about
their pain. I listened as they told me
how much stress was in their lives.
Yes, this Challenge Day program
is not only a program but about
living life in a very healthy way. I
think we could all use some of the
resources that this Challenge Day
gives the youth. The downside to this
program is that it costs money but
what doesn’t cost money in our day.
You might say, “someone else can
pay for this program because my
kids are all out of high school or I
pay taxes.”
Unfortunately, this attitude doesn’t
stop our youth from dying in gun
shootings and other violent crimes.Instead, we end up paying in otherways, through our police services
(especially when they are having
police walk the halls of some larger
high schools in the city) medical
facilities, legal system and social
I know economic times are tough
for everyone but if you are able to
give some financial support and you
want your money to make a
difference in someone’s life, then
support the Challenge Day program.
Your hard-earned money will go a
long way helping our youth stay
alive, learn valuable life lessons and
help them become responsible
healthy citizens which they can pass
on to the next generation.
I think this program and the small
group of committed people believing
in it is making a difference in our
youth. As Margaret Mead once said,
“Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed people can
change the world. Indeed, it is the
only thing that ever has.”
Finally I want to thank those
organizations in our community that
have given and are continuing to
give generously to the program. Iapplaud you because your generousfinancial resources are making a
difference in the future citizens of
our community.
Thank you! Once again, you have
proven that each individual can help
change our world and make it a
better place.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Sunday Morning Worship
Mid-week Bible Study
Timeless Truths
For Today
308 Blyth Rd. E., Blyth
Pastor Les Cook ~ 519-523-4590
Blyth Community Church of God
Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street
Blyth United Church
Office: 519-523-4224 Rev. Gary Clark
All Welcome
Sunday, November 22
Worship Service & Sunday School
at 11 a.m.
Dates to Remember
Thursday, November 19 ~ Drop off for Auction Items
Friday, November 20 ~ Viewing of Silent Auction - 7:00-8:30 pm
Saturday November 21 ~ Beef Supper & Silent Auction - 4:30-7:00pm
Wednesday, November 25 ~ Holy Rollers making beef pies
Please join us for worship
Morning Service 10:00am
Evening Service 7:30pm
Pastor John Kuperus
Hwy. 4, Blyth
Welcomes you to come
and worship with us
Trinity, Blyth
9:15 a.m.
St. John's, Brussels
11:15 a.m.
Sunday, November 22
Pastor: Ernest Dow ~ 519-523-4848
Living Water
Christian Fellowship
10:30 a.m. ~ Worship & Sunday School
at Blyth Public School,
corner of King & Mill
Tuesdays 7:30 pm - Wingham Bible Study
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 pm - Women at the Well
Fridays 7:30 pm - Youth Group
Evangelical Missionary Church
November 22: Acts 26:13ff
Cheryl Wilts:
Mission to
Papua New Guinea
Sorry, no cannibals
Youre Invited
to come worship
with us
Sunday, November 22
Brussels Public School
at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School for children
4 to 11 years of age (mornings only)
Childcare provided for infants and toddlers
Coffee & cookies after the morning service
For additional details please contact:
Steve Klumpenhower 519.887.8651 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
Chris McMichael 519.482.1644
119 John’s Ave.,Auburn
9:30 a.m.
Sunday School & Small Groups
10:30 a.m.
Morning Worship Service
Olympians &
Youth Small Groups
at 6:30 pm
Adult Small Group
at 7:00 pm
All programs end at 8:00 pm
Nursery is also available.
From the Minister’s StudyA way to help make the world a better place
By Brittany Nigh
It’s that time of year again. No, not
Christmas, but the highly anticipated
‘report card time’. Midterm reports
at St. Anne’s will be distributed on
Nov. 23.
Be sure to read the comments each
teacher has to offer your child, and
encourage them to succeed.
This past week we were fortunate
to host many guests at our
Remembrance Day assembly. Thank
you to all of our veterans, whether
you were able to join us or not, for
your great work in our society. Your
courage and strength reminds each
one of us how privileged we are to
live in Canada.
Keeping this in mind, over 40
students attended the ‘Me to We’
group’s first meeting on Wednesday.
The group is planning to host an
African Culture Night on Dec. 3 at
5:30 p.m.
It involves musical guests Luke
Nares, and The Twisted Hair Spirit
Dancers. A traditional Kenyan meal
will be served, and a silent auction
will also be held.
Tickets and any donations are
available by calling the school at
All proceeds will support the
building of a high school in Kenya.
Again, thank you for your continued
support of the Eagle’s, and
remember, now is the time to make a
difference in someone’s life.
Sandra Cable, Worship Leader
Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wightman.ca
Sunday, November 22
Ethel United Church
Worship Service and Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Brussels United Church
Worship Service and Sunday School - 11:00 a.m.
Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship
Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available
11:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship
- Sunday School
9:30 am - Sunday Belgrave Service
Eagle’s Pride
Report card time at St. Anne’s