HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-09-17, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2009. PAGE 3.
Don’t forget Swinging Seniors
meeting on Sept. 23 with a potluck
lunch at 12 p.m. in Blyth Memorial
Hall. Come out and enjoy the cards
and fellowship. You are a senior
when you reach the age of 55 years
Belated happy birthday to Jim
Walsh who celebrated on Sept. 14.
Also happy anniversary to Jim and
Elsie Walsh.
Happy birthday to Larry Badley
who celebrates Sept. 20.
Jennifer Pierce and a girlfriend
went to Europe for three weeks. She
said it was really nice. She saw
Robert John McNall’s grave. That’s
her grandpa.
We had another beautiful weekend
for the Huron Pioneer Thresher and
Hobby Association’s Reunion.
There were many things to see
throughout the grounds. The people
movers travelled around so if you
were unable to walk you could ride
and get off wherever you wanted.
If you didn’t make the show you
missed a good weekend.
There was no church service at
Blyth United this past week. We
joined the threshers for their service
in Shed 3.
Sunday school resumes Sept. 20 at
Blyth United Church. Come out and
enjoy the fellowship at 11 a.m. The
children go down to Sunday school
during the worship service for their
own time of fellowship.
The pie makers are back in action
making turkey pies on Sept. 30. Call
Joann MacDonald at 519-523-9274.
We are always looking for more
help so come and join in the fun, no
experience needed we will find you
a job.
The UCW is meeting on Sept. 24.
Roll call is something fun you did
this summer.
The congregational meeting is
after church on Sept. 20.
The seventh annual remembrance
and dedication service will be held at
the Blyth Greenway Memory
Garden, Drummond East in Blyth on
Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2 p.m.
The suggestion of a
Memorial/Celebration Forest was
brought to the attention of the
Communities in Bloom Committee
approximately eight years ago. The
suggestion was to take some land
that was currently scrub, and plant
trees and perennials in memory of
local people/descendants who have
passed away, special anniversaries,
The service is held each year to
help people deal with their loss, and
to remind them that memories live
on. The garden provides a way for
people to be closer to nature.
The Foundation will create,
cultivate and enhance all aspects of
conservation, helping to provide
present and future generations with a
safe and healthy environment.
As the Memory Garden survives
totally on donations, the donation
cards are available at Falconer
Funeral Homes in Clinton and Blyth,
or by contacting Bev Elliott at 519-
523-4323 for more information. All
donations are greatly appreciated
and are tax deductible.
“One generation plants a tree or a
flower, so the next can enjoy the
shade or beauty. A tree and perennial
program like this is important to the
community and reminds them that
harmony with the land is like
harmony with a friend. Planting
trees and perennials is a permanent
way to recognize a loved one and at
the same time give back to the
They invite everyone to attend and
hear what new projects are
Bring a lawn chair to the service.
Refreshments will be served.
The tragic death of one BlythWard councillor and the prolongedabsence of another brought some
discussion at the Sept. 8 meeting of
North Huron council.
This was the first time councillors
were back around the table since
their colleague Murray Nesbittpassed away in an industrial mishapAug. 25. Clerk-administrator Kriss Snelloutlined the process that must befollowed under the Municipal Act.
“Obviously when a councillor dies
the seat is vacant, but council has
until two meetings to declare the
vacancy. Then there is 60 days to
either appoint someone or hold a by-election.”In respect to councillor Nesbittcouncil made the decision to waituntil the next meeting to declare theseat vacant.
There was also some information
regarding the second Blyth
councillor Greg McClinchey, who is
now working in Ottawa and who,
Snell confirmed, hasn’t attended ameeting since July 13. “The Municipal Act states that aseat becomes vacant if a councilloris absent for three successive monthswithout being authorized to do so by
resolution of council.”
At that time the seat is declared
vacant and the same process
Snell stated that McClinchey has
been in contact with the
municipality, however and can still
be reached by constituents at 519-
Blyth vacancies at North Huron council
Our fall mums are blooming.
We have a large selection
of colours to choose from
1/2 mile west of Londesborough
Open 7 days a week
Fall Planters
All perennials & shrubs on sale now
Blyth Greenway Memory Garden
Please accept this as your invitation
for yourself and your family
to our 7th Annual Remembrance and Dedication Service
at the Memory Garden
Drummond Street East, Blyth
Sunday, September 20th at 2 pm
Please bring a lawn chair
Join us for refreshments and fellowship
Please take this opportunity to walk the Greenway Trail
Blyth Greenway Memory Garden Committee
Blyth 519-523-4323
1st Blyth Scouting
Beavers ~ 5-7 years
Cubs ~ 8-10 years
Scouts ~ 11-14 years
Venturers ~ 15-18 years
September 23
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Blyth Public School
For more information contact:
Shari Cartwright
~ 519-523-9974 ~
The 2009 tax installment for the Township of North Huron is due
on Friday, September 25, 2009. Interest at 1 1/4% per month, or
any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of
September 28th, 2009 and the first day of each month thereafter.
NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to
receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility
for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment.
Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various
payment options available. Pre-authorized payment sign up
forms are available at www.northhuron.ca or at the Town Hall.
Donna White
Director of Finance
Township of North Huron
BBllyytthh AArreeaa
FFaarrmmeerrss'' MMaarrkkeett
Every Saturday
1:00 - 4:30 pm
until September 19
Fresh fruits & vegetables,
home baking, jams, jellies,
pickles, maple syrup,
meat products, wool & woollen
products, sheepskins.
Corner of
Queen &
Vendors Wanted
By Bonnie GroppThe Citizen
Big crowds
Friday’s parade at the Thresher Reunion drew a big crowd as everyone wanted to see what
made its way up to Blyth this year in terms of steam engines, tractors, cars and trucks. (Shawn
Loughlin photo)
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk