HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-06-18, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2009.
Well the spring of 2009 is almost
shot. It’s been an eventful one, with
all the elements of weather to keep
conversations going.
Lots of rain in varying methods of
delivery, wind of the pretty breezy
sort as well as the knock down the
branch type. Sun in various amounts
and of course never enough to let us
know that spring had arrived.
So, it’s almost time for the next
season with all the variables that may
come our way. Bring it on.
School is nearly over for the public
school set. The days are being
counted and we’re into single digits
I’m told. Year-end trips are so varied
– farm tours, water places,
conservation areas, museums,
camping trips, sports days – the list
goes on and all are about learning,
co-operation and fun.
Graduation from Grade 8 is nexton the list, with all the preparationthat entails. Marks tallied, placesreserved, gifts and talents reviewed,agenda set, invitations extended,speakers booked, party planned andthis momentous occasion is ready toroll. Details and nerves will need tobe settled several times in the nexttwo weeks. Parents, teachers and
especially the grandparents will once
again lament, the passage of time.
The spring dinners and fundraisers
continue so be sure to get your
tickets to support the organizations
in our community. When you think
about life in our area it has a nice list
of volunteers that keep us safe,
interested, alert, educated and
entertained. So do your part and
support these folks as they make it
such a great place to live.
Enjoy the growing crops and the
many blooms in view.
George and Joyce Stormont of
Morris Road recently hosted, at their
Glenogil Farm, a group known as the
K-W Romeos (Retired Old Men
Eating Out).
Their visit also included a guided
tour by Jim Armstrong of Armstrong
Aerodrome and of the Walton area.
Bye now, Betty G.W.
By Jo-Ann McDonald
Activity at the Brussels Legion
Branch this week included a fish fry,
supper, cards, dancing and a
luncheon. The fish fry crew was off
to Wroxeter to cook for 200 hungry
folks. The crew consisted of Rick
McDonald, Harold Bridge, Norm
Dobson, Lloyd and Mabel Glanville,
Sharon Robbins, George Adams and
Eric Ross.
There were nine tables of euchre
players on Saturday. Top cash prize
of the day went to Joann MacDonald
and Dorothy Carter who won with
75 points. Close behind with 74
points were George and Gloria Love.
The third prize went to Jean Bewley
and Elunid McNair with 69 points.
The low score of the day was a
triple tie. Earning only 50 points for
the 10 games of play were Lloyd and
Lillian Appleby, Viola and Ruth, Ed
and Marie Stewart. They all received
a prize.
The lucky lone hand players were
Marie Park and Bush Whittard.
The Sunday night dance had a
great crowd enjoying the music of
The Country Versatiles.
To celebrate seniors month the
Branch held a noon luncheon on
Monday. There were only 38 present
to enjoy the dinner of chicken breast,
rice and salads.
The Brussels United Church choir
sang following the dinner.
Seniors’ chair, Comrade Debbie
Ross with help from Comrades John
Lowe and Linda Bird, arranged the
Two local breast cancer survivors
are seeking some support.
Abi Corbett team captain of Abi’s
Awesome Angels and Melinda
TenPas team captain of Mims
Twisted Sisters, both of whom have
served as Terry’s Team Member in
the annual Terry Fox Run in
Brussels, are getting ready to
fundraise in preparation of entering
their teams into the Wingham Relay
for Life on Aug. 7. “
We are having two different
events,” said Corbett. “The first will
be on June 25 and it will be a
barbecue in front of Turning Heads
and Making Waves, Brussels from
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.”
The second event is a golf day on
Saturday, July 11 at Dave Smith’s
golf course in Cranbrook. “We are
looking for teams of four to enter.
The cost will be $80 per team and
that will include a barbecue, said
There will be sponsor sheets at
both events. Any amount over $20
the Cancer Society will mail a
receipt for income tax purposes.
“So come on out for good food
and fun. Together we can make a
difference,” said Corbett.
Contact Corbett at 519-887-6598
or TenPas at 519-887-9830 or there
will be sign-up sheets at Turning
Heads and Making Waves.
At the
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge 315
Brussels met in the Melville
Presbyterian Church on Tuesday,
June 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Noble Grand Sister Sharon
Freeman presided for the meeting
with 17 members present, including
Sister Lillian Moses from Listowel.
A visit was made to Sister Leona
Connelly and several sisters at
The last meeting will be held on
Tuesday, June 30 with a potluck
supper at 6 p.m. followed by
reminiscing. There will be photo
albums and the minutes of the
meetings from years ago.
It is hoped that all members will
be able to attend.
Cancer survivors
host fundraisers
Breast cancer survivors Abi Corbett, front, and Melinda
TenPas, both of Brussels, have combined their Relay for
Life teams for two fundraisers in the fight against cancer. A
barbecue is being held later this month, followed by a golf
tournament next month at Smith’s golf course near
Cranbrook. (Bonnie Gropp photo)
The Citizen
Offices will be closed
on Wednesday, July 1
for Canada Day
The deadline for the
July 2 paper
will be
Friday, June 26
2 pm in Brussels
and 4 pm in Blyth
More than just a great sandwich!
401 Turnberry Street, Brussels 519-887-8011
New Summer Menu
Join us for
Dinner with
Collin Taylor
and friends
at Big Suds
Friday, June 26
5 - 9 pm
WE will be closed Father’s Day June 21
Support our local
Firefighter’s Breakfast
starting June 26
Blackened Chicken Salad
and Wraps
Cajun style.
Annual Customer Appreciation Day
June 23 10 am - 2 pm
Come meet our staff and enjoy a
burger, hot dog and a drink on us.
Huronia Welding will be here demonstrating
the latest in welding equipment
Many specials during the day
HHaaiirr DDeessiiggnn
&& TTaannnniinngg
ffoorr mmeenn && wwoommeenn
45 West Street
GGOODDEERRIICCHH 551199--552244--66555555
Walk-Ins Welcome
Brussels Firefighters
Bring your father to the
Brussels Fire Hall for breakfast
Sunday, June 21
7:00 am - 11:00 am
Donations only
Brussels Cemetery
Everyone is invited to attend a
remembrance and celebration
of life service for those who
have left the family circle
and community.
Sunday, June 28
at 2:00 pm
By BettyGraberWatsonCall 887-6236887-9231A NOTE FROM BETTY
17 attend Lodge