HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-11-05, Page 23The participation of St. Anne’sCatholic Secondary School in theMe to We organization, whichalready inspired a group of 18
students to travel to Kenya this past
summer to help build a school, will
again be highlighted Nov. 6 with a
presentation from a former child
soldier from Central Africa.
Michel Chikwanine, who was
born and raised in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, is now a speaker
with Me to We, headed by
well-known Canadian activists Craig
and Marc Kielburger. The
organization, which operates in
conjunction with international aid
group Free the Children, works with
schoolchildren across the country to
inspire them to think about the worldaround them.Chikwanine will address the St.Anne’s student body, as well asrepresentatives from other schools inthe Huron-Perth Catholic DistrictSchool Board, at 1:30 p.m. on
Friday, Nov. 6.
“Michel has endured obstacles and
challenges that no one should ever
have to face in their lifetime,” states
a news release from Jodi Kuran,
principal of the Clinton secondary
school. “He was, most recently, a
passionate speaker at We Day in
Vancouver where 16,000 youth
gathered to take action and change
the world.”
It was a similar presentation – that
time by Marc Kielburger – that
inspired last summer’s school-
building trip by 18 St. Anne’s
students and three adult chaperones.The students raised $8,500following a 2008 visit from the Meto We co-founder, then travelled toassist Free the Children in theconstruction of an elementary schoolin Kenya’s Maasi Mara region.
On Monday, Oct. 26, during a
regular Huron-Perth board meeting,
Kuran and fellow chaperone Father
John Jassica of Goderich, along with
two of the student participants,
presented a video and spoke about
their experiences.
“I’ve been to a lot of great places
of the church and of the faith but, to
me, this was a life-changing
experience,” Fr. Jassica told trustees.
And participant Andre Egli spokeabout realizing how little mostKenyan people have in comparisonto the average Canadian, and aboutre-evaluating what’s important in hislife.The video is being shown at feeder
elementary schools for St. Anne’s, as
well as for Huron County
organizations that assisted during thefundraising drive.According to Kuran, the St.Anne’s Me to We group hascommitted to an even greaterfundraising goal for its next project:helping Free the Children construct a
secondary school in the same district
as the new elementary school.
Following an extensive period of
legal wrangling and negotiations,
school boards in Ontario have
learned the specifics about the
financial hit they’ll take as a result of
changed copyright rules for student
research materials.
“For some boards, it’s into the
millions of dollars,” claimed Huron-
Perth Catholic District School Board
business superintendent Gerry
Since 1988 in Canada, a not-for-
profit organization called Access
Copyright – governed by
representatives from the publishing
industry – has administered the
billing of copyright fees from school
boards and other public agencies.
School boards, in general, have been
charged on a per-pupil basis.
In June, 2009, the Copyright
Board of Canada sided with Access
Copyright in a long-running fight by
school boards to prevent fee
increases. As a result, school boards
in Ontario were charged
retroactively to cover the fees from
the time that Access Copyright
actually implemented them. In all,
that represents an approximate total
of $20 million that suddenly became
due for payment from school boards
across the province.
Thankfully for school boards, the
Education Ministry announced last
week that it will issue one-time
payments to cover these retroactive
bills. A memorandum from the
Ministry, outlining a series of
payments that fall outside this year’s
Grants for Student Needs funding
envelope, reveals the Avon Maitland
District School Board will receive
$183,259, while the Huron-Perth
Catholic District School Board will
receive $50,008.
Thuss cautioned, however, that
this is a one-time government grant.
From here forward, boards will be
responsible for paying the higher
copyright fees. And they’ll have to
find room in their existing budgets to
cover those costs.
A report from CKNX Radio
Wingham, citing business
superintendent Janet Baird-Jackson,
suggested the Avon Maitland board
will be on the hook for an additional
$90,000 per year as a result of the
increased fees. In the same report,
Baird-Jackson added that Access
Copyright continues to hint at plans
to increase the fees even more.
By Stew SlaterSpecial to The CitizenLocal contribution to be highlighted in presentation
By Stew Slater
Special to The Citizen
School boards to face
annual copyright charge
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SAT. JANUARY 23/10 - 2PM
The family of
Chris Ten Pas
would like to invite everyone
to an
Open House
Saturday, November 14th,
from 1 pm - 4 pm
at Huron Chapel Evangelical
Missionary Church,
119 John’s Ave, Auburn, ON
For more information please
contact Dawn Hastings
519-887-6222 or
Ben Ten Pas 519-887-9309.
Best wishes only, or if you wish
bring donations for the Food Bank.
Wedding Reception
Abigail Mitchell, in the
company of her grandparents
Ron and Debbie Root
and Doug and Janet Mitchell
request the honour of your presence
at the wedding reception
of her parents
Tammy Root
Rob Mitchell
Saturday, Nov. 7
at 9:00 pm
Brussels Community
Centre, Brussels
80th Birthday Open House
forJoyce Lake
Sunday, November 15
2-4 pm
Maitland Terrace
555 Elm Ave., Listowel
Best Wishes Only
SSaattuurrddaayy,, NNoovveemmbbeerr 1144 tthh
at the Blyth Memorial Hall
Lunch booth available by Legion Ladies Auxiliary
Sponsored by Living Water Christian Fellowship
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