HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-07-02, Page 12By Rev. Gary ClarkBlyth United ChurchHappy Canada Day Friends!What a week we are having and in the middle of it, Canada Day. On this day we celebrate an anniversary. It commemorates the founding of a nation but more than, it celebrates the reality that we are greater when we work together. As some one from PEI I am well aware that not everyone jumped at the opportunity to be part of Canada. Some of us required more courting and some required, well let’s face it, cash before they would agree to give up some of their independence in favour of Confederation. Over the years every province has shaken collective heads and said “I don’t know if this Confederation is working out for us. We have to give up an awful lot and I’m sure if we are getting enough out if it.” It seems to me that in the midst of the present economic storm we feel the strength of our union and the mutual support that it brings. That is often the case that we feel the strength of our unions when they are tested in adversity. Having said that I recognize that we arrived at this place because we have also been able to look honestly at our mistakes and apologize for them. No individual, institution, or corporate organization lives without making mistakes. It comes with being human. Knowing that making mistakes is part of living we ought to work at not only fixing the problems that mistakes bring but also work at how to humbly acknowledge the emotional damage that occurs with mistakes. From what I have seen in life it is far easier to fix a machine than it is to mend the heart. This is particularly true when we don’t want to see ourselves as imperfect and fallible and that we too will make mistakes. In the book of Isaiah chapter 6 we hear of Isaiah’s call to become a prophet. Before he becomes a prophet he acknowledges that he is an imperfect person from a race of imperfect people. God, through an angel, reaches out to heal Isaiah not from his imperfection but from the guilt and shame that it has brought. It seems to me that this is what being in a healthy relationship is all about. We work at helping each other when we mess up. We do this not just because we love or are in relationship with others but becauseour day of messing up is coming andwe will need forgiveness then, asmuch as someone else needs forgiveness now. This knowledge and a willingness to act on it makes for healthy relationships within families, organizations and countries. I would also point out that Isaiah names the bringer of forgiveness as an angel. There is also warning in the middle part of that chapter. Itbasically says that those who refuseto perceive, hear or care about thistruth even though it has been shown and told to them will see their country and relationships lie in ruin and their houses deserted. It is a high price to pay for ignoring the need to forgive and to seek forgiveness. For our country, our organizations and our relationships to see the next anniversary we need to practise theart of forgiveness, both in the givingand in the receiving. We have, on most days of the week, the opportunity to be an angel. I hope you take those opportunities. As you bless others with forgiveness, so shall you be blessed. PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2009. A boost The Brussels Library building project received an infusion of cash last week with a cheque in the amount of $1,550 from Majestic Women’s Institute, raised through the sale of a quilt. Yvonne Knight presents the cheque to Charlie Hoy. The total donations to date, including the Brussels Trust contribution amount to $76,363.56. The library committee are also selling limited edition prints of the Carnegie Library for $20. These can be obtained by calling Hoy at 519-887- 8581. (Bonnie Gropp photo) From the Minister’s StudyAll need to practise the art of foregiveness 308 Blyth Rd. E. ~ Pastor Les Cook 519-523-4590 B l y t h C o m m u n ity Church of God C H U R C H O F G O D ,ANDERS O N , I N D I A N A “The Church is not a building, it is people touching people See you Sunday! Worship Service 10:30 a.m. for July and August Please join us for worship SUNDAYS Morning Service 10:00am Evening Service 7:30pm BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Pastor John Kuperus Hwy. 4, Blyth BRUSSELS - ETHEL PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sandra Cable, Worship Leader Church Office 519-887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wightman.ca Sunday, July 5 Ethel United Church Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. Brussels United Church Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Celebrating our Christian Faith together in worship Come let us worship! We welcome you at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship Pastor Brent Kipfer 519-887-6388 Summer Worship Services are at 10:00 a.m. getlivingwater.org Pastor: Ernest Dow 519-523-4848 Living Water Christian Fellowship July 5 “David, a Leader after God’s Own Heart” Evangelical Missionary Church NOTE: Joint worship at Blyth Community Church of God JULY - AUGUST 10:30 am Youre Invited to come worship with us Sunday, July 5 Brussels Public School at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School for children 4 to 11 years of age (mornings only) Childcare provided for infants and toddlers Coffee & cookies after the morning service For additional details please contact: Steve Klumpenhower 519.887.8651 Rick Packer 519.527.0173 THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Welcomes you to come and worship with us Trinity, Blyth 9:15 a.m. 519-523-9595 St. John's, Brussels 11:15 a.m. 519-887-6862 Sunday, July 5 MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS SUNDAY, JULY 5 Wheelchair accessible ~ Nursery care available 519-887-9831 11:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday School 9:30 am - Sunday Belgrave Service Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street Blyth United Church Office: 519-523-4224 Rev. Gary Clark All Welcome Sunday, July 5 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. PASTOR DAVID WOOD 119 John’s Ave.,Auburn 519-526-1131 www.huronchapel.org 9:30 a.m. Sunday School is cancelled for the summer months 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service UPCOMING SUMMER EVENTS August 17-21 “Athletes in Action” Soccer Camp Ages 7-12 July 6-10 “Through the Wilderness” Vacation Bible School Grades JK - Gr. 6 ON $6.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $6.00 + GST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen