HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-10-29, Page 18Central Huron Secondary Schoolheld its commencement ceremony onOct. 9 and several area students wereawarded for their achievements.Aaron Gross was the area’s big win-ner, taking home the Clinton News-Record award for proficiency in English 4U, the Newton award for proficiency in Physics 4U and the W.D. Fair scholarship for proficiency in Chemistry 4U. Gross also won the Norman Parks Garrett Memorial scholarship for a student from Blyth who is pursuing post-secondary education as well as the Nicholas Giller Memorial award, which is awarded to a student who, through the growth of their own spirit and character, inspires others to do the same, is a keen participant in activities and events that allow the student soci- ety to learn and grow together as a whole. Gross also won the My United Communities award to a student who has shown outstanding community involvement and is continuing onto post-secondary education and the Joseph Wooden award for displaying dedication and outstanding citizenship for giving back to his community.Gross won the Clinton FamilyPhysicians’award for a student who ispursuing a post-secondary educationin the health services field, the RubyHaddy Memorial award for theAuxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital to a student pursuing a career in health services as well as the Travel Fellowship award which was used last summer towards work experience at a Nicaraguan hospital. In addition to those awards, Gross also won the 2009 Queen Elizabeth II Aiming For The Top scholarship for students who plan on continuing their education at an Ontario post-second- ary institute, the W.D. Fair scholarship for general proficiency for the year’s top Grade student. He also was named an Ontario Scholar and made the school’s roster of high achievers. Natasha Hubbard won the Ontario Co-operative Education Association award for proficiency in co-operative education as well as the Norman Parks Garrett scholarship for a Blyth student pursuing post-secondary education. She is a Central Huron Scholar and was listed on the school’s roster ofhigh achievers.Laura Snell won the HuronFederation of Agriculture bursary fora graduating student furthering theireducation in an agricultural field.Snell was also listed on the school’s roster of high achievers and named an Ontario Scholar. Sarah Elligsen won the Geoff Banks award for personal integrity, which goes to the student who best exempli- fies and promotes the qualities of goodwill, humour, friendship and respect among the staff and students of the school community. Elligsen was also named to the school’s roster of high achievers as well as being named an Ontario Scholar. Nicole Greidanus won the Britannia Masonic Lodge 170 award, going to a student who displays evidence of leadership qualities in work, school and community service. She was also named to the school’s roster of high achievers. Brett Courtney and Katie Saunders were both named winners of the Norman Parks Garrett Memorial scholarship, given to Blyth studentspursuing post-secondary education.Both were also named to the school’sroster of high achievers.Other area students named to Central Huron Secondary School’sroster of high achievers were DerekBrandon, Regal Good, BradleyGreidanus, Adam Maize, KennethPlunkett and Amanda Popp.PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN,THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009.Area CHSS students get awards at commencement Dining out Jack and Audrey Adair from Molesworth were in Walton on Sunday evening to partake of the Hall board’s roast beef supper. (Vicky Bremner photo) ANNOUNCEMENTS THERE'S ONE IN EVERY CROWD. 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